Index ...

*** 55,000+ Names Database --->

** Locations of Sugarhouses -
                           maps and history

** Directory of Sugarhouses

* Archaeology
* Architecture
* Blog
* Book
* Candy
* Capillaire, Spirit Colour & Flagons
* Case Studies
* Descendants
* Family
* Fatalities (270+)
* Fires (220+)
* Flagons: Smith (7)
* Flagons: Ramsden (4)
* German Influence
* German Migration
* Glossary
* Indentures & Testimonials
* Inventories
* Ledger - Blois c1617
* Ledger - Lodge & Fendall c1771
* Letters
* Manufacturing Process 1846
* Manufacturing Process 1949
* Miscellany
* Moulds, Jars and Sugar Loaves
* Phoenix Fire Office
* Portraits (60+)
* Reading List
* Refineries
* Reminiscences
* Sales of Premises, etc (370+)
* Sitemap
* St George's German Lutheran Ch
* Sun Fire Office
* Tielhen's Refining Books c1760
* Timeline
* Working Conditions 1876
* Will summaries (520+)

Website Compiler -
    Bryan Mawer


Sugar Refiners & Sugarbakers
...... Database

Sugarbakers Book
new, revised and updated
      ****  Updated Reading List.  ****

It is generally agreed that the sugar trade began in the UK, in London, c1544, with two cane sugar refineries .... today there is barely one.
In between, a vast number of individuals and companies have come and gone, in an industry, which until the 20c, was a notoriously labour intensive, hot, exhausting, and dangerous place to work.
A database of some of those involved in the cane sugar refining industry, mainly in the UK, 16-20C.
Additional information may be available from the original sources, or from the compiler, who will also be pleased to receive further contributions to the database.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
No of entries: 55,444 Last update: January 2025

"Bryan's website is very comprehensive - a shining example of the range and variety of sources available to build up the history of a trade and its workforce."
- WDYTYA July 2017
Text & Images ©Bryan Mawer & Authors 2000-present.
Database ©Bryan Mawer 2000-present. All rights reserved. The set of data may be protected by database right.