To be Lett or Sold ... a convenient large house, with outhouses, stables, and two gardens, fit for any great trader, (late a sugar-baker's) near the church in Lambeth. Enquire of Mr Jackson, Apothecary, near Moorgate.
(Daily Courant (London), Wed May 22, 1717.)


To be Sold ... At Katy's Coffee-house, on the Sandhill, Newcastle ... a commodious new-built sugarhouse situate in Hillgate, Gateshead, adjoining the River Tyne.
(Newcastle Courant, throughout Oct, Nov, Dec, 1757.)


On Thursday 14 June, will be sold, by way of auction, at the Merchants' Coffee House, at seven o'clock in the evening, the following premises ...
Situated in Crooked Lane [Liverpool], in the possession of Mr Daniel Danvers,
Lot I. A Sugar House, with a large yard, stable, etc. A small house backward, and another small house to the front of Crooked Lane.
Lot II. A Yard in possession of Mr William Sandford, adjoining to the said premises and fronting Crooked Lane.
Particulars of the above premises may be seen at the Merchants' Coffee House or by enquiring of Mr Thomas Wharton, at Mr Cropper's in Castle Street.
(Liverpool newspaper, 9 June 1758. - Duggan)


Friday 8th Oct, there will be exposed to public sale ...
The Sugar House at Leith, with the warehouses, utensils, and other materials; also twenty eight hogsheads raw sugars.
The conditions of sale, and articles of roup, to be seen in the hands of Charles Cowan, Clerk to the said Sugarhouse.
(Caledonian Mercury, 6 Oct 1762.)


To be Sold immediately. Situate at Stockton in the County of Durham, a convenient Sugar-House and Distill House, with all manner of utensils necessary for the carrying on of those businesses, with a Wharf or Quay thereunto belonging. Also several messuages, granaries and warehouses, in Stockton aforesaid.
For further particulars, enquire of Mr Tho Rudd, the owner, or Mr Robert Preston of Stockton.
(Newcastle Chronicle, 7 Sep 1765 ... and still for sale NC 6 June 1767.)


To be Sold, by public roup, in the Exchange Coffeehouse, on Wednesday 2 April, between twelve and one mid day.
The Leith Sugar House with the Utensils; also two large Warehouses, two Dwelling Houses, etc, all lying in the Kirkgate of Leith.
The conditions of sale to be seen in the hands of Mr Andrew Stewart, junior, Writer to the Signet.
(Caledonian Mercury, 29 March 1766)


To be Sold to the Highest Bidder, on Wednesday 30 April, between the hours of two and four in the afternoon, at the house of Mr Christopher Haltus, in Stockton, in the County of Durham.
A convenient Sugar House, and Distil House, situate in Stockton aforesaid, with all manner of Utensils necessary for the carrying on of those businesses, with Wharf thereunto belonging. Also several Messuages, Granaries, and Warehouses in Stockton aforesaid.
For further particulars, enquire of Robert Preston at Stockton.
(Newcastle Chronicle 12 April 1766)


By desire of several persons intending to purchase the Roup and Sale of the Sugar House in the town of Burntisland, formerly advertised for 22 April inst, is PUT OFF till Wed 13 May, when it will proceed within the Exchange Coffeehouse of Edinburgh between the hours of four and five afternoon.
This subject is lately built for a Sugar House, and from its construction and local situation is calculated for carrying on the business of sugar refining, with more ease and at less expence than other in the kingdom, for besides it being built upon the most convenient plan, it has the benefit of water carriage for everything; and is insured in the London Sun-fire Office at 2000l. sterling. The several fixtures, thereto belonging, are to be exposed with the subjects, but the moveable utensils are to be exposed separately.
Any person intending to purchase will be shown the premises by calling at Burntisland Castle; and the articles of roup, title deeds, with an inventory of the fixtures and other utensils are to be seen in the hands of Cornelius Elliot, Writer to the Signet, Edinburgh.
(Caledonian Mercury 20.4.1767)


To be Sold ... The Sugar House at Leith, with the warehouses, utensils, etc.
Persons intending to purchase, may apply, for particulars, to Andrew Stewart, junior, Writer to the Signet, who has power to conclude a bargain.
(Caledonian Mercury, 12 Aug 1767.)


To be sold by auction, at the sign of the Millstone in Castle Street, on Thursday 20 October 1768.
The Sugarhouse in Matthew Street [Liverpool] belonging to Gildart, Rauthmell & Co, with all utensils, together with a warehouse, counting house, mill and stable; held by leaser under the executor of the late Mr Rainford, for two fresh lives (now in being) and twenty one years.
Also four dwelling houses, fronting said Street, with cooperage, and a large shade, being land of inheritance, and are now in the several possession of John Baichlin, Henry Rauthmell, James Laithwait, and Samuel Appleton.
For further particulars enquire at Henry Rauthmell or James Laithwait who will show the premises.
(Liverpool newspaper, 22 September 1768. - Duggan)


To be Sold ... The Sugar House at Lancaster, with three pans, and all other utensils necessary for carrying on the work. The House stands distinct and separate from any other buildings, has a spacious yard belonging it, and the buildings and conveniencies are very good.
For further particulars apply to Henry Hargreaves who will be ready to show the premises, and is authorised to treat for the same.
(Local newspaper, 1768. - Duggan)


To be peremptorily sold to the highest bidder, at the house of Mr William Loftus in Newcastle upon Tyne ...
All that Sugar-House, situate in Hillgate, in Gateshead, with the appurtenances and implements necessary for carrying on the business.
The conditions and inventory will be produced at the time of sale.
For further particulars, enquire of Mr William Peters, Attorney, in Newcastle.
NB. Mr Valentine, the present Company's Clerk, will in the meantime show the premises.
(Newcastle Courant, 15 June 1771)


To be sold by auction in the Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh ...
The Sugar-House in the Kirkgate, Leith, with the ground and warehouses thereunto belonging, in several lots.
Lot 1 - Shop and Dwelling House fronting the Kirkgate.
Lot 2 - The Sugar-House and Dwelling House, being the whole remainder of the building that forms the close, together with the Brewhouse and the Back close, as far as the garden wall, where it is to be divided by a [new] wall in a direct line with the gavel of the brewhouse, to the back of Mr Archibald's house. Also the plot of ground lying betwixt the back of Mr Monteith's house and the brewhouse.
Lot 3 - The whole new building above Mr Elder's wine vault ... (separated from the sugarhouse by new wall described in Lot 2, to be paid for jointly by the purchasers of Lots 2&3.)
Lot 4, 5, 6.
If the Sugarhouse is bought to be made use of for that purpose, all utensils to be taken by apprizement of three persons mutually chosen; and in case the Sugarhouse is bought for any other purpose, all the utensils shall be taken away within three months of the day of sale.
For particulars, as also for an order for viewing the premises, please to apply to William Anderson writer in Edinburgh.
(Caledonian Mercury, 24 Apr, 13 Oct & 13 Dec 1773)


By Adjournment. To be Sold, by public roup, within the Exchange Coffeehouse, on Wednesday 23 June, betwixt the hours of four and five afternoon, and entered to immediately.
The Tacks of the Sugar House at the foot of the Canongate, near the Watergate, with yard, shades, and dwelling house, all within itself, at the back of the Sugar House, whereof there are seventeen years yet to run from the term of Martinmas last. Together with the whole implements and utensils necessary for boiling and refining of sugar.
The utensils are almost new and in good order; the house is of convenient access, having two entries, one from Canongate, and another from the back of Canongate. Is well seasoned for the business, being used for making sugar this sometime past, and is calculated for carrying on the manufacture of all sorts of sugar at a smaller expense than any in this kingdom.
If purchasers do not appear at the roup for the whole, the tacks of the houses, which could easily be turned into a brewery, will be afterwards sold in lot, and the utensils in another.
For particulars enquire at Charles Livingstone, writer in Edinburgh.
NB. All sorts of sugar continue to be sold at the lowest prices, at the wareroom, next door to Messrs. Stewart and Stoddart's in the Exchange.
(Caledonian Mercury 16.6.1773)


To be set altogether or separately, and entered to immediately ...
The Sugar House at the foot of the Canongate, lately possessed by Mess. Gutzmer & Somervell; with the dwelling house of two storeys, all within itself, and yard, entered both from the Canongate and back of the Canongate; with the shades, and several outhouses.
If the above are set for the purpose of manufacturing sugar, the whole implements and utensils necessary for boiling sugar, will either be sold or let along with the house.
For further particulars, apply to Charles Livingston writer Edinburgh. Not to be repeated.
(Caledonian Mercury 2 Feb 1774.)


By order of the Assignees, on the premises, in Angel Alley, on Thursday next, the 24th Feb, at 12 o'clock ...
All the remaining stock in trade of Mr Frederick Rider, a bankrupt; consisting of dry sugars, grain, syrups of different sorts, and molasses, etc. The whole to be viewed tomorrow and Wednesday next, the 22nd and 23rd Feb, and till the time of sale.
Catalogues of which may be had of William Hawys, Broker, Fowke's-buildings, Tower St, and at the place of sale.
(Gazetteer and New Daily Advertiser (London), Mon Feb 21, 1774.)


To be sold in Public Sale (this evening) at Mr Haile's Coffee Room, [Whitehaven], the Sugarhouse in this town; with all the warehouses adjoining, and other accomodations.
(Cumberland Pacquet, 10 November 1774.)


TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Order of the Assignees, at the Star Inn, in Southampton, on Wednesday the 17th Day of May next, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon ...
The several FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD ESTATES, late belonging to John Brissault, Sugar Baker, a Bankrupt, situate within the TOWN of SOUTHAMPTON, in the following separate Lots:
Lot 1. A large, airy, substantial, well-built, and extremely convenient Sugar-House, consisting of seven Stories, with two arched Stoves, five Pans, and all other well-contrived Apparatus for carrying on an extensive Business; together with a good Dwelling-House adjoining to the said Sugar-House, and also a Mill-House, and spacious Lodging Rooms for Workmen, and all necessary Cisterns, Store-Houses, Cooperage, Stabling, and Coal-House, and a large well-situated Piece of Land contiguous to the said Sugar-House, abutting upon the said High Street of the Town of Southampton, which Piece of Land measures 52 Feet in Front, and 106 Feet in Depth, and whereon may be erected two good Dwelling-Houses. [More details of this sugarhouse.]
Lot 2. A Dwelling-House, with a good Shop in Front, and other Appurtenances, now in the Occupation of Mrs. Widdell, and a Piece of Land adjoining thereto, fronting the said High Street, containing in Breadth 15 Feet, or thereabouts, and in Depth 40 Feet, near unto the Land of the said Sugar-House.
Lot 3. A large and commodious Dwelling House, with all suitable Conveniences, and a good Garden, encompassed with a Wall communicating with the said Sugar-Houses Yard, late in the Occupation of the said John Brissault.
N.B. All the above Premises are Freehold.
Lot 4. A long Range of Storehouses, with Lofts over the same, and a Wharf adjoining thereto, very convenient for landing Goods thereon, and situate near the Quay, held under the Corporation of Southampton for a Term of 40 Years, renewable every 14 Years on an easy Fine and Quit-Rent.
At the same Time will be sold, either by Auction or private Contract, about 15,000 Pots and Moulds, together with all other Implements and Utensils lately used in the said Sugar-House for the making and refining of Sugars.
For further Particulars enquire of Mr. John Bridger; or Mr. William Brice, Assignees of the said Bankrupt's Estate, or of Mr. Reade, or Mr. Daman, Attorneys, in Southampton.
(Southampton St James Chronicle 1775.) (My thanks to Andy Russel of Southampton Archaeology.)


By Edward Smith on Wednesday 13 September and the following day by order of the Assignee ...
All the neat and genuine household furniture, plate, linen, china, wines, etc, belonging to Messrs Davey and Hounsom sugar refiners of CHURCH LANE, Whitechapel, bankrupts, consisting of four post bedsteads, with damasc, morine, and other furniture, feather beds, blankets, and counterpanes, mahogany tables and chairs, carpets, glasses, etc, some fine and useful household linen, and good kitchen furniture.
To be viewed tomorrow till the sale, which will be 11 o'clock.
Catalogues from Edward Smith, No.6 Broadway, Blackfriars.
(Gazetteer and New Daily Advertiser (London), Mon Sep 11, 1775.)


TO be Lett or Lease disposed of ...
a large two pan sugar house, with a large dwelling house, three rooms on a floor, in thorough repair, situate in WHITECROSS STREET; the utensils to be taken at a fair appraisement.
Enquiries of Messrs Cain & Old on the premises or of Mr Abraham Brooksbank at the Hamburgh Coffee House or No. 66 Tower Street.
(Daily Advertiser (London), Fri Jun 14, 1776.)
[probably Ysarm & Guinand]


To be disposed of, the lease of a very compleat One-Pan Sugar-House and Dwelling House, in thorough repair, most desirably situate in the refined Market, and Cartage very moderate.
For particulars enquire of J Gascoigne at the Hamburgh Coffee House, Water Lane, Tower Street.
(The Daily Advertiser 6th July 1776)


To be Sold, the large, substantial and convenient Sugar House, with the Dwelling House adjoining thereto, and several Store Houses and Buildings to the same belonging. Also a good well situated Dwelling House adjoining at Gloucester Square, now in the occupation of Mr Brissault (reads Fouslaint), at the yearly rent of thirty guineas.
All the above premises are freehold, and the Sugar House and its appurtenances may be entered upon immediately.
For further particulars, enquire of Mr Robert Cooper of St Ann's Street, Salisbury; or of Mr Daman, Attorney at Law, Southampton.
(Hampshire Chronicle 10.11.1777)


Newcastle upon Tyne
To be Sold, Three Fifth Shares of the Old Sugar House, and its Utensils, situate up the Peacock Entry, on the Keyside, Newcastle.
Also, a small Garden, adjoining Pandon Gate.
Enquire at the said Sugar House Office.
(This will be only once more advertised)
(Newcastle Chronicle 21 March 1778)


To be Sold, the Dwelling House and very large Garden, late Mrs Cabot's, deceased, situate in the High Street, near Bar Gate, Southampton.
Also the large Sugar House, and its appurtenances, with a Dwelling House lately inhabited by Mr Brissault, now in the tenure of Mr Dufautoy; the whole situate in the High Street, Southampton.
(Hampshire Chronicle 29.6.1778)


To be Sold, a new-erected and compleatly [ ] Sugar House in Cuppin's Lane, Chester, late the property of John Hincks Esq, deceased, with three PANS for refining sugar and all other necessary Utensils and Accommodations for the Business, which has been, and may be, carried on to considrable extent and advantage in Chester, and adjoining counties, and through to whole of North Wales. There is a very good Garden and spacious Yard, with Warehouses, Stables, and other conveniences, adjoining the House, and intended to be sold therewith. The whole premises are Freehold Land of Inheritance, and a part of the consideration money may remain in the purchaser's hands, upon proper security, if desired.
Any person desirous of purchasing may apply to Mr Potts, in Chester, who is authorised to treat for the sale of the above premises; or to Mr Samuel Lawrence, 78 Cheapside, London; or Mr Richard Stratton, merchant, in Bristol; with whom a list of utensils, and further particulars of the estate, are left.
(Chester Courant 20.10.1778)


To be Sold, and entered upon immediately, on Friday 24th of September instant, between the hours of four and five in the Afternoon, within the house of Mr John McKinzie, Vintner in Ayr, by public roup ...
That large commodious Sugar House, situated near the Harbour of Ayr, together with the complete set of utensils, now in the best order for refining sugars, to the extent of 800 or 1000 hogsheads yearly; also the Boiler's-house, Counting-Room, Garden, etc, the whole standing in a large area inclosed by a high wall, and which taken altogether render it at least equal to any work of the kind in the Country. From its vicinity to the Harbour, and cheapness of coal, it has advantage superior to most of them. For the encouragement of purchasers the up-set price payable at Whitsunday next will be only Two Thousands Pounds, which is not half the original cost of it about six years ago.
(Cumberland Pacquet, and Ware's Whitehaven Advertiser, 21 Sep 1779.)


Kingston, Jamaica
To be Sold, the following Houses, etc, belonging to the estate of Robert Holden Esq deceased ...
A large Sugar House situated the east end of Milk Street, with every Utensil necessary for carrying on that business; together with ...
Ten Negroes that have been employed in said house for some years.
There is on the premises a commodious Dwelling House, with Negro Houses, and other offices; a Still House the bottom of Holborn, the street leading from the late Jasper Hall's Esq, with two Stills, one 500, and the other 300 gallons, complete, with a number of Vatts, Butts, and every Utensil necessary for carrying on the distilling business.
A House, the corner of Milk and Fleet Streets, with good and convenient Out Offices, at present tenanted by Mr George Singer: it is pleasantly situated, commanding an extensive prospect of the harbour and sea.
A small House in Tower Street, at present tenanted by Mr Burgess.
Also sundry House Negroes.
If the above premises and negroes are not sold in one month from the date hereof, they will then be leased on a make-good lease for a term of years; in which case, undoubted security will be required.
Any person inclined to treat for any of the above, will please apply to Edward Manby or Samuel Rainford, executors.
(Royal Gazette of Jamaica 30.12.1780)


By Wheelhouse & Co, on the premises opposite the George and Blue Boar, HIGH HOLBORN, London, on Friday 16 March at 11 o'clock, by order of the trustees ...
The valuable fixtures and implements in trade, household furniture, lease of the premises, etc., of ...
Messrs Kersting & Wood sugarbakers, consisting of a large stout copper pan, with iron work and lead curb compleat; 2 copper coolers, a large lead clarifying cistern, copper pump, lead pipes, 2 iron cockles; 1 cast and 3 wrought iron doors, a sugar mill compleat, lime, clay and mould cisterns, a large quantity of pots and moulds, a capital iron beam and plank, iron weights, a parcel of coal, and various other items.
To be viewed on Wednesday next and till the time of the sale, when catalogues may be had on the premises ...
(Morning Chronicle 12 Mar 1781)


By Adjournment. To be Sold by public roup, within the Exchange Coffeehouse of Edinburgh, upon Wednesday 4 April between five and six afternoon.
The Large Commodious Dwelling House lately built by Messrs Parkers in the town of Burnisland, adjoining to the Sugar House there, which is capable of accommodating a large family, with the stable and garden behind the same.
This house is pleasantly situated opposite the mouth of Burntisland harbour and commands an extensive and delightful prospect of the Firth of Forth and coast of Lothian. For the encouragement of purchasers the upset price will be 250l.
At the same time will be Sold, together or separately with the said house, the Sugar House at Burnisland, with all the fixtures in complete order, and fit for carrying on an extensive Sugar Trade, and for the encouragement of purchasers the upset price thereof will be 400l.
John Young baker in Burntisland will show the premises; and for particulars apply to William Anderson clerk to the signet; to whom such as incline to make a private bargain are desired to transmit their terms in writing on or before wednesday 29th curt.
(Caledonian Mercury 24.3.1781)


To be Sold by public roup, on Monday 25 February, within the Exchange Coffeehouse, betwixt the hours of five and six o'clock afternoon.
One Hundred Pound Share of the Edinburgh Sugar House.
Articles of roup to be seen in the hands of Charles Livingstone writer in Edinburgh.
(Caledonian Mercury 13.2.1782)


The whole houses and subjects belonging to and employed by the LEITH SUGAR HOUSE Co, together with coppers, coolers, and whole utensils used in the trade are announced as for sale, ... in WATER LANE, Leith.
(The Advertiser, 1783) ('Old & New Edinburgh', by James Grant, Cassell, 1880s. Vol.6, pp 235-6)


The GREENOCK SUGAR HOUSE COMPANY, under the firm of Hopkirk, Kuhll, and Co. being now dissolved, it is hoped that all such persons, whose debts to the said Company are now become due, would immediately order payment of them, either to William McCunn senior, merchant in Greenock, or James Hopkirk, merchant in Glasgow, who have powers to discharge same, that the Company may not be under the disagreeable necessity of proceeding against them by law.
The business of the Greenock Sugar House is now carried on by Hopkirk, Kippen, and Co. who request that the customers to that former House will continue their favours, which they will study to merit by every attention in their power.
(The Glasgow Mercury, 8 Jan 1784)


By Samuel Burton on Tuesday next, on the premises, No. 9 LITTLE KNIGHT RIDER STREET ...
All the valuable utensils in trade of Messrs Manning & Fraley, Mr Manning leaving the business, Mr Fraley deceased.
Consisting of two very good copper pans, three coolers, copper pump, lead clarifying cistern, pipes, brass cocks, iron stoves, cockells, doors & frames; a remarkably good iron crane and chain, a mill complete, strong beam, 25 cwt of iron weights, a water back lined with lead, a quantity of pots and moulds in excellent condition, a lime cistern, a press, and various other effects; together with men's bedsteads and bedding.
May be viewed on Monday next, and till the sale, which will begin at eleven o'clock.
(Morning Chronicle and London Advertiser, Sat March 13, 1784)


Alexander Brown & Co [of Greenock] of the WEST SUGAR HOUSE here having purchased the South Sugar House, where they mean to remove to, and carry on business, at the 1st of June next, propose to dispose of the West Sugar House and utensils, by private sale; those who may wish to purchase, will please apply to them.
In the mean time, both Houses go on as formerly.
(The Glasgow Mercury, 8 Apr 1784)


The WEST SUGAR HOUSE and utensils are to be exposed for sale, by public roup, in the Tontine Tavern, upon Wednesday the 23rd day of June next, betwixt one and two in the afternoon.
Alexander Brown and Co [of Greenock] will have the articles of roup, and conditions of sale, prepared to be shown, any time after the tenth of June; by which period they will also have the house and utensils properly fitted up for immediate working, and in the condition they mean to sell them, ready to be seen, by any who intend to purchase.
(The Glasgow Mercury, 20 May 1784)


{ 1785
Duguids, Ledingham & Co have begun the Sugar Refining business here, and intend carrying it on in all its parts. The public may depend on their sugars being of the best quality, and equal to any made in Britain. They therefore hope, the public will find it their interest to deal with them, as they are resolved to do everything in their power to serve their friends and customers, on the very best terms. They intend opening their sales 20th current, when they will have a complete assortment of Single Refined, Best, Second, and Common, Lumps, Powders, Candy, and Molasses.
(Caledonian Mercury, 7&10 December 1785) }


The Lease of those valuable and extensive premises, now in the possession of Mr Jarman, sugar refiner, in Distaff Lane. Consisting of a complete 2 pan sugar house, capable of working 1000 hogsheads, with a very convenient and roomy warehouse, brick dwelling house, and counting house, 33 years unexpired, and a part 3 years, subject to the rent of £70 per annum. The dwelling house to be let at £20 to a tenant at will.
May be viewed from ten to five. Particulars then on the premises, at the place of sale, and of Samuel Burton, Houndsditch.
(Daily Universal Register, 26 July 1786)


To be let ... a regular built two pan sugar house situated in BISHOPSGATE ST, London.
(The Times, 25 May 1787)


To be Sold,
the WEST SUGAR HOUSE Buildings, Glasgow, having a front of 104 feet to the Candleriggs-street, and 126 feet to Bell's Wynd-street. The grounds are well situated for building shops and warehouses on.
Until the subjects are sold, the business will be carried on as usual. There are at present for sale, all kinds of refined Sugars, Powders, Molasses, &c. &c.
For particulars apply to Alexander Scheviz.
(The Glasgow Mercury, 15 Aug 1787)


To LET ... The New Sugar Refinery, Hull, late belonging to Francis Bine, dec'd, and at present carried on in full work by his widow Mrs Elizabeth Bine. Also spacious dwelling house, garden, croft, etc, together with a small dwelling house contiguous thereto proper for the sugar boiler. The whole adjoining the River Hull and most conveniently situated for shipping and taking in goods.
The sugar house has 4 pans and one for over skims ... many additions having lately been made to the buildings and utensils, and the whole put into thorough repair. The remaining stock, with the above premises, may be taken and entered upon any time previous to the arrival of new sugars.
Mrs Bine takes this opportunity of returning her warmest thanks to the friends of her late husband for the support they were pleased to honour him with, and begs leave to solicit a continuance of their favours, as it is her wish to reduce her present stock as soon as the indulgence of her friends will enable her, having at this time a good assortment of lumps and ground sugars, and presumes a supply for the usual consumption of six months.
Further particulars may be known by applying to the said Mrs Bine of Hull.
(London Chronicle, 10 January 1788)


By Mr Winstanley, on the premises, the south end of GOLDEN LANE, Barbican, on Friday August 8, and the following day, at 11 o'clock, by order of the assignee.
The valuable fixtures and utensils, stock in trade, household furniture, plate, linen, china, and other effects, of Mr Rich. Butt, sugar refiner, a bankrupt.
Consisting of two stout copper pans with lead curbs, and iron work; three copper coolers, a large clarifying cistern, copper pump, three iron cocles, a wrought iron crane, a sugar mill, a large lime cistern, a capital iron beam, and planks; 60 half cwt weights, about 7000 moulds and pots; 113 bastards, 30 puncheons of treacle, eight quarts of malt, and some hops; eight firkins of pan(?) butter, a brewing and washing copper, iron bound tubs and casks, a four wheel truck, and numerous other articles.
The utensils and fixtures will be sold the first day, the furniture the second.
To be viewed on Wednesday 6th, and till the time of the sale, when catalogues may be had on the premises: and Mr Winstanley, Paternoster Row.
(World (1787), Saturday August 2, 1788)


By Mr Greenwood of Leicester Sq, by order of the assignees, on Thursday 28th August, at 2 o'clock. The lease of those extensive premises of Messrs Vaughan & Co, sugar refiners, bankrupts, situate at PaUL'S WHARF, Upper Thames St.
Comprising one four-pan sugar house, and one two-pan sugar house, with every convenience and utensil for the business, roomy warehouses, and a spacious yard. Also a neat dwelling house adjoining; all in perfect repair, and low rented.
Possession may be had at Michaelmas next, or immediately, by taking the remainder of the stock and utensils at a fair appraisement.
(World (1787), Saturday August 23, 1788)


To be let ... a complete two pan sugar house, with dwelling house, mill house, yard etc. The utensils to be taken at a fair appraisement. Particulars from No.6 WELLCLOSE SQUARE, London.
(The Times, 13 July 1789)
[probably Holthouse & Co]


To be disposed of ... the lease of a very convenient one pan sugar house in exceedingly good repair, and very low rented. The utensils to be taken at a fair appraisement. Mr Wilkinson, Hambro Coffee House, Water Lane, Tower St, London.
(The Times, 2 Nov 1789)


Sugar House Utensils. To be sold by auction, on the premises in PRINCE'S ST, Drury Lane, London, on Thursday 31 December at 11 o'clock precisely ...
The utensils of a sugar house consisting of pots & moulds, copper pan coolers, a sugar mill, lead etc. and part of the household furniture. Thomas Wilkinson, broker.
(The Times, 28 Dec 1789)
[probably Schultz & Matthew]


Sugar-House to be sold or let ...
The Old Sugar House, consisting of six pans, four at one end and two at the other, two stoves, mill, sheds, warehouses, cooperage, etc, with every other convenience necessary for carrying on the business in a commodious manner; and there has always been a regular demand for the goods, without the expense of travelling.
NB. The utensils are all in very good repair and may be had at a fair valuation.
For further particulars apply to Mr Kennerley or Mr Dickson on the premises; to William Pole, Liverpool; Mr Protheroe, merchant, Bristol; or to Messrs R Barton, Forbes and Gregory, Aldermanbury; or James Broadhurst, Harp Lane, London.
(Chester Chronicle, 18 Dec 1789)


To be sold ... in 14 lots ... pursuant to a decree of the High Court of Chancery ... several freehold & leasehold estates late of Richard Russell dec ...
[including] a brick sugar house in WELL ST, Wellclose Sq, London, subject to a lease of 61 yrs.
2 messuages in Well St, Wellclose Sq, in the occupation of Mr Simpson & Mr Witte.
3 brick messuages on the north side of Wellclose Sq in the occupation of Mr Ray, Mr Ager & Mr Dirs.
... and the Royalty Theatre in Well St subject to a 300yr lease.
(The Times, 12 May 1790)


To be sold by public roup, in the Tontine Coffee-house, on Wednesday 4th August next, between the hours of one and three o'clock afternoon, if not previously sold by private bargain ...
KING-STREET SUGARHOUSE, with or without utensils.
The subject consists of a Boiling house, Fill room, and other apartments on the ground floor, and five lofts immediately above them, of about 63 feet long, and 41 feet wide within the walls; a Raw Sugar warehouse, of four floors and cellars, about 45 feet long, and 18 feet and upwards wide within the walls; a Sales warehouse and cellars, with a dwelling-house, of a kitchen, four rooms, and a closet and garrets above, fronting Prince's Street, or Gibson's Wynd.
The subject is 127 feet or thereby in front of King's Street, and about 90 feet or thereby in front to Prince's Street, is bounded on the east side by a public alley, so that the entries to the subject, by so many different ways, makes it very convenient for a subdivision, or other purposes. Adjoining to the property, and divided from it by the alley only, is a yard and set of houses. The houses, without the yard, rent at 22L.; the rents of which have not been advanced in many years past. The subject lies at the head of a close which goes nearly in a straight line to the Saltmarket, near St. Andrew's Street. The whole subject, and every part of it must ever be valuable, as the city markets for beef, mutton, fish, cheese, butter &c. are in the same street, and is the thoroughfare to them; and the immediate vicinity of the post-office renders it eligible for shops, warehouses, counting-houses, &c. There are other buildings in the Sugarhouse close, besides these already mentioned, fit for cellars and other valuable purposes. There is a well of excellent water in the close, which has never been known to want water in abundance, in the greatest and longest droughts.
For further particulars apply to John and William Duguid, at King-street Sugarhouse.
(The Glasgow Mercury, 22-29 Jun 1790)


A Sugar House, to be let ...
a compleat two pan sugar house, a dwelling house, and other conveniences, and may be entered on at Michaelmas next. Enquire Marston & Legge, Fleet St, London.
(The Times, 24 August 1790)


Sugar House at Stockton to be peremptorily sold to the highest bidder.
At the house of Mr John Peveral, the Black Lion, in Stockton, in the County of Durham, on Tues 26th day of October between the hours of four and six in the afternoon subject to such conditions as shall be then and there produced.
The Sugar House at Stockton aforesaid, with apartments for the workmen: and also an exceeding good dwelling house contiguous thereto: together with wharf or key, large and commodious warehouses, granaries, and every other convenience necessary for carrying on the business of Sugar Refiner.
The Sugar House was almost entirely new built not many years ago; can be kept sufficiently warm by the stove cockle and pan chimneys, is capable of refining upwards of six hundred hogsheads of sugar yearly and is in every respect well calculated for carrying on the business; and all the premises are in complete repair.
The pans, coolers, and the utensils belonging to the Sugar House, as well as unfixed, will be sold herewith.
This is the only Sugar House between Hull and Newcastle, is most eligibly situate for carrying on the business, and will always command a ready sale.
For further particulars apply to Mr Raisbeck at his office in Stockton.
(York Chronicle 8 October 1790)
[Raisbeck, Grey & Burden]


By Joseph Bulling, without reserve, on Tuesday 2 November and the following day ...
All the stock utensils and fittings-up of that compleat 3 pan sugarhouse, late in the occupation of William Goodhew dec'd, situate at the WOOD WHARF, Greenwich Road, Kent; comprising a horse sugar mill, large crane, water engine, lead and copper cistern, coolers, candy pans, iron repository, large beam and planks, 72 half hundred iron weights, upwards of 10,000 pots, pans and jars, liquor, etc, lime cisterns, 4 lighters, a lug boat, an iron-shod cart, and numerous other articles.
May be viewed two days preceeding the sale from 10 o'clock in the morning till 4 in the afternoon; catalogues may be had on the premises of the Auctioneer, Broadway, Deptford. The sale will begin each day at 12 o'clock precisely.
The house to be let.
(Gazeteer & New Daily Advertiser 21 Oct 1790)


On the premises, GLOSTER COURT, Whitecross St, London, on Wed 10 Nov ...
The utensils, fixtures, stock in trade, and some household furniture of Benjamin Bayley sugar refiner quitting business.
4 pans, 4 coolers, 87 candy pans, large clarifying cistern & pump, 4 cisterns, 3 cockle stoves, several iron doors, a sugar mill, 15,000 moulds & pots, iron weights, an iron repository, a quantity of molasses, syrup & grain, a counting-house desk, a malt mill, brewing utensils, etc.
The house to let.
(The Times, 3 Nov 1790)


By Mr Burton, on Wed 20 April 1791, at eleven o'clock, on the premises at 16 FRIDAY STREET, all the utensils in trade of Mr Walker, sugar-baker, retiring from business ...
Consisting of two copper pans, lead and iron work, 5 large coolers, a clarifying cistern and copper pump, a cockell, iron doors and frames, iron crane and chain, good beam, several hundred iron weights, a horse mill, vats, clay cisterns, a large quantity of lead pipe and brass cocks, several thousands sugar loaf pots and moulds, paper, cord, clay, clay rack, scum bags, baskets, etc.
Catalogues may be had one day preceding the sale (when the whole may be viewed) on the premises, and from Mr Burton, 228 Houndsditch.
(Gazetteer and New Daily Advertiser, Friday 15 April 1791)

Previously offered for sale on Thursday 7 April of the same year, by Mr Burton, along with ...
The lease of the dwelling house for a term of 21 years, subject to a ground rent of £23 per annum.
(Diary or Woodfall's Register, Thursday 31 Mar 1791)


To be Sold by Public Roup, the Sugar House in the Canongate of Edinburgh, within the Company's Office there, on Friday 20 May between five and six in the afternoon.
The Sugar House contains three large PANS, Coolers, Cisterns, etc, and is well furnished with Moulds, Pots, and every article of aparatus necessary for carrying out an extensive Refining trade. Detached from the Sugar House are Warehouses large enough to contain from three to four hundred Hogsheads of Sugars; also a very convenient mill and Mill House for grinding powders, with Dwelling Houses for Clerk and Boiler, fronting the High Street.
The whole to be sold in one lot, together with the area thereunto belonging, extending in front 90ft along the High Street of Canongate, and which runs directly south to the road leading along the South Bank of the Canongate, containing one acre two perches, and is burdened with no feu-duty.
For particulars enquire at the Clerk, at the Company's office.
(Newcastle Courant, 30 April 1791)


Newcastle upon Tyne
To be Sold by Auction, at the house of Mr Hugh Brodie, the Turk's Head, in Newcastle upon Tyne, on Tuesday 5 February next, between the hours of four and six in the afternoon, pursuant to conditions then and there to be produced, either together, or in such Lots as shall be then agreed upon.
All that Sugar House, with Utensils thereunto belonging; together with the Dwelling House and Warehouses adjoining, situate in Hillgate, in Gateshead, in the County of Durhan, and adjoining upon the River Tyne.
For particulars, apply to Mr Cooper, upon the premises, or at Mr Heron's Chambers, in Newcastle.
(Newcastle Chronicle 19.1.1793)


By Mr Winstanley, on the premises at PAUL'S WHARF, Upper Thames St, London, on Thursday 14 inst at 11 o'clock ...
The valuable plant, utensils & fixtures of a 5-pan sugarhouse consisting of 5 large copper pans, 3 coolers, 1 refining cistern, 4 large cisterns lined with lead, abt 250' of copper, lead & pewter pipe, 2 iron cockles with 90' of pipe, 11 iron doors, 1600 pots & moulds, copper pumps, basins, ladles, lime clay mould and water cisterns, a large and very complete sugar mill with iron roll, capital scale beam and planks, 50cwt of iron weights, an iron crane, together with a complete assortment of utensils in the sugar refining branch, brewing vessels, and other articles. The whole in very good condition having been new within 3 yrs.
The same day will be sold the remaining years of the lease of a capacious five pan sugarhouse adjoining the above, with a roomy convenient dwelling house. The plant, fixtures and utensils of which are to be taken by appraisement.
(The Times, 7 Feb 1793)
[the first of these would have been Thomas Boylston]


By Mr Winstanley, on the premises opposite the Black Swan in WENTWORTH STREET, Whitechapel, on Tuesday 15 April at 11 o'clock ...
The plant and utensils of a sugar house late in the occupation of Mr Henry Ercks, consisting of three large copper pans with braces and 4 coolers, 2 large leaden clarifying cisterns, a quantity of pewter and lead pipes, brass cocks, 50 copper candy pans, copper basins, pumps etc. Lime, clay and water cisterns, brass pulleys and ropes, pots and moulds, useful new and old iron, and various other articles.
To be viewed on Saturday, Monday and until the time of the sale, when printed catalogues may be had at the place of sale and of Mr Winstanley, Paternoster Row.
(Morning Chronicle Sat 12 April 1794)


To be Let, for a term of years, that well known commodious and long established Sugar House, with Three PANS , in Lancaster; an excellent House adjoining, Stables, etc, with two Closes of Land conveniently situated.
For particulars, apply to James Hargreaves.
(Cumbrian Pacquet 20.5.1794)


Leasehold estates in both OLD FISH STREET and LABOUR-IN-VAIN HILL.
Before the Commissioners in a commission of bankrupt awarded against James Piercy the elder and James Piercy the younger of New Street, London.
At Guildhall on Wed 11 June at 12 noon.
All those valuable and extensive premises in the occupation of Messrs Bradburne & Ballinger sugar refiners situate on the south side of Old Fish Street entirely surrounding Star Court; consisting of a dwelling house and 2 large sugar houses, one a double the other a single house, part held under lease from John Sawbridge Esq at £153 pa and part from the parish of Coleman Street at £10 pa.
Also a newly erected messuage in the occupation of William Gilkes called the Cooperage situate on the east side of Labour-in-Vain Hill with back yard and sugar house in Fye-foot-lane, and stable and warehouses, leased from the Fishmonger's Co at £18 pa.
To be viewed with leave of tenant 10 days preceding the sale.
(Morning Chronicle, 22 May 1794)


To be let in the City, a two pan sugar house, with a dwelling house, in good repair, may be entered on immediately. Enquire Mr Elmes, 19 College Hill, London.
(The Times, 28 May 1794)


By Mr Winstanley, at Garraway's on Friday 3 October at noon ...
Capital sugar house, warehouses and ground eligible for building, St George's in the East, London ... A valuable leasehold estate in OLD GRAVEL LANE, Wapping, comprising : a compact well-built sugar house six storeys high consisting of a large warehouse, a 4-pan single house, a 2-pan double house, a 2-pan scum house, well secured by strong party walls between each, a counting house adjoining, brewhouse, cooperage, good stabling, and other detached offices; the whole recently erected in the most substantial and judicious manner, and are replete with every convenience for carrying on the refinery business in the greatest extent, but from the height of each of the storeys may be converted into any other warehouse at small expense. A substantial well-built brick dwelling house with 3 servants rooms behind, and a large piece of ground extending from Meeting House Alley to the east end of Love Lane, a small part of which is let on a building lease at a rent of £10 8s pa. The whole held for an unexpired term of 90 years at a ground rent of £150 pa.
(The Times, 27 Sep 1794)
[probably Camden, Lear & Thellusen]


A Sugar House, to be let ...
a three pan sugar house, now in full work and complete repair, the present possessor retiring from business at Midsummer next, when immediate possession may be had. Any Gentleman of property wishing to engage in that line may have the advantage of an experienced Boiler on the premises, capable of conducting the whole. Enquire Mr Greavers, leather seller, 4 Fish St Hill.
(The Times, 19 Feb 1795)


To be sold by auction by William Smith & Co, at the King's Arms Tavern, Palace Yard, Westminster, on Thursday 15 December, at 12 o'clock ...
A capital leasehold estate; comprising a neat well-built dwelling house, also a compleat three pan sugar house, very advantageously situate in MILLBANK STREET, Westminster, and on the banks of the River Thames. The business of sugar refining has many years been carried on therein with great success, and in the occupation of Messrs Bourdorff & Schwenck, whose partnership will expire at Christmas Day next; 21 years and one quarter will be expired at Christmas next, at low ground rent of only £30 per annum. The premises are improvable and worth to lett £150 per annum. The utensils in trade and fixtures are to be taken by the purchaser of the lease at an appraisement. The premises may be viewed by leave of the tenants, and further particulars known by applying to Messrs Smith, Mint Square, Southwark.
(Daily Advertiser, 26 Nov 1796)

... and a couple of years later ... 1799

By Messrs Smiths, at the sugar house, MILLBANK STREET, Westminster, on Thursday 15 March, at 11 o'clock ...
All the valuable fixtures and utensils in the business and other effects; comprising 5 large copper pans, a copper refining cistern, 50 copper candy cans, copper ladles and skimmers, copper pump, lead cisterns and pumps, 2 large vats, a capital mill stone, beam and planks, ?0 half hundred weights, 2 cranes, a screw press, 5 excellent cockles, about 10,000 various sized sugar pots and jars, ?0 reams of paper; also 4 servants' bedsteads, 4 feather beds, and other articles. May be viewed 2 days prior to the sale and the morning of the sale. Catalogues on the premises, and Messrs Smith, Queen Street, Mint, Southwark.
(The Times, 15 Mar 1799)


To be Sold by public roup, within the Trades Hall, Dundee, upon Thursday 2 March next, at twelve o'clock.
The Dundee Sugar House and Warehouses thereto belonging, lying on the north side of Seagate Street, and the whole Boilers and Utensils for carrying on the business, conform to inventories thereof.
Also that Warehouse and Garden lying on the west side of said street.
And a parcel of new Sugar Moulds, Paper and other articles belonging to the Company.
The subjects to be exposed to roup in three lots as above mentioned.
The articles of roup, title deeds, and inventories of the utensils etc, are in the hands of Thomas Mawer, writer in Dundee; and the subjects will be shown by John Grieve at the Sugarhouse; to whom, or to Mr Mawer, intending purchasers may apply betwixt and the day of roup.
All persons indebted to the Company are requested to make payment to the said John Grieve, who is authorized to discharge the same; and those who have claims upon the Company may lodge the same with Mr Grieve.
(Caledonian Mercury 23.1.1797; 20.2.1797; 29.7.1799)


Sugar House for Sale, by Private Bargain.
That regular-built Sugar House in the town of Burnisland, distant about 60 feet from the head of the Quay, on the north side of the harbour, together with the whole Utensils in complete order for carrying on an extensive Sugar Refining Business. The premises might, at a small expense be converted into an excellent manufacturing house, granary, or warehouse; and, should purchasers incline,will be disposed of without the utensils.
Apply to Mr George Ledingham, Burntisland, the proprietor, or to Mr William Goddard, merchant, Edinburgh.
(Caledonian Mercury 20.2.1797)


At Hambro' Coffee-house, Water Lane, Tower St, on Tuesday 10 Oct at 12 noon by order of the Sun, Royal Exchange, and Phoenix Fire Offices ...
The utensils and fixtures saved from the fire at Walton & Detmar, sugar refiners, UPPER THAMES STREET. To be viewed on the premises, when catalogues may be had, at the place of sale, and of Thomas Dyer, broker, 83 Tower St.
(The Times, 9 Oct 1797)


Sugars damaged by Fire ... for account of Sun, Royal Exchange, and Phoenix Fire Offices. At the Hamburgh Coffee-House, Water Lane, Tower St, this day at 12 noon.
Lumps, loaves, and bastard sugars, removed from the premises of Messrs Worsley & Heinekin of QUEEN STREET to the warehouse of Messrs Whiting & Co grocers on the corner of Ducksfoot Lane, Upper Thames St; where catalogues may be had at the place of sale and of Thomas Dyer, broker, Tower Street.
(Oracle and Daily Advertiser Tues 5 March 1799)


By Mr Ellis at Garraway's Coffee-house, Change Alley, on Tuesday next at one o'clock, by the order of the late Mr Richdale, in one lot ...
The unexpired lease of a complete two-pan sugar house, situate in RUPERT STREET, Goodman's Fields, and a genteel dwelling house with yard behind, immediately adjoining, 4 storeys high, 3 rooms on a floor, being No. 81, on the west side of LAMBETH STREET; the whole being subject to a ground rent of £12 pa.
May be viewed till the sale. Particulars to be had on the premises; at Garraway's Coffee-house; and the Auctioneer, 12 Whitechapel, opposite the church.
(Oracle & Daily Advertiser Sat 20 April 1799)


Sugar House for Sale
The Sugar House in the Canongate of Edinburgh, with the Warehouses, and whole Utensils, together with Dwelling Houses for the Clerk and Boiler, and the area of ground thereto belonging, extending from the High Street of Canongate to the south back of Canongate. The whole to be put up in one lot, within the said Sugar House, upon Wednesday 5 June 1799 at 12 o'clock noon. Application may be made to Robert Jameson, senior, W S for particulars, any time before the day of sale.
(Caledonian Mercury, 30 May 1799)


At Hambro Coffee-house, Water Lane, Thames St, London, tomorrow 12 o'clock ...
Sugar, sweet liquor and sugarhouse utensils, saved from fire on the premises of Mr Fisher, sugar refiner of EAST SMITHFIELD. To be viewed at Mr Fisher's and in Wiltshire Lane.
(The Times, 17 Jun 1799)


By D Couty, tomorrow the 20 June at 11 o'clock on the premises of Mr Fisher sugar refiner, EAST SMITHFIELD (burnt out) ...
Two capital cockles with doors and apparatus, large scum copper, lead and iron work, lead cistern, 2 wood cisterns lined with lead, an excellent horse mill, wood and iron work, 5 wood cisterns and metal cocks, a copper cullender, quantity of stout service pipe and metal cocks, a capital crane, large beam and planks, about a ton of iron weights, several hundred sugar pots and moulds, coals, clay, paper, caskets, beer casks, scum tubs, few lots of household furniture, and other effects.
May be viewed till sale, catalogues had from place of sale, and the Auctioneer, 18 Ratcliff Highway.
The whole to be cleared by Sat 22 June.
(Oracle and Daily Advertiser Wed 19 Jun 1799)


By Mr Winstanley, at Garraway's on Tuesday 1 October at 12, by order of the executors of Mr Robert Walker dec ...
The valuable lease of which 19 years are unexpired, with immediate possession, of a 3-pan sugar house, dwelling house, accompting house, and other premises, most desirably situated in the very centre of the market and contiguous to the waterside, being 1 OLD FISH ST HILL, London. The premises have been long and successfully established in the above line, and possess ample conveniences for a large stroke of business. The stock in the sugar house to be valued in the state it may be in at the time of the sale. The fixtures, utensils and furniture to be taken at a fair appraisement.
(The Times, 24 Sep 1799)


Sugars damaged by Fire ... for account of Sun, Royal Exchange, and Phoenix Fire Offices. At the Hambro' Coffee-House, Water Lane, Tower St, this day 22 July at 12 noon.
Loaves, bastards and sweet liquor, removed from the premises of Messrs Lawrence and Walton, sugar refiners of LEMAN STREET, to the warehouse of Messrs Whiting & Co grocers on the corner of Ducksfoot Lane, Upper Thames St; where catalogues may be had at the place of sale and of Thomas Dyer, broker, Tower Street.
(The Times,Tues 22 July 1800)


A Capital Sugar House for Sale, Bristol, 13 June, 1801
To be Sold by Auction by Mr J J Palmer by order of the asignees of William Pember, at the Exchange Coffee House, Bristol, on Thursday 26 July 1801 at One o'clock
The following Freehold Premises ...
All that large and commodious Sugar House, with SIX PANS, situate in Wilder St, Bristol, with extensive warehouses, compting house, and other buildings, attached and detached. This house is very substantially built, and replete with every convenience for carrying on the trade of Sugar Refining, etc, to an extent; has two wells of excellent water, and is subject only to a small ground rent of £12. 1s. 8d.
Also an extensive cooperage adjoining the Sugar House, which, if desired, will be sold in a separate lot, as there is ample room in the above warehouse and cooperage.
The purchaser may enter on these premises immediately, which are well worth the attention of any persons who may wish to engage in the Sugar Business, particularly as Raw Sugars are now so much lowered in price, and the Sugar House may be workked in a very short time. - For view of the premises, applications may be made to Mr Pember, or to the Solicitors. - For further particulars, and conditions of sale, apply to Mr Henry Davis jun or Messrs B and O Smith, Solicitors, Bristol.
(Oracle and Daily Times, 16 June 1801)


Sugar House for Sale by Private Bargain
That regular built Sugar House in the town of Burntisland, with Back Court, and Area in front; standing about 20yds distance from the head of the Quay, on the north side of the harbour.
The House is substantial (could easily be converted into a granary, manufacturing house or warehouses) and is a subject worth the attention of persons concerned in the extensive herring fishing now carried on at the port.
The premises wil be shown by David Elder at the house, and persons intending to purchase, may apply to George Leadingham, the proprietor, 46 Hanover St, Edinburgh.
(Caledonian Mercury, 5 September 1801)


At Hambro Coffee-house, Water Lane, Thames St, London, Thursday next 5 Nov 1 o'clock ...
Lumps, loaves, burnt bastards and sweet liquor, removed from the premises of Mr Grobb, sugar refiner, THAMES ST.
(The Times, 3 Nov 1801)


At Garraway's, London, by Messrs Skinner & Dyke on Wednesday 23 Jun at 12 o'clock ...
A valuable freehold estate in Wood Street, Cheapside, consisting of a spacious plot of ground, 84ft in front of Wood St, 59ft depth, and back front about 120ft, on which is a substatial pile of warehouses, and a dwelling house No.55, and the ground on which lately was a capital sugarhouse, destroyed by fire, with the valuable building materials; also a dwelling house and offices, cooperage and yard No.56, in the occupation of Mr Felton Matthews, on lease for an unexpired term of six years.
To be viewed three days preceding the sale; and particulars had from the premises, at the place of sale, and Messrs Skinner & Dyke, Aldersgate Street.
(Morning Chronicle, 12 Jun 1802)
[late Warren & Co]


To be sold by auction at the Exchange Coffee House, Bristol, on Wednesday 1 May 1805 at one o'clock
All those Capital, Elligible, and Commodious Premises situate in Lewin's Mead, now in the occupation of Mr Robert Rankin and Mr George Rogers; consisting of one large FOUR-PAN Sugar House, one TWO-PAN Sugar House, with Scum House, Mill-house, and Brew-house complete; commodious Warehouses, Cooperage, and Stabling.
Also that spacious handsome and excellent Dwelling House; having two kitchens, large dining room, drawing room, parlour, elegant hall, courtyard, and convenient offices on the ground floor, with suitable upper rooms and capital arched cellars; now in the occupation of Mr Rogers, and most conveniently and desirably situated adjoining the Sugar Houses, for the residence of any Gentleman, a Proprietor of such a concern.
The Premises are holden on lease at a very low rent for a term of years, about fourteen of which are unexpired; are most centrally and highly advantageously situated for business, being very near the public Quay; are in good repair, have lately been considerably improved, are well stocked with every necessary utensil, and are ready for immediate work.
Conditions of Sale and Catalogues of the utensils may be had at the Exchange Coffee House, Bristol, or the Counting House of the premises in Lewin's Mead, Bristol; and a plan of the premises may be seen at Garraway's Coffee House, London; at Mr Gore's next the Exchange, Liverpool; at the Tontine Coffee House, Glasgow; and at the Exchange, Hull.
(Hull Advertiser and Exchange Gazette, 6 April 1805)


By Messrs Winstanley and Son, at Garraway's, on Thursday, August 8, at Twelve, in one Lot.
A substantial recently-erected convenient Three-PAN Sugar House, with Dwelling House, situated No.44 UPPER THAMES STREET; comprising a spacious light fill house and warehouse, with seven working floors, stove, mill room, and sugar warehouse over, with other conveniences for carrying on the trade to great extent. Dwelling house and accompting house adjoining, recently put into complete repair, and an established baker's shop under, let on lease, which expires in six years; the whole held for 60 years, at moderate ground rents. The valuable plant, fixture, utensils, implements, pots, and moulds, will be included with the purchase. The premises are fit for immediate use, and early possession may be had. To be viewed; particulars may be had of Winstanley and Son, Paternoster Row.
(Morning Post 1 August 1805)


On Monday the 19th August at the George Inn, Dale Street, at seven o'clock in the evening, (unless sooner disposed of by private contract)
The Leasehold Interest in a Two-PAN Sugar House, with a Scum and Mill House, and every necessary Utensil ready for present work.
Also, two Dwelling Houses, and a small Warehouse adjoining, in which are two Stoves, lately fitted up for drying Raw Sugars, and which may be carried on separately from the Refining business.
The above Premises are situate in PALL MALL, Key Street, and are held for an unexpired term of 11 years, at rents amounting to £160.
Immediate possession will be given.
Particulars may be known by applying to J Davis, on the premises, or Messrs Lace and Hassall.
(Gore's General Advertiser 8 August 1805)


These two are of greatest importance to me as they describe my family sugarhouse. The first a simple sale by auction that clearly never happened ... six months of repeated adverts, and a change of agent ... then the last, for a private sale, to which Herman Almeroth, my 4xgt grandfather, must have responded, as the land tax registers and the trade directories of 1806 place him as the Proprietor.


By Mr P Biggs, at Garraway's Coffee House, Cornhill, on Thursday, May 9, at Twelve, in One Lot, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract.
A valuable Leasehold estate, comprising a strong built, seven floor, Two-PAN Sugar House, in full work, with a commodious Family House adjoining, spacious paved yard, enclosed by lofty gates; warehouse and out-buildings, large garden, and ground sufficient to erect another two-pan sugar house, scum house, etc, undeniably situate on the north side of CHURCH STREET, Mile End New Town, near Whitechapel Church, in the possession of Messrs Blancken[hagen] and Co dissolving partnership; the whole erected but a short time, at a great expence; held for an unexpired 56 years at a low rent. The Plant, Fixtures, Utensils, etc, to be taken at a valuation.
May be viewed by ticket only, which, with particulars, may be had of Mr Biggs, Gloucester Terrace, New Road, St George's in the East, who is authorized to treat by private contract.
(Public Ledger 19 April 1805)


To be Sold by Private Contract, by Mr Smith. [Oct 21]
A Two-PAN Sugar House, well situate for the West India Docks, 102 feet in front of CHURCH STREET, Mile End New Town, in the occupation of Messrs Blancken[hagen] and Co, with seven floors, strong iron crane and apparatus, a well finished Dwelling House, with convenient rooms and offices, warehouse, paved courtyard, large plot of ground and out-buildings, held for about 56 years, at a rent of £92 for the whole premises. The Purchaser may be accommodated with early possession, and the Plant, Fixtures, and Utensils, at a fair valuation.
To be viewed, and particulars had of Mr Smith, 62 Broad Street, near the Royal Exchange.
(Morning Chronicle 21 October 1805)

Herman died in 1812, leaving a wife and three out of eight children. The business continued in the trade directories for a year or two, and was then taken over by Burnell & Co ... with more than the suggested expansion, it became a large concern right through to 1891.


Newcastle upon Tyne
To be Sold by Auction, at Bella's Coffee House, on the Sandhill, Newcastle upon Tyne, on Monday 31 March between one & two o'clock.
A Freehold Sugar House, situated on the Broad-Chare, Newcastle upon Tyne, with the large and commodious Warehouses, Boilers, Dwelling House, and all the other buildings and premises, with the Utensils and Appurtenances thereto belonging.
Also all that piece or parcel of Leasehold Ground adjoining the said Sugar House, with the buildings lately erected thereon, and the Fixtures and Utensils in them; subject to a certain rent, and other covenants in the Agreement.
The above Sugar House is now working, and has an established trade in this and in neighbouring towns, and is well situated for the exportation of trade.
The Trade will be continued by the present Partners until the premises are disposed of.
The Articles of Copartnership of the present Company are nearly expired; and, as some of the Partners wish to retire from business, it would be an eligible concern for any person or persons with Capital.
For further particulars enquire at the Office in the Broad-Chare.
(Newcastle Courant 8 March 1806) [Rudman, Car & Co]


To be sold at Garraway's Coffee House, Change Alley, London, on 8 August ...
a) Newly erected 3-pan sugarhouse in BROKEN WHARF, Upper Thames St, consisting :
- 6 working floors, warehouse, storerooms, drying rooms, fillhouse, mill house, ware rooms over,
- dwelling house with 4 bedrooms, 2 parlours, etc,
- accompanying house with sample rooms, men's kitchen,
- brick dwelling house adjoining (being 48 Upper Thames St) currently let.
b) Another at 44 UPPER THAMES ST, newly built, consisting :
- 7 working floors, about 7ft each, large lofts, warehouse, lump room, spacious lofty light fillhouse, stove, coal cellar, mill room, 2 warehouses, yard etc,
- dwelling house.
(Papers of the Fishmonger's Company at PRO C217/61)


By Adamson & Field on Monday next at 11 ...
The effects and appendages of the sugar house and premises, No.5 QUEEN STREET, Cheapside, by direction of the proprietors, consisting of 4 capital copper coolers, about 30,000 sugar lump, large ditto, powder and single loaf, tall ditto, Canary, Prussia bastard moulds and pots, and gathering ditto, copper sugar basons, ladles, skimmers, measures, scoops, copper pumps, cullenders and frames, refining baskets, cart baskets, capital square eyed iron beam with planks, ropes, balances and levers, weights, double and single blocks and pulleys, casks, barrels, sugar tubs, and numerous valuable items. To be viewed Friday and Saturday previous to the sale; catalogues had on the premises; and of Adamson & Field, 63 Fenchurch St. -- NB. The sugar house and premises may be treated for by private contract.
(Morning Chronicle, 17 Dec 1806)
[probably Benjamin Travers, No.36]


In NELSON-STREET, late in the occupation of SAMUEL HENDERSON, Esq. (leaving Bristol)
On MONDAY the 25th of May, and the following days,
The Valuable HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Fashionable PLATE, TABLE and BED LINEN, TABLE SERVICES of NANKEEN and other CHINA, plain and cut GLASS, elegant mahogany LIBRARY BOOK-CASE in three divisions, large and valuable collection of BOOKS by the most esteemed Authors, best editions and elegantly bound, Port Folios of curious Print and Engravings, modern Maps and Atlas by Cary, capital pair of 18 inch Globes, Telescope and Microscope, fine collection of Prints framed and glazed, &c.
Catalogues will be ready to be delivered one week preceding the sale.
N.B. The PREMISES, SUGAR-HOUSE, and extensive WAREHOUSES adjoining, to be LET. For particulars enquire of Messrs.HALL and JARMAN, Solicitors, Broad-street, Bristol. (One property.)
(Felix Farley's Bristol Journal, 25 April 1807)


To be LET or SOLD by Private Contract, (If sold, All or a considerable Part of the Purchase-Money may remain on Mortgage)
A Capital SEVEN-PAN SUGAR-HOUSE, Warehouses & Premises, situate in George-street, Bristol; with seasoned Moulds and pots of every description, and all other utensils, &c. complete for working.
Also a large DWELLING-HOUSE, fit for the residence of a proprietor or manager, with a Compting house, &c. A BOILER'S HOUSE, HEAD PANMAN's HOUSE, HALLIER's HOUSE, with STABLING, COOPERAGE, MALT-HOUSE, &c.
These Premises are Freehold, in good repair, and possession may be had of the greatest part immediately.
For further particulars, and for a view of the premises, apply to CHARLES MAIS, No. 8, Clare-street.
(Felix Farley's Bristol Journal, 6 June 1807)


By Adamson & Field on Wednesday next at 12 noon on the premises in Gt Alie St, by the direction of the assignees of Mr Matthew Bailey Tennant, sugar refiner, a bankrupt ...
Furniture, linen, plate, black cart mare, town cart, 15 chaldrons of coals, and effects, GREAT ALIE STREET, Goodman's Fields.
(Morning Chronicle, Sat 9 January 1808)


By Mr. FAGUS, at the Exchange Coffee House, Bristol, 1st March, by order of the assignees of Mr William Gravenor a Bankrupt
All that most convenient, substantial and well constructed FOUR-PAN Sugar House, with a counting house and other buildings thereto belonging; situate in or near Merchant St, Bristol, and lately occupied by the above bankrupt.
This Sugar House is capable of refining from twelve to fifteen hundred hogheads of sugar annually, and has every requisite accommodation, viz, - a spacious raw sugar warehouse, cooperage, stables, etc, with an abundant supply of excellent water.
NB. The utensils to be taken by the purchaser, at fair valuation.
For further particulars, apply Mr Rankin, Sugar Refiner, Lewins Mead, who will show the premises; or Mr Davis, Solicitor, Stephen St.
(Bristol Mirror, 28 January 1809)


By Mr Wright, on Friday 19, at Eleven precisely, on the Premises, GREENWICH ROAD, adjoining Deptford Creek.
All the valuable Building Materials of a large Sugar House, and buildings adjoining, to be taken down; consisting of sound stock brickwork, plain tiling and slating, prime fir timber, in girders, tie beams, gutter plates, joists, rafters, etc, 1¼ inch boarded floors, window frames, glazed sashes, a large quantity of lead, iron work, and other useful articles; the above are particularly well situated for land or water carriage, having a convenient wharf adjoining Deptford Creek, and is also within a few yards of the high road from Greenwich to London.
May be viewed one day prior to the sale; and catalogues had on the premises; and of Mr Wright, Blue Style, Greenwich.
(Morning Advertiser 16 May 1809)


Sugar House, Rosemary Lane, Sale by Auction by Ventom & Sons, at Garraway's Coffeehouse, Cornhill, this day the 21st, at One.
A substantial brick built Two-PAN Sugar House, six storeys high, and private house adjoining, comprising four working floors, loft, tell house, warehouse, yard, with water laid on, dwelling house adjoining, and every convenience for carrying on an extensive trade, situate in the centre of the market, adjoining the Seven Stars public house in ROSEMARY LANE, in the parish of St Botolph, Aldgate.
May be viewed six days preceeding the sale, from ten o'clock till two, where particulars may be had, at Garraway's, and of the Auctioneers, 117 Whitechapel Road, and 132 Brick Lane, Spitalfields. May be treated for by Private Contract three days preceeding the sale, by application to the Auctioneers.
(Public Ledger 21 Nov 1809)


By Messrs Hoggart and Phillips, at the Auction Mart, on Saturday, April 21, at twelve, unless an acceptable offer is in the meantime made by private contract.
An extensive and valuable Leasehold Estate; consisting of an excellent Five-PAN Sugar House, with spacious working floors for the goods, extensive warehouse, mill house, counting house, foreman's house, and premises, adjoining Joiner's Hall, extending 139 feet in depth, and communicating with Dowgate Wharf, with a freehold plot of ground adjoining; the house works remarkably well, and to great advantage, the situation is very desirable for supplying the trade in the City, and at the West End of the Town. The possession of these premises will afford a capital opportunity for any person who may wish to embark in this highly respectable and flourishing branch of business; and the house having the necessary utensils, which are to be valued, is ready to begin work.
To be viewed; and particulars had, ten days previous to the sale, at the Auction Mart; and of Messrs Hoggart and Phillips, 62 Broad Street, Royal Exchange.
(Star (London) 7 April 1810)


By Messrs Adamson and Field, on the premises, Friday June 1, at Eleven precisely.
The whole of the valuable and extensive Plant and Appendages of the Sugar House at 49 QUEEN STREET, Cheapside, by direction of the Proprietor, Mr John Hawksworth, Sugar Refiner, consisting of four capital copper PANS, and two coolers, clarifying mould, clay, fresh water, and two lime cisterns, two lead cockles and pipes, pewter and copper pipes, large and small iron doors, sugar bins and racks, a general assortment of pots and moulds, copper pumps, tilt house, and sugar basons, ladles, skimmers, measures, scoops, cullenders, and frames, double and single blocks, pullies and ropes, refining, scums, pulley, sugar, etc, clay baskets, beer casks, coolers, mash tubs, and numerous valuable utensils for sugar refining and brewing. A few lots of furniture for mens' dwelling house.
To be viewed two days preceeding the sale, when catalogues may be had on the premises; at the Mart; and of Adamson and Field, 58 Fenchurch Street.
(Publiic Ledger 26 May 1810)


At the Exchange Coffee House, Bristol, on Tuesday 3 July 1810.
All that Freehold substantial SIX-PAN Sugar House, and the buildings thereto adjoining, situate in Wilder St, Bristol, in the occupation of and belonging to Messrs Heineken & Ormiston; the Sugar House is now and has been for several years last passed in full work.
The whole of the premises are in good repair, consisting of one House with Five Pans; and one House with One Pan, four stories in height, containing in length 368ft, and in breadth 46 ft or thereabouts. The adjoining buildings consist of a Mill-house, Brew-house, two Counting-houses with cellar under, and four bedrooms over; a Cooperage, Coach-house, and three-stalled Stable, with a spacious yard, two good spring-water pumps, and every convenience for carrying on an extensive business.
The above premises are subject to a ground rent of £12. 1s. 8d per annum.
The pans, cockles, coolers, pottery, and all other utensils and fixtures are to be taken by the purchaser at a fair valuation.
NB. There are also (upon lease of which twelve years are unexpired) a large warehouse, stable for six horses, a yard, and Dwelling House, adjoining the Sugar House, at a very moderate rent.
The premises may be viewed, and further particulars known, by applying to Messrs Heineken & Ormiston, or the office of Hilhouse & Palmer, Brokers.
(The Mirror, 9 June1810)


For immediate occupancy.
By Mr Munn, at the Auction Mart, on Thursday, 20th inst, at Twelve.
A substantial and convenient quick-working Three-PAN Sugar House, with a Scum Pan Mill, etc, and also a roomy Dwelling House for the accommodation of workmen; desirably situate in the lower part of QUEEN STREET, Cheapside; held for an unexpired term of 63 years, at a low ground rent of __.
May be viewed by applying to Mr Munn, Walbrook; of whom particulars may be had. Particulars also of W E Allen Esq, solicitor, New Bridge Street; and the Auction Mart.
(Public Ledger 5 September 1810)


Vicinity of Whitechapel. Spacious new-built premises calculated for a sugar refiner, and many trades requiring room and good light. To be sold by private contract, the lease, for nearly 60 yrs, of very capital, substantial, modern and spacious premises, with large yard inclosed with folding gates, eligibly situated being within five minutes walk of Whitechapel and the London Docks. Particulars by application to Mr Burton, 62 Cornhill.
(Morning Chronicle, 22 Jun 1811)


Sugar-House Pottery etc for Sale by Auction
at the Bathurst's Warehouses, hitherto known as the Guinea St Sugar Houses, Bristol, Thursday next 4 April 1811 at eleven o'clock in the forenoon.
About 14,000 Moulds and Pots, a large clarifying Cistern: dimensions 9ft 3in long, 7ft 5in dedp, 4ft 6in wide. Two large Stove Cockles, weight about 67cwt each, a number of large and small iron doors and frames, also several glazed window frames, an excellent Sugar Mill complete, several Brass Cocks of various sizes, and a variety of Sugar House utensils. About 150 pieces of prime Danzig Timber, 15ft long, 7in sq, together with a quantity of Quarter, of different dimensions with other useful timber.
The above will be put up in several lots, which may be viewed on the premises two days previous and the morning of the sale, and further particulars known and catalogues may be had by applying to W. Palmer, broker, 2 All Saints Court, Bristol.
(Bristol Mirror, 30 March 1811)


To be SOLD or LET
The capital Sugar Houses at Counterslip, Bristol, lately occupied by P J Worsley Esq deceased; consisting of Two THREE-PAN Houses and One FIVE-PAN House; with every possible convenience attached thereto which the trade can require. The premises are bounded on one side with the River Avon, and are so large and extensive as to be fit for any kind of trade or manufacture whatsoever. As Sugar-Houses they are on a very superior plan, and are supposed from conveniency, light, and useful room and accommodation, to be equal if not superior to any in the kingdom.
Apply for viewing the premises to Mr Pretegar at the Sugar House, any day from nine to four, and for particulars to Messrs Morgan and Livett, Solicitors, Small St, Bristol; if by letter, post paid.
NB. If sold, a considerable part of the purchase money may remain on mortgage of the premises for several years; of if let, the utensils may be purchased at a valuation, or the Tenant may have the use of them for a fair annual consideration.
(The Star, 12 July 1811)


By Adamson & Field at Hambro's Coffee House, Water Lane, 24 April 1812 at 12 o'clock ...
Concerning the bankruptcy of John Ernst Grob - the sale in one lot of ...
11 COLLEGE STREET leading to Upper Thames St. A 3-pan sugarhouse with 6 working floors, warehouses, lump room, drying room, mill house, fill house, storage for 100 cauldrons of coal, cellarage; a 1-pan sugarhouse with 3 working floors, warehouse, fill house; a dwelling house with 6 bed chambers, men's chamber, dining room, parlour, kitchen, men's kitchen, counting house.
All attached and local to the waterside. Purchaser to have the option of all plant, utensils, etc at a fair valuation.
(London Gazette, 31 March 1812)


To be sold by Auction by Mr Jones, in a warehouse, in PARADISE-ROW, [Liverpool], late in the occupation of Mr Jonathan Barker, sugar refiner, on Wednesday the 29th April instant, at eleven o'clock precisely.
A variety of utensils, used in refining sugar; consisting of a large copper pan, two lead cisterns and pipes, iron boilers, cockles, stoves, gratings and doors, furnace doors and bars, earthenware jars, a crane with wheel, pinion and ropes, part of the materials of a horse mill, timber in the drying house, casks, tubs, etc, with a quantity of damaged raisins suitable for making vinegar.
(Chester Chronicle, 28 Apr 1812)


To be SOLD (in fee) by AUCTION
by Mr Williams, at the Sale Rooms of the Commercial Coffee House, Bristol, on Thursday next, 12 March 1812, at one o'clock
A capital FIVE-PAN Sugar House with sustantial Dwelling House, large Warehouse about 80ft by 21ft, Counting Houses, yards, six-stall stable, coach house, sheds, etc, all in the best state of repair, and eligibly situated in Redcliff Street, Bristol, late the estate of and occupied by Henry Bright, Esq, deceased. The premises are well supplied with water, and possession may be had on completing the purchase. To view the property, please apply to Mr Coles, grocer, College Green; and for further particulars to Mr Cooke, solicitor, Bristol; or to Mr James, solicitor, 12 Gray's Inn Sq, London.
(Morning Chronicle, 8 February 1812)


Compact Sugar House, with immediate possession.
By Mr Burrell, at Garraway's, on Tuesday, April 6, at Twelve.
The valuable lease of one of the completest Three-PAN Sugar Houses in the trade, most eligibly and centrally situate, No.1 OLD FISH STREET HILL, a short distance from St Paul's, with a Dwelling House, and apartments for men attached; the sugar house is in substantial repair, has six floors extremely well connected, and particularly convenient to carry on a concern of consequence with facility; the plant and utensils are in the best order. The whole of this property is held for an unexpired term of 19 years, at a very low rent of £100 per annum.
May be viewed two days preceding the sale, when particulars may be had on the premises; of Messrs Palmer, Tomlinsons, and Thomson, solicitors, Copthall Court; and of Mr Burrell, 5 Throgmorton Street.
(The Englishman 21 March 1813)
[probably Spurrell & Kemble]


By Mr Adamson, on the premises, on Monday, 31st Inst, at Twelve.
A Convenient One-PAN Sugar House, with two working floors, fillhouse, stove and every convenience for conducting a business on a moderate scale; a small Dwelling House adjoining, situate in Cannon Street Road, St George's East. Held for an unexpired term of 77 years as from Midsummer next, at a trifling ground rent of £13 4s per annum.
To be viewed till the Sale; and Particulars had on the premises; at the Mart; of Mr Platt, solicitor, Tanfield Court, Temple; and of Mr Adamson, Fenchurch Street.
(Public Ledger 26 May 1813)


To Builders .... ANY Person disposed to Contract for the Erection of a SUGAR-HOUSE in Lewin's Mead, may see Plans, Elevations and Instructions, at the office of Mr Tanner, Clare St, Bristol, where sealed Estimates are to be delivered on or before 21st inst.
(Bristol Mirror, 12 June 1813)


To be SOLD by Auction
by Mr Harril, at the Commercial Sale Room, Bristol, on Thursday 31 March at one o'clock, unless disposed of in the meantime by private contract, of which due notice will be given.
Lot 1 -- A valuable Freehold FOUR-PAN Sugar House, with spacious Yard, Cooperage, Stabling for 6 horses, Warehouse and Counting Houses; situate in the Parish of St Paul, Bristol; replete with every convenience, and fit for immediate work. The whole of the premises have been put in complete repair, within the last 4 months, and immediate possession may be had. ALSO a valuable Warehouse, with loft over the same; now in the occupation of Messrs Couldry & Son, as yearly tenants, which if desired, will be put up with the same.
[LOT 2 & 3 -- Each a messuage in Jamaica St, Bristol.]
For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to Mr George Jones, St Michael's Hill; or to Messrs Osborne and Ward, solicitors, Broad St, Bristol.
(Farley's Bristol Journal, 19 March 1814)


Sale by Auction by Messrs Hoggart and Phillips, at the Auction Mart, on Tuesday, January 25, at Twelve.
A valuable Leasehold Estate; comprising an extensive Four-PAN Sugar House, of nine floors, with Boiling, Fill, and Scum Houses, Lump room, and Warehouses, most desirably situate in DOCK STREET, Rosemary Lane, with early possession. Also a Dwelling House, with Counting House adjoining, occupying, altogether, a large plot of ground, in the occupation of Messrs Austen and Glennie.
The estate is held for about 47 years, at a ground rent of £52 10s per annum.
To be viewed, and particulars had, fifteen days prior to the sale, of Messrs Holt and Farren, solicitors, Threadneedle Street; at the Mart; and of Messrs Hoggart and Phillips, 62 Old Broad Street.
(Star (London) 22 January 1816)


By Mr Adamson on the premises in FINCH STREET, Monday 19 February 1816 at 12 o'clock ... as a result of the bankruptcy of George Brienlech sugar refiner ...
A compact 1-pan sugarhouse with 2 scum pans, comprising 4 working floors and fill house, counting house, large shed, spacious yard, cow house, stable, cart shed, and a convenient dwelling house, held on an unexpired term of 47 years at a low ground rent.
(London Gazette, 3 Feb 1816)


To be Let: Four Pan Sugar House situate in Rainford's garden in Liverpool, with warehouse and counting house adjoining. The utensils may be taken at a valuation.
For full particulars apply to Henry Holmes, jun or Jas Holmes. [The old Matthew St Sugarhouse]
(Liverpool Mercury, 31 January 1817.)


By Mr Hindle, tomorrow at 12 o'clock ...
Part of the stock of George Schlenker sugar refiner of KING ST, Old Gravel Lane, London, damaged by fire in adjoining premises.
About 15 hogsheads and 5 tierces of single loaves and lumps, 2 tierces of bastard grain, ten puncheons of syrup, and about 200 powder and single loaves of sugar.
(The Times, 8 Apr 1817)


By Mr Adamson, at the Hambro Coffee House, Water Lane, on Thursday 31 July at 12 o'clock ...
A 2-pan Sugar House, with 6 working floors, lump room warehouse, and every requisite convenience, eligibly situate in Well St, Wellclose Square. A 2-pan Double House adjoining, with 3 working floors, part of which is recently erected, mill room, a new built warehouse, loft, and men's rooms; a dwelling house and counting house, with spacious yard, with entrance from Dock Street, enclosed with folding gates; and 4 brick-built messuages adjoining, let on lease to a respectable tenant. All under one lease of nine years, at a low rent. Plant and utensils, which are in excellent condition, and the pots and moulds will be included in the purchase. To be viewed till the sale; and particulars had on the premises; at Hambro Coffee House; and of Mr Adamson, Fenchurch Street.
(Public Ledger & Daily Advertiser 24 July 1817)


Sculcoates Sugar House, generally known as The New Sugar House.
26.4.1817 - To be sold by private contract - By order of the assignees of John Boyes the elder, a bankrupt.
17.1.1818 - To be sold by private contract - By order of the assignees of John Boyes the elder, a bankrupt.
A capital well-built 3 pan sugarhouse at Sculcoates adjoining the Port of Hull, and in the late occupation of Messrs. G F Boyes & Co together with plant apparatus and utensils, in excellent condition. Comprising on the basement, a boiling house, scum house, mill house, mill warehouse, brew house and arched cellar; on the first floor an excellent counting house and warehouses; with seven other floors. Also a good substantial family dwelling house adjoining, containing dining and drawing rooms, suitable lodging rooms, kitchen, offices and fronting onto a handsome lawn and fruitful garden. Also 3 tenements for workmen and a three-stall stable and hayloft.
Freehold, its front on the south of Church St is 148 ft, its front onto the River Hull is 170 ft, well enclosed.
The purchaser has the option of taking the pans, coolers, cisterns and all other fixtures and utensils at a fair appraisement. Deserving of attention as there is only one other sugarhouse in the Port of Hull.
13.2.1819 - To be sold by auction - By order of the administrator of the late Miss Harrison.
All the moveable utensils etc. of the New Sugar House, Hull, comprising 3 large copper pans, a horse mill and pump, about 2 tons of blue, brown and white paper; a small fire engine, a great number of tools, moulds, jars etc.
(Hull Advertiser & Exchange Gazette, 3 adverts as dated.)


By Mr Hoggart on the premises at No.1 OLD FISH STREET HILL, London, on Tuesday 3 March and following day at 12 ...
All the valuable plant and utensils of a 3 pan sugar house, consisting of 3 large copper pans, 2 copper coolers, cisterns, reservoirs, a large iron-bound vat, iron cockle, doors and frames, sound brickwork, stout lead in curbs, scale beams and weights, a capital crane with apparatus, fixtures and fittings, several thousand sugar loaf moulds and pots, and various articles used for the purpose of sugar refining. To be viewed one day preceding the sale, and catalogues had on the premises ...
(Morning Chronicle, 16 Feb 1818)
[Hoggart & Phillips]


To be Sold by Public Roup, within the Exchange Buildings, Leith, on Tuesday 16 June 1818, at one o'clock.
The Lease of those premises in North Leith, in which the business of the Leith Sugar Refining Company has been carried on, of which there are six years to run from Whitsunday 1818; with the reversionary right of purchasing these premises at a certain price; together with certain Buildings erected on the premises by the Company.
As also ... the Whole Utensils and Apparatus of the said Leith Sugar House. These utensils and apparatus are constructed on the most approved principles, are in excellent condition, and will require little or no repair for a length of time.
The Sugar House being fire-proof, requires no insurance; and as there is a wharf within the premises, they possess facilities and advantages for carrying on the sugar refining business scarcely to be met with in any similar establishment in the Kingdom.
Mr George Gibson, junior, merchant in Leith, will show the premises; and further particulars will be learned on application to Mr William Bell, 6 Virginia Street, or Mr T S Thomson, merchant, South Albion Street, Glasgow; or to Messrs Smith & Craig, W S 33 Gayfield Square, Edinburgh.
(Caledonian Mercury, 18 May 1818)


By Bromley and Wand of Commercial Road, tomorrow, Sept 8 , and the following day, at Eleven, at Gower's Walk, Church Lane, Whitechapel.
The remaining Utensils and Fixtures of a Sugar House, removed for convenience of sale; comprising several thousand pots and moulds, scales and weights, malt mill, oak vats, cisterns, off brushing clay, blue paper, etc.
The Household Furniture and Effects of the usual description, part destrained for rent. Also about 80 lots of useful deals, planks, battens, park pailings, etc.
The Furniture and Deals will be sold on Tuesday, and the Sugar Utensils on Wednesday. May be viewed preceeding, and mornings of sale. Catalogues had at the place of sale; Angel and Crown Tavern, Whitechapel Road; and the Auctioneers, 17 Commercial Road, opposite Gloucester Street.
(Morning Advertiser 7 September 1818)


To be Sold by Private Contract ... The premises in TEMPLE COURT [Liverpool], lately occupied as a sugar refinery, by Messrs Wood and Thornhill, containing nearly 650 square yards, freehold of inheritance. They might be easily adapted to any manufactory requiring spacious rooms, or be converted into warehouses. The greater part of the purchase money may remain on mortgage.
Apply in Temple Court, or to Mr Denison, solicitor, Castle St.
(Liverpool Mercury, 19 March 1819)


Mansion and Sugar Refinery to be Sold by Auction at IPSWICH, by John King, at the Bear & Crown, Ipswich, Wed 31 Mar 1819 at noon ...
That capital freehold estate situate in St Peter's, late in the occupation of Charles Greeves, dec'd.
The mansion was built 10 yrs since, upon a plan suitable for the residence of a family of fortune ... (2 reception, 4 bedrooms, 6 attic rooms currently divided into two residences, but easily restored).
The sugar refinery is new, brick built, 3 storied, and completely fitted up with the requisite utensils for the trade, at the expense of many hundred pounds.
The extensive garden is planted with young fruit trees; a brick building suitable for coach house, stables or cottages; with a back entrance to the premises .. render it one of the most desirable properties in town.
Printed particulars and conditions of sale will be duly distributed.
(Ipswich Journal, 20 March 1819)


By Drayton & Ventom, at the Auction Mart, on Wednesday May 12, at Twelve, in four lots, by order of the Trustees of Messrs Burghart and Bremer.
Lot 1. An extensive and well arranged, brick built, Two-PAN Sugar House, with warehouse, filling, lump, bastard, and store rooms, eligibly situate, and in the centre of the Sugar Mart, being in Seven Star Court, ROSEMARY LANE, together with all the valuable Fixtures and Utensils in Trade of every description, with a convenient Dwelling House attached.
Lot 2. Five Leasehold brick built Dwelling Houses situate and being Nos. 41, 42, 43, 44, and 45 Lower Cornwall Street, Back Lane, St George's in the East.
Lot 3. A Leasehold brick built Dwelling House situate No.9 Samuel Street, Cannon Street Road.
Lot 4. Two Leasehold brick built Dwelling houses, being Nos.3 and 4 Matilda Place, North East Passage, Wellclose Square.
The Sugar House is held on Lease for a long term, at a moderate rent, is in excellent repair, replete with every convenience for the prosecution of an extensive trade, the floors well timbered and capable of supporting weights of great magnitude, and its immediate contiguity to the Docks and Sugar market render it deserving of a first consideration. The Dwelling Houses are well tenanted, and are held for a long term of years, at low ground rents.
May be viewed ten days preceding the Sale, by leave of the tenants, and descriptive printed particulars had of Mr Wootton, solicitor, Nicholas Lane, Lombard Street; and of Drayton and Ventom, surveyors and auctioneers, Auction Mart.
(New Times 5 May 1819) [C Berghart > Lawrence & Co]


Together or in lots ... at the George Inn, Dale St, Liverpool, on 11 June at 1 o'clock ...
All those extensive and very valuable freehold premises situate in OLDHALL STREET, Liverpool (formerly used as a sugar refinery), consisting of two sugar houses, capable of containing 3 pans; a dwelling house, and two warehouses; late in the occupation of Messrs Davies & Webb.
The above premises occupy 1088 square yards of land, and from their central situation are very suitable for any person carrying out an extensive manufacturing concern.
[!!] This property is daily becoming more valuable, as, through a part of it, will be carried the continuation of Rumford Street, which will leave a front of 9 yds by 12 yds deep on the left hand side, and 9 yds by 20 yds deep on the right hand side of the said street. [!!]
Plans of the premises may be seen, and particulars had, on application to Mr John Davies, Oldhall Street or Messrs Parr & Son, solicitors, Water Street, Liverpool.
(Liverpool Mercury, 28 May 1819)


Paulin & Son have received directions to LET or SELL by Private Contract, the under-mentioned Premises, which are extensive, and the situation desirable, being in GREAT GARDEN STREET, Whitechapel; consisting of a THREE-PAN Sugar House, a TWO-PAN Sugar House, and a TWO-PAN Scum House, excellent Dwelling House and suitable offices. The ground plot is 390ft in depth, with a frontage of 74ft 8in next Great Garden St. The premises are held by lease for a term, 168 years of which will be unexpired at Michaelmas next, at a ground rent of £12 per annum, and the land tax is redeemed. Great part of the purchase money will remain on mortgage, or be paid by instalments, on approved security. Further particulars may be known by application to Paulin & Son, Broad St, Ratcliff.
(The Public Ledger, 2 July 1819)


To Let, a TWO-PAN Sugar House, in good repair, replete with every convenience required, having been lately improved at a considerable expence. Immediate possession may be had. Enquire at 76 WENTWORTH STREET, Whitechapel.
(Public Ledger 6 July 1819)


To be Let on Lease, for a term of years, with immediate possession, a very substantial and complete Two-PAN Sugar House and Premises, with two Dwelling Houses adjoining, in the centre of the Market, and possessing every requisite convenience and accomodation for transacting the Business of a Sugar Refiner, to the interest and credit of the occupier. Particulars may be had of Couty And Son, Auctioneers and House Agents, Ratcliff Highway, St George's, Middlesex.
(Public Ledger 6 July 1819)


To be peremptorily Sold, by Paulin & Son, at the Duke of Wellington, John Street, Limehouse, on Friday, 16 inst, at twelve, by direction of the Trustees of Mr Thomas Fleming, Sugar Baker, in two Lots.
Lot 1. The very desirable Lease of the Sugar House and premises, late in his occupation, situate on the east side of George Street, Church Field, Limehouse; comprising a compact 2-PAN Sugar House, with drying stove, store room and two lofts over, a sugar room with loft over bakehouse of adjoining premises; also a Baker's Shop and Bakehouse adjoining; held for a term of which 12 years will be expired at Christmas next, subject to a ground rent of £45 per annum; the land tax redeemed; the Baker's Shop is in the occupation, and on lease to Mr Youngman, for the whole term, wanting five days, at the annual rent of £32 10s. The Purchaser to take the Plant, Utensils, Pots and Moulds, etc at a valuation, and may have immediate possession of the Sugar House.
Lot 2. A very neat new brick Dwelling House adjoining, with yard, garden, etc, held for a term of 31 years from 24 June 1816, at a ground rent of £7 10s per annum.
May be viewed till the sale, and particulars had on the Premises; at the Place of Sale; of Mr Townson, solicitor, Ratcliff Highway; and of Paulin & Son, Broad Street, Ratcliff.
(Public Ledger 14 July 1819)


For immediate possession.
By Mr Adamson, at the London Commercial Sale Rooms, on Tuesday, October 5, at Twelve, by direction of the Executors of the late J Goodhart Esq, deceased, unless previously disposed of by private contract. A valuable leasehold estate, comprising a capital substantial light and superior well-built quick working Three-PAN Sugar House, of six floors, ___ house, warehouse, and fill house; also a new-built scum-pan house, with slated room, containing three floors, warehouse, and fill house; a convenient Dwelling House and counting house, boilers and men's rooms, men's kitchen and beer cellaring, a large coal cellar, a spacious yard, two-stall stable, coach house, and a spacious yard, enclosed by lofty brick wall and folding gates. The premises are about 224 feet in depth, and most desirably situate the corner of UNION STREET, New Road, St George's in the East. Held for an unexpired term of 14 years, at a low rent of £57 5s 9d per annum.
To be viewed till the sale; and particulars had on the premises; at the Commercial Sale Rooms; and of Mr Adamson, 58 Fenchurch Street.
(Public Ledger 23 September 1819)


By Mr Adamson, at the Auction Mart, Bartholomew Lane, on Wednesday February 16, at Twelve.
The Lease, with immediate possession, of a THREE-PAN Sugar House, containing five working floors, warehouse, fill house, cellaring, and other offices, mens' house, a stack of warehouses adjoining. and piece of vacant ground, situated in Brick Kiln Lane, Upper Thames Street, held for an unexpired term of [blank] years, at a low rent.
To be viewed till the Sale; and particulars had at the Mart; and of Mr Adamson, 58 Fenchurch Street.
(New Times, 28 January 1820)


*Sale Postponed - By order of or before the major part of the Commissioners named and authorised in and by the Commission of Bankrupt, awarded and issued against Stephen George and Richard Webb, late of the City of Bristol, Sugar Refiners, Dealers and Chapmen - By Mr Joseph Vining, Broker, at the Commercial Rooms, Bristol, on Wednesday 23 February and not 16 February as formerly advertised, (the Funeral of his late Majesty being appointed for that day) at one o'clock, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then there produced.*

All that capital and commodious Sugar House, situate in the Blackfriars, in the Parish of St Paul, Bristol, lately fitted up on Mr Howard & Co's Patent Plan; consisting of FOUR Vacuum Pans, with air pumps, coolers, melting pans, melting cisterns, filterers with leaves, and other appurtenances complete; an eight-horse steam engine, with a good supply of water. and two stoves with pipes for purpose of being heated by steam.
The premises likewise comprise a dwelling house, warehouses, counting house, stable, cooperage, and spacious yard, and are extremely well calculated for carrying on the business of Sugar Refining, either according to the patent or otherwise. The premises are held for the remainder of a term of 1000 years created by Indenture of Lease, bearing date on or about 8 April 1610,
To be viewed by tickets, which may be had by applying to Mr John Vining, Sugar Refiner, Lewin's Mead, one of the assignees; or to Mr Stephen George, Alfred Hill; and for further particulars and conditions of sale, application may be made to Mr Brice, solicitor, Bristol; the postage of all letters must be paid.
(Morning Post, 14 February 1820)


By Mr Ellis, on the Premises, the corner of RUTLAND PLACE, Upper Thames Street, late in occupation of Mr Eamer, on Friday, May 5, at Eleven.
All the valuable Plant and Utensils in Trade, House Fixtures, Furniture, and Effects; comprising four large copper PANS, three new lime cisterns, mould cistern, refining and molasses cisterns, lead and copper pumps and pipes, large screw press, cast iron cockle, pots and moulds, iron beams and planks, water backs, casks, large crane and tackle complete, loose utensils, and numerous valuble effects. Also, the fixtures of a Dwelling House, a few lots of household furniture, and various other articles.
To be viewed three days previous to the Sale, when catalogues may be had on the premises; at Garraway's Coffeehouse; and of Mr Ellis, 36 Fenchurch Street.
(Public Ledger 29 April 1820)


The Property of George Brucker Esq who is retiring from business.
By Mr Hoggart, at the Auction Mart, near the Bank of England, on Friday August 11, at Twelve, in Two Lots.
Lot 1. A valuable Freehold Property; comprising a substantial well-built five-PAN Sugar House containing nine floors, strongly timbered, and capable of sustaining a considerable weight, centrally situate, No.1, on the west side of LITTLE DISTAFF LANE, calculated for conducting a business of magnitude, with spacious warehouse, yard, and premises, occupying a site of ground 44 feet in front, by a depth of 55 feet; also an excellent dwelling house, suitable for a Resident Partner, containing several bed chambers, dining and drawing rooms, counting house, and domestic offices.
Lot 2. A Freehold 2-PAN Sugar House, on the east side of LITTLE DISTAFF LANE, opposite to, and communicating with Lot 1, containing five floors, with cellarage, etc.
To be viewed at any time, and particulars had at the Mart; and of Mr Hoggart, 62 Old Broad Street, Royal Exchange.
(Public Ledger 13 July 1820)


By Mr Adamson at Commercial Sale Rooms, Mincing Lane, London, tomorrow at 1 o'clock at the direction of the trustees of Mr Trapp sugar refiner ...
Compact one pan sugarhouse, 5 working floors and fill-house on ground floor, with 2 working floors and warehouse in front, and a counting house, dwelling house, men's room, men's kitchen and yard. Held at unexpired term of 16yrs at low rent.
(The Times, 10 Aug 1820)


To be SOLD (in fee) by AUCTION
by Mr Fargus, at the Commercial Rooms, Bristol, on Friday next, 1 September 1820, at one o'clock.
A most substantially-built and roomy FOUR-PAN Sugar House, now in full work, situate in Tucker St, Bristol; comprising every convenience for carrying on the business of Sugar Refining; being well supplied with water, and having extensive Warerooms, Stabling and Yard, extending backwards to the Float; together with commodious, well built, brick-fronted Messuage or Dwelling House, in good repair, contiguous to the Sugar House.
The property may be viewed on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, preceeding the sale, between the hours of 9 and 2, on application to Mr Daniel Stanton at his Counting House on the Premises; and further particulars may be known of Mr Kater, solicitor, Wine St, Bristol.
(Bristol Mirror, 26 August 1820)


By Mr Adamson, this day, the 20th inst, at One, on the Premises, opposite the Black Bull Public House, OLD MONTAGUE STREET, Brick Lane, Whitechapel.
The valuable Lease, with immediate possession, of a substantial newly erected light one-PAN Sugar House, of four working floors, warehouse, fill house, and a large coal vault; a small dwelling house, men's rooms, and a spacious yard, well secured. Held for a term of 45 years, from Christmas 1818, at a low rent; together with the whole of the plant, utensils in trade, pots and moulds.
To be viewed till the sale, and particulars had on the premises; at the Commercial Sale Rooms, Mincing Lane; and of Mr Adamson, 58 Fenchurch Street.
(Public Ledger 20 September 1820)


By Mr Adamson, on the Premises, 16 BREAD STREET HILL, the corner of Upper Thames Street, on Friday, the 22nd instant, at Twelve.
The valuable Plant, Utensils in Trade, capital Cast Iron Sugar Mill, and other Effects of a Two-PAN Sugar House, consisting of two copper pans complete, two coolers, copper, clarifying cistern, two copper pumps, a large quantity of lead, iron, brick and wood work, pewter and lead pipes, brass cocks, iron weights, sugar bin, stove and clay racks, pots and moulds, etc.
To be viewed the morning of Sale; and Catalogues had on the Premises, and of Mr Adamson, 58 Fenchurch Street.
(Public Ledger 20 September 1820)


To be Sold, those most desirable Freehold Premises, called Whitson Court Sugar Houses, consisting of two sugar houses, one of four, the other of two PANS, with ample stoves, cisterns, mills, floors, lofts, and warehouses to each, in complete repair, and ready for working; a cooperage, one two-stall and one four-stall stable, lofts, and coach house; a Mansion, with a large walled garden; Boiler's house and garden; a spacious yard and court, brewhouse, and two dwelling houses; an inexhaustible supply of good spring water on the premises; the whole possessing every convenience for a sugar refinery, or two separate refineries, being spacious and convenient premises, in the central part of the city, well worth the attention of any persons who may be disposed to enter into the sugar refining trade, or any business requiring room; they are well worth the attention of builders.
Apply by letter, post paid, to Mr Samuel Richards, 39 St Michael's Hill, Bristol.
(New Times 5 January 1821) [Dighton, Wait, Dymock & Co]


By Paulin and Son, at the Auction Mart, on Tuesday, April 3, at Twelve, by direction of the Executors of the late George Lear, Esq, in one lot.
THREE very valuable Sugar Houses, containing eight PANS and seven working floors, advantageously situate in BREWHOUSE LANE, near Old Gravel Lane, Wapping. The Premises are calculated for conducting a considerable business, are capable of sustaining any weight, and possess every possible convenience; with spacious warehouses, yards, men's rooms, large Dwelling House, coach house, stabling, engine house, and numerous other buildings and erections, of which the purchaser may have immediate possession. Also two Public and four other Houses in Old Gravel Lane, adjoining, the greater part of which are let on lease, the remainder to tenants at will, at £164 per annum. This valuable property is held by one lease, of the Governors of Bridewell Hospital, for a term, 56 years of which will be unexpired at Michaelmas next, at a ground rent of £88 per annum.
May be viewed 14 days preceding the sale, when printed Particulars, with Plans, may be had on the Premises; the Hambro Coffee House; of John Shaw, Esq, Christ's Hospital; at the Mart; and of Paulin and Son, Broad Street, Ratcliff.
(Public Ledger 19 February 1821)


By Mr Adamson on the premises at 19 MARTIN'S LANE, Cannon St, London, Mon 20 Feb 1821 at 11 o'clock ...
All the valuable plant and utensils in trade of a large sugar house, the property of Mr Ackroyd whose time on the premises expires at Lady Day next; consisting of 6 copper pans, 9 coolers, a clarifying cistern, copper basin, pumps, copper pewter and lead pipes, iron beam, scales and weights, lead, iron and brickwork, lime, cisterns, etc; a general assortment of pots and moulds; men's feather beds and bedding, bedsteads. To be viewed Saturday previous, and catalogues to be had on the premises or of Mr Adamson, 88 Fenchurch St.
(The Morning Chronicle 7 Feb 1821)

Mr Ackroyd had previously tried to let the then 4 pan sugar house at 19 MARTIN'S LANE, in June 1820.
(The Morning Chronicle 26 Jun 1820)


Sale by Auction, by Mr Adamson, on the premises, the corner of Maiden Lane, QUEEN STREET, tomorrow, 2 November, at Eleven.
The Plant and Fixtures of a large Sugar House; comprising three copper PANS, scum pan, two large copper syrup cisterns, pumps, syrup pipes, force pump, lead water backs and curbs, pewter and lead pipes, two lime cisterns, liquor back, mould and clay cisterns, sugar mill, cockle and pipe, a large quantity of brick and iron work, sugar bins and divisions, clay racks, syrup funnels, etc.
To be viewed on Thursday, and catologues had on the premises; and of Mr Adamson, 58 Fenchurch Street.
(Public Ledger 1 November 1821)


By Lease, by D Beddine, at the London Commercial Sale Rooms, on Friday, 30th inst, at One for Two precisely, in one Lot, by order of the Executors of Mr C Detmar, dec.
A well-built, convenient and quick-working Three-PAN Sugar House, with Dwelling House adjoining, very desirably situated on the south side of WELLCLOSE SQUARE. The Sugar House is well planned, comprising, in front, form east to west, 53ft 10in, and in depth, from north to south, on the east end thereof, 93ft 6in, on the west end, 88ft 6in, and containing six spacious floors, lump room, warehouse floor, fill house, counting house, etc; with all the valuable Plant and Utensils necessary for immediate working; the furniture and fixtures of the dwelling house and mens' rooms excepted. The Dwelling House contains ten rooms, and possesses every convenience for a respectable family. The whole of the premises are held for a term whereof nine years were unexpired on 24 June 1821, at a very low clear rent of £10 per annum. Immediate possession may be had.
May be viewed till Sale, from nine in the morning to three in the afternoon, and particulars had on the premises; at the Commercial Sale Rooms. Mincing Lane; of Messrs Druce and Son, Billiter Square; and of D Beddine, Auctioneer and House Agent, 20 New Road, near Wellclose Square.
(Public Ledger 26 November 1821)


By Paulin and Son, on the premises, nearly opposite Red Lion Street, WAPPING, this day, November 27, at Eleven, by direction of the Executors of George Lear, Esq.
The valuable Plant and Utensils, consisting of four copper PANS, a clarifying cistern, copper, lead, and pewter pipe, cockles, large lime and scum cisterns lined with lead, clay ditto, a capital two-throw water engine, two cranes and apparatus, steam box, step ladders, clay racks, a large quantity of brick work, ditto of lead and iron, and a variety of other effects.
May be viewed and catalogues had on the premises; at the Commercial Sale Rooms, Mincing Lane; and of Paulin and Son, Broad Street, Ratcliff.
(New Times 27 November 1821)


Sale by Auction, by Mr Adamson, on the Premises, 36 KING EDWARD STREET, near Great Garden Street, Whitechapel, on Monday 28 Inst at eleven.
All the Pots and Moulds, of a Two PAN Sugar House, iron beams, planks and ropes, scum weights, a brass pulley and ropes, and a general assortment of Utensils in trade. To be viewed the morning of sale, and catalogues had on the premises; and of Mr Adamson, 58 Fenchurch Street.
(Public Ledger 26.1.1822)


Sale by Auction Plant, Utensils, 16,000 Pots and Moulds, of a Two-PAN Sugar House, UPPER THAMES STREET.
By Mr Adamson, on the Premises, Joiners Hall Buildings, on Monday, February 11, at Eleven precisely.
The entire Plant and Utensils in Trade, and numerous effects; consisting of a large and general assortment of pots and moulds, in excellent preservation, two copper pans, two large coolers, clarifying cisterns, basins, two copper pumps, copper, pewter, lead, and iron pipes, lime, clay, and mould cisterns. cockles, lead, iron, and brick work, stove and clay racks, two capital iron beams, planks and ropes, weights, cart baskets, cloths, tarpaulins, mash tubs, beer casks, the property of Mr Fenn, retiring the business.
To be viewed on Saturday previous to the Sale; catalogues had on the premises, and of Mr Adamson, 58 Fenchurch Street.
N.B. The Dwelling House and Sugar House to Let.
(Public Ledger 9 February 1822)


By Mr Story, at the Sugar House situate in the BACK NEW ROAD, near the Turnpike, Cannon Street, St George's in the East, Tomorrow, the 4th instant, at Eleven.
Comprising the remaining part of the Sugar House, lately destroyed by Fire; sound stock brick work, nearly new; fir timber, in girders, joists, etc, large iron doors, nearly new cockell, with large furnace pipe, register pan furnaces, lead, Yorkshire paving and stonework, large copper, clarifying pans and cisterns, copper coolers, syrup pipes and metallic pumps, copper candy moulds, basons and ladles, long lengths of copper liquor pipe, iron wheel truck, barrows, capital screw scum press, with iron box and frame; brewing utensils, in mash tuns, casks, cisterns, etc; new improved malt mill, with metallic rollers, etc; a quantity of hops, sundry household effects, several feather beds, bedding, bedsteads, and numerous effects.
May be viewed one day previous to the Sale. Catalogues may be held on Premises, and the Autioneer, 81 Whitechapel High St.
(Public Ledger 3 April 1822)


By Drayton and Ventom, at the Auction Mart, tomorrow, April 17. at twelve, under the execution of the Sheriff of Middlesex.
The Leasehold interest in a brick-built One-PAN Sugar House of four floors, and convenient fill room, in the very centre of trade, eligibly situate in KEATE STREET, near Brick Lane, Spitalfields, with Dwelling House and Foreman's House attached, subject to the low rent of £18 per annum.
May be viewed till the time of Sale; particulars had on the premises; of Messrs Stratton and Allport, solicitors, 41 Shoreditch; of Drayton and Ventom, auctioneers and surveyors, 97 Leadenhall Street; and at the Mart.
Note: On the following day will be sold, on the premises, the whole and valuable Fittings, Stock in Trade, Furniture, etc, consisting of a copper pan, holds 26 cwt, and iron work, furnaces, and flues, lime and other cisterns, wood crane, iron beam, and planks, large quantity of pots and moulds, and every utensil necessary for the prosecution of the business. The Stock comprises pieces, bastards, and single loaves. The Furniture of the usual description.
May be viewed and catalogues had of Drayton and Ventom, in Leadenhall Street.
(New Times 16 April 1822)


By Mr Adamson at the Mart on Wed 15 May at 12 o'clock ...
The lease of two sugar houses each of 6 working floors with warehouse floors and fill-houses. A large warehouse capable of stowing 1000 hogsheads of sugar, 2 coal rooms, counting house, men's room, a family home for the principal, stabling for 6 horses, mill house, yard, and covered entrance gateway situate in GRAVEL LANE, Houndsditch, London. All held under one lease for unexpired term of 47yrs.
(The Times, 9 May 1822)
[probably Pike & Beckworth]


By T Harvey, on the Premises, in NARROW STREET, Ratcliff, on Thursday, the 13th instant, at Eleven precisely, on account of the number of Lots, without the least reserve.
Comprising all the Plant, Utensils, and Fittings-up of a Two-PAN Sugar House, 7000 pots and moulds, two large copper pans, a large copper cistern, two copper coolers, copper pumps, ladles, basons and pipes, two cast iron cockles, lead cisterns and pipes, scum press and erection to ditto, sugar mill with scraper, spindle beam and frame, fire engine, oak cisterns, a large. iron-bound cistern, wood pumps, pulley and rope, 4ft 6in beam scales and weights, partitions on lump floor, and fittings-up of working floors, racks in stove, all the fixtures in Dwelling House, counting house, and mens' dwellings, and a few lots of household furniture and other effects, which will be particularised in catalogues.
May be viewed two days preceeding the Sale, and catalogues had on the premises; at the Bull and Red Lion Inns, Whitechapel; at the Auction Mart; and of Thomas Harvey, Auctioneer, Land Surveyer, Estate and House Agent, Ilford, Essex.
(Public Ledger 10 June 1822)
[Probably E Hickson]


By Mr Adamson, on Thursday next, at One, at the Commercial Sale Rooms, Mincing Lane, in One Lot, unless previously disposed of by private contract.
A valuable Leasehold Estate, situated in DOCK STREET, Ratcliff Highway; comprising a substantially erected light Two-PAN Sugar House, built with the best materials, in complete repair, containing seven excellent working floors, a crane loft, spacious warehouse, fill house, show room, counting house, men's apartments, covered shed, and capacious enclosed yard. The whole of the valuable plant, utensils in trade, the pots and moulds, and counting house fixtures, men's beds and bedding, which is in excellent preservation, will be included in the purchase. The Lease is held for an unexpired term of 40 years, at only £50 per annum.
To be viewed till the sale, and particulars had on the premises; at the Commercial Sale Roms, Mincing Lane; and of Mr Adamson, 58 Fenchurch Street.
(Morning Chronicle 7 October 1822)


By Mr Rist, at Garraway's Coffee House, Cornhill, on Friday, the 25th instant, at Twelve, without reserve.
A valuable, compact, and sustantially erected One PAN Sugar House, built with the best materials, and in complete repair, containing four excellent working floors, warehouse, and fill house, enclosed yard, counting house and Dwelling House for the family. The whole of the valuable plant, utensils in trade, the pots and moulds, dwelling house and counting house fixtures will be included in the purchase. Held on Lease whereof 42 years were unexpired at Michaelmas 1822, at a very low rent.
To be viewed till the Sale, and particulars had on the premises; at the King's Arms, Wellclose Square; and of Mr Rist, Auctioneer, 7 Birchin Lane, Cornhill, and 39 New Bond Street.
(Public Ledger 18 October 1822)


Sale by Auction
By Mr Adamson, on the Premises, the corner of LEMAN STREET and CHAMBERS STREET, Goodman's Fields, this day, the 22nd instant, at Eleven.
The valuable Plant and Utensils of a Three-PAN Sugar House, equal to new; the whole constructed on the New Principle to work by Stream; 20,000 pots and moulds; also a quantity of New Moulds, from the Pottery at Child's Hill, Hampstead. The Plant comprises three copper pans, filtering and refining cisterns, seven coolers and condensers, fitted with pewter steam pipes and other apparatus; copper pumps, syrup pipes, basons, ladles, cullenders, lead and pewter pipes, brass cocks, lead molasses cistern, two wrought iron steam boilers, a large quantity of iron steam pipes, a Steam Engine, men's beds and bedding, etc.
To be viewed, and catalogues had, on the Premises; and of Mr Adamson, 11 Billiter Square, Fenchurch Street.
(Public Ledger 22 January 1823)


By Mr Adamson, at the Auction Mart, near the Bank of England, on Thursday, March 13, at Twelve, in three Lots.
A valuable and important Freehold Property, situated on COLLEGE HILL and MAIDEN LANE, Cheapside, a few paces only from Southwark Bridge.
Lot 1 consists of a substantially built Dwelling House, spacious hall, an excellent counting house, cellaring and paved yard, No.9 College Hill, together with a strongly timbered Three-PAN Sugar House of seven floors, a warehouse, fill house, and extensive cellaring, capable of being converted into warehouses for many extensive establishments; the whole occupying a depth of 100ft, of the annual value of £180.
Lot 2 consists of a brick built House, with a warehouse and side entrance, and paved yard behind, occupying a frontage of 22ft 4in, by depth of 34ft adjoining Lot 1, of an annual value of £_0.
Lot 3 consists of a capital new-built Dwelling House and warehouse, with spacious crane floor, a counting house, and excellent dry cellaring on the basement storey, well adapted for the business of a Wholesale Stationer, Drysalter, Wholesale Druggist, Cheesefactor, Provision Merchant, or a General Merchant. Also an excellent brick-built three stall stable, coach house and loft over, adjoining, of the annual value of £120.
To be viewed 21 days previous to the Sale, and Particulars had of Messrs Vandercom and Comyn, solicitors, Bush Lane,Cannon St; Mr Gordon, solicitor, New Bond Street, Royal Exchange; Messrs Lowless and Cross, solicitors, Hatton Court, Threadneedle Street; Mr Patten, solicitor, Hatton Garden; at the Mart; and of Mr Adamson, 11 Billiter Square.
(Public Ledger 15 February 1823)


Important Plant of Two Sugar Houses, pots, moulds, and utensils.
By Mr Adamson, on the Premises, GRAVEL LANE, Houndsditch, on Monday the 17th, and Tuesday, the 18th of February, at Eleven.
All the valuable and nearly new fixed Plant, remaining Utensils, Pots and Moulds, etc; including Five Copper PANS with brass discharging cocks, a Scum Pan, copper coolers, six-inch copper pipes with flanches, large copper and lead cisterns of considerable dimensions, a large water back lined with lead, girders and supports under, an immense quantity of copper, pewter, and lead pipes, lime mould, and clay cisterns, about 30 tons of wrought and cast iron, and 10 tons of copper, lead, and pewter, wood, stone, and brick work, two cockles with pipes, scale beams and weights, double and single purchase cranes with chains and jibs, a capital horse mill, iron safes, and numerous effects.
**The whole comprising one of the most important Sugar House Plants ever submitted to public auction.**
May be viewed and catalogues had on the Premises, and of Mr Adamson, 11 Billiter Square.
(Public Ledger 15 February 1823)
[the late Thomas Slack and family]


By Mr Ellis at Garraway's on Tuesday 18 March, by the direction of the executor of George Dettmar deceased ...
The whole of the extensive freehold premises situate on the west side of OSBORN ST, Whitechapel, London, in the occupation of Messrs Dettmar & Son sugar refiners.
A 3 pan sugarhouse of 7 floors, a 2 pan sugarhouse of 7 floors, a 1 pan sugarhouse of 6 floors, a 2 pan scum house, counting house, dwelling house for men, brewhouse, and yard enclosed by gates. A capital residence, coach house, 4-stall stable and yard. The whole of the premises are freehold and in excellent repair.
(The Times, 23 Mar 1823)


By Mr Adamson, at the Auction Mart, on Thursday, the 17th instant, at Twelve, in One Lot, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract.
The Lease of all those substantially erected Premises, situate Nos. 23, 24, and 25 LITTLE CARTER LANE, Doctors' Commons; consisting a spacious pile of Building of eight floors, lately used as a Sugar House, but might, if required, be appropriated to any wholesale business; now in hand. Also a Warehouse of five floors, adjoining, and a brick-built Dwelling House. The whole held under one Lease, for an unexpired term of 16¾ years from Lady Day last, at only £68 per annum. The Dwelling House and five-floor Warehouse are let off to excellent tenants, at £65 per annum, leaving a net rent of £3 per annum; and the eight-floor Warehouse free from rent, which is of the annual value of £70.
To be viewed till the Sale, and particulars had on the Premises; at the Mart; of Messrs Amory and Coles, solicitors, 25 Throgmorton Street; and of Mr Adamson, 11 Billiter Square.
(Public Ledger 15 April 1823)


By Mr Adamson, on the Premises, nearly opposite BROKEN WHARF, Upper Thames Street, Tomorrow, at Eleven.
All the valuable Plant and Utensils of a Three-PAN Sugar House, several thousand pots and moulds, and effects, comprising three copper pans, three coolers, copper refining cistern, lead molasses cistern, capital single purchase crane, iron beam and weights, copper pumps, filling basin, copper, pewter, and pipes, cast iron cockle and pipe, water back, lime, clay, and mould cisterns, stove and clay racks, the complete brick erection of stove and other brick work, lead and iron work, men's beds and bedding, etc.
To be viewed till the sale, and Catalogues had on the premises; and of Mr Adamson, 11 Billiter Street.
(Morning Advertiser 14 August 1823)


By Mr Adamson, on the Premises, No.68 Upper Thames Street, on Friday Jan 2 [1824], at Eleven.
All the valuable Plant and Utensils of a Three-PAN Sugar House, and 10,000 Pots and Moulds, the whole in very excellent condition, and worthy the attention of Refiners; comprising four copper pans, with brass discharging cocks and pipes; large copper refining cistern, syrup pipes, cullenders, filling basons, pumps, large lead molasses cistern, four copper coolers, lead and pewter pipes, brass cocks, a quantity of lead and iron work, oak mould, and clay cistern; two iron bound lime cisterns, stove racks, iron beam and planks, two tons of iron weights, a horse crushing mill [!], a capital double purchase crane, enclosure of lump room, fir water back, balloon cockle and pipe, brewing utensils, scum tubs, and baskets; 20 cauldrons of coals, household furniture and fixtures, and quantity of new brick work.
To be viewed the day previous to the Sale, and Catalogues had on the Premises; and of Mr Adamson, 11 Billiter Square.
(Public Ledger 13 December 1823) [John Reynold & Co]


All the Sugar House utensils, pottery, etc. Also the building, materials of two small sugar houses, warehouses, stables and other buildings attached thereto. The utensils comprise facing irons, prickers, scrapers, stamping moulds, blocks, syrups, shutes, etc, moulds and pots of different sorts, beams and scales, iron weights, sugar mills, cranes, carts, etc, counting-house desks, mahogany and other sample drawers and various useful articles.
(Bristol Gazette, 13 May 1824)
[Whitson Court Sugar House, Bristol, which was not used as a sugar house after this date.]


By Mr Adamson, at the Auction Mart, on Thursday, the 2nd Inst, at Twelve, in Two Lots, unless previously disposed of.
Lot 1. The Lease, with immediate possession, of a compact One-PAN Sugar House, capable of working 400 hogsheads annually; containing five working rooms, a warehouse, a fill house, lump and bastard rooms, a clay house, and a small warehouse; also a piece of vacant ground adjoining about 75 feet by 13 feet, situate in GEORGE STREET, WENTWORTH STREET, Whitechapel; held for an unexpired term of seven years, at only £13 per annum.
Lot 2. All the valuable plant, fixtures, and utensils in trade, pots, moulds, etc. which will be more fully described in the Particulars of Sale.
The whole to be viewed till the Sale, and Particulars had at the Mart; of Mr Bowman, solicitor, Cushion Court, Broad Street, City; and of Mr Adamson, 11 Billiter Square.
(Public Ledger 5 July 1824)


By Paulin, Son and Herne, at the Auction Mart, Tomorrow, August 10, at Twelve, by direction of the Executors of the late John Tyler, Esq.
A substantial built brick full-sized Two-PAN Sugar House, desirably situate on the south side of WELLCLOSE SQUARE, containing a light Fill House, Coal and Beer Cellars, Cistern House and Yard, a Warehouse Floor and Clay House, and seven floors over; and a brick-built House adjoining, containing five floors. The premises are held by lease for an unexpired term of 27 years from Midsummer 1824, at a ground rent of only £5 12s 6d per annum. The purchaser to take the Plant and Utensils at a valuation, and may have immediate possession.
May be viewed, when paticulars may be had on the premises; of Messrs Dennett, Greaves, Baxendale, and Tatham, solicitors, King's Arms Yard, Coleman Street; the Hambro Coffee House, Water Lane; the Mart; and of Paulin, Son, and Herne, Broad Street, Ratcliff.
(New Times 9 August 1824)


By Mr Adamson, on the Premises, OLD GRAVEL LANE, Ratcliff Highway, on 15th inst, at Eleven.
All the valuable Plant and Utensils, including two copper PANS, two coolers, copper refining cistern, copper pump, filling basons; lead, molasses, and scum cisterns; lime, clay, and mould cisterns, stove and clay racks, cast iron cockle, iron beam and weights, scum weights; copper, pewter,and lead pipes; a large quantity of sound brick work, lead and iron work, men's beds and bedding, about 5,000 pots and moulds, and numerous effects.
To be viewed on Saturday previous to the Sale, and Catalogues had on the Premises; and of Mr Adamson, 11 Billiter Square.
(Public Ledger 8 November 1824)


By Mr Hoggart, at the Mart, on Thursday April 21, at Twelve, one Lot.
The Debts with Arrears of Interest thereon from 1820 and 1821, at 5 per Cent per annum, (namely the Debt of £1061 1s 6d from the 30th of April 1821, and the Debt of £3792 18s 5d from the 29th of April 1820) are secured to Gilbert Mathison and William Jenkins, of Lime Street Square, London, merchants, and late copartners under the firm of Mathison, Jenkins, and Co, by Bond or Engagement of Charles Telfair, of the Island of Mauritius, duly registered and recorded in the Island, and also by special mortgage of a certain Estate or Domain, called Bel Ombre, situate in the Savannah Quarter in the said Island, with the buildings, Sugar House, negroes, and other appurtenances, and which Mortgage is also duly registered in the said Island. And certain other persons besides the said Charles Telfair are liable to the payment of the said Debts and Interest.
Particulars may be had of Messrs Paterson and Peile, solicitors, Broad Street; at the Mart; and of Mr Hoggart, 62 Old Broad Street, Royal Exchange.
(New Times 13 April 1825)


By Paulin, Son and Herne, on the Premises, BREWHOUSE LANE, near Old Gravel Lane, Wapping, on Monday, May 2, at Eleven.
All the valuable Materials of a large Sugar House, in Lots, to be taken down by the purchasers; comprising 100 rod of sound stock brickwork, pan and plain tiles, large fir girders, beams, joists, floor boards, sashes and frames, doors, shutters, the erection of two stoves, wrought and cast iron doors and frames, Yorkshire stone pavement, iron pillars, with caps, a large quantity of lead, iron, etc.
May be viewed on Saturday, and till the time of Sale on Monday. Catalogues may be had on the premises, and of the Auctioneers, Broad Street, Ratcliff.
(Public Ledger 25 April 1825)
[probably Lear, Handasyde & Hughes]


To Sugar Refiners -- To LET
A Compact TWO-PAN Sugar House, with Utensils, and replete with every convenience, well situated in the City of Bristol, and where Sugar Refining has been carried out for some years. The Rent is moderate, and Possession may be had on the 24th of June next.
For particulars, address (post paid) to A.B. at Mr C.Frost's, Bookseller, Bristol.
(The Courier, 4 May 1825)


By Mr Adamson, at the Auction Mart, on Monday, May 23, at Twelve, by direction of the Executors of George Wicke, Esg, jun, deceased.
A Leasehold Estate, consisting of three brick-built Houses, situate Nos.11, 12, 13, Gower's Walk, in the parish of St Mary, Whitchapel, and a One-PAN Sugar House adjoining, part let on lease, and part to tenants at will; held for an unexpired term of eleven years.
The Estate to be viewed till the Sale; and Particulars had on the Premises; and of Mr Adamson, 11 Billiter Square.
(New Times 20 May 1825)


To be LET, by the Year, on a Lease
Very extensive Premises (formerly used as a Sugar House) situate in George's St, in the Out Parish of St Philip and Jacob. They would be convenient for a Manufactory requiring room, or might, at a small expense, be altered for a Benevolent School, on a large scale, having five floors. The materials, consisting principally of excellent Oak, Timber, Stone, and Brick, would be Sold, as the same may suit any person desirous of building
The whole will be LET or SOLD, on very moderate terms.
For particulars, apply to J Mais, Custom House, Bristol.
(Bristol Mirror, 4 June 1825) (re-advertised in March 1840 with other property)


Estate for Investment ... by Paulin, Son & Herne at the Auction Mart on Tuesday August 16 at 12, in one lot ...
A most desirable copyhold estate of inheritance, equal in value to freehold, the fine being small and certain, comprising 2 large sugar houses, dwelling houses etc, situate in CHURCH LANE, near Whitechapel Church, London. The premises occupy a frontage of upwards of 100ft on the east side of Church Lane, by a depth of 50ft, are in the most complete repair, contain 8 working floors, and every requisite convenience for carrying on the refining business; at present conducted on Howard's Patent, with 5 pans, in the occupation and on lease to Thomas Hodgson for an unexpired term of 6yrs from Christmas next at a ground rent of £40 pa, at the expiration of which term the purchaser will come into possession of the very extensive and valuable property.
(The Times, 12 Aug 1825)


By Paulin, Son, and Herne, on the premises, QUEEN STREET, Cheapside, on Monday June 12, and following day, at Eleven, by order of the Proprietor.
The valuable Plant and Utensils of Two Sugar Houses, consisting of about 25,000 bastard, gathering, large and small lump and Prussian pots and moulds, four copper pans, four coolers, copper and lead clarifying cisterns, four large molasses ditto lined with lead, copper pumps, basins, and syrup pipe, an excellent hydraulic press by Bramah; a scum press, a weighing machine, beams and planks, about two tons of iron weights, three iron cranes with jibs, two cockles. a steam boiler, with copper pipe, pewter and lead pipe; large lime, clay, and mould cisterns; a large quantity of brick and iron work, the furniture and linen in men's house, and a great variety of other effects.
Maybe viewed on Saturday, and till time of Sale, on Monday and Tuesday. Catalogues may be had on the premises; the Hambro Coffee House, Water Lane; and of the autioneers, Broad Street, Ratcliff.
(Public Ledger 23 May 1826)


By Paulin, Son, and Herne, on the premises, DOBIE'S COURT. Maiden Lane, Queen St, Cheapside, on Monday June 12, at Eleven, in two Lots.
A substantial-built One-PAN Sugar House, containing a large fill house, with very extensive arched vaults, a warehouse floor, and five floors over; held for an unexpired term of 14 years from Midsummer next, at a ground rent of only £42 per annum.
A substantial-built Dwelling House opposite, containing six bedchambers, a large dining room, men's room, and cellarage; held for a unexpired term of 14 years from Midsummer next, at a ground rent of £21 per annum. The Purchaser may have immediate possession.
Maybe viewed seven days preceeding the Sale. Particulars may be had on the premises; of Mr Young, solicitor, Lincoln's Inn Fields; the Hambro Coffee House, Water Lane; and of Paulin, Son, and Herne, Broad Street, Ratcliff.
(Public Ledger 23 May 1826)


By Mr Adamson on the premises at SIZE YARD, Whitechapel Rd, Whitechapel, London, on May 25 at 11 o'clock ...
The plant and utensils of a 2 pan sugar house, including 3 copper coolers, refining cistern, filling basons, pumps, steam boiler, scum press, 2 cockles, crane, hogshead steamer, cisterns, beds & linen, 8,000 pots and moulds.
(The Times, 24 May 1826)
[probably Henry Trollop]


By Mr Adamson, on the Premises, Tomorrow, the 18th Instant, at Eleven.
The Lease of a desirable and light Two-PAN Sugar House, with Scum Pan, situate in PLUMMER'S ROW, Whitechapel; and a Dwelling House, with spacious yard, No.268 Whitechapel Road; together with all fixed valuable Plant. At the same time will be Sold, in Lots, about 15,000 Pots and Moulds, in excellent preservation; two copper coolers, copper pumps, copper filling basins, a scum press, brewing utensils, casks, men's beds and bedding, and a general assortment of utensils in trade.
The Premises to be viewed till the Sale, and the Pots and Moulds the previous day; particulars and catalogues had on the premises, and of Mr Adamson, 11 Billiter Square.
(Public Ledger 17 April 1827) [Wagentriber & Co]


To be Sold by Private Contract.
The valuable Freehold Sugar House and Warehouses, on the south side of the River Tyne, accessible by ships of considerable burden, together with a crushing mill, and other apparatus and implements of a sugar refinery. And also all those Freehold Warehouses and Dwelling Houses, near to the first-mentioned premises, and communicating therewith by a gallery across the street of WILLGATE, together with a plot of valuable ground behind, containing 1000 square yards or thereabouts. The whole affords a most desirable situation for carrying on the business of a sugar refiner, or for the establishment of a manufactory, where space and water carriage are required.
The premises may be seen, and further particulars obtained, on application to Messrs Clayton, solicitors, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, who are authorised to treat for the sale.
(Morning Herald 19 April 1827)


By Friend & Phipp on the premises at RICHMOND PLACE, East Lane, Walworth, London, on Wednesday July 11 ...
The plant, stock in trade, household furniture, and effects of Messrs Goddard, Greaves & Cope bankrupts, capillaire, spirit colour manufacturers and sugar refiners including 3 large cast iron pans of 120, 100, and 50 gallons with furnaces, 4 x 50 gallon cisterns, empty puncheons, iron bound casks, several dozen 2 and 4 gallon stone bottles, _ gallons of syrup, _ gallons of spirit colouring, a gross of claret bottles, mahogany counting house desk, 2 dogs and a cart, and more.
And much household furniture.
(The Times, 3 July 1827)


By Paulin, Son & Herne. On the premises, OLD FISH STREET HILL, Upper Thames Street, this day 2 October, and following day at eleven, by order of the proprietor.
The valuable Plant and Utensils of a SIX-PAN Sugar House, comprising about 50,000 unsoaked gathering, bastard, large and small lump and Prussian pots and moulds, six copper pans, six coolers, two copper clarifying cisterns, six large cisterns lined with lead, sirrup pipe, eight pumps, basins, and metal cocks; a large quantity of pewter and lead pipe, cockles, brick and iron work; a powerful scum press, four nearly new oak lime cisterns, lime and clay cisterns, two brewers' vats, beams planks and weights, cranes, pulling-up machines, iron doors and frames, lead pumps, a large quantity of lead, and variety of other effects,
May be viewed on Monday, and till the time of the Sale on Tuesday; Catalogues may be had on the premises; at the Hambro' Coffeehouse, Water Lane; and of the Auctioneers, Broad Street, Ratcliff.
(Public Ledger 2.10.1827)


By Mr Shuttleworth, at the Mart, on Wednesday March 5, at 12, in 2 lots ...
A Leasehold Estate, comprising a very substantial and light one-pan sugarhouse, with extensive arched vaults, a warehouse door, and 5 light working floors over. Also a very substantial dwelling house opposite, but communicating with the sugarhouse; containing numerous bed rooms, sitting rooms, cellaring, and other conveniences. The premises are desirably situate, in the centre of the grocery market, in Dobie's [Doby] Court, [at 37] Queen Street, Cheapside, and are held for terms of upwards of 12 years unexpired, at remarkably low rents, amounting together to only £63 per annum. The plant and utensils of the sugarhouse will be at the purchaser's option. May be viewed, and particulars had, 10 days previous to the sale, on the premises; of Mr Willoughby, solicitor, Clifford's Inn; at the Mart; and of Mr Shuttleworth, 28 Poultry.
(The Times, 28 February 1828)


Sugar Refining, Goodman's Fields, London, April 1828
To be Let
Premises, in the most eligible part of Refine Market, consisting of a Sugar House, fitted up to work on the late Mr Howard's Patent, with Six Horse Power Engine, Two Vacuum PANS, etc complete; annexed is a Double House, containing five small PANS, set on the old plan of working; also a very good Dwelling and Mens' House; a Well and Yard adjoining.
The Plant and Utensils to be taken at a valuation.
Immediate possession may be had.
Apply to Messrs Paulin, Son, and Herne, Broad Street Ratcliff, or Mr Lockie, Phoenix Fire Office, Lombard Street, London.
(Edinburgh Evening Courant, 14 April 1828)


Sugar House to be LET, on 24 June next
All those capital, extensive, and well arranged premises, situate in NELSON ST, the property of the late Samuel Hendeson Esg, deceased, and now in the possession of Daniel Stanton Esq, consisting of a FIVE-PAN Sugar House, Seven Stories, Warehouses, good Dwelling House, Cooperage, Stables, etc, and a small Tenement for a Superintendent.
For particulars, inquire of Henry Browne, 37 Corn St or Wintour Harris and Francis Short, Solicitors.
(Bristol Mirror, 19 April 1828)


By Paulin, Son & Herne, on the premises in RUPERT ST & LAMBETH ST, London, on Monday 25 August 1828 at 12 ...
The valuable plant & utensils of 2 sugar houses, consisting of 2 copper vacuum pans (one Howard's patent), 2 melting pans, 2 scum pans, 3 copper coolers, 3 copper clarifying and syrup cisterns, 5 copper liquor cisterns, 3 blowing up cisterns, 10 large cisterns, 2 mould cisterns, a large brass lift pump, 2 air pumps, 2 copper filters, 150 filter leaves, a 6 horsepower capital steam engine by Bolton & Watt, 3 boilers with furnaces and feeding apparatus, 2 double purchase cranes, pulling up machine, wrought iron steam box, 2 scum presses, variety of melting pots & moulds, men's beds & bedsteads, etc.
The 2 sugarhouses, with men's houses, etc, to be let with immediate possession.
(The Times, 18 Aug 1828)
[possibly J Walton]


The Fixtures and Fittings-up of a Sugar House, at Mr Pratt's late Sugar House, OLD MONTAGUE STREET, Whitechapel.
Messrs Dawson and Cafe, on the premises, on Thursday next, at Twelve.
Comprising a capital Oak Lime-Back, Coppers, ditto pipe, sugar moulds, iron crane, a ditto chest, iron beam and planks, and a turning lathe.
May be viewed tomorrow; catalogues had on the premises; and of Messrs Dawson and Cafe, 48 Great Marlborough Street.
(Morning Advertiser 19 January 1829)


By Mr Adamson, at the London Commercial Sale Rooms, on Thursday, the 26th Inst, at Twelve.
A capital, well-constructed, substantial, light, and quick working Three-PAN Sugar House (now in work), containing six excellent working floors, a warehouse, and fill house; also a One-PAN Double House, containing three working floors, a warehouse, and a fill house. A convenient Dwelling House for a principal, counting houses, boilers, and men's apartments, and other offices; an enclosed yard to hold about 60 chaldrons of coals, a spacious yard and a cooperage, situated the corner of UNION STREET, New Road, St George's, late in the occupation of Messrs Cock and Wallard, bankrupts, held for an unexpired term of 5 1/4 years, at £57 3s 9d per annum. The plant, fixtures, utensils, pots, and moulds, to be taken at a valuation.
To be viewed till the Sale, and Particulars had on the premises; at the Commercial Sale Rooms, Mincing Lane; of Mr E Chester, solicitor, Staple Inn, Holborn; and of Mr Adamsom, 11 Billiter Square.
(Public Ledger 20 February 1829)


By Paulin, Son and Herne, on the premises in ELLEN STREET, St George's in the East, on Thursday, September 24, at Eleven.
A Two-PAN Sugar House, with Dwelling House, etc, desirably situate in the centre of the Sugar Trade. The Sugar House is in substantial repair, and fit for immediate work; is most desirably situate for business, occupying two frontages, and contains two large light working floors, a warehouse floor and fill house, a dwelling house adjoining, stabling, and large yard enclosed with folding gates; now in the occupation of Mr [Cordt] Schroder, a bankrupt. A Lease will be granted for a term of 21 years, from Michaelmas day next, at an annual rent of £50. Th purchaser may have immediate possession.
May be viewed till sale; particulars may be had on the premises; of Mr Scarborough, solicitor, 20 Tokenhouse Yard; and of the auctioners, Broad Street, Ratcliff.
(Public Ledger 7 September 1829)


Beginning Oct 29, there was a series of sales of the property of Severn, King & Co, CHURCH LANE, Commercial Rd, London, beginning with premises (2 sugar houses erected a few years earlier, at great expense, fire proof, and on the most approved plan for refining by Howard's patent), then wagons, plant machinery & utensils (best quality, purchased new for about £100,000), and then assorted lots. In 1830 a residence. Bankruptcy came in 1830.
(The Times, 1829-30)


To be Let, a small Sugar House, situate at 21 Wapping, in Liverpool, late in the possession of Elizabeth Ercks and Son, with fixtures complete. The Fixtures to be taken on valuation. Immediate possession may be had.
Apply to Mr Dalrymple, 4 Exchange Alley.
(Liverpool Albion 15 February 1830)


By Paulin, Son & Herne at the Commercial Sale Rooms, Mincing Lane, London, on Tues 23 March at the direction of the trustees of John Dreyer sugar refiner ...
A 2 pan sugarhouse in HOOPER SQUARE, Goodman's Fields, in good repair and fit for immediate use, with 6 working floors, warehouse, fillhouse and yard. A short term lease of £61 5s. Plant and utensils at valuation.
(The Times, 22 May 1830)


By Mr Adamson, on the Premises, No.9 CHRISTIAN STREET, Prince's Place, Cable Street, Tomorrow, March 18, at Twelve.
About 4,000 Pots and Moulds, and Utensils in Trade; a capital new kitchen range, and other effects, consisting of scales, half-cwt and scum weights, a few Lots of Household Furniture, etc, etc.
To be viewed the morning of the Sale. Catalogues had on the premises; and of Mr Adamson, 11 Billiter Square.
(Public Ledger 17 March 1831)


By Mr Adamson, on the Premises, WENTWORTH STREET, Whitechapel, on Monday, March 21, at Twelve, by direction of the Assignees.
All the Pots and Moulds, and Utensils in Trade of a __-PAN Sugar House, etc, of Mr Thomas Manley; consisting of several thousand Prussian pots and moulds, lump pots and moulds, Hambro' moulds, single loaf moulds, bastard and gathering pots, utensils in trade, a quantity of coals, mens' beds and bedding, etc, etc. To be viewed on Saturday, and Catalogues had on the premises; and of Mr Adamson, 11 Billiter Square.
(Public Ledger 17 March 1831)


Public Sale, by Mr W W Simpson, at the Mart, Wednesday [6 July]
A freehold estate on the bank of the Thames, at Battersea, near Wandsworth, comprising the residence known as York House, approached by a carriage drive, with lawn, pleasure and kitchen gardens, ornamental grounds, ice and green houses, coach house, stable, yard, and premises; a building called the Sugar House, 108 feet in length by 48 wide, and an adjoining cottage; fixtures to be taken at a valuation, knocked down for £1,780.
(Morning Herald 30 June 1831)


By Mr John Henfree, at the Auction Mart, on Thursday, November 24, at Twelve, by direction of the Executors of the late George Wicke, Esq, of Stratford Green, Essex, and Trustees of the late Crotchread Whiffing, Esq, of Ratcliff, deceased.
A valuable Estate of Inheritance, consisting of eight brick built copyhold Dwelling Houses, with gardens, etc, opposite the Crown Inn, High Street, Aveley, Essex, let to yearly tenants at £56 per annum; and two portions of Redeemed Land Tax, amounting to £15 per annum, charged upon and payable out of the Sugar House and Residence in CHURCH LANE, Whitechapel, and Stack of Warehouses, in GOWER'S WALK, adjoining.
The Houses may be viewed until the Sale; and particulars had at the Crown Inn, Aveley; of Messrs Druce and Sons, solicitors, 10 Billiter Square; of D H Williams, Esq, solicitor, Copthall Court, Throgmorton Street; at the MART; and of the Auctioneer, 172 Shadwell.
(Public Ledger 15 November 1831)


By Mr Fuller at Commercial Sale Rooms, Mincing Lane, London, on 8 Feb 1832 at 1 for 2 ...
Mr F B King's Patent Sugar Houses in PRINCES SQUARE, St George's East [as a result of bankruptcy - see Severn, King & Co 1829/30] ... extensive property approved for the [Howard's] patent principle, on 7 floors, divided into 3 compartments for double & single refining, with pulley machine in centre, 2 stoves, lump room, cooling & filtering rooms, spacious warehouse with loop-hole doors for loading inwards & outwards, a light fill house, a substantial newly erected engine house and scum house, spacious cooperage, detached brick built sabling for 5 horses, lofts and men's dwelling, spacious yard with folding gates, and a pricipal's dwelling house at no.19 Cable St communicating with the sugarhouses. The whole under one lease of 21 yrs.
Newly built & equipped in last 2 yrs with high quality plant, machinery & utensils costing many thousands of pounds.
(The Times, 2 Feb 1832)


By Mr Fuller (late Mr Adamson) on the premises, OSBORN STREET, Whitechapel, London, on 19 Mar 1832 at 12, by the direction of the executors of Robert Dewes Esq, deceased ...
The plant and utensils of a 3 pan sugarhouse, warehouse and house fixtures, 3 refining pans, scum pan, 2 refining cisterns, 4 coolers, molasses cisterns, filling and carrying off basins, syrup pipes, ladles and skimmers, pumps and lead cisterns, 2 lime cisterns, mould and clay cisterns, water buckets, crushing mill, malt mill, brewing utensils, stove racks, cockle and pipes, pulling up machinery, warehouse cranes, scales, weights, 10,000 pots and moulds, a quantity of brickwork, etc. To be viewed on Saturday previous to the sale: catalogues to be had on the premises, and of Mr Fuller, 13 Billiter Street, Fenchurch Street.
(The Times, 15 Mar 1832)


To be disposed of in the City. The LEASE of a THREE-PAN Sugar House, fitted up with Vacuum Pans on Hodgson's Principle capable of working 4000 Hogsheads of Sugar per Annum. The lease has nearly twenty years to run, determinable at the end of thirteen years, at the option of the Tenants. The whole of the Machinery, Utensils, and Pottery, to be taken at a valuation.
The above premises will be found on inspection to be of a most complete character, and in the very best working condition, having been recently fitted up upon the most approved principles, at a great expense; presenting an eligible opportunity of rare occurrence to any person of capital, desirous of entering into a respectable and lucrative business.
To view the premises and to treat for the same, apply to Mr O Fedden, West India Broker, 15 Corn St, Bristol.
(Bristol Mirror, 9 June 1832)


To be SOLD by Private Contract
All those very extensive and desirable Freehold Premises and Wharf, situated near the Westgate Bridge and contiguous to the River Severn, originally erected as a Sugar House, and may be converted into three separate Warehouses. The first part being 34ft by 25, an 25ft high. The middle part 56ft by 34, and 6 stories high. The third part 60ft by 34, and 3 stories high, with a Wharf 21ft deep from the River Severn, and width of the whole premises, and a waggon road which from the street to the river extends 211ft.
Adjoining also to the above premises is a Leasehold property consisting of a Counting House, Stable, and two Tenements, held on a renewable lease under the Corporation of Gloucester.
The whole of the property is from its locality well adapted for carrying on an extensive business of any description.
NB. There is a Steam Engine of 10 horse power erected on the premises, which may be taken to at a valuation.
A resonable portion of the purchase money will be suffered to remain on mortgage of the premises if required.
For further particulars, and a view of the premises, apply to Mr John White, Westgate Bridge; or Mr Benjamin Bonner, solicitor, College Green, Gloucester.
(Bristol Times and Mirror, 19 May 1832)


Sale by Auction
Mr C Warton is directed to Sell by Auction, at the Commercial Sale rooms, Mincing Lane, tomorrow, October 25, at 12, valuable Freehold Property, comprising One-PAN Sugar House, very compact in its arrangements, and situate DENMARK STREET, St George's in the East, erected by a practical man, and considered one of the best working houses in the trade. It contans every necessary department for business, with detached men's rooms, etc.
May be viewed until the sale, from ten o'clock to two, and partculars had on the premises; at the Commercial Sale Rooms, Mincing Lane; and of Mr C Warton, (late Mr Hoggart), 38 Threadneedle Street.
(Public Ledger 24.10.1832)


By Mr Fuller, on Saturday March 16, and Monday March 18, at Twelve, on the premises, PHOENIX PLACE, Ratcliff Cross.
The Plant and Utensils of a Three-PAN Sugar House, and 20,000 pots and moulds; including four copper pans, four coolers, brewing copper, copper and lead pumps, copper cisterns, ladles, cullenders, quantity of lead and lead pipe, scum weights, mould and clay cisterns, a pulling machine, wheel pulleys and ropes, cockle and pipe, sugar mill, and a variety of other articles.
To be viewed on Friday previous to the sale; catalogues had on the premises; and of Mr Fuller, 13 Billiter Street, Fenchurch Street.
(Morning Herald 11 March 1833) [W Steinmetz]


Mr Shuttleworth is authorized to announce for Sale by Auction, at the Mart, on Friday, May 17, at 12, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract.
An excellent Two-PAN Sugar House, with scum pan and other advantageous appurtenances, erected in the most substantial manner, and the whole in perfect working order, commanding a very eligible situation in SUN TAVERN FIELDS, St Paul's, Shadwell, with a very convenient residence, counting house, large yard, and numerous conveniences. The estate is held on a Lease, 43 years of which are unexpired, at a low reserved rent of only £63 per annum. The Plant, etc, may be taken at a fair valuation, or included in the purchase of the Lease.
May be viewed, and particulars had, ten days previous to the sale, on the premises; of Messrs Baxendale, Tatham, Upton, and Johnson, solicitors, King's Arms Yard, Coleman Street; at the Mart; and of Mr Shuttleworh, 28 Poultry.
(Public Ledger 4 May 1833)


Bonded Sugar Houses, crushing warehouse, and raw sugar warehouse ...
To be let or sold, the extensive sugar houses and warehouses situate in GUINEA ST, Bristol. In the City of Bristol : consisting of 2 distinct sugar houses, one built for 7 pans, the other for 5 pans, together with a raw sugar warehouse, and a warehouse approved for crushing lumps for exportation; the whole in excellent repair. These premises possess every advantage and convenience for carrying on the business of a sugar refinery, in bond for exportation as well as for the home trade, the sugar houses being quite distinct and seperated by party walls. The whole of these premises, with extensive cellars, have been approved by the Lords of the Treasury as bonded warehouses, and have been fitted up at an expense exceeding £1,100; and being in a spacious court or yard, and unconnected with any other buildings, are the most secure property of the kind in the city of Bristol. This property would either be let or sold; if sold, a large portion of the purchase money might remain on mortgage.
(The Times, 3 Aug 1833)
[probably Robert Rankin]


By Mr Fuller, on the Premises, NEW ROAD, St George's East, on Thursday, Sept 26, at 1, by direction of the Assignees, in Two Lots.
The Lease of a Five-PAN Sugar House, recently erected in the most substantial manner, and fitted on the most approved plan for working by steam; comprising a single house and a double house, each with five working floors, warehouse and fillhouse, an engine house, smith's shop, countinghouse, and sample room, coach house and stabling, and men's dwelling, a spacious yard, enclosed with folding gates; the Plant, Utensils, and Machinery nearly new, manufactured of the best materials, at the cost of several thousand pounds, and judiciously planning on the most approved method for producing fine goods at the least possible expense, including five copper pans, five coolers, seven copper cisterns, six pumps, molasses cisterns, a portable steam engine, three steam boilers, condensing cylinders, air pumps, Bramah's hydraulic press, lime mould and scum cisterns, 30,000 pots and moulds, and every other requisite appendage.
To be viewed till the sale. Particulars had on the premises; at the Commercial Sale Rooms, Mincng Lane; of Messrs Blunt, Roy, Blunt, and Duncan, Liverpool Street; of Mr Cannan, Lothbury; and of Mr Fuller, 13 Billiter Street, Fenchurch Street.
(The Guardian & Public Ledger 13 September 1833)


By Mr Ventom, at the Mart, on Thurday, October 3, at 12, by order of the Proprietor, in 8 Lots.
Lot 1.
Lot 2. A desirable Copyhold Estate, adjoining the stable and warehouse, comprising a substantial brick-built Sugar House, subject to a quit rent of 2d. and fine certain of 20s, and consists of five floors, formerly six, with cellar extending from the basement, and including the principal floor for the convenience of stowing coals; the latter and floor above in hand, and the remaining four floors on lease to Mr Barratt, at £40.
Lot 3-8.
May be viewed till the Sale. Printed particulars, with plans, had on Premises; Britannia, Limehouse; Plough, Blackwall; Crown & Sceptre, Greenwich; Swan, Chelsea; Europa, Rotherhithe; Coal and Corn Exchange Coffeehouse; Commercial Sale Rooms, Mincing Lane; of H S Heatcote Esq, solicitor, 42 Coleman Street; and of Mr Ventom, auctioneer and estate agent, Angel Court, Throgmorton Street, and St Thomas's Square, Hackney; and at the Auction Mart.
(Public Ledger 24 September 1833)


The Plant of a One-PAN Sugar House, situate in BERNER STREET, Commercial Road, now in the occupation of His Majesty's Government, consisting of several thousand pots and moulds, a large patent copper pan, two large coolers, two refining cisterns, three large copper pumps, one large filter lined with copper, brass cocks, etc, complete, copper pipes, basins, wood cisterns, and other utensils, to be Sold by Tender. The Tenders to be delivered at the Customhouse on or before Twelve o'clock on Saturday, October 19, addressed to the Secretary. By order of the Commissioners.
(Morning Herald 9 October 1833)


To be Sold or Let, in Whole or in Part
Those extensive Premises in Elbe Street, Leith, formerly occupied by the subscribers, consisting of a Large Area and Yard, Cooperage, Smithy, Stable, Shade, and Warehouses, with Dwelling Houses if required; provided with a Steam Engine of eight horse power, a constant and very copious supply of Water from Wells. The Railway from the coal districts is to pass near, and the situation is excellent for Shipping Business. Part of the Sugarhouse walls remain, which may be turned to good account. Entry immediately. Apply to the person on the spot, or to Wm Macfie & Co, Edinburgh Sugarhouse, 160 Canongate.
(The Scotsman, 18 December 1833)


By Mr Fuller at the Mart on Thursday Feb 13 at 12 o'clock ...
Leasehold estates including a spacious building in 3 compartments used as a sugar refinery; a single house, a double house, a bastard house, with capability for 12 pans, a brewhouse, etc, off Calvert St and York Place, OLD GRAVEL LANE, London. Other lots including family residences, and many new-built houses, and further land. 60 yr lease.
(The Times, 17 Jan 1834)
[probably Nasmyth & Co]


On Sale
TREACLE of the very finest quality is constantly on Sale at the Sugar House, CATHERINE STREET, Whitehaven.
Apply to J H Tinken
(Cumberland Pacquet 28 January 1834)


By Mr Fuller, on Monday, Feb 17, and following day, at Eleven, on the Premises, PRINCE'S SQUARE, St George's East, by direction of the Assignees of Mr F B King, absolutely without reserve.
The Plant and Machinery of a Patent Sugar House, erected within Three year, of the best materials, and constructed on the most approved plan for refining on the principle of Howard's Patent, including vacuum PANS of large dimensions, copper heaters, powerful air pumps, three copper leaf filters, copper blowing-up cisterns, pneumatic pans, two condensing steam engines of 8-horse and 3-horse power, copper steam boiler of 20-horse power, three wrought iron steam boilers, wrought iron water tanks, large copper and lead cisterns and boiler, iron shafts, wheels, and machinery, 1,000 feet copper pipe, 1,200 feet lead pipe, 3,000 feet iron pipe, and 200 brass cocks. Large quantity of brick work, timber and iron work, 10,000 pots and moulds, household furniture, and a handsome cabriolet, painted green, lined with blue cloth, on patent axles.
To be viewed on Friday and Saturday previous to the Sale. Catalogues had on the Premises; and of Mr Fuller, Billiter Street, Fenchurch Street.
(Public Ledger 15 February 1834)


Sale by Auction, by Mr Fuller, on the Premises, Johnson's Court, RUPERT STREET, Goodman's Fields, on Monday 7 April, and following day, at eleven.
The Plant and Utensils of a Sugar House, comprising four large refining PANS , four large clearing pans, four coolers, six pumps, syrup pipes, five clearing cisterns of large dimensions, including seven tons of copper, two water backs, Shoot's force pumps, lead molasses and syrup cisterns, an hydraulic press of 1000 tons power made in the best manner and equal to new, lime, mould and clay cisterns, stem boiler, crane, scales and weights, and 20,000 pots and moulds.
To be viewed on Saturday previous to the sale. Catalogues had on the premises; and of Mr Fuller, 13 Billiter Street, Fenchurch Street.
(Public Ledger 3.4.1834)


By Mr Fuller, (this day), June 12, at 12, on the Premises, LAMBETH STREET, Whitechapel.
The Plant and Utensils of a Sugar House, comprising two large copper PANS, peculiarly adapted for refining from West India Molasses or cane juice, large refining cisterns, coolers, syrup pipes, cullenders, filling basins and ladles, large quantity of lead, iron, and brick work, a four-horse steam engine, an ornamental iron bridge adapted for a gentleman's pleasure ground, or for connecting buildings, iron doors, pulling up machine, double purchase crane, scales and weights, large water backs, brewing utensils, bedspreads and bedding, and 10,000 pots and moulds, in the best state of preservation, and suitable for Exportation.
To be viewed previous to the Sale. Catalogues had on the Premises; and of Mr Fuller, 13 Billiter Street, Fenchurch Street.
(Public Ledger 12 June 1834)


Sale Particulars of Properties in Narrow Steet, Ratcliff ...
Lot 1: Kain's Wharf etc.
Lot 2: a brick-built sugar house on the west side of the "Opening" (connecting Narrow St with Queen St) at the corner of Narrow Street.
Lot 3: Ratcliff-Cross Flour Mills
(Tower Hamlets Archives B/MIS/2/7)


By Mr Fuller, on Tuesday, July 22, at 12, at the Auction Mart, (unless previously Sold or Let by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given).
Substantial and spacious Freehold Premises, DUNCAN STREET, Whitechapel, land tax redeemed, occupied as a Three-PAN Sugar House, including seven working floors, warehouse, filter rooms, and fillhouse, a scum house or warehouse of three stories, two-stall stable and yard, with entrance by folding gates, from Half Moon Alley; 2 Dwelling Houses, Nos.11 & 12 Duncan Street, occupying altogether 81ft 6in in front of Duncal Street, and about 101ft in depth.
The Premises are in excellent repair, and possess space and capability for an extensive Manufactory, Brewery, or Distillery, and an abudant supply of water may be obtained. The Plant and Utensils may be taken at the option of the Purchaser.
Printed particulars may be had on the Premises; at the Mart; Commercial Sale Rooms, Mincing Lane; and of Mr Fuller, 13 Billiter Street, Fenchurch Street.
Public Ledger 10 July 1834)


By Mr Fuller, on Wednesday, July 23, and following day, at 11, on the Premises, SAMUEL STREET, Prince's Place, St George's East, by direction of the Trustees of Mr Vagts.
The Plant and Utensils of a Sugar House, in excellent working order, including two copper PANS, nearly new, two coolers, clarifying cisterns, copper and lead pipes, syrup pipes, filling basons, large lead cisterns, pewter pipes, a copper steam boiler, hogshead steamer, two large oak vats equal to new, oak cisterns, and fir water backs, a capital warehouse crane, iron doors, large cockle, lead, pewter, and iron pipes, a crushing mill, scales and weights, timber and brick work, men's bedding, house fixtures, and 8,000 pots and moulds. At the same time will be sold, the Lease of the Premises, comprising a substantial Sugar House or warehouse of seven stories, recently erected, a double house, store, scum house, an excellent new-built Dwelling House, suited for a Principal, three smaller dwellings, a large yard and vacant ground, affording space for erecting several houses. The whole enclosed with folding gates, held for an expired term of 80 years at low rent.
The Premises to be viewed till the Sale; and the Effects on Tuesday previous; when particulars and catalogues may be had on the premises; of Mr Horley, solicitor, corner of Berner Street, Commercial Road; and of Mr Fuller, 13 Billiter Street, Fenchurch Street.
(Public Ledger 10 July 1834)


To be Sold by Public Auction, at the Royal Oak Inn, Lancaster, on Wednesday 20 August 1834, at six o'clock in the evening.
All that large and convenient Freehold Building situate on the west side of St Leonard Gate in Lancaster, lately used as a Sugar House; together with the Counting House, Cooperage, Shed, and other Buildings, with an extensive Yard, leading to the Green Area. The main building was rebuilt in 1802, in the most substantial manner, with Baltic timber, and is six-storeys high; measures in front to St Leonard Gate 49ft and in depth backward, or the north end, 66ft of thereabouts. It is capable of being converted into a cotton, or other, manufactory. Coals and other materials may be brought by the River Lune, or Canal, which is contiguous to the premises.
Also an excellent Dwelling House adjoining, fronting St Leonard Gate, now in the occupation of James Crossfield, containing two front parlours, and a good kitchen, on the ground floor; nine lodging rooms, two dressing rooms, and spacious cellars; together with a four-stalled stable, gighouse, and other buildings, all in good repair.
Also a Cottage, behind the Dwelling House, with four-stalled stable, in the occupation of James Eastwood and others as tenants.
The whole property contains 2232 square yards.
For further particulars apply to James Crossfield on the premises, or William Robinson, solicitor, Lancaster.
(Preston Chronicle, 16 August 1834)


By Mr Fuller on Wednesday September 24 at 12 o'clock, on the premises in WELLCLOSE SQUARE ...
A steam sugar refinery comprising a spacious and substantial building of 9 floors, a single house with 6 light working floors, warehouse, fill house, and boiler house; a double house attached with 7 working floors, warehouse and fill house; a spacious family dwelling, counting house, men's dwelling, smith's shop and large yard, with two entrances from Wellclose Sq and Pell St; occupying altogether an area of 11,000 square feet, and possessing capabilities for sugar refining equal to any in London. The superior strength, durability and arrangement of the buildings, and their magnitude and situation render this property desirable for any manufacturing or warehousing establishment requiring contiguity to the Docks, the Colonial Markets or the Exchange. To be viewed till the sale. ........
........ And also by Mr Fuller, same place, same day and following days ...
The plant, fixtures and implements of a steam sugar refinery constructed on a principle superior to most others in the trade, the whole in excellent working order, comprising a copper pan, the largest in use, its capacity being equal to produce 1000 lumps per day; copper clarifying pan to contain 30 puncheons; 3 large clearing pans, 2 large clarifying cisterns, a scum pan, six coolers, molasses cistern to contain 20 puncheons, syrup and filter cisterns, copper pumps, 1000 feet copper pipe, filling basins, 300 brass cocks, large lead cisterns, pumps and sinks, 1000 feet lead and pewter pipe, 2 wrought iron cylindrical high pressure steam boilers of 20 horse power each equal to new, high pressure steam engine equal to 2 horse power, 3000 feet of steam pipe, 40 iron doors, double purchase crane, hogshead weighing machine, scales, beams, 12 tons of weights, crushing mill, pulling-up machine, hogshead trucks, stove, racks and bearers, mould clay and lime cisterns, large water cistern, 20,000 pots and moulds of the best description iron hooped, the fittings and implements of a smith's shop, the fittings of a counting house and men's apartments, iron bookcases, desks, beds and bedding, brewing utensils, house furniture, capital range, register and Romford stoves, lead cisterns, blinds, etc.
To be viewed Monday and Tuesday previous to sale; catalogues had on the premises and from Mr Fuller, 13 Billiter St, Fenchurch St.
(Morning Chronicle 2 Sep 1834)
[probably Martineau's No.48]


To be sold by private contract ...
The extensive and commodious sugar refining house and works of Messrs Lightfoot & Co situate in BATCHELOR STREET, Dale Street, Liverpool.
The house was erected by Messrs Lightfoot in 1831 of the best materials, and in a very substantial manner, for the purpose of carrying on the sugar refining business upon the most improved principle. The house is 9 stories high, and 120 feet long by 45 feet wide, and contains a complete suite of counting houses. The fires and chimneys being quite detached from the main building, this risk is accepted by the Insurance Offices at a much lower premium than ordinary refinery buildings.
The building contains 5 vacuum pans of a large size (with room for 2 more), also a condensing steam engine of 25 horse power, with 3 boilers of 30 horse power each; an excellent and never-failing spring of water and a capacious reservoir, and every requisite for carrying on the sugar refinery business on a very extensive scale. The apparatus is in perfect order, and is in use at the present time.
With the prospect of the admission of foreign sugars in bond, the present is a very desirable opportunity for investment by a capitalist or a joint stock company. The tenure is freehold of inheritance.
(The Hull Packet 26 Dec 1834)


By Mr Fuller, this day, July 27, and following day, at Eleven, on the premises, VIRGINIA STREET, Ratcliff Highway
The valuable Plant, Implements, and Machinery of a Steam Sugar House, fitted up a few years since of the most approved scientific principle, and now in excellent order for immediate use; including four copper pans, three coolers, four large clarifying and molasses cisterns, six pumps, 1000 feet of copper pipe, filling basins, cullenders, ladles, etc, seven tons of copper, 500 brass cocks from 1 inch to 3 1/2 inch, 2000 feet of steam pipe from 1 inch to 4 inch, 15 tons sheet lead, 1000 feet lead pipe from 1 inch to 3 inch, cast iron cistern 12 feet square by 3 feet deep, wrought iron cylindrical steam boiler on the improved principle 12 feet long, 60 steam valves, 50 iron doors, two double-purchase cranes and wrought iron jibs, wrought iron hogshead steamer, scales and ten tons of weights, 20 tons cast iron, 10,000 feet of racks, 5000 feet board inclosure, 1200 rail divisions, 50 rods of brickwork, a powerful scum press, two large circular oak cisterns, fir cisterns, square cisterns, 100 tiers of drying racks, iron repository, counting house fittings, brewing utensils, 10,000 pots and moulds of best quality, and numerous other valuable property.
To be viewed previous to the Sale, when catalogues may be had on the premises; and of Mr Fuller, 13 Billiter Street, Fenchurch Street.
(Morning Advertiser 27 July 1835)


By Mr Fuller, on Monday, August 31, at 11, on the Premises, PRINCE'S PLACE, New Road, St George's East.
The Plant and Utensils of a Sugar House, comprising four copper PANS, three coolers, large copper cistern, 700 feet copper pipe, copper pumps, and shoots, leas molasses cistern 10 feet long, 1,000 feet of lead pipe, 100 brass cocks from four inch to one inch, three filters, two lead cisterns 18 feet long, oak and fir cisterns, two cockles, 50 iron doors, stove fittings, 2,000 feet boarding and quartering, capital double purchase crane, scale beams, three ton weights, hogshead trucks, brewing utensils, bedding, counting house fittings, and 15,000 pots and moulds.
To be viewed on Saturday previous to the Sale. Catalogues had on the Premises; and of Mr Fuller, 13 Billiter Street, Fenchurch Street.
(Morning Herald 18 August 1835)


To be Let, on moderate terms, in the vicinity of St Katherine's Docks, a compact ONE-PAN Sugar House, with Warehouse enclosed within its own gates, with Dwelling House attached. Would suit any other business requiring covered room. For particulars inquire of Mr T Readdy, Back Church Lane, Whitechapel.
(Morning Advertiser, 1 October 1835)


Winstanley and Sons have received directions to SELL by Auction, at the Mart, tomorrow, October 21, at Twelve, the spacious Three-PAN Sugar House, desirably situate in UPPER THAMES STREET, the corner of Castle Street, lately in the occupation of Messrs Bankes; consisting of a substatially built stack of warehouses, of seven floors, besides the basement, with paved yard and counting houses; also a commodious Dwelling House for a resident partner, containing five bedrooms, and three attics, private closet, kitchen, etc.
To be viewed 14 days preceding the Sale, by applying on the premises; printed particulars may be obtained of Messrs Cameron and Rooty, solicitors, Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn; of Mr Wadeson, Austin Friars; and of Winstanley and Sons, Paternoster Row.
[Sold for £1600]
(Morning Herald 20 October 1835)


To be SOLD by Private Contract
The capital Dwelling House and Warehouse in Lewin's Mead, Bristol; the former comprising on the ground floor a parlour, closet, pantry, kitchen and back-kitchen and large drawing room above, four good bedrooms, and both sorts of water; the latter comprising a large Five-Storey Warehouse, formerly a Sugar House, with stones and crane, range of buildings, cooperage and scum house, with a large boiler, convenient counting house and stables, all in the occupation of Mr Edward Jones.
The above is Freehold, with the exception of the cooperage and scum house, which are Leasehold and held for the remained of a term of 99yrs, determinable with two good lives.
ALSO, an extensive Freehold Warehouse in Lewin's Mead, comprising very large woorkrooms, 8 large upper floors, 2 large attics, counting house and laboratory, and buildings used as a factory and mill house, 2 warerooms and stables, cooperage and warehouse of two floors, with crane.
ALSO, a very extensive Warehouse, newly erected consisting of a ground and upper floor, fornerly a Sugar House, 2 arched wine or store cellars, 2 pumps, and an entrance way for loading within the premises, all in the occupation of Messrs, George Price & Co.
The above premises, in addition to being Let at Rents which will amply remunerate a purchaser for the sum he may be required to give for them, are likely to increase greatly in value. Their central situation, a few minutes walk only from the Exchange and the Quay, will ensure for them a decided preference in event of any demand for warehouse property consequent on Railroad operations, and should these disappoint expectation it is hardly conceivable but that a property lying in the heart of the City and covering a space of ground of about 140 ft square will, in spite of any depression of commerce, soon find its just value. The ground alone, with respect to the probability of it being required for public improvements, is worth the sum at which the whole is offered, and the advertiser especially calls the attention of buyers who are disposed to calculate on improving times in Bristol to this property, as one that may be purchased without risk, and with every probability of its being double in value. There is a mortgage at present on the premises, which may in all probability be allowed to remain.
For further particulars apply to Dr Day, Hillgrove St, Bristol; or to Messrs A & J Livett, solicitors, Broad St, Bristol.
(Farley's Bristol Journal, 24 Oct 1835)


Leasehold Estate
By Mr Fuller, on Thursday, May 5, at Twelve, at the Auction Mart, by direction of the Mortgagee, without reserve.
An Improved Rent of £45 per annum, arising from a new-built Sugar House, situate No.9 CHRISTIAN STREET, St George'e East. The House is built in the most substantial manner, containing seven light working floors, lump room, stove, warehouse, fillhouse, and yard with entrance for loading from Elizabeth Street; together with a dwelling house, on lease to Mr Wolgemuth, for an unexpired term of 18 years, at £55 per annum, held for an unexpired term of 61 years, from Christmas last, subject to a ground rent of £10 per annum; net rental £45.
To be viewed till the sale, with leave of the tenant. Descriptive particulars had at the Mart; and of Mr Fuller, 13 Billiter Street, Fenchurch Stret.
(Morning Herald 30 April 1836)


By Mr Fuller, on Monday, May 16, and the following day, at Eleven, on the premises, corner of ESSEX STREET, WENTWORTH STREET, Whitechapel.
The Plant, Implements, and Materials of a Sugar House, 15,000 pots and moulds, and six tons of copper, and seven tons of lead, including three copper PANS, four coolers, two large copper cisterns, copper pumps, 300 feet copper pipe, 1500 feet lead pipe, 100 brass cocks, large lead cisterns, cockle, 20 iron doors, three furnaces, hogshead steamer, loading crane, 20 rods brick work, iron beams, five tons of weights, and a large quantity of metal and wood material.
To be viewed on Saturday previous to the Sale. Catalogues had on the premises; and of Mr Fuller, 13 Billiter Street, Fenchurch Street.)
(Morning Herald 30 April 1836)


Mr C Warton is directed to Sell by Auction, on the premises, 211 BRICK LANE, Whitechapel, on Thursday June 23, and the following day, at Twelve, all the valuable Plant and Utensils of a Four-PAN Sugar House (which has recently ceased working; comprising a capital bright condensing steam engine of four horse power, with machinery and apparatus complete; a 20 horse power wrought iron cylindrical steam boiler, a four horse ditto, two large new copper pans, a smaller ditto, three copper coolers 6 feet 4 diameter, a new copper heater 7 feet 8 diameter, copper blowing-up cistern 6 feet 3 diameter, two excellent filters, capital double-action scum press, two patent copper steam serpents and pans complete, refining cisterns, hogshead steamer and crane receiver, copper pumps, lead, copper, and pewter pipes, ladles, cullenders, cans and basins, wrought and cast iron doors, Dr Ure's patent pan with corrugated bottom; also above 12,000 pots and moulds, and the usual necessary utensils.
May be viewed two days previous to the Sale, and catalogues had at the Sugar House; also of Mr C Warton, auctioneer and estate agent, 38 Threadneedle Street.
(Morning Heald 7 June 1836) (Town & Country Advertiser 8 June 1836)


Mr Burrell will Sell by Auction, at Garraway's, on Tuesday, August 16, at Twelve, by order of the late John Tennant Esq, an Estate comprising a Sugar House and roomy premises, with two dwellings, in DENMARK STREET, Ratcliff Highway, on Lease to Mr Schlenker, sugar baker, for an unexpired term of 64 years, at £105 per annum. Premises adjoining, consisting of a cooperage and roomy premises, with four dwelling houses, Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Denmark Street, on Lease to the late Mr Muench for an unexpired term of 64 years at £105 per annum. But since the death of Mr Muench the widow has been allowed by the executors £21 per annum. This property is held for an unexpired term of 65 years from Michaelmas next, at a low rent of £105 per annum.
The premises may be viewed by leave of the tenants, and particulars had, ten days preceding the sale, of Mr Leigh, solicitor, 16 George Street, Mansion House; the place of sale; and of Mr Burrell, 13 Tokenhouse Yard.
(Town & Country Advertiser 10 August 1836)


Mr King begs to inform persons building and repairing, that he intends to Sell by Auction, on Monday, October 3, on the premises, GEORGE YARD, Whitechapel, the remaining portion of the Materials of an Extensive Sugar House, taken down and assorted in Lots; they comprise timber of the best description in girders, 30 and 40 feet long, free from mortices, long joists of all dimensions, useful quartering and rafters, 15,00 feet of warehouse floorboards, doors and sashes, plain tiles, several large stacks of fir firewood, six iron columns, and useful iron work, the whole without reserve.
They may be viewed any time previous to the Sale, and catalogues had on the premises; and of the Auctioneer, 4 Commercial Road.
(Morning Advertiser 30 September 1836)


By Mr Fuller, on the premises, GLOUCESTER STREET, Commercial Road, on Monday Oct 17, at Twelve, by direction of the Executors.
The Plant, Implements, and Material of a Sugar House, including Two Copper PANS, two coolers, clarifying cistern, 100 feet of syrup pipe, syrup stools, pumps and pipes, ladles, lead molasses cistern, fresh water cistern, 300 feet lead pipe, 20 iron doors, cockle, two oak lime cisterns, lump room rails, 500 feet boarded enclosure, double purchase crane, scales, three tons iron weights, mould and clay cisterns, pulling up machine, large quantity of brick and iron work, malt mill, brewing utensils, and 8000 pots and moulds.
To be viewed on Saturday previous to Sale; catalogues had on the premises; and of Mr Fuller, 13 Billiter Street, Fenchurch Street.
(Morning Herald 11 October 1836)


By Mr Fuller on the premises on the corner of ELLEN ST & LOWER BERNER ST, Commercial Rd, London, on Thursday 13 October at 11 o'clock ...
The plant, implements & materials of a sugarhouse : comprising a wrought iron steam boiler of 8 horsepower, 3 copper cisterns, cooler, patent copper serpent boiler, vacuum pan, copper pipes & pumps, 2 force pumps, 4 lead cisterns, lead pipe, 50 brass cocks, patent filter, 2 wood filters, hogshead steamer, syrup stools, 3 wrought iron cisterns, cast iron condensing box and apparatus, 13 copper candy pots, copper heater, copper blowing-up pipes, filling basins, 306 pots & moulds, 200ft boarded enclosure, house & counting house fixtures, etc.
(The Times, 13 Oct 1836)


To be Sold by Auction, by Mr Wall, on Tuesday, 14th of March, at No.5 PETER STREET, Bristol, (by order of the Assignees)
The Stock in Trade, Household Furniture, etc, of Mr D W Hall, a bankrupt;
Comprising new and secondhand glazing sashes and frames, skylights, pannelled doors, glazed ditto, shop sashes and shutters, spring trucks, window machine, bullions and other glass, putty stone, paint stone, window lead, cucumber glass, fanlights, Sugar House Sashes and Frames, bins, shelves benches, and various other effects.
Sale to commence at Ten o'clock, with Furniture; and the Stock at Twelve.
(Bristol Mirror 11 March 1837)


By Mr Fuller in a short time, at the Auction Mart, in consequence of the dissolution of a partnership ...
A spacious sugar refinery, situate in LEMAN STREET, the corner of Hooper Square, completely fitted with plant on the patent principle, and machinery of best description, forming an establishment, which for arrangement, adaptation, and capability is equal, if not superior, to any other in the kingdom, and in perfect order ........................
(Morning Chronicle 1 Apr 1837)

By Mr Fuller on Wednesday 14 June at 12 o'clock, at the Auction Mart, in consequence of the dissolution of a partnership ...
An extensive sugar refinery in LEMAN STREET, completely fitted with apparatus and machinery on the patent principle, manufactured in the best manner at a cost of £80,000, constructed to combine all the improvements in the process of refining at the present time, and equal to the manufacture of 5000 hogsheads per annum, forming an establishment, which for arrangement, adaptation, and capability, surpasses most other houses in the trade.
The buildings comprise a range of 3 spacious refineries, fitted with 7 vacuum pans of large dimensions, and 10 heaters.
A melting house fitted with 4 melting pans. A filtering house with 6 filters on Howard's principle, 60 large copper cisterns, 3000 feet of copper pipe, 600 brass cocks, 20 pumps.
3 engine houses, with 14, 6, 2-horse power steam engines, 9 vacuum pumps, 3 steam boilers of 30 horse power each, 2 Brunton's supplementary boilers, 1200 feet of shafting, requisite spur and other wheels, 6000 feet of steam pipe, and cocks to heat the various floors, work the pans, and supply the requisite power in all parts of the premises.
A well of fine spring water 150 feet deep, recently constructed, worked by a 6-horse engine. 2 iron water tanks to hold 20,000 gallons each. Hydraulic press, 1000 tons power, cranes, scales and weights, pulley machines, hogshead steamer, crushing mill.
A brewery, cooperage, smiths', carpenters', and engineers' shops, completely fitted with fixtures, implements and materials; principal and clerks' counting houses and fittings; men's dwelling house with accommodation for 50 men; fire engine house, stabling, coach house, and spacious yard. The whole enclosed with a brick wall and folding gates.
2 dwelling houses in Leman Street and 30,000 pots and moulds.
The premises are held for an unexpired term of 15 years at a low rent. The freehold may be had if required. A complete refinery equal to any in this country, which may be immediately worked on its present site, or removed, at a comparatively trifling cost, to any part of Europe.
To be viewed till the sale by tickets.
(Liverpool Mercury 19 May 1837)
[probably Cotton & Thellusen No.84]


By Mr Fuller, on Monday, June 5, at Eleven, on the premises, No.30 WELLCLOSE SQUARE, Cable Street, St George's in the East.
The Plant, Material, and Utensils of a Three-PAN Sugar House, four tons copper, comprising three large pans, four coolers, large clarifying cistern, 100 feet pipe, four pumps, 10 filling out basins, 50 cocks, ladles, etc, large lead molasses cistern, two tons lead, 300 feet pewter and lead pipe, lead pump and pipes, pulling up machine, double purchase crane, two large iron beams and planks, two tons iron weights, crushing mill, cast iron scum press, three furnaces, 20 iron doors, cockle and fittings of stove, 10 rods brickwork, 1000 feet clay racks, lump room rails, sugar bins, mould and clay cisterns, two lime cisterns, water back, iron book case, three cwt string, 1500 pots and moulds, dwelling and men's house, fixtures, two ranges, two coppers, malt mill, register and Romford stoves, lead cistern, feather beds and bedding, etc.
May be viewed on Saturday previous to Sale; catalogues had on the premises; and of Mr Fuller, 13 Billiter Street, Fenchurch Street.
(Morning Herald 23 May 1837)


By Mr Fuller at the Auction Mart on Wednesday 30 Aug at 12 o'clock, in one lot by direction of the proprietor ...
A patent sugar refinery situate in BETTS STREET, Ratcliff Highway, London, consisting of 5 stacks of substantially built warehouses, of 7 light working floors, each completely fitted with apparatus for refining by the latest approved methods, and possessing capabilities for refining 3000 hogsheads per annum. Includes 3 large vacuum pans and 5 heating pans, 5 copper filters, 3 blowing up cisterns, 20 copper liquor cisterns, 2 molasses cisterns, 10 large lead cisterns. An engine and boiler house fitted with a 6 horse power steam engine, 3 steam boilers to heat the floors and work the pans, etc. A well 140 feet deep with 2 pumps, 8000 pots and moulds, 5000 wrought iron moulds.
Principal's dwelling house, men's dwelling house and large yard with folding gates.
The whole in the best possible order and fit for immediate use. The premises are held for an unexpired 30 years, subject to ground rent.
To be viewed with tickets only.
(The Hull Packet 11 Aug 1837)


To be Sold by Auction, by Mr Ventom, on the premises, WELL STREET, Goodman's Fields (by order of the Assignees of Sable Henry Jonas); on Wednesday 13 September, at Eleven.
Part of the Plant and Utensils of a Double Sugar House (recently fitted up on the new principle), comprising wrought iron liquor cisterns; wood ditto, lined with lead; a large molasses cistern; Schroder's double patent filter; 300 filter bags; 1000 feet of 6 inch steam pipe; a nosing machine; a ditto brushing off machine; four iron braces for coolers; four barrels of lime, etc. Also, a new six horse power Steam Engine (by Hague), eight horse and twenty horse power cylindrical wrought iron boilers; counting house fittings, and other effects.
May be viewed the day previous to the morning of sale, when catalogues may be had on the premises; of D Cannan, Esq, official assignee, Sanbrook Court, Basinghall Street; of Messrs Heathcote and Holman, solicitors, Coleman Street; and of Mr Ventom, Angel Court, Throgmorton Street.
(True Sun 4 September 1837)


By Mr Fuller on the premises of 10 BETTS ST, Ratcliff Highway, London, on Thursday 14 September at 12 o'clock ...
The plant of a patent sugar refinery, nearly new : including a large vacuum pan and heater of the most improved construction, copper blowing-up cistern, worm, pneumatic pan, filter, circular copper cistern, set vacuum pumps, high pressure steam engine and boiler, wrought iron waggon, steam boiler of 4 horsepower, Fawcett's patent steam condenser, copper & lead pipe, 2 large lead molasses cisterns, pulling-up engine, 20 iron doors, the fittings of a stove, 2 large wrought iron cisterns, a patent bottle washing machine, 10 gross of bottles, house fixtures, etc. At the same time to be sold : a newly-built brick dwelling house unfinished adjoining the sugarhouse, and a lagre yard enclosed with folding gates. Held for an unexpired term of 50 yrs, subject to a ground rent of £6 per annum.
(The Times, 9 Sep 1837)


To be Sold, pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in the case "Warren v Buck".
By Mr Hoggart, at the Auction Mart, on Friday next, October 13, at Twelve.
A Leasehold Estate, situate in HAYDON'S YARD, now known as St Mary's Street, Whitechapel, comprising a spacious and convenient dwelling house, a substantial Sugar House, and warehouses of seven floors, with cellars in the basement; in the rear is a yard with counting house, mill house, warehouse, and sheds. The whole property is held under a lease for 61 years from Midsummer 1803, at the annual rent of £70, exclusive of plant and utensils, and is underlet at an approved yearly rent to Mr Burnell, for 21 years from Christmas 1831, determinable at the end of the first seven or 14 years.
May be viewed, and particulars may be had at the said Master's Chambers, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane; of Mr Parnell, solicitor, Church Street, Spitalfields; of Messrs Allen and Mortimer, solicitors, Clifford's Inn; at the Mart; and of Mr Hoggart, 52 Old Broad Street, Royal Exchange.
(Morning Herald 10 October 1837)


By Mr Fuller, on Thursday, February 22, at Twelve, on the premises, SEVEN STAR COURT, Rosemary Lane, by direction of the Executors.
The Plant and Utensils of a Sugar House, including copper pans, coolers, refining cisterns, molasses cisterns, pumps, lead cisterns, copper pipe and brass cocks, iron doors, cockle and pipes, large wood cisterns and water backs, double purchase crane, scales and weights, etc,.
To be viewed on Wednesday previous to the Sale; catalogues had on the premises; and of Mr Fuller, Billiter Street, Fenchurch Street.
(Morning Herald 13 February 1838)


Mr W H Roberts is directed to sell, at the Mart, on Wednesday, March 28, at Twelve, a desirable Freehold Investment, arising from a capital Sugar House and Premises, DENMARK STREET, leading from the Back Road to Ratcliff Highway, St George's, let on Lease to Messrs Thompson and Co., at £21 per annum.
May be viewed by leave of the tenant, and particulars had on the premises; of Mr Scarborough, 19 Tokenhouse Yard, City; at the Mart; and of the Auctioneer's Office, Dean Street, Finsbury Square.
(Morning Advertiser 15 March 1838)


To be Sold or Let
A Sugar House, Warehouse, and Offices, situate in TEMPLE STREET, in Liverpool, containing 3 Vacuum PANS, Coolers, Filters, Moulds, Pots, and other Utensils complete. Together with a Steam Engine, 2 Boilers, and a plentiful supply of water on the premises ready for immediate work.
The above Premisis are Freehold of Inheritance; the Land upon which they are erected, including the Yard, contains 826 square yards or thereabouts. Part of the purchase money may remain on Mortgage.
Apply to Mr W P Hutchinson, on the Premises, or to Messrs Shackleton, Wright and Hunter, Brunswick Street, where a Plan of the Premises may be seen.
Also to Let, a small Warehouse in Redcross Street, opposite the Crown Chambers. Apply to Mr W P Hutchinson, Temple Street. (One concern)
(Gore's General Advertiser 31 May 1838)


By Mr Fuller, on Monday, October 15, at Twelve, on the premises, No.6 DOCK STREET, Rosemary Lane
The Plant and Utensils of a Sugar House, Two copper PANS, two coolers, clarifying cistern, 100 feet copper pipe, 150 feet lead pipe, capital double purchase crane, 10 iron doors, cockle and pipe, 20 cwt weights, pulling up machine, fittings of stove, wood cisterns, iron bedsteads, and 4000 pots and moulds, in excellent working condition.
To be viewed on Saturday previous to Sale; catalogues had on the premises; and of Mr Fuller, 13 Billiter Street, City.
(Morning Herald 6 October 1838)


Mr Cafe will Sell, by order of the Executors of Mr Sainchbury, at Garraway's, on __ June, at Twelve, a secure Ground Rent on the Mulberry Tree Public House, 21 Houses in Great and Little Mulberry Streets, the SUGAR HOUSE in GREAT HOLLOWAY STREET, and 4 Houses in Union Street, Whitechapel.
Particulars will be ready in a few days, and may be had of Messrs Fynmore, Clarke, and Fladgate, solicitors, Craven Street, Strand; of Mr Bush, surveyor, Lisson Grove; at Garraway's; and of Mr Cafe, Great Marlborough Street.
(Morning Herald 1 June 1839)


Public Sale, by Mr John Hind, at Garraway's
A freehold Sugar House, with Dwelling House adjoining, situated in DENMARK STREET, New Road, St George's, Middlesex ... £990.
(Morning Herald 23 July 1839)


By Mr Fuller on the premises on the corner of RUPERT ST & GT ALIE ST, London, on Monday June 29 at 11 o'clock ...
The plant, machinery & utensils of a sugar refinery; a six foot vacuum pan, melting pan, vacuum pump, open copper boiling pan, 2 coolers, blowing-up cistern, liquor cistern, filter fitted with caps & rings, copper molasses cistern, 2 horsepower high pressure steam engine, Fawcett's patent cast iron cylindrical steam boiler, in compartments 21 ft long, a wrought iron boiler, a pulling-up machine, capital single purchase crane, hogshead trucks, hogshead steamer, oak cisterns, 10,000 pots & moulds, 2 town carts, grocery utensils, coffee roasting machine, sugar crushing machine, copper scales & weights, truck, japanned canisters, and the remaining stock in trade, counting house and house fixtures, etc.
(The Times, 10 Jun 1840)


By Mr Fuller on the premises in LEMAN ST, London, on Monday July 15 at 11 o'clock ...
Freehold premises to be sold covers about 35,000 sq ft, in 5 stacks of warehouses, plus other buildings, a well and a yard, as well as 2 dwelling houses, a liquor store and a public house.
The plant, machinery & utensils of this extensive sugar refinery include 7 copper vacuum pans (Howard's patent), 14 copper melting pans, 7 copper blow-up cisterns, 50 copper liquor and syrup cisterns, 6 Howard patent copper filters, 3 portable condensing steam engines, 2 Brunton's patent wrought iron boilers with self-acting furnaces, 2 high pressure steam boilers 22' 6" long, 2 capital pulling up engines, seven portable vacuum pumps, a capital hydraulic press of 1000 tons pressure, hogshead weighing machine, 50 wrought and cast iron doors and frames, sugar crushing mill, 2 fire engines, a malt mill, 50 beer casks, 30 wrought iron bedsteads, 40 feather beds and bedding, 4000 pots and moulds, 1000 iron moulds, etc..
(The Times, 10 Jun 1840)
[probably Cotton & Co No.84-7]


To Be LET, and entered upon 24 June next
All the extensive and commodious Premises situate in Thomas St, and Canynge St, Portwall, Bristol, at presents and for nearly 20 years in the occupation of Messrs Lediard, Jones, and Mortimer, salters.
Comprising an excellent and convenient Dwelling House in Thomas St, also a lofty Building behind, formerly used as a Sugar House with capacious warehouses and sheds, and small Dwelling House in Canynge St, adjoining.
These premises have an entrance both from Thomas St and Canynge St, the latter within 300yds of the Great Western Railway Station. They extend in depth from Thomas St about 230ft, and in width about 75ft, and are well suited for any manufacturing or other concern requiring room.
For particulars apply to Mr Thomas Stiff, 29 ?ff St; or to Messrs A & J Livett, solicitors, ? St, Bristol.
(Bristol Times, 30 May 1840)


Messrs Thomas Winstanley and Sons are directed by the Assignees of Richard and John Buggeln, to Sell by Auction, on the Premises, WILLIAM STREET, near Dale Street, on Monday 25 inst, at Twelve o'clock precisely, in One Lot, or according to the printed catalogue, if not previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given.
The valuable Fixtures, Fittings-up, Machinery, and Utensils of the above Extensive Establishment, consisting of a capital six-horse steam engine, two large iron boilers, force and well pumps, shafting, etc, a large and valuable copper vacuum PAN, with air pumps, three-inch worm and fixings on the most approved principle, three blow-up pans, an iron pan fitted with copper worm, etc, two large iron cisterns 10 feet by 4 feet, one ditto, 8 feet by 6 feet, two ditto, 8 feet by 4 feet 8 inches, a large iron liquor ditto, and others of iron and wood, _ with lead of different dimensions, two lead foul liquor pumps with piping, a new brass cylinder, well pump, a twenty pancheon treacle cistern, an excellent crushing mill with shafting, a copper blow-up pan for syrup, copper cooler, four iron bell filters and a large wood ditto, _ with lead, a large quantity of two and three inch copper piping, a number of large brass taps, 70 to 80 iron charcoal pots, 1,600 iron moulds, 7,000 earthen pots, iron steam and water pipes, scale beams and weights, smithy tools, fillhouse ditto, and a great variety of implements and utensils suitable for the sugar-boiling business; together with the gas fittings, office fixtures, iron bookcase, etc.
The whole to be viewed on Friday 22nd, and Saturday 23rd inst, when catalogues may be had on the Premises, and of Thomas Winstanley and Sons, Church Street.
(Carlisle Patriot 16 January 1841)


Postponement of Sale of Machinery, Utensils, etc, of Messrs Buggeln's Sugar House, William Street, Liverpool.
Messrs Thomas Winstanley & Sons are desired, by the Assignees of Richard and John Buggeln, to announce that the Machinery, Utensils, Fixtures, etc, of the Sugar House, William Street, advertised to take place on Monday the 8th, are disposed of by private contract.
(Carlisle Patriot 6.2.1841)


By Mr Fuller, Tomorrow, March 6, At Eleven, on the premises No.9 CHRISTIAN STREET, St Geo East.
The Plant and Utensils of a Sugar House. Copper PAN, two coolers, copper pump, 100 feet syrup pipe, lead molasses cistern, lead pump, 200 feet lead pipe, 20 brass cocks, cockle and pipe, six iron doors, double purchase crane, iron beams and planks, one ton weights, capital oak lime cistern, strong town cart, hogshead truck, and strong pony; 3000 pots and moulds.
To be viewed on Friday previous to sale; catalogues had on the premises; and of Mr Fuller, 13 Billiter Street, Fenchurch Street.
(Morning Herald 5 March 1841) [Conrad Wolgemuth]


Dundee Sugar House ... The whole stones, wood, slates, tiles, windows, doors, old metal, iron, lead, and spouts, etc; 400 feet of cast iron pipes, 5 and 6 inches in the bore; chains, crabs, and other tackle; a steam engine six horse power, and a great quantity of hung shafts, all in working order; buckle chain, with driving gear, for lowering goods from top to bottom of the house; one crane that lifts 3 tons; a number of thousands of sugar moulds that would do for drain tiles; and a great many thousands of drip cans that would hold water, etc; 10 cast iron doors, 5 feet 4 by 2 feet 7, that would do for safes or other fire-proof places; 2 sugar mills, one of which would suit a confectioner; a new stack 110 feet high built of brick: also almost 100,000 old and new common bricks, and a quantity of fire brick, and a number of other useful articles. The whole will be sold at a very small price, as they must be removed in a very short time.
Apply to David Davidson, slater, West Port; James Wilson, merchant, Green Market; or at the Sugar House, where attendance will be given from ten morning till six at night.
(Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser, 14 May 1841)

Many thousands of sugar moulds were still being advertised nearly a year later. (1 Apr 1842)


For Sale by David Couty, at the direction of the Trustees, on the premises at PARSONS ST, Ratcliff Highway, London, on Wednesday May 26 ...
The plant & utensils in trade of a patent sugar-house; comprising a 4 horsepower high pressure steam engine, 2 30' high pressure boilers, 1 copper vacuum pan & pump, copper heater, Schroder & Derosnes filters, blow up cisterns, filter bags, 4 lift pumps, wrought & cast iron liquor cisterns, molasses copper & lead cisterns, lime cistern, water back, 10,000 pots & moulds, 4,000 iron moulds, 2 steam presses, crane & jib, beam & weights, paper, men's bedding & linen ... and more.
(The Times, 24 May 1841)
[probably Wackerbath & Colling]


To be sold by private contract or let on lease ...
The extensive freehold premises, heretofore used as a sugar refinery, most eligibly situate in the flourishing seaport town of Hull, together with all machinery and apparatus, fitted with every improvement to the present time and now in complete order and ready for immediate work, offering a most favourable opportunity for any party desirous of commencing this business. Or the proprietors would be willing to sell the entire apparatus for removal or exportation, comprising 2 large vacuum pans each 7 feet diameter, 6 copper heaters, 6 copper filters, 5 large copper cisterns for grain charcoal, 2 steam engines, 20 and 8 horse power, 7 steam boilers, together with all other suitable utensils and machinery for carrying on the sugar refinery business on a very large scale. The premises are admirably adapted for any business requiring extensive accommodation. They are situate on the banks of the River Hull having a very considerable extent of frontage to the river.
For further particulars, and permission to view, application may be made on the premises; or in London at the office of Messrs James Gadsden & Son, 2 Gt St Helen's.
(The Hull Packet 10 Dec 1841)
[With Gadsden's involvement in Hull being his running of the Thornton, Watson sugarhouse in LIME STREET in its later years, I assumed this advert was for the Lime St sugarhouse complex, however it lacks detail regarding the rest of the site. In 1844 the Lime Street site was (maybe again) offered for sale ... see below]


To be Let or Sold, the well-known Patent Sugar Refinery, situated in BLACK FRIARS, Bristol, on which a very large sum has been expended during the last ten years.
The premises consist of two very large refininhg houses, containing three vacuum PANS of the largest sizes, embodying all the recent improvemants, charcoal discolouring filters, Shroeder's filters, well arranged liquor and syrup cisterns, two stoves, two powerful hoisting apparatus, steam pipes on every floor, etc; the whole worked by a modern high-pressure engine of 50 horse power, with very ample boilers. The supply of water in unlimited. The arrangements of the whole are so complete that 120 hogsheads of sugar per week may be worked with ease.
As the season has just commenced by the arrival of several vessels with the first crop of sugar, the opportunity now offered is a favourable one.
For further particulars, etc, apply to Messrs Feddon and Morcom, brokers, Bristol.
(Public Ledger 14 June 1842)


To be Let or Sold, the Offices, Yard, and extensive Premises, at present occupied as a Sugar House, by Messrs T Downward and Co, covering nearly 900 yards of land, and having frontages to RUMFORD PLACE and FAZAKERLEY STREET.
Also to be Let, a commodious Suit of Offices on the Ground Floor, with a Warehouse Room attached. Apply to L Graham, Rumford Place.
(The Albion 8 May 1843)


To be Sold by Private Contract, that valuable plot of freehold land, the site of the late Sugar Refinery, with a frontage to MATTHEW STREET and HARRINGTON STREET, containing about 2700 yards, with Warehouses and Dwelling House remining thereon.
Also the plot facing on north side of Matthew Street, with five Cottages, Warehouse, and Cooperage thereon, containing 740 yards.
About two thirds of the purchase money may remain on mortgage, at four per cent.
Apply to Brancker & Co, North John Street.
(The Albion 11 March 1844)


To Be LET, for a Term of Years
All the extensive Sugar House and Premises situate near Stone Bridge, Head of the Quay, Bristol, now and for many years past in the occupation of Messrs. Holden, Vining & Co Sugar Refiners (the partnership being lately dissolved by efflux of time); fitted up in the most complete manner, at great expense, with Plant and Fixtures upon the newest principle, including Charcoal Ovens, Cisterns, and Utensils for immediate use, and capable of working between 3000 and 4000 tons of Sugar annually.
The Plant and Fixtures to be taken at a price to be agreed upon between the parties, or at a valuation by disinterested persons.
To be seen by tickets only, which may be had on application at the Counting House between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock.
(Glasgow Courier, 21 May 1844)


By Messrs Southey and Son.
A Freehold Sugar House, situated in Pembroke Street, Ratcliff Highway. £480.
(Morning Herald 19 June 1844)


To be sold by private contract ...
The extensive premises known as the sugar refinery, situate in LIME STREET, in the Groves, in the Borough of Kingston-upon-Hull, comprising altogether 2a. 3r. 2p. of land, having a frontage on the River Hull of 230 feet and being near the site of the new Victoria Dock. The property may be described as follows:- A stack of 3 warehouses fronting the R. Hull, 2 containing 3 floors each, 1 containing 4 floors, with 2 wharfs and a large yard. The warehouses communicate by 2 bridges over Lime Street with the Sugar houses, which are immense buildings, 8 storeys high, with all requisite wells and reservoirs for water, a steam engine of 18 horse power, with boilers complete, and a manager's residence, orchard and garden - the ground plot of above being 10,392 sq yards. Adjoining and communicating with the sugar refinery is an extensive soap manufactory, arranged for the manufacture of both hard and soft soap, the buildings of which are of very great extent, and having connected therewith 2 good residences for principals or superintendents, the area whereof comprises 3,816 sq yards. The ground plot of the whole of this important property is well adapted, from situation and extent, for the erection of flax and cotton mills or any other manufacturing purpose, and the frontage upon the R. Hull affords the most ready and convenient means of receiving and shipping the goods. There is also a considerable frontage to the street by which means goods and merchandise may also be readily received and delivered. The warehouses are adapted for the storing of all kinds of merchandise, and the steam engine and plant connected with it are suitable for a seed crusher or for any other purpose. The supply of good water is abundant. The whole of the above may be treated for in one lot, or the sugar refinery with 2 of the warehouses without the soapery. The whole property is freehold. Applications to view may be made to Mr Stamp, 12 Market Place, Hull, who will furnish all the particulars.
(The Hull Packet 20 Sep 1844)
[Thornton, Watson & Co ... sold, and fatally used as a flax/linseed warehouse.]


By Mr Fuller, 20 June 1844, and ...

By Mr Fuller, on Thursday 24 July, at 12 o'clock, at the Auction Mart, London, under the direction of the mortgagees, under a power of sale ...
A freehold sugar refinery, situate in SHEFFIELD, within 200 yds of the Sheffield & Manchester Railway, and will shortly be connected by railway communication now in progress with the principal ports and counties of England, erected 10 yrs since and fitted with machinery, plants and implements, constructed on the most approved principles, possessing capabilities for processing 3000 hogsheads of sugar per annum, or 6000 puncheons of molasses, at much less expense than can be done in London. Coal is produced in the immediate neighbourhood at the price of 4s a ton. An ample supply of water free of expense; and the freight of goods from London only 14s a ton, thus enabling this establishment to supply any amount of goods at lower prices than the London market, at the same time, with a large remunerating profit, and there being no other refinery (except at Goole) nearer than London, secures all the advantages of the inland trade within an extensive circuit.
The premises comprise 7 working floors, each 63 ft by 34 ft and 7 ft high, excepting the warehouse, which is 14 ft high, a yard about 90 ft by 60 ft, and 2 cottages, and are fitted with 2 vacuum pans, 4 heaters, 4 Howard filters, 4 blowing up cisterns, 4 pneumatic pans with large air pumps, 20 hp steam engine, 2 steam boilers erected outside the building, 2 vacuum pumps and pipes, pots and moulds, liquor and water cisterns, mould cisterns, and all other requisites for the business, nearly new, and manufactured of the best material, at the cost of many thousands of pounds.
Also a brick-built warehouse of 2 floors about 50 ft long, showroom, counting house, dwelling house, stables, and warehouse in the rear, and spacious yard, enclosed with folding gates.
To be viewed till sale; and particulars may be had on the premises...etc.
(Morning Chronicle 19 Jun 1844 ... and ... Liverpool Mercury, 18 July 1845)
[probably A W J Cavalier]


For Sale by public roup, within the Baltic Coffeeroom, Dundee, on Friday the twenty first day of March, at twelve o'clock noon, if not previously disposed of by private bargain.
A Ground Annual of £52 10s, payable out of all and whole that valuable piece of ground situated betwixt Sugar House Wynd and Queen Street, Dundee, which formerly belonged to the Dundee Sugar Refining Company, and was sold by them to Mr Miller Berrie.
The Ground Annual is amply secured by extensive buildings erected by Mr Berrie on the property.
Further information may be obtained on application to Mr Robert Leslie, merchant, Dundee; or to Messrs Shiell and Small, writers there. Dundee, 17 February 1845.
(Dundee Courier 18 February 1845)


There will be exposed to sale, by public roup, within the White Hart Inn, here, on Wednesday 26 March at 1 o'clock ...
That sugar refinery situate in KER STREET, here [Greenock], consisting of 6 stories and garrets, as last occupied by Messrs James Fairrie & Co, with the engine, boilers, pipes and whole machinery belonging to the property. ... John Herriot, Auctioneer.
(Glasgow Herald 24 Feb 1845)


To be Sold by Public Roup, within the Tontine Inn, Greenock, Wed 11 June, at one o'clock.
That large and commodious Sugar Refinery, forming the corner tenement of Sugarhouse Lane and Vennel of Greenock, as possessed for many years [from 1829] by Messrs McLeish, Kayser & Co. It contains 4 Copper Vacuum PANS, 6 Copper Heaters, 7 Filters, and numerous Cisterns; a Hoisting Machine, and every other adjunct and convenience required for carrying on a large business. It is heated by 3 Steam Boilers, and wrought by a Steam Engine of 12 horse-power.
For further particulars, apply to Henry Tower Patten, Writer, Greenock, in whose hands are the Title Deeds and Articles of Sale.
(Greenock Advertiser 13 May 1845)


To be Sold by Public Roup, within the Tontine Inn, Greenock, Wed 21 May, at two o'clock.
!st. That Compact Sugar House in Roxburgh Street, Greenock, presently occupied by Messrs Connal & Parker, with Engine Houses, Cooperage etc atteched. Within walls the House is 38ft long and 36ft wide, is 8 storeys in height, and contains 2 PANS with the requisite Heaters, Filters, Cisterns, Hoisting Machine etc. The Machinery is wrought by a Steam Engine of 8 Horse Power.
This work has been built and fitted up in the most approved and substantial manner, and being now in complete working order, and fully saturated, presents a very desirable opening for anyone proposing to commence business.
2nd. That range of dwelling houses situate in Roxburgh St, immediately west of the Sugar House. Two of them consist of two storeys each, and other two one storey each. The rental is £64 a year.
Apply for particulars, to Henry Tower Patten, Writer, Greenock. in whose hands are the Title Deeds and Articles of Sale.
(Greenock Advertiser 20 May 1845)


By Mr Fuller, on Thursday 28 June, at 12 o'clock, at the Auction Mart, in one lot ...
A sugar refinery, situate in WELL STREET, Wellclose Square, London, fitted with machinery, plant and implements in complete order for immediate work, possessing a capacity for manufacturing 3000 hogsheads per annum. The premises comprise a single and a double house each of 5 floors, warehouse, fillhouse, a stove fitted with racks and steam pipes, counting house, sale room, men's dwelling, paved yard with folding gates, and entrance from Wellclose Square. 1 copper vacuum pan, 2 heaters, 3 filters, 2 blow-up cisterns, large vacuum pump, 6 horse power steam engine, 2 cylindrical steam boilers, 2 steam chambers, 4 condensed steam boxes, wrought iron freshwater tank 18 ft by 17 ft by 6 ft, 3 five ton charcoal cisterns, 2 molasses cisterns, 2 syrup cisterns, 11 liquor cisterns, 2 scum cisterns, crushing mill, 3 brass barrel lift pumps, hogshead steamer, scum press, scum pan, 2 double purchase cranes, pulling-up machine, large lead freshwater cistern, clay and mould cisterns, malt mill, scales and weights, 1200 iron moulds, pots, and all other requisites for the business, nearly new at a cost of many thousands of pounds. Also a principal's dwelling house and men's dwelling house adjoining. To be viewed till the sale, and particulars on premises.
(Morning Chronicle 29 May 1845)


Sugar House to Let, entry at Whitsunday next ...
That large and commodious sugar refinery situate at the bottom of LOW SUGARHOUSE LANE, Greenock, at present possessed by Harm Blancken & Co.
It contains 2 vacuum pans, 2 heaters, 4 filters, several cisterns, and every other convenience for carrying on an extensive business. It is heated by 2 steam boilers, and is wrought by a steam engine. The premises are most advantageously situated for conducting the business with economy, being in the immediate neighbourhood of the West Harbour, and several large bonded warehouses. ... Muir & McClure, writers, Greenock.
(Glasgow Herald 18 Jul 1845)


We beg to intimate that we have commenced REFINING SUGAR in the Roxburgh Sugar House, Greenock. Samples of Crushed and Loaf will be daily on show at our Wholesale Sale Rooms, 102 Argyll Street, Glasgow, corner of the Arcade.
Robson & Company, Tea Merchants and Sugar Refiners.
(Glasgow Courier 28 October 1845)


Salvage ... saved from the late fire at Messrs Grant, Baldwin & Co's Sugar House and Premises, BACK ROAD, St George's in the East.
By Mr Jury, on the Premises, on Friday, March 27, at 12, by direction of the Imperial and Alliance Insurance Companies.
The whole of the valuable Salvage and Utensils, etc, comprising a copper vacuum pan by Norbury, a 10 horse high pressure steam engine, a 21 feet and a 16 feet wrought iron boilers uninjured, nine syrup cisterns, four liquor, water, and clay cisterns, seven charcoal etc cisterns, vacuum, brass barrel and engine force pumps, four bag filters, massive iron press, with screw boilers and heaters, galvanic water cistern, about 5000 titlers and lead moulds, several tons weight of lead, lead and copper pipe, iron pipe, sales, beams and weights, and other articles.
To be viewed the day prior and morning of sale, and catalogues had on the premises, and of Mr Jury.
(Morning Advertiser 25 March 1846)


Sugar House SCUM for Sale.
Apply at the Refinery, Head of the Quay, Bristol
(Bristol Times 13 June 1846) [Vining & Co]


To be sold, by public roup, within the Tontine Inn, Greenock, on Wednesday 4 November at 1 o'clock ...
That desirable and compact sugar refinery situate in NICHOLSON STREET, Greenock, at present occupied by Messrs Archd. Patten & Co consisting of 8 stories in height. It contains 2 copper pans, 3 copper and 1 cast iron heater, with filters, liquor charcoal cisterns, and every other adjunct necessary for carrying on the business of sugar refining. The house is wrought by a steam engine of sufficient power, and attached is a spacious yard, in which are engine and boiler houses, charcoal kiln, and cooperage. ... Robert Angus, merchant, or Patten & Marshall, writers, Greenock.
(Glasgow Herald 2 Nov 1846)


To be Sold, by Public Auction, within the Royal Exchange Sale Room, Glasgow, on Monday 20 December, at Two o'clock pm.
The Buildings and Premises situated at No.25 WASHNGTON STREET, Glasgow, now occupied as a Sugar House, with the whole of the Machinery and Utensils. The Works are capable of doing a large business. The extent of Ground is about 1244 square yards, which is free from all burdens.
Apply to G R Tennent, writer, 57 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, with whom are the Title Deeds and Articles of Sale.
(North British Daily Mail 8 December 1847) [sold by John Kirkland, bought by Wainwright]


To be SOLD by Private Contract
The Lease of the Sugar House and Premises, No.10 Nelson Street, Bristol, in the occupation of the West of England Patent Sugar Refining Company; together with the entire Plant and Utensils necessary for working the same.
This affords an eligible opportunity for any person desirous of entering on the Sugar Refining business at a moderate outlay.
For particulars apply to Mr F G Prideaux, Jun, on the Premises, by letter, of if personally, between the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock.
(Bristol Mercury 19 February 1848)


To be Sold or Let, with immediate possession, a Sugar Refinery, with frontage of upwards of 700 feet, and replete with every convenience for working eighty tons of sugar per week.
For particulars apply to Mr Johnson, on the Premises, WILDER STREET, Bristol.
(The Albion 17July 1848)


To be Sold by Public Roup, within the Royal Exchange Sale Rooms, Glasgow, upon Wednesday, the 23rd day of August, at Two o'clock PM.
1st ... Those buildings situated at the corner of SUGARHOUSE LANE and VENNAL of Greenock, occupied by Messrs Blancken & Co, Sugar Refiners, consisting of five stories, besides under story and garrets, containing Three copper vacuum PANS, with heaters, cisterns, filters, steam engine of 20 horse-power, and requisite machinery and gearing, all in an excellent and complete working state.
2nd ... That Sugar House in NICOLSON STREET, Greenock, possessed by Messrs Blancken & Co, consisting of eight stories and garrets, containing Three copper vacuum PANS, with an ample number of heaters, cisterns, filters, and other utensils, etc, requisite for a work of such description, with a steam engine of sufficient power. There is a large yard attached, forming part of the subjects, affording ample accomodation for various requisite purposes of the work; and also embracing counting house, cooperage, dwelling house, etc.
One of these Houses is now in operation, and the other has only recently suspended working. They are both in excellent condition, and could be entered upon immediately by a Purchaser. Both Houses will be disposed of at very moderate prices.
For further particulars, application may be made to Messrs McClelland & McKenzie, accountants, 128 Ingram Street, who will exhibit inventories of the utensils, etc; or to John Monteith, writer, 32 Exchange Square, Glasgow, in whose hands are the titles and articles of roup.
(Glasgow Courant 22 August 1848)


Sugar House to Let. Entry at Whitsunday, 1849
That large and commodious Sugar Refinery, situated at the bottom of LOW SUGARHOUSE LANE, Greenock, presently possessed by Messrs J Fairrie & Co. It contains vacuum pans, heaters, filters, cisterns, and every other convenience for carrying on an extensive Business. It is heated by two Steam Boilers, and is worked by a Steam Engine. The premises are most advantageously situated for conducting the business with economy, being in the immediate neighbourhood of the West Harbour and several large Bonding Warehouses.
For further particulars, apply to Muir & McClure, writers, Greenock. Greenock, 5 October 1848.
(Greenock Advertiser 14 november 1848)


To be Sold, by Public Roup, at Messrs E Connal & Co's Sugar House Premises, Glebe, this day, (Tuesday 24th April) at One o'clock afternoon, and on each subsequent day, at the same hour, until all Sold.
The perishable SYRUPS already recovered, and in course of being recovered, from the Fire at Messrs Connal & Co's Sugar Refinery.
(Greenock Advertiser 24 April 1849)


To sell or let - entry immediately ...
Extensive premises, No.34 WASHINGTON STREET, Glasgow, lately occupied as stores, formerly as a sugar refinery, having all the necessary machinery fitted up for that purpose, including a steam engine of 10 horse power, with 2 boilers of nearly 20 horse power each, the water for which, and the 2 large vacuum pans, is drawn from the Clyde. Attached is a very large yard with stables, cooperage, and shed adjoining. Terms very moderate. ... Mr Fleming, accountant, 21 St Vincent Place.
(Glasgow Herald 4 May 1849)


By Messrs Fuller & Horsey, on Wednesday 12 December at twelve at the Auction Mart by direction of the execs of H Holtzmeyer, dec'd, in two lots ...
A freehold sugar refinery, adapted for a patent house, situate in JOHN STREET, Church Lane, Whitechapel; comprising a substantially erected sugarhouse of 6 floors, warehouse and fill house, each containing about 1650 superficial feet, well lighted and lofty; a brick-built stove of 5 storeys, clay stage, men's house, boiler's dwelling, cart, cooper and coal sheds, and a spacious yard with gateway entrance.
Also 3 freehold dwelling houses with shops, situate in John Street, let to respectable tenants, at rents accounting to £66 per annum.
To be viewed by tickets.
(Morning Chronicle 1 Dec 1849)

... and the above again, by auction 10 April at 12 o'clock.
(Morning Chronicle 10 Apr 1850)


At the Glebe Sugar House, Clarence St, Greenock, on Wednesday, 23 January, at 12 o'clock, on the premises.
There will be Sold, by Auction, a large quantity of Animal Charcoal; Charcoal Cisterns; Steam Boilers; Melting Pan; Heaters; Steam and other Pipes; Brass Valves; a quantity of Copper, and a great variety of other articles used in the process of Sugar Refining.
The Materials can be inspected any day previous to the Sale.
John Herriot, Auctioneer, Greenock.
(Greenock Advertiser 18 January 1850)


Mr C Wharton begs to announce that he is instructed to sell by auction at The Mart on Wednesday 12 March 1851 at 12 noon ...
in 22 lots, secure freehold ground rents, [in ST GEORGE'S in the EAST, London] with important reversions, the leasees having during their respective terms expended many thousand pounds in the erection of numerous capital sugar houses, public houses, shops, & dwelling houses, on both sides of Christian St, New Rd, Lower Grove St, both sides of Ratcliff Highway and Canon St. ... In the occupancy of a most responsible tenantry, including the highly respectable firms of Messrs Wainwright & Gadesden, David Martineau & Sons, Schroder & Co, Peter Kuck & Son ...
(The Times, 28 Feb 1851)


Messrs Bromley & Son by auction on the premises at PENNINGTON ST, St George's East, London, on Monday March 24 ...
By order of Messrs Wackerbath & Collings retiring from business.
The valuable plant & machinery of a patent sugar refinery; comprising 4 high pressure steam engines, 4 very large boilers, 1 large vacuum pan, 1 large copper condensing machine, 20 iron and charcoal retorts & canisters, large air pump, pulling up machine, several very large water & lime backs & cisterns, 14,000 iron moulds, 2 Bramah presses with boxes, steam box for steamimg hogsheads, 2 fire engines, 3 winches, 2 large copper charcoal filters, mould cisterns, old sugar pans ... and more.
(The Times, 7 Mar 1851)


To be Sold, by Public Roup, within the Royal Exchange Sale Rooms, Glasgow, upon Wednesday the 14th day of April next, at Two o'clock Afternoon, if not previously disposed of by Private Bargain.
That Piece of Ground on the West Side of WASHINGTON STREET, Glasgow, containing 1658 square yards, with the Buildings thereon, originally built for a Sugar House, and occupied lately as a Store and Counting House, with Dwelling House and Stables attached. From the proximity of the Property to the Broomielaw, and its possessing the right of drawing water from the Clyde for steam engines, etc, by a pipe already laid, this Property is well adapted for Public Works or Stores. There is no feu duty.
For further particulars, application may be made at 62 George Square, Glasgow; or to Messrs Mitchell, Allardice and Mitchell, writers, 36 Miller Street, who are in possession of the Title Deeds and Atricles of Roup.
William Muir, Auctioneer.
(Glasgow Gazette 3 April 1852)


By Messrs Fuller & Horsey on the premises at STRATFORD, Essex, near Bow Bridge, and on the banks of the River Lea, on Monday Nov 7 at 11 ...
The plant and utensils of a sugar refinery : large copper vacuum pan, 6 copper heaters in iron cases 6ft and 6ft dia, 3 copper cisterns, 11 wrought iron charcoal filters (4 by Fraser), 6 square bag filters with 72 bells in each and receivers, range of bag filters with 150 bells, wrought iron blowing-up cistern lined with lead, 20 wrought iron liquor and syrup cisterns, brass force pumps, 10 horsepower high pressure steam engine with vacuum pump, set liquor pumps with pipes and cocks, 5 large cast iron tanks in plates, lead cisterns, wrought iron mould cisterns, 2 wrought iron steam boilers 15 & 30ft long, 4 cast iron pans lined with lead, 3 lead pans in iron-bound cases, wrought iron hogshead steamer, hydraulic press with 9" ram & press, sugar mill with knives & case, sugar crushing mill, scales & weights, weighing machine, large lead treacle cistern, the racks and fitting in stove, 4 charcoal retorts with brickwork, 2 pairs of gassing pumps, pair of testing scales, Finzell's centrifugal pan, fittings in counting house and men's room, beds & bedding, 2,000 wrought iron moulds, 2,000 earthen pots, and numerous other effects. At the same time will be sold the lease of the Sugar Refinery, with wharf and yard, held for a term of years for a very low rent.
(The Times, 27 Oct 1853)
[Law Brothers]


Desirable properties in Marischal Street and Quay, For Sale.
There will be exposed to sale, by public roup, on Friday 9 February next, at 2 o'clock afternoon, within the Advocates' Buildings, Aberdeen.
The following subjects ...
1. The substantial and commodius House, No.56 Marischal Street, as presently occupied by Wm Reid Esq, insurance broker, and others.
2. The large Tenement, No.49 Regent Quay, consisting of a ground floor and five upper floors, with cellars underneath.
3. The large Tenement adjoining the above, No.51 REGENT QUAY, known as the Old Sugar House, consisting also of a ground floor and five upper floors, with cellars underneath; and along with it, the small House, No.52, presently occupied by Thos A Kidd, tinplate worker.
These Tenements are centrically situated, and are well adapted for granaries, having been used as such for a number of years.
There are no Feu duties affecting the above properties.
The Title Deeds may be seen, and particulars learned, on application to Messrs Flemimg & Paull, advocates, 12 King Street, Aberdeen.
Aberdeen, 19 January 1855.
(Aberdeen Press & Journal 7 February 1855)


John Stokes will offer for Sale by Auction in our Office, Commercial Buildings, on Thursday next, the 30th of August, at Two o'clock precisely,
150 Hhds Barbadoes Sugar
James Stokes, Widow, and Sons, Brokers and Auctioneers.
(General Advertiser for Dublin 25 August 1855)


TREACLE for Sale
at the Sugar House, Mary's Abbey
Apply to James Foxall, Commercial Buildings, Dublin.
(General Advertiser for Dublin 25 August 1855)


To Be Sold, with immediate possession, in consequence of the present Proprietors going more extensively in the Trade, the Lease and Plant of the Sugar House, No.93 OXFORD STREET, Manchester. Fitted up with all the latest improvements, and capable of working upwards of 30 tons of Sugar per Week. To be seen at full work by application to the Proprietors, on the premises.
(Hull Advertiser 2 August 1856) [George Hugh Smith]


For Sale by Private Bargain, the Sugar House Premises, in Ker Street, Greenock, possessed by James Fairrie & Co.
In the Sugar House are FIVE PANS, with Heaters, and an abundant supply of Blow-ups, Filters, and Charcoal Cisterns. There are Two Steam Engines, with Air Pumps, and adequate means of raising steam for all purposes. In the House are upwarfs of 8,000 Lump Moulds and 10,000 Lump Pots. There are Six Kilns for recharging charcoal, and about 140 tons of used and 13 tons of new charcoal, which go with the premises. On the premises are a Cooperage, Stables, and Dwelling Houses for Workmen, with other requisites. The whole is fitted for carrying on a large business, and commencing immediately. Payment of the price can be arranged to suit the convenience of the purchaser.
Cards of Admission, for intending purchasers only, may be had from Archibald Donniston, Writer, Greenock.
(Newcastle Journal 20 March 1858)


Within the Faculty Hall, St George's Place, Glasgow, on Wednesday 20 April, at Two o'clock afternoon (unless previously disposed of by Private Bargain).
That valuable Sugar House and Building Ground, situated at the corner of OSWALD and ANN STREETS, now occupied by Messrs John Kirkland & Sons, will be exposed at the low Upset Price of £12,000.
The Ground extents to 1928 square yards, or thereby.
The principal Building consists of Seven Storeys, and contains upwards of 2_,000 square feet of floor accommodation.
There are also attached Workshops, Cooperage, Stables, Warehouses, Counting House, etc.
The Premises contain the usual compliment of articles for the purpose of Sugar Refining. There are Four Large Vacuum PANS, Charcoal Kilns, extensive arrangements for Charcoal Filtration, and Two Steam Engines one of twelve the other of ten horse power.
The Works are capable of refining about 100 tons of sugar weekly.
The House is in good working order.
The proximity to the Harbour renders the whole well adapted for the import and export of sugar; and having access to a cheap supply of coals, the Works possess every advantage for the successful prosecution of a large business.
A considerable portion of the Ground fronting Oswald Street might be advantageously let off for purposes unconnected with the Sugar making, without interfering with that business.
Should the Subjects not be Sold as a whole at this exposure, the Works will be dismantled, and the Machinery sold separately.
Further particulars will be learned on application to Messrs Alexander Morrison & Sons, writers, 40 St Vincent Place; or to James McClelland & Son, chartered accountants, 128 Ingram Street, Glasgow, the former of whom are in possession of the Title Deeds and Articles of Roup.
Muir & Monteith, auctioneers.
Glasgow, March 18, 1859.
(North British Daily Mail 8 April 1859)


To Sell or Let
The recently erected Fire-Proof Sugar Refinery, situated at Cartsburn, Greenock, as formerly advertised. Entry may be had immediately.
The premises may be viewed on application, and terms of Sale, with other particulars, will be supplied by the proprietors, Thorne & Curtis, Manse Lane, or Jack Black, Writer, Greenock, who will show the Titles.
(Greenock Advertiser 18 October 1859)


Sugar Refinery for Sale
There will be exposed to Sale by Public Roup, within the Tontine Hotel, Greenock, on Wednesday 19 October at 12 noon.
All and Whole these 82 falls and 17 yards of Ground, or thereby, situated on the south-side of the High Road leading from Greenock to Port Glasgow, called Hamilton Street, and near to the Toll Bar, with buildings thereon, all as occupied by Mr James Speirs as a Sugar Refinery.
The House was built in 1845, and is in excellent repair. It consists of Six Square Storeys with Attics, and there are attached Two Charcoal Kilns of 54 pipes each, Engine House, Cooperage, Stables, extensive Storage, and a large Yard, with every Appurtenance necessary for carrying on the business. The House works Two PANS (both copper and of best construction), with Two Steamboilers of 26ft long, Seven Charcoal and Ten Liquor Cisterns, also Two Blow-ups, and Two Double Filters. There are besides a Blow-up with Two Filters, and Six Cisterns for Liquor.
The Premises are situated about a mile from the Victoria Harbour, where there are extensive Sugar Stores, and are approached by an excellent level road. There is a Well yielding a plentiful supply of Water, and a Stream, which rarely fails, runs through the Yard. The House is, besides, fitted up with pipes for the Shaws Water. The Feu-duty is only £19 13s 7d, and the entry is taxed at a triplicate every 19 years from 1833.
The House is still in operation, and a purchaser could get the Moulds and Pots, with about 75 tons of Charcoal at a valuation, so that he might be able to commence Refining without any stop.
For particulars, application may be made to Thomas King, Writer, Wall Place, Greenock, who will exhibit the Titles and Articles of Roup.
(Greenock Advertiser 18 October 1859)


Upset Price Reduced
On Wednesday, 14 December next, at twelve noon, within the Tontine Hotel, Greenock, if not previously disposed of by private bargain.
All and whole the Sugar Refinery on the PORT GLASGOW ROAD, belonging to the Trust Estate of Mr James Speirs, as described in former advertisements.
Upset price has been reduced to £4000.
The Title Deeds and Articles of Roup will be seen in the hands of Thomas King, writer.
Watt Place, Greenock, 7 November 1859.
(The Albion 29 November 1859)


Port Glasgow
Sugar Refinery to be Let or Sold
Those extensive premises, situated at the east end of Port Glasgow, known as the Newark Sugar House. The Works are capable of Refining 200 tons of Raw Sugar weekly.
The Engine, Machinery, Steam Boilers, Pans, Heaters. Vacuum Pumps, Charcoal Kilns, Moulds, etc, etc, are of the most recent and approved construction, and are in excellent working order. The House is adapted for the production of Stoved Goods as well as Crushed Sugars.
The stock of Charcoal is large and of superior quality.
The Warehouse, Cooperage, Stables, etc, in connection with the House, are all commodious.
The Premises being contiguous to the Greenock Railway Goods Station at Port Glasgow, afford every facility for the transit of Sugars, Coals, etc.
A plentiful supply of Water is obtained for the Works at a cheap rate. This House, from its situation and many advantages, is well worthy of the attention of parties who are desirous of carrying on the business of Sugar Refining extensiviely.
For further particulars apply to Mr M B Orr at the House; or to the Proprietor, M Brown, Esq, Ardgowan Square, Greenock.
31 January 1860.
(Public Ledger 9 February 1860)


For Sale by Private Contract
Sugar SCUM
Pure and Unadulterated, as delivered from the Sugar House. Treacle for cattle feeding. Biscuit for dog feeding. Oil Cake, etc.
Further particulars to be had of John Avery, malt, hop, and sugar factor, 38 Seething Lane, Tower Street, City.
(Maidstone Journal 10 March 1860)


At the Brokers' Office, 32 Exchange Alley North, on Thursday, August 9, at One
Animal Charcoal about 130 tons; Sugar Moulds; Sirup Pots; a Quantity of Iron.
Apply to Robt Birkett & Co, EARL STREET Sugar House, or to John B Brancker and Son, Brokers, Liverpool
(Public Ledger 6 August 1860)


There will be exposed to Public Sale, within the Faculty Hall, St George's Place, Glasgow, on Wednesday the 12th day of February, 1862, at Two o'clock Afternoon.
That valuable Sugar House and Building Ground, situated at the corner of OSWALD STREET and ANN STREET, with the whole Machinery, Fittings, and Utensils therein, excepting those belonging to the present tenants.
The Ground extends to 1928 square yards, or thereby.
The principal Building consists of Seven Storeys, and contains upwards of 20,000 square feet of floor accommodation. Attached there are Workshops, Stables, Warehouse, Counting House, etc.
The Machinery and Fittings are extensive, and all in working order - the Sugar House being in operation under a lease to respectable tenants.
Further particulars will be learned on application to Messrs McClelland, Son & Smith, chartered accountants, 103 St Vincent Street; on to Messrs Morrisons & Anderson, writers, 40 St Vincent Place, who are in possession of the Title Deeds and Articles of Roup.
(Glasgow Morning Journal 6 February 1862)


There will be exposed for Sale, by public roup, within the Office of Messrs Fleming & Paull, Advocate, 12 King Street, on Monday 3 March next, at Two o'clock afternoon.
2nd. The Large Building, Nos 48½ and 49 REGENT QUAY, called the Sugar House, consisting of a Counting House, Five Granaries, and Cellars underneath, entering from Sugar House Lane. Upset Price £850; no Feu-duty.
The Title Deeds may be seen, and further information obtained, on application to Messrs Fleming & Paull, as above.
(Aberdeen Herald 22 February 1862)


There will be exposed to Public Sale, within the Tontine Hotel, Greenock, on Monday 24 November, at two o'clock.
All and whole that Sugar Refinery situate at Berry Yards, DRUMFROCHAR ROAD, Greenock, presently possessed by Anderson, Orr & Co, with all the Machinery, Goods in process, Implements and Materials as at present in use.
An Inventory of Goods and Machinery in the House will be in the hands of Mr Dempster, writer, Cathcart Street, Greenock, who will exhibit Title Deeds and Articles of Roup, and grant Cards of Admission to intending Purchasers.
Greenock. 17 November 1862.
(Greenock Advertiser 20 November 1862)


There will be Sold by Public Roup, on Wednesday 26 November, at eleven o'clock, within the premises of Berry Yards Sugar Refinery, DRUMFROCHAR ROAD, Greenock.
About 220 Puncheons Treacle, maked Diamond O, and about 20 Puncheons Syrup, marked O, in Lots to suit Purchasers.
Greenock. 17 November 1862.
(Greenock Advertiser 20 November 1862)


To be Sold or Let on Lease
All that valuable Freehold Sugar Refinery in Earle St and Edmund St, Liverpool, covering 925 Sq Yards of land. The Premises are in a most desirable and improving situation, being near the docks, railway and canal, and having every convenience for carrying on an extensive business. There is a Well yielding an unfailing supply of water. The plant comprises 3 large Steam Boilers, 3 Steam Engines, 3 Steam Hoists, 3 Blow-up Pans, 4 large Bag Filters, 10 Charcoal Cisterns, 1 large Vacuum PAN, 2 Heaters, Liquor, Syrup, and Water Cisterns, 6 Centrifugal Machines, Pumps, Piping, Shafting, etc, through the House; about 2000 Iron Moulds, about 3000 Syrup Pots, and 3 Charcoal Kilns on the most modern and improved principle, capable of burning about 200 tons a week. From the advantageous position of the premises, being within 200 yards of the Exchange, this refinery offers every inducement to capitalists to embark in the trade, and the present opportunity is one rarely occurring, the premises being ready for immediate occupation and working. In addition to the present buildings, there is ample space to increase them to double the size.
For particulars apply to Mr Robt Birkett, 37, Harrington St, Liverpool.
(Greenock Advertiser 6 September 1864)


Mr George Adams will SELL by Auction, at White Hart Hotel, Lower Maudlin St, Bristol, on Monday 25 Sept at 6 o'clock in the evening.
All that extensive Plot of Ground, situate in Lewin's Mead (whereon a Sugar House or Mill heretofore stood) and the Five Tenements standing and being upon the same, at present unoccupied.
The above property is Freehold of Inheritance, subject to a yearly Fee-farm Rent of £6. 6s. It is centrally situated, and from its having a frontage from two streets, of the width of about 18ft 6in, and a depth of 89ft 6in, is admirably adapted for extensive manufactoring premises, and presents an advantageous opportunity for investment.
To view and for particulars, apply to the Auctioneer, 9 Nicholas St; or to Mr Peterson, solicitor, Exchange Buildings, Bristol.
(Daily Bristol Times, 25 Sept 1865)


By Messrs Fuller & Horsey by auction at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate St, London, on Wednesday May 2 at 1 o'clock ...
Freehold estate in FIELDGATE ST, Whitechapel, comprising a spacious sugar refinery partly erected within a few years, and consisting of 3 buildings of basement and 6 and 7 floors respectively, a dwelling house, offices, saleroom, gatekeeper's apartment, yard, steam engine house, chimney, panman's cottage.
In the occupation of Mr Hodge sugar refiner who owns all the plant and machinery, but whose lease for 12½ yrs ran out on Lady Day 1866.
(The Times, 28 April 1866)


i. Failure through bankruptcy of Messrs Fincken & Co, sugar refiners, of ST PHILLIP'S MARSH, a comparatively new firm of only a few years. Liabilities of £16,000, plant etc will cover it.
ii. Auction .... 7 steam engines, 4 boilers, 9 centrifugal machines, 3 vacuum pans, 10 charcoal cisterns, steam box, water tanks, 1000 bastard moulds, pug mills and shafting, steam and water pipes, valves and cocks throughout, charcoal wagons and carts, lathes, tools, other articles. Buildings and machinery nearly new, £10,000. Lease 28yrs at rent of £200pa of which £80 is underlet to tenants. 110 tons of refiners charcoal. Small outlay would enable works to turn out 100 tons per week. Premises are waterside and newly erected.
(Bristol Times & Mirror, 21 April 1866 & 4 August 1866 [BRO 36772 Box 7])


To be Let on Lease, compact Manufacturing Premises situate in SLEAFORD STREET, Battersea, at present arranged as a Sugar Refinery, but easily adapted for any other purpose, comprising a spacious ground floor factory, warehouse of two floors, engine and boiler house with chimney shaft, stables, range of ground floor buildings, large yard, and a principal's or manager's residence. The whole or a portion of the plant may be taken at a valuation. Rent £150 per annum.
For further particulars apply to Messrs Fuller and Horsey, 13 Billiter Street, EC.
(Public Ledger 22 October 1866)


By Messrs Fuller & Horsey by auction on the premises at 9 BOOTH ST, Spitalfields, London, on Wednesday Jan 9 at 12 o'clock ...
The plant, machinery and utensils of the Glucose Sugar and Colouring Company including a copper vacuum pan 7' dia 5' deep, a cast iron evaporation pan 7' dia 7' deep, wrought iron charcoal filter 6' dia 12' deep, a 30 horse power steam engine, 2 double-lined Cornish boilers 7' dia 20' long, and much more.
(The Times, 5 Jan 1867)


By Messrs Fuller & Horsey by auction on the premises at FINCH ST, Whitechapel, London, on March 28 at 1 o'clock ...
The plant, machinery and utensils of a sugar refinery including a 13 horse power high-pressure beam engine by Shears, a 6 horse power vertical steam engine, a double-flue Cornish boiler 7' dia 26' long by Mills, a single-flue Cornish boiler, a pair of 36" centrifugal machines by Manlove & Alliott, a 24" centrifugal machine, one copper-jacketted pan, a cast iron scum pan, and more.
(The Times, 16 Mar 1867)
[possibly Henry Holmear, no.13]


Valuable Site for Sugar Refinery or other manufactory, and Sugar Refining Plant, For Sale
There will be sold, by Public Roup, on Monday 3 June, at 12 o'clock noon.
1. The Sugar Refining Plant saved from the fire at Messrs Dawson, Martin & Co's Sugar House in Baker Street, as follows ...
One Green's Patent Fuel Economiser 120 pipes complete
One Double Flue Boiler 26ft x 8ft
One Double Flue Boiler 25ft x 7ft
One Double Flue Boiler 20ft x 6ft
Four Char Kilns 120 pipes each
One Railway Turntable 7ft, with rails and 2 waggons for Char
Six Char Cisterns, covered, false bottoms, 16ft x 10ft 2in
Six 60 to 80ft lengths of 4in drawn copper worm
Six 6in Pumps, 12in stroke, brass lined, with gearing
Two Cast Iron Cisterns 9ft x 7ft x 5ft
One Cast Iron Cistern 12ft x 5ft x 5ft
One 20in Vacuum Pump
Cast Iron Stair 84ft with 8 landings
About 400yds Caithness Pavement
An Engine and Gearing (partly damaged) and quantity of shafting
Engineers' and Smiths' Tools
The Sale to take place at the premises in Baker St, and the articles for sale will be on view up till day of Sale.
2. The Ground and Remaining Buildings and Machinery are for Sale by Private Bargain. The Ground is adjoining the new station now in course of construction by the Caledonian Railway, and has unlimited supply of Water, and a fall of 32 horse power. The Buildings consist of a Bonded and Free Warehouse, capable of containing 1200 hogsheads, with Patent Hoist, and of Office, Boiler House, Cooperage, etc. The Feu-duty of the Ground is only L15, and water rent L128.
For further particulars as to the Property, apply Messrs Dawson, Martin & Co, at the premises, or to R & S Neill, Writers, 6 West Blackhall St, Greenock.
(Greenock Telegraph 18 May 1867)


By Messrs Fuller & Horsey by auction at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, on Wednesday July 31 ...
Freehold premises of about 22,000 sq ft fronting both GT ALIE ST & SOMERSET ST, at present a sugar refinery comprising a sugarhouse of 6 working floors, fill house and pan room, strongly timbered and supported by iron columns, 2 stoves, sugar warehouse, retort house, 2 chimneys, engine and boiler houses, yard, charcoal room, brewery, men's dwelling house, detached offices, manager's residence, 3 dwelling houses at 28 & 29 Gt Alie St and 16 Somerset St, and a deep well giving a constant supply of pure water.
The plant and machinery for carrying on the business of sugar refining includes 4 copper vacuum pans with heaters, 40 syrup and liquor cisterns, copper blow-up cistern, sugar cutting machine, 2 crushing mills, pumps, 2 copper clearing pans, 6 copper filters, 7 charcoal cisterns, 50 horse power condensing steam engine, 4 double flue Cornish boilers, 4 steam engines, 4 tubular boilers, hogshead steamer, 9 charcoal retorts, and all fittings.
"The premises are well arranged as a sugar refinery, but the large area covered by the property, and the scarcity of freehold land in so central a situation, lead to the conclusion that, by the clearance of the site and the erection of warehouses or buildings suited to the modern requirements of trade, a very profitable return for the investment of capital would be ensured."
(The Times, 6 Jul 1867)
[Craven & Bowman ... I'm sure]


This Sugar House, situated in ROXBURGH STREET, Greenock, with the Warehouse adjoining, is For Sale by Private Bargain.
Apply to James Richardson & Co, 89 Wilson Street, Glasgow, or 2 Church Place, Greenock.
(Greenock Advertiser 18 August 1868)

Mr W M Woad has received instructions from Messrs Wm Coghlan & Co, who are declining business on account of the expiration of their lease, to offer by Public Auction, at 10am on Wednesday, 26 August, at their Works, Goole.
A Large Quantity of Machinery and Utensils used in Sugar Refining, comprising 8 Steam Engines, 8 Centrifugal Drying Machines, 2 Scotch Charcoal Kilns with Coolers, 2 of Cowan's Patent Revolving Retorts for Burning Charcoal, Cast and Wrought Iron Cisterns, Large Evaporating Pan, New Belting, Tools, Barrows, Planks, etc.
Catalogues at the Sugar House. The whole on view from Monday, 17 August, between the hours of 10am and 4pm.
(Greenock Advertiser 18 August 1868)


Sale by Auction, This Day.
Machinery and Plant of the West of England Sugar Refining Company, by Mr E Norrish, at Flora Street, Plymouth, at 11am.
(Western Morning News 2 March 1869)


By Messrs Fuller & Horsey by auction on the premises at OSBORN ST, Whitechapel, London, on Monday 16 July at 1 o'clock ...
The plant and machinery of a sugar refinery including 3 Manlove & Alliott centrifugal machines with steam engines, cast iron vacuum pan, new copper vacuum pan, new copper surface condenser, new 240 bell cast iron filter, new Cornish steam boiler, wrought iron double flue Cornish steam boiler, 2 single flue Cornish boilers, 6 horse power beam engine, 9 charcoal cisterns, 28 syrup etc cisterns, steam hoist, pumps, wrought iron scum boiler, Hart's 25cwt weighing machine, fan and blowing machine, and much more.
At the same time the leases of the premises consisting of refinery and warehouses to be sold.
(The Times, 17 Jul 1869)
[probably Dames & Son]


To be Sold Very Cheap or Let
(With or without the Machinery and Plant)
Known as Cork Sugar Refinery, Crosses' Green Quay, Cork.
These Premises are situate on the flat of the city, near the river, and are well adapted for Sugar Refinery, Brewery, Distillery, or any large Manufacturing Business requiring room, substantial buildings, and water power.
The Plant consists of a 1300 gallons Copper Vacuum PAN, a 20 horse power steam engine, 4 iron cisterns from 600 to 2700 gallons each, about 7000 sugar moulds, 6000 stone butter jars from 1 to 4 gallons, patent ovens and appliances, pull up gearing, gas piping, heating pipes, office furniture, etc.
For Terms apply at the Premises, or by letter, post paid, to S Benton, Cork.
(Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier 28 August 1869)


To be Sold, on very moderate terms, a Leasehold Sugar Refinry, situate in CHRISTIAN STREET, St George's East, comprising a sugar house of seven floors, warehouse and pan room, stove, engine, and boiler house, and paved yard, the whole having an area of 5400 square feet. Held on lease for unexpired term of about 26 years, at ground rents amounting to £30 per annum. The plant and utensils include a jacketted vacuum pan 7 feet 6 diameter, 7 feet deep, a 20 horse power beam steam engine, two nearly new Cornish boilers by Hodge, 7 feet diameter, 30 feet long, six charcoal cisterns, 21 wrought and cast iron cisterns, four wrought iron filters, scum press, steam pulling up machine and crane, steam pipes, pots and moulds, and all requisite utensils, the whole of which will be included in the purchase.
Apply to Messrs Fuller, Horsey, Son and Co, 11 Billiter Square.
(Public Ledger 2 October 1869)


On Thursday, the sugar refinery etc belonging to the sequestrated estate of Messrs Anderson, Orr & Co, Greenock, were again exposed for sale in the Tontine Hotel at the upset price of £9000, but there being no offers the sale was again adjourned. Since this refinery was offered for sale a few months ago the upset price has been reduced to £7000.
(Glasgow Herald, 21 Oct 1869)


By Messrs Fuller, Horsey, Son & Co ...
Lot 1 ... A substantial brick built sugar house, fronting PENNINGTON ST, London, with loophole doors, having 7 floors including the fill house, and a second sugar house of 9 floors, 2 stoves, steam engine house, 2 boiler houses, a building adjoining, a lofty brick built circular chimney shaft, 3 dwelling houses (nos. 2, 3, 4 St George's St), sheds, and large open yard with entrance gates. Occupies 20,000 feet. The sugar houses are fitted with modern and appropriate plant and machinery calculated to produce about 100 tons of refined goods per week, including a copper jacketted vacuum pan 7ft dia 4ft 8in deep, 4 copper heaters, 28 copper, lead-lined and wrought iron syrup and liquor cisterns, 5 blow-up cisterns with copper worms, 6 filters with gun metal bells, 7 charcoal cisterns, 2 pairs of Manlove & Allott centrifugal machines, syrup and lift pumps, steam crane and pulling up machine, sugar shaving machine, 2 hogshead steamers, a 25 horsepower condensing steam engine, a horizontal steam engine, 4 double & single flue Cornish boilers, egg-end boiler, hydraulic scum press, fittings, pipes, pots & moulds and the necessary utensils.
(The Times, 22 Jan 1870)
[probably J Goodhart & Son]


To be Sold or Let, with immediate possession, the GOOLE SUGAR HOUSE.
These premises of recent erection, were specially designed for the refinery business. They adjoin the Goole Canal, from which they are supplied with water.
Coals are delivered at 5s per ton, freights from London and Liverpool are moderate, and there is a ready access to the whole of the manufacturing districts either by railway or canal, at low rates.
For particulars and to view the premises, apply to Mr J E Porter, Goole, Yorkshire.
(Public Ledger 24 May 1870)


Building Ground on the Craighall Rd, Port Dundas
Upset price reduced to £1300 [from £1500]
There will be exposed for sale by public roup within the Faculty Hall, St George's Place, Glasgow, on Wenesday the 8th day of June 1870 at two o'clock in the afternoon ...
These two Lots of Ground, fronting the Craighall Road at Port Dundas, opposite the Sugar Refinery lately occupied by Messrs Murdoch & Doddrell, with the two self-contained Dwelling Houses thereon known as 'Ebenezer Field House' and 'Wester Common House' respectively. The Ground contains in all 4869 square yards, or thereby, and a total Frontage to the said Road of 533 feet, or thereby. It is unrestricted for Building puposes and free of Feu-duty or Ground Rent.
(Glasgow Herald, 27 May 1870)
[Ebenezer Field House was the dwelling of George Whyatt, manager of the Sugar Refinery from 1858 to his death in 1864.]


To be sold or leased, an extensive freehold sugar refinery in DENMARK ST, St George's in the East, London ...
The refinery in now in full work and capable of melting 400 tons of sugar per week. The buildings, all erected recently, are 6 and 8 floors high, and cover a superficial area of 19,721 ft.
(The Times, 25 Nov 1870)
[Fredrick Parker, no.12]


St Philip's Marsh, Bristol
Sale advertised for the premises of Victoria Pottery Co Ltd in St Philip's Marsh, which refers to it originally being part of a sugarhouse Messrs Fincken & Co who went bankrupt in 1866.
(Deryn Flanigan research 2023)


To be Sold; the Lease, Plant and Machinery of a Sugar Refinery, situate in WELL STREET and WELLCLOSE SQUARE.
The buildings occupy an area of about 6800 superficial feet, and comprise a substantially brick-built Sugar House (part of which was erected in 1850), of six floors and fill house, stove, large warehouse, cooperage and retort house, foreman's dwelling house, two dwelling houses in Well Street and an extensive range of stabling for 20 horses in the ride. The plant consists of a 7 feet copper vacuum PAN, 2 heaters, steam engine with two vacuum pumps, syrup and liquor pumps, 2 double flue Cornish steam boilers, a vertical steam engine and set of plunger pumps, cast iron liquor back in roof 29 feet square 3 feet deep, 5 filters, 5 charcoal cisterns, pair Manlove and Alliott's centrifugal machine, steam crane, sugar shaving machine, 2 ranges of retorts for reburning charcoal, 33 wrought and cast iron liquor and molasses cisterns, steam and water pipes, 4000 moulds, 4000 pots, and every requisite for the business.
The two dwelling houses in Well Street and stabling are let off at rents amounting to £160 per annum. The whole is held on lease for an unexpired term of 21 years, at the low rent of £190 per annum.
For further particulars apply to Messrs Fuller, Horsey, Son & Co, 11 Billiter Square, EC.
(Public Ledger 9 January 1871)


Sale of Salvage Sugar, on Saturday
Public Sale of 150 hhds and casks salvage of Sugar, in solid and liquid states, and several tons of Charcoal.
Damaged by and through the recent Fire, and to be Sold for behoof of whom it may concern.
Robert McTear has been instructed to Sell the above by Auction, at Cappielow Sugar Refinery, Greenock, on Saturday, 29 June, at Twelve o'clock.
St Mary's Hall, Glasgow, 25 June 1872
(Greenock Advertiser 29 June 1872)


To be Sold by Private Treaty
A very desirable Sugar Refinery, in a central situation in Liverpool, which has been carried on up to the present time, and is capable of working 200 tons per week. The Plant, being of recent construction, is in good working order and excellent condition.
Intended purchasers please apply to Edward Crosfield & Co, 20 Blackstock Street, Liverpool.
(North British Daily Mail 24 April 1873)


Warehouses, Whitechapel, London, to be let or sold, extensive freehold and leasehold premises ...
situate in OSBORN ST, Whitechapel, having a frontage of 135 ft and area of 11,723 sq ft, and comprising a most substantially erected warehouse of 4 floors with wrought iron girders, and supported on cast iron columns, the walls of sufficient thickness to carry 3 additional floors if required, a lofty brick built warehouse with 2 stages, steam boiler house in basement, a handsome octagonal chimney shaft 150 ft high, paved gateway entrance; a factory formerly a sugar house of nine floors, steam engine house, dwelling houses, stores, offices, and yard.
(The Times, 10 Nov 1875)
[late Dames & Son]
These premises had been previously advertised as a fully equipped 2 house sugar refinery; the 4 floor house being freehold, the 9 floor house being leasehold at £250pa.
(The Times, 8 Nov 1873)
[late Dames & Son]


Machinery Sale at Sugar Refinery, EARL STREET, Liverpool
Having bought for my Principals the Working Plant, Machinery, etc, at the Sale today, I am now prepared to Sell the same either as a Whole or in Lots to suit Purchasers. A large portion of the Plant is nearly New, and will be Sold at about Price of Old Metal.
W C Pagan, Consulting Engineer, 12 St George's Crescent, Liverpool.
Greenock Advertiser 30 December 1876)


In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division ... In the matter of the estate of Charles Richard Dames deceased : Hewett v Dames ... Extensive freehold sugar refinery in RUPERT ST & LAMBETH ST, Whitechapel, London, (with possession) erected expressly as a sugar refinery but available for other manufacturing purposes. Two freehold public houses, and leasehold property in Rupert St adjoining.
By Messrs Fuller, Horsey, Sons & Co by auction at the Mart on Friday 15 June 1877, in 4 lots ...
Lot 1 ... The valuable freehold sugar refinery recently in the occupation of Messrs C R & R Dames situate in Rupert St & Lambeth St, having frontages onto both thoroughfares, and possessing a total area of about 10,041 sq ft. The premises comprise a sugar house - a lofty and substantially brick built building (55ft by 54ft) of 10 floors and floor in roof, well lighted by windows with iron sashes and cast iron columns, staircase & lift affording facilities for loading and delivering goods on each storey. A brick built stove adjoining (31ft by 15ft) with racks and iron doors communicating with each floor of the sugar house. A warehouse adjoining (45ft by 31ft) of 4 floors & basement. A brick built charcoal & clearing house (53ft by 29ft) of 5 floors & basement, with loophole doors next the street and large gateway entrance, men's room, engine house, a lofty circular brick built chimney shaft with octagonal base about 130ft high, manager's dwelling house and offices, and spacious yard. The premises are fiited with modern centrifugal machinery capable of melting 300 tons of sugar per week. It comprises 3 pairs of Manlove & Alliott's centrifugal machines, 2 copper vacuum pans 7ft 6in and 8ft diameter, 2 crushing machines, 3 double flue Cornish steam boilers, etc.
Lot 2 ... Freehold public house, "The Crown" in Rupert St.
Lot 3 ... Freehold public house, "The White Hart", in Hooper Sq.
Lot 4 ... Leasehold property in Rupert St, comprising extensive stabling, cart sheds and yard, warehouses, and 3 dwelling house (nos. 15, 16, 17 Rupert St) and premises in Johnson's Court.
(The Times, 19 May 1877)


By Messrs Fuller, Horsey, Sons & Co by auction at the Mart on Wednesday 23 Jan 1878 at 1 o'clock ...
A leasehold sugar refinery fitted with plant & machinery situate in CABLE ST, St George's East, London, having an area of about 12,950sq ft. Comprises a brick built sugar refinery of 6 floors loft & basement, a brick building of 2 floors, cooperage, lofty chimney stack, residence for manager, and large yard. The plant & machinery include a copper vacuum pan , a cast iron vacuum pan, a copper blow-up cistern, 6 charcoal cisterns, cast iron boiling pan, 2 centrifugal machines & steam engine, 8 cast iron coolers, 6 filters, 22 wrought and cast iron syrup and blow up and fine liquor cisterns, cold liquer back, steam pulling up engine, steam crane, double purchase crane, weighing machine, vacuum pump, 8" force pump, a mixing vat with agitating apparatus & steam engine, oak heating vat, oak converter neutralizing vat, pair double action steam force pumps, iron scum press, 10 horsepower horizontal steam engine, 14 horsepower high pressure beam engine, 2 single flue Cornish boilers, and the necessary plant for carrying on the business. The lease is for an unexpired term of 7½yrs at low rent of £210pa.
(The Times, 19 Jan 1878)


Sale of a Sugar Refinery
The Counterslip Sugar Refinery, Bristol, for many years in possession of its founders, the Finzels, changed hands yesterday, the purchasers being some Bristol merchants, who intend to reopen the works at first on a limited scale. The purchase money was £74,500.
(Sheffield Independent 17 April 1878)


There will be Sold by Public Roup, within the Tontine Hotel, Greenock, on Thursday 18 July next, at One o'clock Afternoon, unless previously disposed of by Private Bargain.
That well known and valuable Work called the Orchard Sugar Refinery, situated in INGLESTON STREET, Greenock, with Cooperage, Joiners' Shop, Warehouses, Offices, Water Privilege, etc, as presently occupied by Messrs Paul, Sword & Co, the proprietors, all in complete working order, excepting the Char, which may be had by the purchaser at a valuation.
The Refinery, which is Fireproof, was rebuilt some time ago, and fitted with Machinery and Plant on the most approved principles, and the Warehouses are capable of storing about 4000 tierces of Raw and Refined Sugar.
The Works are conveniently situated for Harbour and Railway Accommodation, have an abundant supply of Water, and can turn out, at an exceptionally moderate cost, 300 tons of Refined Sugar weekly. This could be doubled, without disarranging the present Works, by a small comparative outlay.
The Ground, containing about Two and a Half Imperial Acres, with privilege of Water Supply, is held under Feu Right at the small Annual Feu Duty of £118, or thereby.
The whole internal arrangements are admirably adapted for working the House economically; and its advantages over other Works in regard to Insurance and Cost of Water amount to a large sum per annum. To encourage competition, the Property will be exposed at the pleasure of the Bidders, under a Reserve Offer in favour of the Proprietors.
Further particulars will be given on application to McClure & Macdonald, writers of Greenock, who will show the Titles and Articles of Sale.
Greenock, 26 June 1878.
(Greenock Telegraph 16 July 1878)


Sugar Refinery in Greenock for sale by private bargain ...
The proprietor of the sugar house situate in DALRYMPLE ST, SUGAR HOUSE LANE & CRAWFORD ST of Greenock, is willing to accept private offers for the purchase of this refinery. The business has been successfully carried on for a long period, and the house, which is well known, is of moderate size, is furnished with all modern appliances for refining, and is in excellent working order. The premises are situate in the immediate vicinity of two principal harbours, and within a short distance of the Glasgow & South-Western Railway Station. Further particulars may be obtained on application to Thomas King, Writer, Watt Place, Greenock.
(The Times, 28 Jul 1879)
[previously Gibb Bros taken over by Adam Bros & MacEaclran??]


For Sale
The Avonside Sugar Refinery Bristol
Excellently arranged Freehold Premises. Out-turn 120 tons per week. Terms of purchase made easy. If not disposed of by June 15 will be then sold by auction.
Apply to R H Marten, Exchange, Bristol.
(Public Ledger 13 April 1880)


Renfrewshire ... Blair, Reid & Steele Ltd in liquidation ...
To be sold by public roup within the Faculty Hall, St George's Place, Glasgow on Wednesday 2 Nov 1881 at 1 o'clock, unless previously disposed of by private bargain, Ingleston Sugar Refinery, Greenock, together with the goodwill of the business and all the plant, machinery, and utensils, the property of the vendors, situate therein. The sugar house is situate on the SHAWS WATER AQUEDUCT and is capable of refining 600 tons of raw sugar per week. The ground occupied by the house extends to 11,000 sq yards on which there is no feu duty. Adjoining are the office, manager's house, laboratory, on which there is a small feu duty. Upset price to ensure competition £27,500. The stock of charcoal, about 800 tons, which is all in excellent working condition, will require to be taken over by the purchaser at a valuation.
(The Times, 17 Oct 1881)


Messrs Fuller, Horsey, Sons & Cassell are instructed by the executors of the late S B Hodge [died 1878] to sell by auction during the present month (unless previously disposed of by private contract) at the Mart ...
*Lot 1 ... The valuable freehold property situate in FIELDGATE ST, Whitechapel, London, at present arranged as a sugar refinery, but available for warehouses or manufacturing premises. The buildings are substantial and comprise; brick built sugar house 67ft by 61ft of ground and 7 floors, warehouse brick built of 6 floors, cistern house, dwelling house, and offices of 4 storeys and basement, sample room with gatekeeper's house over, manager's office, large stone paved yard enclosed with pair of folding gates, lofty brick built chimney shaft, steam engine house, freehold dwelling house no.16 Fieldgate St containing 12 rooms and in the basement mess room for the men. Land on which chimney is erected on lease for unexpired term of 200 yrs, and land for steam engine house for 246 yrs, both at peppercorn rents.
*Lot 2 ... The leasehold premises comprising a brick built charcoal house 60ft by 55ft with 2 floors over, smith's shop, and gateway entrance, brick built stable and store with dwelling rooms over, stoke hole in rear and yard, and a brick built dwelling house with 3 rooms with yard in rear. Held under leases for unexpired terms.
*And, on the premises July next ... the costly plant & machinery including a vacuum pan 10ft dia by 10ft deep with 4 copper worms, a vacuum pan 7ft dia by 8ft deep with copper worm, a vacuum pan 6ft 6in dia by 6ft deep with copper worm, a vacuum pan 7ft dia by 7ft 6in deep, steam engine with 16in steam cylinder and 18in vacuum pump, a 30 horsepower low pressure condensing beam engine, a pair of 20in cast iron vacuum pumps all by Pontifex & Wood, 2 copper jacketted liquor boiling pans, 3 copper heater pans, 2 cast iron heater pans, 13 cast iron filters with gun metal bells, 5 pairs 36in centrifugal machines with steam engines, 1 single centrifugal machine with steam engine and a pair of 42in centrifugal machines with a pair of engines all by Manlove & Alliott, range of 4 copper refrigerators by Pontifex & Wood, a range of 3 copper refrigerators, cast iron receiver and condenser, 2 circular blow-up cisterns with copper coils by Pontifex & Wood, 2 pulling up machines, 2 steam warehouse cranes, 2 single purchase steam cranes, 46 copper & iron liquor cisterns, 3 cast iron liquor backs, 21 wrought iron charcoal cisterns, two 5 horsepower steam engines, 4 double and single flue Cornish steam boilers, Green's economizer, set of 3 throw plunger pumps, range of 4 pairs of charcoal burning kilns with coolers, double purchase crab, 6 bag washing cisterns, 2 scum presses, several tons of wrought iron girders, several thousand feet of copper & iron steam and liquor pipes, gas fittings, 860 bastard & titler moulds, Hart's weighing machines scales and weights, filter bags, stores, office furniture etc and numerous other effects.
(The Times, 1 Jul 1882)
[previously Friend & Boden]


ALLEGED Sale of a Sugar Refinery
We are authorised to say that there is no foundation for a rumour that has been given circulation that Messrs Ballantine, Rowan & Co's sugar refinery has been sold to Messrs Lyle & Sons. It is incorrect to say that the refinery and its appliances are unsuited to modern requirements, as considerable sums have been spent on it from year to year, and it is in admirable order, and ready to start at any moment.
(Greenock Telegraph 2 March 1883)


Sale by Private Bargain
Washington Street Sugar Refinery for Sale, as formerly advertised. Also suitable for other purposes.
Apply to Hugh Mayberry, 212 St Vincent Street.
(North British Daily Mail 17 November 1883)


Stones and Broken Bricks, 6d per load, at Finzel's Counterslip Sugar Refinery.
(Western Daily Press 20 May 1886)


The Dublin Sugar Refinery
We have been authoritatively informed that the rumour given currency to in the "Telegraph'' on Saturday, in the 'Notes and Queries' column, that Messrs Tait of Liverpool and London, had purchased the Dublin Sugar Refinery, is entirely without foundation.
(Greenock Telegraph 24 January 1887)


Messrs William Dick & Co, merchants, Glasgow, have purchased the sugar refinery in INGLESTON STREET from the Glebe Sugar Refining Company. The whole refinery will be demolished, and the extensive plant and building material will be disposed of by sale in lots to suit purchasers.
(Greenock Telegraph 23 January 1889)


Sale of Sugar Refinery ...
The Orchard Sugar Refinery, Ingleston St, belonging to the Orchard Sugar Refining Co, was yesterday afternoon exposed for sale in the Tontine Hotel, the upset price being £18,000. There was a spirited competition. Mr R Orkney (of Messrs R & S Neill, Clerk & Orkney, writers), on behalf of Mr Andrew Stewart, sugar refiner, offered the upset price. Mr Walter Thorburn, sugar refiner, advanced £20, and thereafter the bid went up until £24,100 was reached, at which figure the refinery was knocked down to Mr Orkney. The ground extends to over 2 acres, with a frontage of 215 ft to Ingleston St. The building and machinery are in good order, and the plant capable of producing 450 tons of refined sugar per week. The feu-duty is £118 4s per annum.
(Glasgow Herald 21 Sep 1889)


There will be exposed to Sale, by Public Roup, within the Tontine Hotel, Greenock, on Friday 18 October at One o'clock Afternoon (unless previously disposed of by private bargain).
The Sugar Refining Works situated in CARTSBURN STREET, Greenock, with the fixed and moveable Machinery and Plant therein (excepting Cooperage Stock and Char), all as occupied by the Cartsburn Sugar Refining Company.
The Ground as described in the Titles extends to 1 acre, 1 rood, 13 poles, and 15 yards, and has a frontage of 256 feet to Cartsburn Street. The Buildings, which are in excellent condition, are admirably adapted for refining purposes. The Works are capable of producing about 240 tons of refined sugar per week. The Feu Duty is £56 15s per annum.
Upset Price £10,000.
For particulars apply to Messrs J & W Glen, solicitors, Greenock, who have the Titles and Articles of Roup, and who will furnish cards of admission to the Works.
(Greenock Telegraph 1 October 1889)


Messrs Fuller, Horsey Sons & Cassell are instructed by the trustees to sell by auction at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, on Thursday May 30, at two precisely, a valuable freehold property consisting of a sugar refinery, situate at the corner of Hanbury Street and Deal Street, Whitechapel, and having a ground area of about 19,600 square feet. The buildings are most substantial, and some of them have been recently erected.
The premises comprise a brick built sugarhouse 88ft by 55ft of six floors and basement, with slated roof, cast iron tank over part of same, engine house, boiler house with tiled roof, smith's shop, lofty circular chimney shaft 140ft high, two charcoal tank houses, charcoal house, lofty warehouse or second charcoal house of ground floor only with walls sufficiently strong to hold extra floors if desired; new warehouse at the corner Hanbury Street and Deal Street, 96ft by 47 ft, with cast iron tank forming roof of ground floor, three floors over, and basement, with sliding iron doors to both streets, sample room and offices.
The refinery is fitted with costly and modern plant and machinery capable of refining 600 tons of sugar per week, and includes two copper vacuum pans, 10ft diameter, three cast iron blow up pans, 9ft diameter, 14 centrifugal machines by Manlove, twelve bag filters, 19 charcoal filters, 55 iron and lead lined syrup and liquer tanks, hogshead steamer, hoisting engines, two hand cranes, 50 horsepower beam engine, eight engines various, nine syrup and liquer pumps, six Lancashire boilers, 7ft diameter, five Buchanan's charcoal reburning kilns, 7in screw cutting lathe, drilling machine, two fans, shafting, etc.
Possession will be given on completion of the purchase. May be viewed by orders only, to be obtained at the Auctioneers offices, and printed particulars and plans had of Messrs W A Crump and Son solicitors ...
(London Standard 7, 14 May 1889)
[property of Col Cowan]

Sale of all plant, refining machinery, tools and utensils on 18-19 March 1890.
(Liverpool Mercury 8, 15 Mar 1890, London Standard 19 March 1890)

Sale of building materials at the sugar refinery, 157 Hanbury Street.
(London Standard 7, 13, 14 May 1890)

Sale of warehouse.
(London Standard 7, 21 Nov 1891)

[The site was purchased by the London School Board, and Deal Street School was built.]

Opening of Deal Street School to accommodate 1200 pupils ... with the playground on the roof !! [image]
(London Standard 11 Feb 1896)


A magnificent Block of Freehold Warehouse Property, with seven floors, known as the Sugar House, HIGH STREET, Southampton, having a floor space of about 23,000 feet, together with Stable at side, and brick Stable, Sail Loft, and Cottage in Sugar House Yard, the whole being of the estimated rental value of £230 per annum.
Mr Robert Fuller has been instructed to Offer by Public Auction the above important Block of Property, on Wednesday May 14, 1890, at 2 for 3 o'clock, at the Dolphin Hotel, High Street, Southampton.
May be viewed by arrangement, and further particulars and conditions of Sale obtained of Messrs Cooper and Son, solicitors, Henley on Thames; Messrs Western and Sons, solicitors, 35 Essex Street, Strand, London; and at the Auction, Land and Estate Agency Offices, 22 Above Bar, Southampton.
(Salisbury & Winchester Journal 10 May 1890)


Messrs Fuller, Horsey, Sons & Cassell are instructed to sell by auction, in lots, on the above premises, on Monday July 27th and following days, at 12 o'clock precisely each day...
The plant, machinery, loose tools and utensils, comprising five copper vacuum pans from 7ft 9in to 10ft diameter, four copper surface condensers, 10 blow up cisterns, 32 wrought iron charcoal cisterns (6ft diameter, 15ft deep), 25 cast and wrought iron tanks and cisterns, 57 bag filters, two pairs crushing rolls, 19 pairs centrifugal machines from 36in to 60in diameter with engines by Manlove and Alliott, 15 beam vertical and horizontal engines from eight to 33 horsepower, eight pair vacuum pumps, 15 sets gunmetal pumps, six donkey engines by Appleby Brothers, 12 horsepower Otto gas engine by Crossley, 10 steam cranes and lifts, 12 Cornish multitubular and vertical boilers by Fraser and Fraser and Hodge and Sons, 15 pairs charcoal reburning cylinders, planing machine, two drilling machines, two lathes, five fans, smiths' and engineers' tools, weighbridge by Hart, two Hart's weighing machines, also loaf sugar sawing and chopping machinery by Waygood, cast and wrought iron, copper, lead, and other piping, gunmetal valves and cocks, charcoal and sugar trucks, and other effects. May be viewed four days preceding, and catalogues had on the premises, and of the Auctioneers, No.11 Billiter Square, E.C.
Note the extensive premises, mostly fireproof, with steam power, to be let, at a very moderate rent.
(The Times 18 July 1891
[property of John Schwartz Pelham St]


Messrs Fuller, Horsey, Sons & Cassell are instructed by Messrs David Martineau & Sons Ltd (who are concentrating their business Clyde Wharf, Victoria Docks, London) to sell by auction in lots on the premises at 6 CHRISTIAN ST, London, on Tuesday 12 July 1892 at noon ...
The surplus plant and machinery including 2 copper vacuum pans with condensers, 8 blow-up cisterns, 21 centrifugal machines, elevator, tramways, 5 pug mills, 22 bag filters, 3 scum filters, 4 receivers, 69 cisterns & tanks, copper refrigerator, water-softening apparatus, loaf-sugar pressing machine, montejus filter press & air pump, 2 agitating tanks, Kortling's blower, 5 steam lifts & hoists, 10 lead lined cisterns, sulphur plant, 8 charcoal reburning kilns, 20 charcoal wagons, 29 charcoal cisterns, 5 Wilson's gas producers, 4 Lancashire boilers, 2 Root's water-tube boilers, 2 pumping engines, 20 horsepower beam engine & pair of vacuum pumps, 10 horsepower beam engine & pair of gun metal air pumps, 16 horsepower horizontal engine, 2 auxilliary beams & pair of vacuum pumps, pair horizontal engines, 4 other engines, 5 gun metal pumps, iron bridge, the iron fittings of 6 drying stoves, 10 ton Hart's weighbridge, 18,000 iron moulds, etc.
(The Times, 9 Jul 1892)


There will be exposed for Sale, by Public Roup, within the Tontine Hotel, on Thursday 10 November next, at Two o'clock Afternoon, unless previously disposed of by Private Bargain.
Lot 1. Consisting of that property in BAKER STREET, formerly used by Messrs Patten as a Sugar Refinery, with Warehouses, Cooperage, Boiler Shed (with tank on top of building), Stable, Counting House, etc. The Sugar Refinery consists of nine flats; the main Warehouse, six flats, with steam winches; the Cooperage, two flats; and the whole of these buildings and the other offices on the Ground are of the most substantial description and are all in good order. The Cooperage is at present occupied by a tenant at a yearly rent of £110.
The Ground extends to 2 acres 2 roods and 16 poles, and the property being on the line of the Shaw Water Falls, has a valuable water privilege equivalent to to 51 horse power, and is advantageously situated for the buildings on it, being lit by electric light at moderate cost. A siding in connection with the Wemyss Bay Railway could be easily made. Feu Duty £27 11s 2d; Water Rate £182 8s.
In order to ensure a Sale, the property will be exposed at the extremely low upset price of £2750.
Lot 2. The property in BAKER STREET on which Messrs Alexander Scott & Sons Baker Street Sugar Refinery (recently pulled down) was erected, with the New Store of six flats, large Warehouse of four flats, Mill Store of five flats, Cooperage, Stables etc.
The Ground extends to 1 acre 1 rood and 39 poles, and has a valuable water privilege equivalent to 48 horse power, and is also advantaeously situated for the building on it, being lit by electric light at moderate cost. Feu Duty £19 2s 3d. Water Rate £181 17s 6d.
This property will be exposed at the low upset price of £2,000.
Lot 3. That property in BAKER STREET, consisting of a Smithy occupied by Mr Ronald Maclean blacksmith; and an Engineering workshop lately occupied by Mr Robert Patrick engineer; and a Sugar Store of three flats at the corner of BAKER STREET and REGENT STREET. The Ground extends to 1 rood 13 poles and 23 yards. Rental of Smithy £20. Feu Duty £18 2s 10d.
This property, which is practically unrestricted, will be exposed at the low upset price of £1250.
The whole of these properties, from their proximity to the Harbours and Railway Stations, are most valuable to any one requiring premises for Public Works of any kind, and are being exposed at sums which bear a very small proportion to the original cost of the buidings on the ground.
For further particulars apply to Messrs J C Smith, Macdonald, & Crawford, solicitors, Greenock, who are in possession of the Title Deeds and Articles of Roup.
Greenock 20 October 1892.
(Greenock Telegraph 22 October 1892)


Sugar House for Sale
The Castle Sugar Refinery, QUEEN STREET, Bristol
Weekly output 250 tons, having land frontage of 166 feet, and water frontage of 386 feet, with Wharves, one being close to Boilers, Warehouses and Offices opposite Refinery, thus obtaining lowest rates of Insurance; now working, but possession can be obtained in November.
For terms, which are very low, apply to Mr S Wills, Castle Sugar Refinery, Bristol.
(Public Ledger 6 October 1893)


Fuller, Horsey & Co - Leasehold, Duncan's Sugar Refinery, Rawcliffe, near Goole, Yorkshire; on the premises, at 12.30.
Fuller, Horsey & Co - Sugar refiner's plant and machinery; at Duncan's Sugar Refinery, Rawcliffe, nr Goole, Yorkshire, at 12.30.
(London Standard, 17 Oct 1893)


Sale of Sugar Refinery ...
At Ballantyne & Rowan's Sugar Refinery, DELLINGBURN STREET, Greenock; complete plant of sugar refinery in splendid condition: vacuum pans, engines, boilers, filters, hydro-extractors, steam traps, pipes, valves, etc. Apply Wm Kerr & Co, Machinery Merchants, Stevenston, or Refinery, Greenock.
(Glasgow Herald 28 Oct 1895)


Sugar Refinery in Greenock for Sale, with Railway Connections and Water Rights.
Upset Price, £15,000
For Sale by Public Roup, within the Faculty Hall, St George's Place, Glasgow, on Wednesday 9 December, 1896, at Three (unless previously sold privately)
The BERRYYARDS Sugar Refinery, Greenock, for many years occupied by Messrs Alexander Scott & Sons, Sugar Refiners, Greenock, and built under the supervision of the late Alexander Scott.
The Refinery is in close proximity to the Caledonian Railway and has a siding late the Works giving ready access for raw sugar and coal.
The Ground extends to over three acres, and there is a Water Fall of 21 horse power.
The Refinery is capable of turning out 100 to 130 tons of refined sugar per day. It consists of Eight Flats and has all the requisites of a going work, including Five Large Copper Vacuum PANS, Char End and KIln Houses, Drying Loft, Refined and Raw Sugar Stores, Boiler House and Ten Boilers, and other Building, and is Fireproof throughout. There are Large Iron Tanks on the roof capable of storing 150,000 gallons of water. The Feu Duty and Water Rent amount to £288 14s 3d.
For further particulars apply to McGrigor, Donald & Co, writers, 172 St Vincent Street, Glasgow; or Mitchells, Johnston & Co, writers, 160 West George Street, Glasgow, the latter of whom have the Title Deeds and Articles of Roup.
(Greenock Telegraph 24 November 1896)


Sale of Greenock Sugar Refinery
The BERRYYARDS Sugar Refinery, for many years occupied by Messrs Alex Scott and Sons, was exposed for sale yesterday afternoon in the Faculty Hall, Glasgow, and purchased at the upset price of £12,000 by Messrs Stewart & Gillies, writers, for a client. It is reported that the refinery has been bought by metal brokers for breaking up purposes, but the hope is expressed that this is not the case, and that the property will still be carried on as a refinery.
(Greenock Telegraph 28 January 1897)


By Messrs Fuller, Horsey, Sons & Cassell on 20 April 1909 ...
Lot 1 ... Freehold lands & buildings at Bristol, situate in [OLD] MARKET ST with frontage thereto 167ft, parallel frontage to Jacob St 198ft, nearly rectangular ground area about 4,130 sq yds. Lately in the occupation of The Bristol Sugar Refinery. The property is centrally situate, and the buildings are adaptable to other trade purposes. Independent & abundant supply of water.
Lot 2 ... Freehold warehouse & land in Unity St with frontage thereto 131ft, frontage to Jacob St 167ft, total area 2,770 sq yds. The buildings include very substantial brick built sugar warehouse, boiler house, chimney shaft, and 2 rows of cottages.
Both lots to be sold with possession.
... And the sugar refining plant & machinery at [Old] Market St, Bristol, including 5 copper vacuum pans, air & vacuum pumps, copper melting pans, copper steel & iron tanks, copper boiling pans, receivers, shoots, several miles of copper lead steel and other piping, water softening & purifying apparatus, blow up cisterns, bag filters, gun metal pumps, hydraulic pumps & presses, sugar mixers, Newhall's sugar dryer, bench of five 48in Watson & Laidlaw turbine driven hydro extractors, 5 steam driven hydro extractors, iron charcoal cisterns, kilns & coolers, disintegrators, hoists, lifts & cranes, elevators & conveyors, millwright's tools, lathes, saw benches, steam engines, Lancashire boilers, economizers, Worthington, deep-well & other pumps, several hundred tons of plates, etc.
(The Times, 20 Mar 1909)


Further evidence of SALES gratefully accepted ... Thank you.