Sugar Refiners & Sugarbakers
Just a simple weblog to keep you up to date with the progress being made with both the website and the research, as well as mentioning the names surfacing from enquiries made to the website by fellow researchers. |
23 August 24 ... * 55,000 .......................... ! Name enquiries - JENERICH, WALL. |
3 July 24 ... * ... another tiny 1 gallon flagon ... Smith & Tyers c1845 ... found in Essex. |
26 June 24 ... * 54k ............................ Name enquiries - SAMLER. |
19 April 24 ... * 53k ... and still going !! Name enquiries - WIEBKIN, WORSLEY. |
# 22 December 23 ... * The Wikipedia thing didn't last !! Name enquiries - ASHURST, CORDES, DAMES, LUDLOW, LUIDERS & WOLTERS, SLOMAN, STOCK, UHRBROCK. |
1 February 23 ... * I've fully updated the Reading List. |
24 October 22 ... * 52k ... but unless SP relaxes its unhelpful Pay-per-View system, I can't see me adding too many more ! Name enquiries - PONSONBY. |
24 September 22 ... * ... and another one ... Smith & Tyers c1854 ... found in North Yorkshire. Name enquiries - HEIGOLD, MINDERMANN. |
6 March 22 ... * I bought two more flagons this week, both Ramsden c1830. This has given me the opportunity to add some of their family history to the City page alongside the Smith info. Name enquiries - LILCKENDEY, OLDHAM, TIMCKE. |
10 January 22 ... * 50,000+ entries now on the database ... |
20 December 21 ...
* 49k .............. and lets all try and have a safe and sound Christmas, and 2022. Name enquiries - LAPWORTH, SCHWIER, SHIRLEY, SHUM. |
7 July 21 ... * Just added my 500th will summary. * AGFHS have recently had another print run of my book. # ... and the Wilberforce page on Wikipedia is still OK ! Name enquiries - HEISSENBUTTEL, KORTEN, SCHRODER, WABILK/WEBECK. |
# 15 March 21 ... * Further to previous post ... |
* Over 400 will summaries. ** Wikipedia is a site I often use as it covers such a wide range of topics. I know it has a reputation for being somewhat inaccurate, but I accept that is so because it can be changed, altered, amended by anybody who wishes. But I've just found out, after 20-odd years, that its rules actually imply that it will always be prone to errors and omisions ... did you know that, if each page is managed correctly, it can only accept the published word, not primary sources? I have a bee-in-my-bonnet regarding William Wilberforce. Simply put, I cannot accept that factors within his early life did not affect his later life. WW was born (1759) into a wealthy merchant family. His grandfather of the same name purchased what we now know as Wilberforce House in Hull from the Thornton family after the death of his father-in-law John Thornton, and a year or so later joined the Thorntons and others as founding partners in the sugarhouse on Lime Street, Hull, in 1732/3. Young William would probably have been able to see the huge building from the bottom of his garden and would have no doubt visited it with his grandfather. [Did he know at the time that slave sugar was being refined in his local/family sugarhouse?] When his father died in 1755 he was left the house and the residual estate in trust, and when his grandfather died in 1774 he left £10,000 to him in trust. So when he reached the age of twenty one he received his inheritance and became a very wealthy young man. [He lived off his inherited wealth, part of which was from slave sugar, whilst fighting abolition - he wouldn't have been the only one, but was it a cause of his fight or did it just make it possible?] Back to Wikipedia. I had not seen this info published and so decided to add it to the William Wilberforce Wikipedia page. Since it was already stated that his grandfather had made the family fortune in the maritime trade with Baltic countries, I simply added the fact that he was also a founding partner in the sugarhouse in 1733, giving the source as Lambeth Archives. All I wanted to do was to make this info public as none of his biographers had seen fit to do so. My words were deleted within days and on enquiring I was told politely by the keepers of the WW page that Wikipedia could not accept primary sources, only 'facts' from published sources were allowed, however my own book, a published source, could not be quoted as it was I who found the primary source. This was also the reason the page had doubts about his grandfather's death year, the biographers' ideas about this varied, but Wikipedia could not simply use the primary source from the parish registers. I eventually found a published source for the sugarhouse info (Jackson - Hull in the Eighteenth Century: A Study in Economic and Social History, 1972) and after some discussion this was added. Anything about WW's thoughts on living off the proceeds of slave sugar could not be included as none of his biographers mentioned it, either because they did not know of it or they did not wish to talk about it as it may have muddied the waters. Name enquiries - SCHRODER/SHIRLEY. |
19 December 20 ... * 48k .............. and lets all try and have a safe and sound Christmas, and 2021. |
31 October 20 ... * My thanks to Mary Godward for pointing me to her webpage (The Lincolnshire Farmers in Paraguay).
* I avoid mention/description/discussion of the slave trade that made the British sugar trade so profitable for no other reason than it would take up too much of my time and too much of the limited space of the website.I break the rules here simply to inform readers that the excellent FutureLearn (MOOC providers to many) are offering an excellent, very graphic, 4wk course entitled "History of Slavery in the British Caribbean". |
3 September 20 ... * Still about, but can't get about. I fear we still have many months of this to contend with !! Name enquiries - DOLGE, HOLTHOUSE, STROHLEIN, WHITEMAN ... and LANCASTER Sugarhouse. |
1 July 20 ... * 47k Name enquiries - JENRICK, MYER. |
6 April 20 ... * 46k |
15 March 20 ... * 45k ... still searching :-) * In the midst of coronavirus, it dawned on me that the early refiners had the plague to contend with !! Name enquiries - BLACK, FICKEN, KAHRS, KELLY, KENNEDY, ROEVER. |
8 December 19 ... * It's taken a while ... I've being searching the Bristol Parish Registers for sugarbakers ... maybe just one or two entries from each book of bpts (from 1813) or marriages (from 1837). I've added 250+ to the database, and though it's most of them, it may not be all of them. * The controversial planning application for the site of the Whitechapel Bell Foundry has thrown us another bone with respect to existing sugar refinery buildings. The British Library's Chace Collection has a very detailed plan (c1805) of that whole Whitechapel Rd / Plummers Row corner showing the layout of the refinery building belonging to 268 Whitechapel Rd tucked in behind the bell foundry. The remains of a cellar have recently been found beneath, and aligned with, the sugarhouse. Name enquiries - FINZEL, FRIEACKE, KARST, POPE, RULTON, VOGT. |
10 April 19 ... * Die deutschen Gelehrten, Kaufleute, Handwerker und Tagelšhner in England, Schottland und Irland, by Dr von Hoff, Mannheim, 1863. Name enquiries - BULLWINKEL, HAVEMEYER, SEYMOUR, SMITH, WALTON, WEIDNER. |
1 January 19 ... * Happy New Year to you all. * I've now been compiling this database and website for 20 years. In that time the sourcing of info has become considerably easier, but, of course, new sources are now more difficult to find. There will always be oddments to add, but it seems I have to wait for the 1921 census, and for ScotlandsPeople to offer subscriptions, before I can add further batches of info to the database.
15 November 18 ... * 44k ... the latest additions increase our knowledge of those ordinary workers who laboured in the London sugarhouses of the first half of the 1700s. It's not easy to find info about these men unless the odd vicar or two adds the occupation to a church BMD entry, however the records of the Fleet Marriages give names, occupations and abodes of both parties, as well as the often unusual places in which they married. It's also possible in some cases to pinpoint the sugarhouses in which they may have worked, eg: Battersea - 26 workers named for the two sugarhouses; Paul's Wharf - 16 named for two sugarhouses; College Hill - 10 named for the one sugarhouse; and 7 in Southwark, and 4 in Mortlake, amongst the almost 200 entries ... and these are just from the records of those who married in unconventional places. |
17 September 18 ... * All seven together ... just an exercise for Flickr. |
15 September 18 ... * 43k ... just added 600 entries from Bristol and Liverpool censuses, with more Liverpool to come. Pity I can't get Greenock 1911. Otherwise not much going on. Name enquiries - EMERSON, GLAVESKY, HAASE, MARTINEAU, RANKIN, SAMBROUCK, SCHAFS, STUHR. |
1 January 18 ... * Good health and successful researching for the new year !
Name enquiries - GLAVESKY, LANGELUTJE. |
3 October 17 ... * I now have just over 300 will summaries on the website and they vary enormously from simple instructions through to the overly wordy, from a few pounds to very many thousands, from the mention of just a relative or two to legacies to half the neighbourhood, but it was the 300th of these wills that has, at last, shown just how useful I hoped they could be and why I had persisted in reading so many. By chance, the 300th will I studied for the website was that of Johann Diederich Neuhaus, a sugar boiler of Queen Street in the City of London. The will, dated 26 September 1780, appeared to be short and straightforward, beginning with the instruction that he was to be buried at the German Chapel in Trinity Lane, with no more than £25 to be spent on his funeral. (The register of the German Lutheran Chapel tells us he was buried on the 9th of October 1780, aged 66 and from Luneburg in Germany.) Legacies to friends - a couple of sugar refiners and a tailor - followed. ... you just don't get this sort of info from normal records ! |
26 September 17 ... * Spent a day last week at the excellent Whitehaven Archives. A simple enquiry generated a pile of books, files and maps ... and the BMD transcriptions helpfully included the occupations, even back in the 1740s. Most grateful to the archivist and staff, for it's allowed me to correct and update the Whitehaven page, as well as add to the database. Name enquiries - BROCKELMANN, DIERKS, GARRETT, HOLSTEN, LOEBER, LUCAS, PELL, STOHNBROOK, WORSLEY. |
18 June 17 ... * Researcher and author Joelle Million of Massachusetts has written an excellent history of sugar refiner and abolitionist Samuel Blackwell that details his part in the Bristol industry, his move to N America, and his pioneering work with beet sugar until his death in 1838. Published online in the New York History Review for us all to enjoy. CLICK here. Name enquiries - BLACKWELL, MEYERS, SILBERBACH. |
10 April 17 ... * This was the day, 105 years ago, of two (amongst others, I'm sure) important events ... Titanic sailed, and my father was born !! Name enquiries - BEARMAN, BOCK, BROOKMAN, COLE, CRAVEN, EYRE, HARDESS, KLEIN, RUSHMEYER. |
1 January 17 ... ** 41,000 ................. Happy New Year. * FRY n EGG - Wholesale Refined Sugar Dealers Salomon & Fry, 12 Little Eastcheap, London, 1815-18 |
15 December 16 ... * I seem to be searching for the unknown ... The new Architecture page is a success, and new images are slowly coming to light, but the architects are staying hidden, if a record of them even exists. In front of the TV I'm reading Colvin, but so far A-F has given just one architect, James Craig, who designed the Sugar Sampling Room behind the Tontine in Glasgow ... I'll continue with that source. Walter Kinipple may have had a hand in the designs for the Sugar Warehouses at the James Watt Dock in Greenock. So, to date, it's just Charles Dyson, who was responsible for Bowman's huge sugarhouse at 78 Leman St and plans for an extension to Wagener's 27 Wellclose Sq both around 1850. There's a strong possibility that some years earlier Thomas Leverton, who was surveyor for the Phoenix Fire Office, "also erected large premises for sugar-boilers in London and New York" ... more work needed. I now have some 270+ will/probate summaries, but the other day I had an email from John Roberts with a snippet from a 1694 will he'd been studying. Edward Keling, a London fishmonger, had various properties including "... a Sugar Howse on Breadstreete Hill in London with the utensills thereunto belonging ...". This is the earliest record so far of sugar refining in that street. I'm now wondering how many other references there are to sugarhouses in wills of folks not listed as, or known to be, sugar refiners. Name enquiries - ERBE, KE(E)LING, SCHWIER. |
18 October 16 ... *Some of you might be interested in this project, now underway, to create a 1/1500 scale model of London 1840, starting with the East End. Click. Name enquiries - DETTMAR, FAIRRIE, HARDESS, HARMS, MEIER, von THUN, WEBER. |
9 August 16 ... * "Old London sugar money = today's German dwellings in Hessen" ... refiners often left legacies in their wills to family in Germany. Johann George Wicke was one such refiner and work by a German researcher has uncovered 3 or 4 houses built with his money. There are more dwellings still to be matched with refiners, eg. one in Zennern could have been built with Wicke or Harbusch money. Case study for J G Wicke. Name enquiries - BLACKWELL, BODEN, BUSH, FICKEN, FINZEL, FREERCKS, HARDESS, VAUGHAN, WALKER, WICKE, WOOD, Royalty Theatre. |
16 May 16 ... * 40,000+ Name enquiries - ARMSTRONG, FEDDEN, MEHRTENS, MOXHAM, WICKE. |
15 April 16 ... * My thanks to Mike Greenall for an excellent Timeline for Tate Liverpool. (Mike is an ex-employee of T&L). Name enquiries - BOWES, EDWARDS, FICKE/FICKEN, KELLER, McLAUGHLIN, SILBERBACH. |
1 March 16 ... * Just adding the baptisms and marriages from the registers of St Mark Whitechapel (GoodmanÕs Fields). The church (1839-1925) had been built on the Tenter Ground to the south of St Mary Whitechapel. It had become a poor and populous district, and the decision was made to create a new parish. ... The 1851 census lists the population of the parish as 15,790, in 1,757 'households' - an average of 9.09% per household, the highest in East London, and with the highest percentage of Irish and foreign-born residents (primarily from Germany, Holland, Poland and Prussia). ... In 1858 the parish was described, at a committee of the House of Lords, as Ôutterly unmanageableÕ. A high proportion of sugarbakers appear in the registers. Name enquiries - BLACKWELL, EDSALL/EDIS, EGNER, SALWAY, SCHUMAKER, WENDELKEN. |
12 January 16 ... * For anyone interested, there's a new course from FutureLearn starting March 14 ... Name enquiries - GAMBLE. |
26 December 15 ... * Happy Christmas !
3 October 15 ... * Just back from Durham ... four days walking the city. It doesn't change much, I'm pleased to say, the cathedral's just as wonderful as ever ... even the Lego version - 179,000 bricks so far ! Name enquiries - . |
15 September 15 ... * Have just added 500+ new Silvertown entries ... baptisms and marriages ... database now 38K+. Name enquiries - BATGER, Hull Sugarhouse Disaster. |
8 August 15 ... * Would appear to have found another child for Herman and Sarah Almeroth ... Thomas William Ormroth 1807 s/o Almon & Sarah sugar refiner MENT bpt at St Dunstan Stepney. Herman was buried there 5 years later. Name enquiries - LEIMBACH, MACFIE. |
7 July 15 ... * A very apt quote from fiction ...
21 April 15 ... * From Hull History Centre - an indenture regarding a mortgage - William Simpson sugar baker of York 1703. Married 1698, awaiting marriage bond. Was this the man who ran John Taylor's sugarhouse (because Taylor was rarely there !!) "Sugarbakers is almost mainstream !" - Peter Christian, at WDYTYA. Name enquiries - BOULNOIS, BRUNS, HARRISON, MOXHAM. |
22 February 15 ... * My research into the York sugarhouse and Dutch-gabled warehouses on Skeldergate is to be placed in the English Heritage archives to accompany their own RCHME material, with the comment that it "certainly sheds some light on the development of this part of York and challenges some long-held assumptions." Name enquiries - DOTE/DOTTE/DOUGHT, HAGUE. |
14 January 15 ... * Belated Happy New Year to you all. Just plodding along finding more info. Name enquiries - ACKROYD, BLACKWELL, DAKIN, NONCON. |
3 December 14 ... * Added more East End marriages.
Name enquiries - DORN, MUHM. |
20 September 14 ... ** 36,000 Name enquiries - MOHR, MOLLER, SMITH, WHITE, WHITEMAN/WEIDMAN. |
26 August 14 ... * Now to attempt to find the records of John Smith in his original Cheshire. His granddaughter Kate wrote "My father's father came from Cheshire, his family were famous in the Vale Royal and he was, I believe, the youngest of 19." ... and her younger brother Edward suggested Tarporley. (My thanks again to Chris Cobb.) Name enquiries - BROUGH, FARRENBERG, GUPPY, MOLLENHAUER, SMITH. |
1 August 14 ... * Just which Mr Smith of London 'treated with Mr Moore' in Liverpool in 1667/8 is unclear, but I've had a look at it on my West London page, along with the Battersea refiners. Name enquiries - BANNER, BLACKWELL, ERMEL, MOLLENHAUER, SAUER, SCHMIDT, STUHR. |
15 May 14 ... * At last I've managed to put together a history of Smith & Tyers, Liquid Sugar Refiners of Upper Thames St, and later Green St, Southwark. Four generations of the Smith family from around 1800 to 1923. Five sugar flagons give us names, addresses and products. John Smith would appear to be the first of the refiners, having arrived in London from Cheshire prior to 1780 ... two of his gt grandchildren were C Aubrey Smith 1863-1948 the England cricketer and Holywood actor, and the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins 1844-1889. Name enquiries - FEDDON, KRAMER, RADCLIFFE, SMITH of Battersea. |
8 April 14 ... * The Newcastle Courant of 1722 spoke of a Mr Bagnall being "the greatest sugar baker in Europe", and the Daily Post of 1729 said in his obit that he was "formerly one of the greatest sugar-bakers in England". The Norfolk Record Office at Norwich has a very nondescript, flimsy, little document, under ref: FEL 705, 554x7, that throws much light onto why this elusive gentleman earned such a reputation. It lists his sugarhouses in Mortlake, Battersea, Westminster, Paul's Wharf, Queen St, Leman St and Lambeth St, the leases of which he sold on to the new partnership of Fellowes, Houlditch & Emerson in 1722. Thomas Emerson had been in charge of the day-to-day running of Bagnall's sugarhouses, and continued in that role for the new partnership. Name enquiries - DANIELS, MEYER, SMITH (& TYERS), VIGNEAU. |
3 March 14 ... * Just a little Health & Safety Announcement ...
Name enquiries - ALMEROTH, FOSS, SCHRODER. |
1 February 14 ... * If anyone can tell me, please, what 'sail sugar' and 'sail molasses' were I'd be very grateful. Cropped up in New England herbal recipes early 19thC. Name enquiries - SOTHERS & DALMAN. |
1 January 14 ... ** 35,000 ................. Happy New Year. |
17 December 13 ... * Researching newspapers at the moment, so it's mostly bankrupts, fires and deaths, but it can sometimes be amusing ...
Name enquiries - DETTMAR, Dundee Sugarhouse(s). |
7 November 13 ... * Many more entries added from various directories, as well as this snippett ...
13 October 13 ... * !!! Just spotted it ... PURYS is SYRUP ... so assumedly a Macfie own brand. Name enquiries - WISSNER. |
9 October 13 ... *Anyone remember/know of PURYS Golden Syrup ? It was produced in Liverpool by Macfie's, but was Purys one of their own brand names or were they supplying another company ?? Name enquiries - BASTIAN, DREYER, KELLY, MACFIE, MOXHAM, PICKEL, RATHJEN, WREDE, Dundee Sugarhouse(s). |
18 August 13 ... * Another old flagon, this one a huge 7 gallon capacity. Weighs about 30lb empty, so around a hundredweight when full ... imagine lugging that around one-handed ! |
8 August 13 ... * York research completed for now and York page fully updated. Just looking for John Taylor's own, original, journal from which the info for both editions of his Memoir was taken. Name enquiries - ALI, CLENCOFF, DETTMAR, KLEINE, MUHLE, SCUDDER, SEEBECK, WILKINS, WILSON. |
27 June 13 ... * York research now ready for writing up. Sure there's more info to be found but at moment both City Archives and Art Gallery out of use. I'm certain, as were the archaeologists, that the sugarhouse pre-dated the Dutch gabled warehouses, but that they were on the same footprint. Name enquiries - BUDGEN, FEDDEN, RAMSON. |
4 May 13 ... * Good news from York. Name enquiries - . |
28 April 13 ...
... so having finally got my hands on the 1830 printing of John Taylor's Memoirs at the York Minster Library, I find that the 1710 Committee of the Quarterly Meeting that oversaw their initial publication decided to edit out "the latter part of his manuscript [that] contained many observations about [his] trade" !! Name enquiries - DAVIS, DORMAN, KNOPE, KOPPENBERG, MUHLE, NUHRENBURG, REYNOLDS, SEELING, STEVENSON. |
24 February 13 ... * Added a couple of hundred entries from the early London Land Tax records. More to come when another batch extracted. Whilst they often extend the records we have for the periods that folks owned individual refineries, most interesting for me are those records that produce an earlier date for refining in specific streets, eg. Wentworth Street just began 9 years earlier. Name enquiries - BEAUMONT, BECKER, GADSDEN, GASCOIGNE. |
6 February 13 ... * York City Archives have come up trumps with a document relating to the Skeldergate sugarhouse in York. There's a further update to the York page, and hopefully more research in York later in the year. Name enquiries - WOOD, ISLAND Trading Company (Borneo). |
30 January 13 ... * Current news items regarding dietary dangers of sugar and sweeteners ... they were saying the same things around 200 years ago, but did anyone take any notice ? Name enquiries - BRUCKER, DITTMER, OLSEN, REUGER, WESTPFAHL, TAIKOO Refinery. |
18 December 12 ... * Happy Christmas to All ... thank you for all your help and all your info this year. Name enquiries - BLANKENHAGEN, BROOMFIELD, HALBAUM, PRITZLER, SEILER. |
26 November 12 ... * New info regarding Herman's sugarhouse. Land Tax records show he first paid tax on the property at 12 Church St, MENT, in 1806, earlier than previous research had shown. He took over from Blankenhagen & Co who paid tax for 1804-5, but pity records not available for few years before this to see when the sugarhouse was built. Name enquiries - BEESWANK, BOSCHEN, HEAP, MILLER, REED, TUTTE. |
28 October 12 ... * New Sugar Moulds & Collecting Jars page. Name enquiries - BUTLER, CHANTRELL. |
11 October 12 ... * Yesterday evening's Who Do You Think You Are - Celia Imrie ... they went down the paternal line. However, if they'd gone down the maternal line they'd have come to William Blois 1562-1621, merchant and sugar refiner of Ipswich. If you study the hand-written tree they used, sugar refiner Blois was the father of the William Blois who married Cecily Wingfield. Name enquiries - . |
27 September 12 ... * Interesting that the ITV News reporter in York yesterday evening should report on the flooding whilst standing up to his knees in water on Skeldergate immediately in front of the site of the 17th century sugarhouse. The arched building behind him replaced the building that replaced the sugarhouse. This made me wonder about earlier times ... did the River Ouse flood in John Taylor's time thus inundating his sugarhouse, or was there more opportunity for the river to flood adjacent meadows that at that time had not been built upon ? Name enquiries - BROOMFIELD, CAMPE, GAFGA. |
12 September 12 ... * Long weekend in Liverpool ... had hoped for much research either side of Conference, but little opportunity owing to archive restrictions. Pity. |
29 August 12 ... * Added more info regarding York, thanks to Bobbie. Answers a number of questions regarding John Taylor's life, travels, beliefs and business. Name enquiries - KNIEF, MACFIE, MUHLE, WADDINGTON. |
5 August 12 ... * Little research at moment ... fitting a kitchen, thunderstorms, and Olympics. Name enquiries - BECKER, GADECHENS, LEGG, POWISS, RUGEN, SAMLER, ZABELL. |
4 June 12 ... * Work on 1911 census completed. Now studying Liverpool Parish Registers - just a pity those of the Roman Catholic churches don't add occupations. Name enquiries - 'TURNER, BIRLEY, CADOGAN & MOUNSEY'. |
2 May 12 ... * Spent a pleasant week in York with plenty to see and do, though research into John Taylor's sugarhouse was far from productive. As you'll see on the York page, facts are few, as is documentary evidence ... more questions than answers. More time needed in York ! Name enquiries - BECKER, O'FLAHERTY, WERMERLING. |
29 March 12 ... * New book arrived this morning (pre-publication order from Amazon) - "The Sugar Girls" by Duncan Barrett & Nuala Calvi, Collins, 2012. Memories and tales from mid-20C Tate & Lyle, Silvertown. That's my holiday reading !! Name enquiries - BATGER, CLARK, COLE, WEBB. |
5 March 12 ... * Last year Graeme in Oz asked if I knew what a fugleman was as he'd found two relatives with such occupations working in the Australian sugar industry. I could not help other than point him to the popular book on the Australian sugar company, CSR. He found the book excellent and decided to contact CSR to see if they could help. Most of the company records are held at the Noel Butlin Archives Centre, The Australian National University, Canberra, and an archivist was most helpful, providing employment details for his relatives at the New Farm Refinery 1900-1930. Name enquiries - ANGELBECK, CARTWRIGHT, LANCKENAU, MARGETSON, MARTINEAU, RONALDS. |
22 February 12 ... * Currently working on the 1911 censuses for Silvertown and Liverpool ... almost 500 entries on database in next couple of weeks. Name enquiries - BOYD, BRUN(C)KHORST, DAUBENY, ILLIES, SEILER, WEYBECK. |
26 January 12 ... * I've extracted just over 1300 "sugarbaker baptisms" from the parish registers of St George's in the East and St Mary Whitechapel 1831-1881. Once siblings were combined, this has provided some 750 new entries for the database ... all now added. Name enquiries - ERMEL, SCHINARD/SCHONHERR, SCHMIDT, SCHRODER, WITTE. |
1 January 12 ... * Happy New Year to all readers ... may your research progress ! Name enquiries - BULLWINKLE, DAVIS, LEMMERMANN, UFFLEMANN, WALKER. |
1 December 11 ... ****** The new revised and updated edition of the SUGARBAKERS BOOK is now available. ****** Name enquiries - WESTHOFF.
28 November 11 ... * Edinburgh, I had always thought, had two sugarhouses, but on closer inspection, the earlier was actually a warehouse, a shop, an outlet in the city for the sugars of the South Sugar House of Glasgow. The later, in Sugarhouse Close in Canongate, began in 1752 and the first minute book of the company has survived giving us a day-to-day record of sugarhouse activity. Name enquiries - BRECHT. |
13 November 11 ... * Ipswich page, with notes and transcriptions, now complete ... at least for the time being. Tremendous detail of 4 years business from late 1617 to late 1621. |
27 October 11 ... * Fascinating stuff again from the Ipswich ledger ... Name enquiries - DONNADIEU, HARDY, MOHR, WEBER. |
14 October 11 ... * Excellent holiday, with a day and a half of research, in Edinburgh. My thanks to the staff of both the National Archives of Scotland and the Central Library. Both archives hold original 18thC sugarhouse 'books', and I hope to get round to writing up my findings for the website soon. * 1860s storage jar, abt 31cm high, wide neck, maybe cork stopper, Fryer, Benson & Forster. More details on the Manchester page. Anybody know what it originally held, please ? Name enquiries - AHRENS, BACKER, BAHRENBURG, GERKEN, HOFFMANN, MUHM, STUHR, WAHLERS, ZWICK; 'FRYER, BENSON & FORSTER'. |
2 September 11 ... * Have added to the transcriptions of the Ipswich account book. It contains more useful info than I first thought (that's perhaps because I can now read it !). Now getting a clear picture of just how many eggs were used per refine ... you have to wonder where Blois came upon a batch of 400+ eggs every few weeks. And the cost - 7 for 2d. Name enquiries - AHRENS, CLEMENTS, GILES, JOHNS, LIPPIEN, SEEGER, TIMCKE, WITTE. |
31 July 11 ... * The Ipswich Record Office holds one of the earliest physical records of UK sugar refining ... an account book for the businesses of William Blois (Bloys) and partners of St Nicholas parish in Ipswich. They ran a sugarhouse there from 1617 to the death of William Blois in 1621. The sugarhouse was close to his dwelling house 'The Christopher' ... can this be located ? Name enquiries - HALLIDAY, MARTIN, MEIER. |
5 July 11 ... * Sat in the garden this morning shelling peas (food-miles - 15 yards) considering the fact that I started this website 11 years ago with a "Locations" map showing just the 4 main refining centres. I've now just re-annotated that same map ... it now shows 30 refining towns and cities, plus the two for which I have info in Germany. I've added the latest 'finds' and I hope to get further info regarding Ipswich from research there later this week. |
30 June 11 ... * Still no progress with the website, but cleared backlog of 'other things' (which included completing the revision of my book), and can now begin to catch up on those new refining locations. Sorry for the delay. Name enquiries - BUCK, KRAMER, MULLER, WATSON, WETJEN. |
29 May 11 ... * "... and so many more still to find", I said in my previous post ... which should have begun with a research holiday in Greenock and Edinburgh, however a serious arm infection, with complications, put me in hospital for 10 days and so the Scotland trip was cancelled. Still not right yet, with writing and typing painful, so I'm sorry there'll be no progress on the website for a while yet. Name enquiries - BANISTER, CARTWRIGHT. |
19 April 11 ... * 30,000 entries ... and so many more still to find ! Name enquiries - BOSTELMANN, FREUDENSTEIN, GIESE, HOLLINGS, HOUS(E)HOLD, MARTINEAU, PATTEN, PUGH. |
18 March 11 ... * Two new refining locations just come to light ... IPSWICH and YORK. Name enquiries - BOHLING, CORS, GOODHART, MEHRTENS, PECKSON, RIESS/RISCH, ROHLEDER/ROLLO, SPECKETHER. |
17 February 11 ... * With kind permission of the Watt Library in Greenock, I've just finished extracting the sugar-related entries from their wonderful online BMD Index. These are now on my database, however there are undoubtedly many more entries in the Index regarding sugar people that do not actually say so. So don't assume I've listed them all, visit the website for yourself, download a 'letter' or two and have a good search of the newspaper insertions regarding births, marriages and deaths early 19thC to early 20thC. A great resource ... just CLICK.
31 January 11 ... * Oh Dear ! ... Sgt Pepper - track 9. Name enquiries - EDMUNDSON, ELMERS, FICKEN. |
22 December 10 ... ** Best wishes to all for Christmas and New Year. My thanks to all contributors ... and my thanks for all the enquiries ... the whole website continues to grow and it could not do that without your help. Name enquiries - DUTHOIT, PELZER, WELBROCK. |
28 November 10 ... * Some topical news ... Name enquiries - JOHN WALKER & Co, Greenock ; PEASE/T&L Transport. |
4 November 10 ... * 76 Bangor Road, LEITH ... in the 1891 census this household included 48 sugar labourers - 36 from Austria, 7 from Hungary, 3 from Russia, and 2 from Scotland ... Name enquiries - BORN, DOCKSEY, JAGELING, MYERS, SOLKHON, WHITWORTH. |
6 October 10 ... * Believe it or not, the oldest refinery building still standing in UK was being used 1653-60. Is there evidence of an older refinery building still existing ? Name enquiries - FIX, FREEMAN, FRYER, KERN(E), MESON, WEIDEMULLER. |
1 September 10 ...
* Anybody know when the Greenock - Roxburgh St Refinery chimney was demolished ?? (photo) Name enquiries - BANKS, BRUCKER/HARRISON, RUDELHOFF, SHUM, SMEDES. |
1 August 10 ... * 25,000+ !! Name enquiries - KNOOP, MUHL, NIALL, OETGEN, ROSE. |
4 July 10 ... *** What would old Henry and Abram say ??? 130 years or so after they scrimped and saved to set up their individual businesses, which were joined long after their deaths, Tate & Lyle have announced the sale of their Sugars and Golden Syrup divisions to American Sugar Refining Inc for £211m in cash. The end of an era !! |
5 June 10 ... ** Emily, born this morning, a sister for Lucy. :-))
1 June 10 ... * Mrs Jane Clowes, a Manchester confectioner in the early 19thC, would not normally figure on this website, but her business acumen and her dealings with Brancker's in Liverpool were worth noting then, and are again now. The interesting account is in Miscellany. Name enquiries - BRANCKER, DOUBLEDAY & EASTERBY, LUCKE.
12 May 10 ... * Having spent some hours with the Gloucester ledger and recorded much of the contents, I've added a summary of the accounts to the Gloucester page ... and they make interesting reading. However, I am now far less certain who was the original owner ... for it to have been that of James Lodge would seriously call into question the professionalism and integrity of Harman Samler !! Name enquiries - MAIS, POTTER, ROCK, STARTIN.
30 April 10 ... * Database just topped 24,000.
Name enquiries - George CLARK & Son, GEISS, MILLAR, TASTO.
19 March 10 ... * Ancestry has added to its Immigration & Emigration section with "England, Alien Arrivals, 1810-1811, 1826-1869". Name enquiries - WARNCKEN.
2 March 10 ...
* The Gloucester ledger I believe to be that of James Lodge, and for a few weeks, John Fendall ... more work to do. (see Gloucester page)
4 February 10 ... * Searching for info on Alexander Innes of St. Benet Paul's Wharf, London, Sugar Refiner, 1780s, if anyone can help, please.
8 January 10 ...
Name enquiries - COATES, SCHULER.
22 December 09 ... *** My thanks to all readers and contributors, and may I wish you all a Happy Christmas and a very healthy and 'researchful' 2010 (doesn't time fly!). Name enquiries - HEISSENBUTTEL.
8 December 09 ... * Now over 130 wills. The latest are those of George Shum 1805 (if anyone has the details from the missing pages, I'd be grateful to hear from you) and Samuel Buttall of Plymouth and Topsham 1723 that confirms the presence of a sugarhouse in Plymouth long before local literature suggests. Name enquiries - BACKHOUSE, NEWLANDS, PICKUP, WILKANS/WILKINS, WITTE.
8 November 09 ... * New Exeter page ... more detail needed, though. Name enquiries - BUTTALL, SHUM, ZIEGLER.
26 October 09 ... * New Gloucester page now up and running ... one hundred years of refining - on and off; and an accounts ledger with a mysterious past. Name enquiries - BRUNS, DUTTON, EATMON, LONNON, LUCH, SCHULTZ, SHAW.
7 October 09 ... * Sorry, getting far behind with the work ... this is the start of me trying to catch up !! Name enquiries - BENNETT, BLANKEN, BURNELL & GIESS, GERKEN/WELBROCK, LOCKRIDGE.
30 August 09 ... * Not a lot going on on the website at the moment ... busy at home - heating, chimneys, kitchen, shower. Name enquiries - GRASMEDER, HOMEWOOD, McLEOD, PEACOCK, REINCKE, SPENGLER.
21 July 09 ... * As 'regulars' will know, I try to answer queries both promptly and to the best of my ability. Even though I now try to reply using the name of the person being researched as the subject line rather than 'sugar' or 'research', which both get picked up by spam filters, the number of acknowledgments from new enquirers is still limited. Please remember to check your spam filters, and if you've not received a reply then let me know and I'll re-send. Name enquiries - DOH(R)MANN, LANCKENAU.
1 July 09 ... * The introduction of the wind-driven sugar mills to Barbados in the 17th century improved efficiency enormously but had the unexpected effect of reducing the productivity of the cane fields. The mills were previously driven by animals ... no animals, no manure for the fields, reduced growth !! Name enquiries - ATKINSON, CRONE, DEVITT, HAD(E)LER, HALLIDAY, REHNE, ROSE, von OHSEN.
21 May 09 ... * The Museum of London Archaeology has a large collection of pottery sherds, from sugar moulds and collecting jars, found during a recent dig on the site of the old Bishopsgate Goods Yard in Shoreditch. Centred on Patience St, the finds were spread over a considerable area as well as showing possible dates ranging from the mid-18th to mid-19th centuries. Just why the sherds were there is still being questioned ... there's, as yet, no evidence of a sugarhouse or a pottery in the immediate vicinity ... and I have suggested the possibility that such a huge quantity might represent the moulds and jars from a large refinery that closed in the 1850s and was used for hardcore under the new railway buildings. We'll see !
30 April 09 ... * Collections were often made in churches to provide financial help to those who had suffered tragedy and loss due to fire, storm, illness, etc. These can sometimes be found listed in parish registers under the heading of 'Briefs' or 'Collections', and were not just for local events but appear to have been for events much further afield. I have two references to a sugarhouse fire (the earliest found to date) at the premises of Juxon & Sheppard of Cole Harbour, London, in 1672. In September 1672 the Parish of Bunbury in Cheshire collected 11s 10d and in November 1672 the Parish of Uppingham in Rutland collected £1 0s 2d, with 77 good folk subscribing to the latter ... I wonder how many more parishes collected for the same fire? If anyone spots further collections referring to this or any other sugar-related event I'd be grateful to hear from them. Name enquiries - ROCK, WESTHOFF.
31 March 09 ... * Sorry, little new at the moment ... a touch busy, but I do have waiting some excellent info on Newcastle-under-Lyme and I'm building a collection of info on sugar moulds - just need time to write them up. Name enquiries - L(E)IGHT, RATHJEN, STRUCKMEIER/STRUTMURE, WADDINGTON.
23 February 09 ... ** Our second grandchild, Noah, born today ... a cousin for Lucy. :-)) Name enquiries - BROOMFIELD, FRIEAKE, GERKEN, KENT, RUGEN, SCHRODER.
17 February 09 ... * Thanks to Alan for prompting me to look in more detail at the refiners Wainwright & Gadesden. In doing so it has become clear that it was James Gadsden, refiner and partner at Thornton, Watson & Co in Hull, who ran this company followed by his son Augustus William Gadsden. The Gadesden and Gadsden surnames for this particular family appear to be interchangeable. Name enquiries - BETJEMANN, GADESDEN/GADSDEN.
31 January 09 ... * I've added a Deptford page, part of the London section. Some refining but more importantly, I think, its potteries supplied sugar moulds and collecting pots to the refining trade for maybe 150+ years. Name enquiries - BODEN, LIST.
17 January 09 ... * New Belfast page just added. 2 sugarhouses, much info, new map. Any more info gratefully accepted. Name enquiries - FITCH, FORTMAN, MEHRTENS.
8 January 09 ... * New info added to the Stockton page ... my thanks to Geoff. Name enquiries - BASS, BATGER/MACHIN, STANBURY/STRANSBERG.
21 December 08 ... ** Merry Christmas to you all ** Name enquiries - STUHR, WARE.
3 December 08 ... * LIVERPOOL - Love Lane Lives ... Name enquiries - BRUNS, HOWARD, WREDEN.
31 October 08 ... * Maps for Belfast, Cork and Goole have now been added. More research needed at Goole. Name enquiries - ADCOCK, DAVEY, DUNCAN, FITCH, O(H)LSEN, SMEDES, SWEENEY, von BARGEN, TILL/THILE.
18 October 08 ... * ... and the database has just nudged above 23,000 !! Name enquiries - BODEN, DOPSON, PUEST, RANKIN, ROBERTS, SCHULER.
18 September 08 ... * It is considered most likely that the TATE photograph previously discussed was taken on the occasion of the visit of King George V in March 1917, following the Silvertown Explosion of 19 January 1917. Name enquiries - DAMES, DAY, EHLERS, HILCKEN/HITCHEN, MOGGE, SAUNDER, TEAVES, WENDELKEN.
27 August 08 ... ** Lovely Lucy is one year old today :-)) Name enquiries - ZARFAS.
13 August 08 ... * Have placed the transcript of the Macfie letter 1839 (mentioned 30 April) on the Miscellany page. Name enquiries - UHTHOFF.
5 August 08 ... * If anyone had menfolk working at TATE's, Silvertown, 1905 to 1930, they might want to look at picture in Portrait Gallery to see if they recognise a familiar face. See previous two entries. Name enquiries - BADEN, FAIRWAY, FINCKEN, JENKINS, KELLER, WELBROCK.
11 July 08 ...
* Re: previous entry ... I've added a cropped version (only the men) of the T&L photograph to the Portrait Gallery. If anyone can help with the date, it would be appreciated. Naming the men may take longer !! Name enquiries - PLAXTON, PUES.
3 July 08 ... * I have a new T&L (might just be Tate), Thames Refinery, photograph. Trying to date it. About 80 men ... in Saville St ... hats, coats, collars and ties, very wide flat caps ... one euphonium, one cornet ... wet, rainy, misty. No names, no date, but it still says Henry Tate over the gate !! Name enquiries - COAPE, COE, GERKEN, HAHN, HEARTZELL/HURDSALL, VON DOEHREN, WAHLERS.
7 June 08 ... * The number of sales ads. on the Sales page has just increased by almost 50% to 110+. These are a clear indicator of the state of the industry, as well as showing the developments of the machinery and hardware used within it. Often the reasons for the sales are given. Current listing - 1717-1913, but will keep searching for more. Name enquiries - 'firemarks', 'hogsheads'.
29 May 08 ... * Carolyn's newspaper info has added about 550 new entries to the db, and I'm still adding sales, fires and fatalities ... Name enquiries - AHRENS, BASS, KNEBELE, OLDENBOTTLE, WILSHUSEN.
30 April 08 ... * So much for addresses! This is how William Macfie of Greenock addressed a letter to his brother John in Edinburgh back in 1839 ... ... William was clearly thinking of the new year. I'll transcribe the full letter when time permits !! * Carolyn in Oz, to whom I'm very grateful, has been searching the old newspapers for 'sugar' evidence. I'm slowly working through the files adding to the sales and fatalities pages and uploading to the website as I go, and to the database which may take some time to update. I've a further long list from Ann in Canada to add as well. Name enquiries - FINZEL, HIEN, MATTHEWS, THORNE, TIETJEN.
27 March 08 ... An interesting few days ....
The personnel of a Bristol sugar refinery in 1878.
'The Making of a Sugar Giant, Tate & Lyle 1859-1989' by Philippe Chalmin, 1990. Name enquiries - BAUCK, BECKMAN, HALBAUM, HELLBERG, HILLATT, MEHRTENS, REUTER, SANDER.
29 February 08 ... * Sorry, out of action for some time - back gone again. Just returned for occasional very short spells at computer.
23 January 08 ... ****** AT LAST !!! The SUGARBAKERS BOOK is now in print. ****** Name enquiries - BEHRBOM, BROCKMAN, CHRISTIAN, DEARBERG, LEWIS, WEIR, WILKER, YOUEN.
1 January 08 ... * Happy New Year ... and if you're on this side of the planet, Lucy says "Wrap up warm for winter!"
Name enquiries - MELMOTH, MEYNCKE, WICKE.
18 December 07 ... ** Merry Christmas and best wishes for the coming year.**
9 December 07 ... * Collected the various 'people pictures' together into a Portrait Gallery - can you add to it ? (jpeg / max 300 pix ht) Name enquiries - DOLGE, FRY, GERKEN, SMITH, VERNON.
3 November 07 ... * London's Museum in Docklands opens its new exhibition London, Sugar & Slavery on November 10. Name enquiries - BRUNS, CAULFIELD, CROFT, GOLDMAN, LANGHURST, PINGEL, REUTER, RUWALD, SCHWIER.
14 October 07 ... * The news regarding the book is now somewhat more promising !!?????!! Name enquiries - ADCOCK, ASENDORF, BANKES, MEYER, RAWLINS, SACKMAN, WOHLGEMUTH.
17 September 07 ... * More than 15 months since the book went to AGFHS !!! Name enquiries - BENSEN, BRUNS, CARLILL, COLE, DAUBENY, FINZEL, GERKEN, HASHAGEN, IRESON, KOBS, MILLAR, WELLBROCK.
27 August 07 ... ** Our first grandchild was born today :-)) Name enquiries - TIELHEN, SANKEY SUGAR Co.
18 August 07 ... * James Vl of Scotland granted the sole right of refining sugar within the kingdom of Scotland to three gentlemen in 1619 for a term of 31 years, though as yet there's no evidence they ever produced any sugar. (See Glasgow page.) Could this, and maybe other such fruitless monopolies, be the reason refining began in Scotland some 120 years later than England ?? Name enquiries - BOOTH, GERDES.
21 July 07 ...
27 June 07 ... * Slowly working through the London Gazette online ... bankruptcies, estates, executors, etc ... some interesting info. Have finished the searches for sugar bakers, and up to 1800 for sugar refiners ... these are on the db. When London Gazette completed will see what the Edinburgh Gazette gives us. Name enquiries - BRUCKER, HAMILTON, HARRISON, McKINLAY, OSBORNE, SMITH, VERDENHALM.
9 June 07 ... * The blog is one year old ... I hope it has been of use. The first thing mentioned was the 'Sugarbakers' book ... I look forward to its long-awaited publication !!!
Name enquiries - McMARTH, TRINGHAM.
23 May 07 ... * As 'regulars' will know, I have been answering queries to this website for seven years - I hope promptly and to the best of my ability. Name enquiries - BURMESTER, COMPTON, SCHUHMACHER.
13 May 07 ... * I've begun work on a set of Hamburg pages (similar layout to the East End ones). The Hamburg index page and the directory page are both now on the website and I'm about to start work on the maps of the 4 quarters of Hamburg, and those pages will go up as they are completed. I've located 100 of the 108 streets listed using an 1840 map ... if anyone has access to an earlier map, I'd be grateful to know the exact positions of the 8 missing ones, please. They are ... Ebräergang, Gäberstrasse, Hanckentwiete, Kannengiesserot, Kugelsort, Lieschengang, Scheelengang, Stavenpforte. Name enquiries - SCHWIER.
30 April 07 ... * Have added the findings from our visit to Lime St, Hull, to the Hull page . I wonder if it would be possible for there to be a professional look into this site once it is vacated and before it is inevitably redeveloped ... perhaps any new development might include the names "Old Sugar House" and "Sugar House Wharf". Name enquiries - MUHM, WHITEMAN.
19 April 07 ... * HELP wanted in Greenock. Ross Ahlfeld writes, "The old sugar warehouse in Greenock (image) is getting seriously dilapidated and in real danger of being pulled down. However, the local paper 'Greenock Telegraph' is going to start a campaign to try and raise awareness about the historical significance of the building." Also at risk in Greenock is Lyle's old Glebe Refinery building in Ker St (image). There is surprisingly little evidence left in the UK of a once important industry ... if anyone can help with case studies, family tales, pictures, etc, it would be appreciated.
26 March 07 ... * On a number of occasions over the past few years I have tried to contact Tate & Lyle regarding their archives and public access to them. Having had no response, last month I wrote to Iain Ferguson, the Chief Executive, at Head Office. My letter was passed to the person responsible for the archives, from whom I have received a very pleasant reply clearly explaining the current situation and the future of the archives. If researchers with T&L interests wish for further detail, just email me. Name enquiries - BLANKEN, BRUNS, GOEBENER, MARTENS, O'DONNELL, RALPH, RUWALD, SACKMAN, and HOLMES, HILLATT & SANDERS.
12 March 07 ...
* Peter has completed his very gentle editing of my Sugarbakers book ... and so to the printer. As promised I'll keep you informed of its progress.
22 February 07 ... ***** Yesterday I was told about an article in Ancestors (TNA's monthly magazine) regarding London Sugar Bakers. Needless to say "A Sticky Business" is not mine, even though much of the detail is either on my website, in one form or another, or has been sent by me to members of the Almeroth family. I have good reason to doubt the author's desire to contact other researchers. *****
19 February 07 ...
13 February 07 ... * Bristol Burgesses completed. Name enquiries - AHRENFELD, BOULNOIS, HOFFSCHMIDT, HOREY, SAMLER, SIEPP, TURNER, WICKE.
28 January 07 ... * Sorry ... new computer ... new things to learn.
4 January 07 ... * I last mentioned "the book" in August. I can't explain the hold up here, but it will be in print within the next few months.
20 December 06 ... * Merry Christmas to all researchers, contributors & readers ... and many thanks for your
support throughout the year. We'll certainly see the book in print next year !!
Name enquiries - BEHNKEN.
1 December 06 ... * Batger's CHINESE FIGS ... does anyone know if they or their like are still available, please. I've had two enquiries about them in the last month.
Name enquiries - BRUNS, BURGINGER.
11 November 06 ... * Added the entries from the 1846 London Post Office Directory to the db, directory, maps, etc.
Name enquiries - SMITH.
1 November 06 ...
* Very busy week or so with the enquiries, which included Peter sending info showing the inter-marrying of sugarbaker families - Muench/Mogge & Mogge/Uffelman. Ellen is looking for evidence of her Gumbel ancestors who she thinks worked in London, perhaps for Harman Harbusch, for a few years before continuing to New York. Marge sent a great piece of info found in Australian records whilst searching for Reimels that put Carsten Bulwinkle in Hall & Boyd, London, then New Zealand, and finally running a sugar mill in Australia. Name enquiries - BRUNS, BULWINKLE, GUMBEL, LYLE, MOGGE, MUENCH, REIMELS, SOLKHON, UFFELMAN, WEIDEMULLER.
19 October 06 ... * Chris has sent me a copy of George Blue's apprenticeship papers - 1905-12, Abram Lyle & Sons, Plaistow Wharf. It also includes a short
testimonial from John Lyle, 1912. So now we have a new page ...Indentures &
Testimonials... and I've moved Claus Schuhmacher's testimonial onto it too. Name enquiries - BLUE, SAY, SCHWIER, STUTCHBURY .
11 October 06 ... * I've just added a DIRECTORY of SUGAR HOUSES, which brings together onto one page all the info behind all of the maps. It's linked to each map, and the maps back to the directory. There's a direct link from the front page as well as the site map and history pages. I hope it will prove of use. Name enquiries - SCHWIER.
7 October 06 ... * A mere 68 entries from the Liverpool census 1841 - the enumerators did not identify the labourers' types of work .....
Name enquiries - STUHR.
30 September 06 ... * Added more from London 1861 census, prompted by another enquiry regarding Dunk St, Mile End New Town. It's only that small area though. Name enquiries - BOGGAN, BRUNS, MULLER/MILLER, NOVAK, SCHLOBAUM, WOOLLEY, and Alex SCOTT & Sons (Greenock).
19 September 06 ... * I have my doubts regarding the 41 census for Liverpool ... I don't think the enumerators are identifying the various types of labourer. Whilst
I'm picking up a few owners and a few sugarbakers (listed as such because that's what they called their occupation when asked), there are no
'labourers in sugar house' etc.
11 September 06 ... * I've added the entries from the 1861 Bristol census. If I've missed any, I'm sure you'll tell me.
Name enquiries - GERKEN, WELBROCK.
31 August 06 ... * Needless to say, this blog is an 'unofficial' one that I add to only when I have new material or something to say. I've just noticed that Google allows you to specifically search (click 'more') the 'official' blog sites. A search for 'sugar refiner' produced this extract ... "... today I discovered that a lot of the ornamentation inside St Mark's building [Philadelphia] was designed by Charles [Eamer] Kempe, who is a rather distant cousin of mine: his great-grandfather was Harman Samler, a sugar-refiner in London in the 1780s, who was my dad's dad's mum's dad's dad's mum's dad. Why someone has seen fit to make a webpage about Harman I don't know, but it shows you can find almost anything on the web these days." Name enquiries - KURHT, MULLER, and the ALBION SUGAR Co.
19 August 06 ... * Sorry, folks ... been away in County Durham and Yorkshire. What a pleasant change from this neck of the woods !
Name enquiries - CHARD, DERX, HOPMAN, KRITE.
28 July 06 ... ** ... and our son was married today !! Name enquiries - BREYER, LOHDUR/LOHDEN.
20 July 06 ... * I've just been told, "It's very unlikely that the book will be ready for Christmas." Thoroughly disappointed and frustrated, but what can I do ... the editorial team at AGFHS is just 4 volunteers with an unbelievable workload; they desperately need more help ! Name enquiries - SCHULTZ.
14 July 06 ...
* Just added some wonderful pictures of John Thomson, who ran the Sankey Sugar Works, to the Earlestown page. I'm assured it was spelt
without the 'p', although the census enumerators wrote otherwise. Need to find him in Bury in the '51 census.
Name enquiries - DAVIS (Bristol), HARBUSCH, HEUSER, MICHAELS.
6 July 06 ... * I need to research 2 more locations where refining is said to have taken place - Stockton and Exeter.
Name enquiries - ALTHOFF, FICKEN. |
1 July 06 ... * Uploaded the rest of the 1881 names, as well as a map & names for the refinery at Newcastle-under-Lyme in Staffordshire for the same year.
The database has now topped 20,000. Name enquiries - WICKE. |
27 June 06 ... * The book - I'm told publication will take some time. Be patient, Bryan - do some decorating or something.
8 June 06 ... ** The wedding day was a resounding success ...... * Finally relinquished my hold on my "Sugarbakers" book ... sent manuscripts, illustrations, etc to the publishers (AGFHS) today. Name enquiries - BEHRENS, BRUNIGES, GADSDEN, MacDONALD, TANGEMANN. |
31 May 06 ... Welcome! |