bone-black ( or animal charcoal )
produced by heating bones to redness in a closed vessel.
bone-black is used as an absorbent, removing colouring during refining (clarification).

candy sugar
a large-crystal variety, not produced in the normal way in moulds as loaves. (more detail here)

a water-clear syrup originally flavoured with dried maidenhair fern though later with orange-flower water, much used by confectioners and also as a cordial.

an operator of a centrifugal machine.
this comes from the Australian industry - I've not found it yet in the UK.

Knechte - labourer.

present in raw, brown and muscovado sugars.
the uncrystallizable part of sugar; the residue left after the first stage of crystallization of raw sugar, and is bitter and black.
crude, unrefined by-product of the refinery.
fermented for rum.

raw sugars
as extracted from the cane or beet.
light yellow to dark brown, and sticky, both due to the molasses content.

the separation of the pure sugar from the impurities - invert sugars, inorganic matter, organic salts, gums, waxes, sugar lice and bacteria.

saccharine, brewer's sugar
invert-sugar, uncrystallizable.

a product of coal tar !

Schaumkocher - scum boiler
a person who processed the "scum" further, to extract the small quantity of low quality sugar that remained; usually at his own premises, not the refinery.

layer of impurities formed on the surface when sugar is heated - mechanical impurities such as dust and dirt.
in the early years, extracted using bullock's blood / albumen which entangled most of the impurities floating in the solution and raised them to the surface in the form of a thick scum, which was carefully removed.

scum boiler
a person who processed the "scum" further, to extract the small quantity of low quality sugar that remained; usually at his own premises, not the refinery.
in German : Schaumkocher.

spirit colour
developed as a colouring for rum - a boiled dark muscovado sugar with a small amount of rum added was produced, and about 3 pints would colour 100 gallons of spirit.

sugarbaker / sugar boiler / sugar refiner
sugarbaker refines sugar, therefore also called sugar refiner.
origin probably from the Dutch : suiker bakker, in German : Zuckerbacker.
most often, but not necessarily in all cases, entrepreneurs would be described as sugar refiners, the leading workman would be called sugar boiler, sometimes master boiler, and most others working in refineries processing sugar would be called sugarbakers.
a sugar boiler would be the one with the arcane knowledge and skills said to have dominated the trade for centuries.
in German : Zuckerkocher.
note that in UK a confectioner was often called a sugar boiler, so where a sugar boiler appears in records away from known refining cities he was probably a confectioner, and even in those refining cities a number of sugar boilers would also have been confectioners

sugar beet
the sugar beetroot with a long tapering root.
sometimes mangold-wurzel.
from more temperate climates, eg: Europe, N America.

sugar cane
a gigantic grass, 8-24ft high, with a bamboo-like segmented stalk about 2inches diameter.
takes 9-14 months to flower (ripen), with the soft fibres within the stalk containing the sugar.
mostly from the islands of the Caribbean, and the Indian & Pacific Oceans.

sugar house
the refinery building.

conical loaf of sugar ready for sale, up to 27-30 inches high, wrapped in paper. (picture)

sugar mould
the mould in which the sugarloaf is made. (much more detail here)

condensed sugar-cane juice; part of this remaining uncrystallized at various stages of refining.

~golden syrup
different from that obtained from molasses, it is made from syrups from the second or third boiling, to which a proportion of a solution of invert-sugar is added.

the residue from the second stage of crystallization of raw sugar, less bitter and viscous than molasses.
an edible treacle is produced by filtering dilute molasses through cloth and charcoal.

Zuckerbacker - sugarbaker / sugar refiner
sugarbaker refines sugar, therefore also called sugar refiner.
origin probably from the Dutch : suiker bakker.
most often, but not necessarily in all cases, entrepreneurs would be described as sugar refiners, the leading workman would be called sugar boiler, sometimes master boiler, and most others working in refineries processing sugar would be called sugarbakers.

Zuckerkocher - sugar boiler
the leading workman in the refinery would be called sugar boiler.
the one with the arcane knowledge and skills said to have dominated the trade for centuries.


... and at the Sugar Refinery ...

Brücke zum Löschen-fire blankets
Centesimalwage-scales ?
Centrifugenhaus-centrifugal machine
Comtoir-counter ?
Cristallisationsraum-crystallisation room
Drehscheibe-rail turntable
Einpapierraum-wrapping (in paper) room
Eiserne Bassins für Melasse-iron basins for molasses
Electrische Centrale-? electrical switch/fuse room ?
Fabrikhof-factory yard
Filterthurm-tilter room
Formenwäsche-mould washing
Hofraum-yard ?
Klempnerwerkstelle-plumber's workshop
Knochenkohlenglühofen-charcoal furnace
Knochenkohlenglühofen Gährungen-??
Ladeplatz-loading area
Lager unter Steuerverschluss-bonded warehouse ?
Leinenlager-canvas storeroom
Loschplatz-unloading area
Maschinenraum-plant room
Offenes Schutzdach-(open porch) covered work area
Packdiel-board stack
Packraum-packing room
Papierabfälle u. Lumpenlager-paper & rag store
Pförtnerhaus-porter's room
Pförtnerstube-porter's room
Presswürfel - Station-cube making
Pumpenraum-pump room
Raum für leere Säcke-sack room
Rohzucherlagerraum-raw sugar stock room
Schlosserwerkstelle-metalworking shop
Schmelzraum-fuse room
Schuppen für die Feuerwehrleiter-shed for fire ladders
Steuerbeamtenstube-tax official's room
Steuerbeamtenstuben-? tax room ?
Steuer-Wachtokale-? tax guardroom ?
Strohschuppen-straw shed
Trockenraum für Säcke-drying room for sacks
Trockenstuben-drying room
Trockenstuben-drying room
Verladeraum-loading room
Wägelokale-?? weighing ??
Wasserpumpenhaus-water pump room
I'd be happy to receive help with this !! ... Thanks, Anne.