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MACFIE, Robert - Will - summary of newspaper report, 1899
Mr Robert Macfie of Airds House, Port Applin, Argyll and formerly of Liverpool, sugar refiner, who died 22 January, aged 87 years, leaving £103,666 ...
* To the Greenock Hospital and Infirmary £2000; the Greenock Female Benevolent Society £600; the Highlands & Islands and the Jewish Scheme of the Free Church £1000 each; the Free Church Home Missions £1000; the Free Church Foreign Missions £1000; the Sustentation Fund of the Free Church of Scotland £2000; and to each minister and missionary of the Free Church now living who signed the Deed of Demission in 1843 £100.
* Appointed trustees of investment set aside for the erection of churches and manses for congregations in isolated districts of the Highlands & Islands of Scotland, and are of those who in 1843 left the Establishment for the Free Church; and if not specified then £6000 for this purpose.
* He had "great sympathy with those poor Jews who are being persecuted by mushroom autocrats in Europe"; and desired his trustees to keep an eye upon such cases and to expend any sum not exceeding £5000 for any Jew or Jews that shall be in such circumstances, or the sum of £5000 may be paid over to any society or institution in Scotland or England having similar objectives to himself.

[Liverpool Mercury 20 April 1899.]

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MACIE, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/779, 1750
In the Name of God Amen. I John Macie of the City of Bristol Sugarbaker ...
* To his cousin Cratian Kington of Bristol spinster his dwelling house where he now lives together with the gardens backsides and appurtenances in Crimea Street, St Mary Redcliff, Bristol, for her own use for ever. Also £1000.
* To his cousin Thomas Scudamore of Dead Mill, Swanswick, Gloc [Swainswick, Somerset] gent £100.
* To his cousin Phillis Jenkins wife of Richard Jenkins surgeon £100.
* To his good friend Joseph Rigge of Bristol Sugarbaker £100.
* To the Trustees of the Infirmary within the parish of St James Bristol £100.
* To the Trustees of the Free School in Pile Street within the parish of St Mary Redcliff £50.
* To his cousin George Scudamore of Willow, Somerset gent £50.
* To George Scudamore son of his cousin Thomas Scudamore £50.
* To William Yeomans of Bristol Sugarbaker £10.10s.0d.
* To Francis Hancock of Bristol merchant taylor £20 for mourning.
* To his cousins Jane Paradise wife of William Paradise late of Seen Wilts gent, Jane Shore wife of John Shore of Warminster Wilts, Mary Kington spinster, Thomas Scudamore, and the said Joseph Rigge £10.10s.0d. each for mourning.
* To the poor inhabitants of Weston, Somerset, £60, to be distributed every Easter Monday at £5 per year until the capital is fully used.
* To his cousin Jane Paradise an annuity of £6 separate from her husband.
* All the rest and residue whatsoever of his estate to his nephew John Macie.
* Appoints his nephew John Macie sole executor.
Signed : John Macie. 20 June 1746.
Witnesses : Daniel Lane, Jellburd Woodford, Samuel Stokes.

Proved at London 25 May 1750 by the oath of John Macie to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/779 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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MACKELCAN, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/747/338, 1746
In the Name of God Amen. I John Mackelcan of St Botolph Without Aldgate London Sugar Refiner ...
* To be buried in his burial vault in Walthamstow.
* His funeral expenses not to exceed £40 besides rings.
* Appoints his partner Daniel Ireson, Richard Bridgman confectioner and Ludowick Mansfield distiller executors to his will and guardians to his children during their minority and gives them £30 each for their troubles.
* To his partner Rudolph Meyer and his wife, his said partner Daniel Ireson's wife and son John Ireson, his nephew John Rivers, Mrs Mary Brewis widow and relict of the late Valentine Brewis and Edmund Sawtell and his daughter £10 each for mourning.
* To each of his men and maids who have been in his household service for at least one year half a year's wages over and above what is owed them.
* To all the sugar boilers that shall be in his service of he and his partners at the time of his death £10 each.
* To all of the men servants in the trade of he and his partners at the time of his death one guinea each to buy themselves rings if they think it proper.
* To his tailor Jacob Starr £10.
* Forgives Mrs Sarah Colbrant the £16 debt she owes him.
* To his son John £1500 and to his son Richard £800.
* To his aforesaid two sons equally all his wearing apparel gold watch and rings, also all his plate equally.
* To his daughter Sarah all her late mother's wearing apparel watch rings jewels and personal ornaments, also all her chinaware with the plate etc belonging to the tea equipage.
* All his household goods and furniture to his three children equally.
* Will leave a list of people to whom he gives each a ring to the value of one guinea.
* All the rest and residue of his estate to his three children Sarah John Richard equally, his sons at 21 years, his daughter at age 21 years or when she marries whichever the earlier Ð and in the meantime to be invested, the benefits to the maintenance of his children. If any shall die before age 21 their share equally to the survivors, except for £1200 of which £800 to his brother Henry Mackelcan or his children, £100 each to his sisters Margaret Rivers and Catherine Rivers, £200 to his brother Henry Mackelean in trust for the two daughters of his sister Allhite Blum. The bequest of one third of his estate to his daughter Sarah is subject to her not marrying before the age of 21 years without the consent of at least two of his executors.
* His executors to invest the said residual estate where necessary to provide interest and profits with which to provide for the maintenance and education of his three children during their minority and putting son Richard to a suitable trade.
Signed: John Mackelcan 13 December 1743
Witnesses: John Long, Ar Avis in Church Row wothout Aldgate

Arthur Avis appeared personally to explain a correction in the original will. 5 June 1746

Proved at London 6 June 1746 by the oaths of Daniel Ireson Richard Bridgeman and Ludowick Mansfield the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/747/338 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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MACKY, Patrick* - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/831, 1757
In the Name of God Amen. I Patrick Macky late of Budge Row London and now of London Field near Hackney, Merchant ...
[*Owner, not refiner]
** To his neice Letitia Macky £2000 bank stock, £500 bank annuities and all his land in Thames Street London commonly known as Bernards Castle with a sugar house and other buildings erected upon it in the occupation and possession of James Barkley by lease.
Signed: Patrick Macky 9 July 1756.
Proved at London 2 July 1757.

[TNA PROB 11/831 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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MACKY, Robert* - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1555, 1814
This is the last will and testament of me Robert Macky of Wilmington near Dartford, Kent, [Merchant] ...
[*Owner, not refiner]
** All his freehold estate in Thames Street London consisting of dwelling house and sugar house with appurtenances that was settled on his wife in their marriage settlement, subject to the life interest of his said wife, in trust to his trustees to convey to his son Thomas Macky for his natural life and on his first and other sons successively, and in default to his son John Robert Macky.
Signed: Robert Macky 25 June 1810.
Proved at London 2 April 1814.

[TNA PROB 11/1555 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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MANBRE, Alexandre - Probate summary, 1906
Alexandre otherwise Alexandre Jules Leon of 'West Hill' Alexandra Drive Princes Park Liverpool died 29 April 1906 at Sunny Bank Hospital Cannes France. Probate London 24 July 1906 to Alfred Adolphe Manbre merchant and William Orford and Lewis Orford solicitors.
Effects £50787 12s 8d.

[National Probate Calendar, 1858-1966]

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MAPLE, Cuthbert - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/756, 1747
This is the last Will and Testament of Cuthbert Maple of St Sepulchres, London, Charcoalman ...
* To his nephew John Stonard £15 to put him out to aprenticeship.
* To his nephew William Richlien £15.
* To his sister Margery £10.
* To his sister Jane £10.
* To his nephew John Dale £5.
* To his neice Margaret Thomas £10.
* To his neice Elizabeth Kate the sister of Margaret Thomas £10.
* To Isabella Parker wife of John Parker £5.
* To his servant Mary Maradeth for her care and trouble during his illness £5.
* All the rest and residue of his goods estate and effects to his two nephews John Stonard and William Richlien equally, except for that which he gives his executors.
* Nominates and appoints John Parker of Shoe Lane St Andrew Holborn potter and Roger Colt of Fleet St London vintner his executors, and gives them £10 each for their trouble.
Signed: The mark of Cuthbert Maple 10 March 1746.
Witnesses: William Swift, John Cox.

Proved at London 18 August 1747 by the oaths of John Parker and Roger Colt the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/756 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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MARTIN, Henry - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1590, 1817
In the Name of God Amen. I Henry Martin of Osborn Street Whitechapel, Sugar Refiner ...
* To be buried in the churchyard of the White Chapel.
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Sarah Martin all his plate linen china glass books pictures watches trinkets clothes household goods and furniture about his dwelling house.
* Appoints his friends Josiah Lucas of Osborn St Whitechapel and John Bassano of Upper Thames St both sugar refiners as his trustees and executors, and gives them 10 guineas each.
* To his executors all the rest and residue of his goods chattels stock in trade and personal estate and effects to be sold, the monies from the sale, along with all debts due to him at the time of his decease, to be invested in stock the divided and interest from which to be paid to his wife, providing she remains his widow and provides for the maintenance education and support of any children he may have until any of such children reach the age of 23 years.
* It is his desire that any children he has should "be piously brought up and that every attention be paid to their morals", and appoints his wife and trustees as their guardians.
* If any children reach the age of 23 years they are to share equally the dividends and interest from the above investment, and at that time £4000 from the original stock is to be set aside and invested for the sole benefit of his wife if she is still living, and after her decease or marriage to be for the benefit of his children.
* If his wife re-marries she is to receive only £2000 for her sole use.
* He leaves it to the discretion of his executors as to how they financially assist any sons he may have who wish to set up in business and/or any daughters who wish to marry before the age of 23 years using their respective shares of the stock.
* In case no children survive to 23 years, all his estate to his wife and after her death to be divided amongst "such persons of his blood and kindred" living at the time who would have been entitled had he not married.
* If his eldest son should express a desire to take over the business of sugar refining, then he asks his executors to consider his suitability and to have the business valued and adjustments made so that the shares of the other children are not devalued.
Signed : Henry Martin on 6 November 1807.
Witnesses : Thomas Lewis of Cavendish Sq and William Rainedon of Gloucester St Whitechapel.

Proved at London by the oaths of both executors on 4 March 1817.

[TNA PROB 11/1590 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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MARTINEAU, Charles - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/2058, 1847
This is the last will and testament of me Charles Martineau of Christian Street, St Georges in the East, Middlesex, Sugar Refiner, and Tulse Hill, Surrey ...
* To his wife Elizabeth Mary Martineau £500 immediately after his death, and also all his household goods and furniture, plate, linen, china, books, pictures, wines, etc, about his dwelling house except money and securities.
* He confirms the settlement made to his wife on their marriage.
* Appoints as his executors : his wife Elizabeth Mary Martineau, Peter Martineau the younger of Goulston St, Whitechapel, sugar refiner, his brother George Matineau, and his sister Lucy Martineau, and gives them each £100 for their troubles.
* To his executors, upon trust, £15,000 to be invested as they think fit, the interest and dividends from which to go to his wife Elizabeth Mary Martineau, and upon her death equally amongst his children and their heirs.
* All debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* The residue of his estate and effects to be divided equally amongst his five children : Caston Martineau, Philip Meadows Martineau, Marion Martineau, William Vernon Martineau, and Eliza Martineau, and held in trust until age of twenty one years, though the executors are allowed to make advances of up to £1000 in the case of the sons for advancement in the world by placement in a profession.
* He expressly asks that any part of the residue in the hands of his brother George Martineau should remain there, at interest, and used in his current business in partnership with him, until his youngest son reaches the age of twenty one years.
Signed : Charles Martineau on 16 April 1845.
Witnesses : Chas. Druce jun, 10 Billiter Sq, and John Druce.

Proved at London on 7 June 1847 by the oaths of all four executors.

[TNA PROB 11/2058 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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MARTINEAU, David - Will - PRO PROB 11/1939, 1841

I David Martineau of Stockwell in the County of Surrey Esquire do the day and year hereinunder written make publish and declared this is my last Will and Testament in manner following (that is to say) I order and direct all my just debts and funeral expenses and the charges of proving this my Will and other testamentary expenses to be fully paid and satisfied out of my personal Estate. I give and devise my freehold house at Stockwell in which I reside and which I have lately purchased to my five dear daughters Eliza Martineau Catharine Martineau Sarah Martineau Ann Martineau & Lucy Martineau or such of them as shall be living and unmarried at the time of my decease as Tenants in common and their respective heirs and assigns for ever I give and bequeath all my household goods and furniture household linen plate china glass wines liquors prints pictures books and household stocks and effects of every kind soever except monies and securities for monies which shall be in and about my Dwellinghouse at the time of my decease unto my sons George Martineau and Charles Martineau and my nephew Peter Martineau their executors administrators & assigns upon the Trusts hereinafter mentioned concerning the same (that is to say) upon trust so long as all my said five Daughters Eliza Catharine Sarah Ann and Lucy or any three of them shall continue to live together under the same roof as one united family to permit my said daughters so living together to have the use in common of all my said household goods and furniture household linen plate china glass wines liquors prints pictures books and household stocks and effects except as aforesaid And whenever by marriage or death or other circumstance the number of my said daughters living together shall be reduced to two then Upon Trust to divide my said household goods and furniture household linen plate china glass wines liquors prints pictures books and effects or such of them or such parts thereof as may not be consumed worn out lost destroyed or decayed between such two Daughters who shall also remain living together in equal parts and proportions share and share alike for their own absolute use & benefit. I give and bequeath unto my sister Mrs Margaret Lee the sum of one hundred pounds I likewise give and bequeath unto my sister in law Mrs Thomas Martineau the like sum of one hundred pounds I likewise and bequeath to my daughter in law Sarah the wife of my said son George Martineau the sum of fifty pounds and to my daughter in law Elizabeth Mary the wife of my said son Charles Martineau the like sum of fifty pounds and I direct the four last mentioned legacies respectively to be paid within six months next after my decease free from Legacy Duty And as to all the rest and residue and remainder of my estate and effects of what nature or kind soever I give devise and bequeath the same unto my said two sons George Martineau and Charles Martineau and my said five daughters Eliza Martineau Catharine Martineau Sarah Martineau Ann Martineau & Lucy Martineau as Tenants in common and their respective heirs executors administrators & assigns And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said nephew Peter Martineau and my said two sons George Martineau and Charles Martineau and my said daughter Eliza Martineau executors and executrix of this my last Will and Testament And I give and bequeath unto my said nephew Peter Martineau one hundred pounds for his care and trouble in the execution of my Will and the Trusts hereby reposed in him over and above all reasonable allowance for the expenses that may be incurred by reason thereof And hereby revoking all other Wills by me at any time heretofore made I declare this to be my last and only subsisting Will and Testament In witness whereof I the said David Martineau the Testator have to this my Will contained in this and the preceding sheet of paper written on one side of each sheet my hand and seal subscribed and set that is to say my hand to the first and my hand and seal to the second and last sheet thereof this seventeenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine. David Martineau (LS) Signed sealed published & declared by the said David Martineau the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of both of us who at the same time and in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other have set and subscribed our names as Witnesses here to Edw Foss Solc 26 Essex Street William Mobbs servant to the Testator.

Whereas by my last Will and Testament dated the seventeenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine I gave to my sister in law Mrs Thomas Martineau a legacy of one hundred pounds and whereas I have since the date thereof made a present to her of that amount Now therefore I David Martineau hereby revoke and made void the said legacy and declared this to be a Codicil to my said Will which I hereby confirm in every other respect Dated the seventeenth day of October one thousand eight hundred and forty. David Martineau signed published and declared by me David Martineau as a Codicil to my Will dated the seventeenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine to which in his presence and in the presence of each other we have subscribed our names as witnesses. Peter Martineau Brixton Hill. Israel H Lewis East Farleigh in Maidstone.

Appearing personally Peter Martineau Brixton Hill in the County of Surrey Esquire and having carefully viewed and perused the paper writing hereunto annexed purporting to be & contain a Codicil to the last Will and Testament of David Martineau late of Stockwell in the County of Surrey Esquire deceased bearing date the seventeenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty made oath that he is one of the subscribing Witnesses to the said Codicil and that the said deceased did on the day of the date thereof to wit the seventeenth day of October last past sign the said Codicil in the presence of this deponent and of Israel H Lewis the other subscribing Witness hereto both present at the same time in manner as now appears here on And he further made oath that the deponent and the said Israel H Lewis thereupon duly attested and subscribed the same as Witnesses of such the execution thereof in the presence of the said Testator in manner and form as now also appears here on. Peter Martineau on the 22nd day of December 1840 the said Peter Martineau was only sworn to the truth of this affidavit before me John Danberry Surr: Prest Felix Had N P.

Proved at London with a Codicil the sixth day of January 1841 before the Worshipful John Danberry Dr of Laws and surrogate by the oaths of Peter Martineau the younger the nephew George Martineau & Charles Martineau to sons and Eliza Martineau spinster the daughter the Exors to whom admon was granted having been first sworn duly to administer.

[Transcribed from PRO PROB11/1939 by a Martineau researcher.]

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MARTINEAU, Peter [Finch] - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/2067, 1848
This is the last will and testament of me Peter Martineau of the Paragon Brixton Hill Streatham .
* To his wife Catherine the leasehold house in the Paragon where he now resides with fixtures furniture plate linen china books pictures wine liquers and other household articles therein, along with £5000 at 4% interest, that is £4000 from money held by his son Peter Martineau and £1000 from the general estate.
* To his wife the income from a further £5000 again held by his son Peter Martineau.
* To his wife the income (including the bonds) from his 54 shares in Phoenix Fire Office.
* To the children of his late son David Martineau £1000 divided equally amongst them.
* To his son Edward Martineau £1000.
* To the three children of his son Edward Martineau and his first wife, that is to say Edward Mason Martineau Georgina Martineau and William Martineau £1100 divided equally amongst them.
* To his son-in-law Edward Foss as a mark of respect for the constant attention and affection which he has shown to his late wife, his daughter, £100.
* To his son-in-law Samuel Francis Thomas Wilde £100.
* To Mrs Sarah Smith of Norwich his wife's sister £50, and to her daughter Mrs Francis Barnard £50.
* To his servants Sarah Gard and Sarah Bright £30 each if in his service at the time of his decease.
* To his daughter Margaret Wilde after the death of his wife £2000, and after the death of his wife, to every one of his grandchildren £100 over and above any other legacies. All to be paid out of the £5000 from which his wife has the income.
* To his daughter Margaret Wilde the picture of his mother painted by Opie.
* To his son Peter Martineau his 54 shares in Phoenix Fire Office after the death of his wife, subject to the payment by him of £5000, one half of which to the children of his late son David Martineau equally and one half to the children of his son Edward Martineau by his first wife equally.
* After all just debts and funeral expenses are paid, the residue of his personal estate to be divided into four equal parts - one to his son Peter Martineau, one to his son Edward Martineau, one to his daughter Margaret Wilde, one to the children of his late son David Martineau equally.
* Appoints his son Peter Martineau and his son-in-law Samuel Francis Thomas Wilde, with his wife Catherine Martineau as executors of his will.
Signed: Peter Martineau 13 December 1845.
Witnesses: Wm Geo Durnford 4 Granville Sq Pentonville Grn and Tho Horton 5 Thanet St Burton Cres.

Codicil: To his wife in addition to that said in will, the dividends and income from his 30 shares in the South Metropolitan Gas Light Co, 20 shares in the Guardian Fire & Life Assurance Co and from the £100 pa Bank Long Annuities. Signed: Peter Martineau 4 August 1846. Witnesses: James Michall Terry Actuary Hand in Hand 1 New Bridge St and Edwin Sympson Hand in Hand Life Office.

Codicil: To his grandson Henry Levert Martineau son of his youngest son Edward Martineau after the death of his wife and from the aforesaid £5000. To be invested by his execs in his own name until he is aged 21 years. Signed: Peter Martineau 17 August 1847. Witnesses: J M Terry and E Sympson Hand in Hand Life Office New Bridge St.

Proved at London 20 January 1848 by the oaths of Peter Martineau and Samuel Francis Thomas Wilde two of the executors to whom admon was granted with power reserved by Catherine Martineau widow and relict the other executor.

[TNA PROB 11/2067 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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MARTINEAU, Peter - Probate - summary of National Probate Calendar, 1870
Peter Martineau late of Goulston St Whitechapel and 16 Highbury Terrace Islington Sugar Refiner died 24 December 1869. The will proved 6 January 1870 by the oaths of Hugh Martineau the son and Charles Edward Flower brewer of Stratford upon Avon the executors. Effects under £140,000.

[National Probate Calendar, 1858-1966]

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MATTHEWS, Peter - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/864, 1761
In the Name of God Amen. I Peter Matthews of Goodmans Field St Mary Whitechapel Mdx Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his sister Esther Taylor £20 for mourning.
* To his nephew John Taylor the son of the said Esther Taylor £100 to be paid to him at age 21 years.
* To his sister Ann Tucker £20 for mourning.
* To his uncle John Walker and his wife £20 each for mourning and one guinea each for rings.
* To his uncle Thomas Sturges and his wife one guinea each for rings.
* To Mr William Green who now boards with him one guinea for a ring.
* To his friends William King of Leadenhall St gent and John Coverly of Goodmand Fields gent £10 each for mourning and one guinea each for a ring.
* All the rest and residue of his goods chattels plate monies effects and estate to his wife Elizabeth Matthews and her heirs for their own proper use and benefit.
* Appoints his wife Elizabeth Matthews and friends William King and John Coverly as his executors.
Signed: Peter Matthews 12 January 1761.
Witnesses: Henry Ellis Susanna Bell_ Richard Prichard.

Proved at London 1 April 1761 by the oaths of Elizabeth Matthews the widow and relict William King and John Coverly the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/864 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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MATTHEWS, Richard - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1594/134, 1817
In the Name of God Amen I Richard Matthews of Fieldgate Street Whitechapel Sugar Refiner ...
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Alice Matthews all his household furniture and implements of household plate linen wearing apparel books china for her own use and benefit and £40 for mourning for herself and family.
* To his executors all his leasehold messuages sugar house buildings premises situate in Fieldgate St aforesaid together with his stock and utensils in trade plant impliments fixtures and things belonging to his business as sugar refiner which he runs in partnership with Martin Lutgen, also all his debts ready money stocks and funds upon trust to be sold and invested as a trust fund, the dividends and interest to his said wife Alice Matthews for the maintenance and support of his daughter Mary Matthews.
* Immediately after the death of his said wife, or her remarriage, £100 to his son John Matthews and a further £100 to his daughter Priscilla Sutton wife of William Sutton, and another £100 to his grandson Richard Matthews Sutton the son of the said Priscilla Sutton, and £20 to his natural son Edward Richard Williams.
* The residue of the trust fund equally to his son Thomas Matthews and daughter Mary Matthews. If one has died, the whole to the survivor, if neither are living the residue equally to the aforementioned Priscilla, John and Edward.
* His leasehold properties in Rose Lane and Flower & Dean St now underleased to Mr Stevens to his wife Alice Matthews, and after her death to his children Mary and Thomas Matthews.
* To his wife Alice Matthews an annuity of £20 for her natural life, along with the rest and residue of his estate.
* Appoints his wife Alice Matthews, John Gilbert of Church St MENT distiller and John Luckett of Whitechapel Rd Whitechapel butcher his executors.
Signed: Richard Matthews 28 May 1817
Witnesses: Samuel Argill(?) attourney Whitechapel Rd, A Maddison his clerk.

Proved at London 9 July 1817 by the oaths of Alice Matthews widow the relict John Gilbert and John Luckett the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1594/134 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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MENTE, Friedrick - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1472, 1808
This is the last Will and Testement of me Friedrick Mente of Lambeth St Goodmans Fields Middlesex Sugar Boiler ...
* To each of the two daughters of his sister Anna Maria Muller of Saltzwedel Brandenburg £100.
* To each of the sons and daughter of his sister Maria Bader of Osterburg Brandenburg £100.
* To his cousin Friedrick Mente of Lambeth baker £20 for mourning.
* To his fellow servants Richard Stacy, Peter Hemem and Diederick Schleschman each £10 for mourning.
* The rest and remainder of his property to his nephew John Muller of Bishopsgate Street turner.
* Appoints the said Richard Stacy and the said John Muller executors to his will.
Signed: Fried. Mente 5 December 1807.
Witnesses: Wm Davis jun of Lambeth St, Dorothy Davis.

Proved at London 8 January 1808 by the oaths of Richard Stacy and John Muller the executors to whom admon was granted.

[The name of the witnesses points to Friedrick being one of the boilers at the sugarhouse of Sutton & Davis in Lambeth St / Rupert St]

[TNA PROB 11/1472 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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MERLOTT, Abraham - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/710/273, 1741
In the name of God Amen. I Abraham Merlott of London Sugar Baker ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid. The cost of his funeral to not exceed £100.
* To his wife Margaret Merlott all his jewels rings plate linen household goods and furniture and all her ornaments for her person for her own use.
* To his executrix all the rest and residue of his estate whatsoever to be changed into ready money for the following legacies ...
* To his wife £400 over and besides what she may be entitled to from their marriage settlement.
* £2000 each to his sons John Merlott and Smith Merlott and to his daughter Elizabeth Merlott at the age of 21 years or their marriage.
* To his son Joseph Merlott £1000, and £1000 which he lately purchased from Paul Fellows being part of the share of the residue of the estate of Thomas Fellows to which he will be entitled on the death of his [AM] sister in law Elizabeth Fellows; both to be paid at age 21 years.
* The rest and residue of his estate to his wife Margaret Merlott for her natural life and after her death the principal sum to his son John Merlott. If he has died to his son Smith Merlott, if he has died to his son Joseph Merlott, if he has died to his daughter Elizabeth Merlott. If all have died £1000 to his brother Joseph Merlott and the rest of the remainder to his brother Richard Merlott.
* He asks that his trustees, his wife and his brothers Richard and Joseph Merlott, lay out the monies for the chidren's legacies and that of the resdidue of his estate the interest from which to help with the maintenance of his children during their minority.
* Appoints his wife Margaret Merlott sole executrix.
Signed: Abraham Merlott 6 January 1740
Witnesses: Harding Tomkins, Thomas Parker clerk

Codicil: To his brothers Joseph and Richard Merlott and his sister in law Elizabeth Fellows and his brother in law Morgan Smith £50 each. Signed: Abraham Merlott 6 January 1740 Witnesses: Harding Tomkins, Thomas Parker clerk

Proved at London with a codicil 1 July 1741 by the oath of Margaret Merlott widow the relict to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/710/273 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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MERTENS, Durk - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/2061, 1847
In the name of God Amen. I Durk Mertens of 85 Great George Street, Bermondsey, late of Queen Street, Limehouse, but formerly of Upper Thames Street, City of London, Sugar Refiner .....
* To his wife Ann Mertens all his money and securities, his different stocks in the Bank of England, his money in the Bank of Savings in Whitechapel, and all his household goods, furniture, chattels and effects.
* Appoints his wife Ann as sole executor.
Signed : Durk Mertens on 9 Jun 1834.
Witnessed : Geo. Young, and R W Webb, both of 22 Little Alie St.

Proved at London on 19 August 1847 by the oath of Ann Mertens.

[TNA PROB 11/2061 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

MERTENS, Lear - Will - summary of PRO PROB11/1583, 1816
This is the last will and testament of me Lear Mertens of Wellclose Square ...
* To the German Church in Trinity Lane £50.
* To Carsten Dirs of Woodford and Carsten Holthouse of Bath Terrace St Geo in East £20 each, and names them as his executors.
* £5000 to be invested, the interest and dividends from which to his daughter Martha Margaret Forster wife of William Forster, and after her decease to her child or children but if none then to her husband. If none survive her then to his son Henry Mertens.
* To his son Henry Mertens all the rest and residue of his estate, monies, lands, houses, furniture, plate, etc.
Signed : Lear Mertens 27 July 1816.
Witnesses : Edward Tilston, H Webster solicitor Wellclose Sq.

Proved at London on 21 August 1816 by the oaths of Carsten Dirs and Carsten Holthouse.

[TNA PROB 11/1583 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

MEYER, Casparus - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/999, 1774
(Translated from the Low Dutch)
On the Eighth of August of the year Seventeen Hundred and Fifty being Saturday at noon at twelve o'clock appeared before me Cornelis van Hounigh notary public admitted by the Court of Holland residing at Amsterdam ... Mr Casparus Meyer Refiner of Sugar and Madam Margaretha Carstence man and wife living within this City on the Baangracht ...
* They revoke all former wills and testaments made by them jointly and separately.
* They nominate each other as their sole executor/executrix.
* After the time of the first dying, the child or children of the marriage and all the goods valuables immoveables stocks tithes and credits shall be used and acted upon by the surviver as if their own and to dispose of at his/her pleasure. However when the said child or children of the marriage attain the age of 21 yerars, or marry, they should receive a dowry equal to their legitimate portion of the estate, and for such purposes an inventory should be taken (immediately after the first dying) of the estate and records kept of further transactions.
* The said executor/executrix to make provision for the well-being of any underage child or children by nominating tutors and adminstrators in case they die.
* If the said executor/executrix should remarry a settlement should be agreed regarding the rightful portions for the underage child or children.
Done in Amsterdam in the presence of the testators and Cornelis Domburg Junr and Walthagon Carnill witnesses.
Faithfully transcribed from the Low Dutch by the said notary 17 June 1774.

Proved at London 12 July 1774 by the oath of Margaretha Carstence widow to whom admon was granted.

[Not an easy will this one, the translation does not read easily and I'm not too confident about my accuracy. If anyone has produced a better summary, I'd be grateful to hear from them.]

[TNA PROB 11/999 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

MEYER, John Barnard - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1363, 1801
In the Name of God Amen. I John Barnard Meyer of 19 New Road, St George's in the East Sugar Refiner ...
* Requests a decent Christian burial.
* To his wife Alice Meyer all his money in public funds at the Bank of England, all his estate goods chattels and all sums due to him at the time of his decease.
* Appoints his wife Alice Meyer as his sole executrix.
Signed : John Barnard Meyer 5 May 1801.
Witnesses : James Humphrys of 134 Ratcliff Highway, John Batger [sugar refiner] of 21 Back Lane, and Alice Harriot of 19 Back Lane.

Proved at London 9 September 1801 by the oath of Alice Meyer widow to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1363 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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MEYER, John Kriete - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1081, 1781
In the Name of God Amen. I John Kriette Meyer of the parish of St Botolph without Aldsgate London Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Ann Meyer all his household goods plate linen china books household stuff utensils in trade stock in trade lease of his house all his book debts and monies owing to him at the time of his decease.
* To his nephew John Frederick Kriette Meyer £10 for mourning.
* All the rest and residue of his effects to his wife Ann Meyer for her natural life and after her death one moiety to his nephew John Frederick Kriette Meyer and the other moiety to the sole disposal of his wife Ann Meyer.
* Appoints his wife Ann Meyer his sole executrix.
Signed : Johan Kriette Meyer 17 January 1780.
Witnesses : Tho Mason, Grace Archer.

Proved at London 11 August 1781 by the oath of Ann Meyer widow to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1081 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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MEYER, Peter - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/619, 1728
In the Name of God Amen I Sir Peter Meyer of London ...
* All his just debts to be paid.
* The money he has put into the trade in the name of his son Peter Meyer in partnership with himself along with John Baptista Meyer is not in trust with him nor his accounting nor the produce thereof, he wholly gave the sum to his son and it is absolutely his and he confirms the same to him.
* All his freehold estate in England, Barbados and wherever to his wife Sarah Meyer during her natural life and after her death all the same, except his farm called Lying Down Farm consisting of farmhouse stables barns land etc now in the occupation of James Tindall lying in the villages of Chipping Barnett and East Barnet, Hertfordshire, to his son Peter Meyer and his heirs and for want of such issue to his son Paul Meyer and his heirs and for want of such issue to his son Rudolph Meyer and his heirs and for want of such issue equally to his daughters Elizabeth Amsincke and Sarah Hooger and their heirs as tenants in common not joint tenants and for want of such issue the same to his own heirs for ever.
* After his wife's death the said Lying Down Farm etc to his son Peter Meyer and his heirs in trust such that all the profits rents etc from the said farm to his son Paul Meyer for his natural life subject to the payment of an annuity of £40 payable to Mary Norton for her natural life and an annuity of £10 to the daughter of the said Mary Norton during her life to commence on the death of Mary Morton (with the same arrangement as above if no issue).
* To his son Peter Meyer and his heirs his dwelling house in Austin Fryars along with all the furniture all the plate (except those already given to his children, the common plate and plate in the iron chest and jewels his wife wears, which at the time of his wife's death shall be given to his children in the proportions she determines).
* To his son Rudolph Meyer his part share and interest in stock and trade and also in the sugar houses with appurtenances in partnership with Christian Colebrant, as well as the £3000 he has invested in Mr Colebrant's lands (subject to certain chargeable annuities).
* To his son Peter Meyer the profits from the Lottery and Tuntane Lottery in Hamburgh in the names of his daughter Elizabeth and Sarah (wife of Paul Hooger) for their natural lives, and if Elizabeth dies her shares to her children if no issue then to her sister Sarah.
* To his friend John Baptista Meyer 10 guineas for mourning.
* To Christian Colebrant and his wife 20 guineas for mourning.
* To whoever is the Minister of the Swedish Church in Trinity Lane at the time of his death, and whoever is the curate at the parish church of Totteridge, Hertfordshire, £10 each.
* The contracts he made regarding the marriages of his daughters that were to be complied with after his death must be complied with to the letter.
* To his said daughters £50 each for mourning for them and their husbands.
* His trade and merchandising to be carried on after his death as it is now and his wife shall be allowed £200 a year from the profits during her natural life.
* Asks all his children that his farms in London and in Totteridge (in the occupation of James Millers) shall be kept and not sold, and that they shall keep his vault at Totteridge and shall themselves eventually lie in it.
* The rest and remainder of his estate to his son Peter Meyer and his heirs subject to his wife having the use of the furniture at his Totteridge house during her residence there.
* Appoints sons Peter and Rudolph Meyer joint executors with John Jansson as overseer.
Signed: Peter Meyer 28 December 1727
Witnesses: JW Curryer sen Mary Bradley John Matthews servants to Sir Peter Meyer

Probate granted at London 17 January 1728 by the oaths of Peter Meyer and Rudolph Meyer to whom admin was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/619 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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MILLS, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1058, 1779
This is the last will and testament of me John Mills of Wentworth Street Whitechapel London Sugar Refiner ...
* He and his partner John Latter sugar refiner of Wentworth St took out a loan of £500 from Robert Redwood of Stoke Newington dated 29 September last, he now wishes Robert Redwood to be fully reimbursed one half share of that said loan.
* All his other debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* All the rest and remainder of his estate and effects to his wife Sarah Mills forever.
* Appoints the said Robert Redwood and his wife Sarah Mills sole executor and executrix.
Signed: John Mills 6 November 1779
Witnesses: Thomas Bagley of Stoke Newington, the mark of Elizabeth Mills of Shoreditch

Proved at London 25 November 1779 by the oaths of Robert Redwood and Sarah Mills widow the relict the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1058 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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MOGGE, Christian Henrich - Probate summary, 1870
The will of Christian Henrich Mogge late of Richmond Villas Chobham Rd Stratford Essex Sugar Refiner who died 4 September 1870 at Richmond Villas.
Proved 5 October 1870 by the oath of John Brockett Sorrell of 63 Gt Tower St London solicitor one of the executors.
Effects under £2000.

[National Probate Calendar]

***** to Catalogue *****

MUHM, Michael - Will summary, 1888.
This is the last will and testement of me Michael Muhm of King David Lane Shadwell formerly trading as a Sugar Baker but now out of business ...
* To his wife Frances Muhm all consumable stores absolutely.
* To his wife Frances Muhm all household furniture plate plated articles linen china pictures prints and other household effects for her use during her life. She is to sign an inventory of them and after her death the same articles equally amongst his four children Mary, Gertrude, Frederick Francis and John.
* To his wife Frances Muhm £70 for mourning and the like sum to each of his children for the same purpose.
* To his son Albert Muhm £300 Consolidated 3% Bank Annuities.
* Appoints his sons Frederick Francis Muhm and John Muhm as his executors.
* To his executors in trust £3000 Consolidated 3% Bank Annuities the income from which to his daughter Mary Muhm during her life, and if she marries then it is to be paid to her for her own use. After her death to her children equally.
* To his executors in trust £3000 Consolidated 3% Bank Annuities the income from which to his daughter Gertrude Muhm during her life, and if she marries then it is to be paid to her for her own use. After her death to her children equally.
* To his executors in trust £3000 Consolidated 3% Bank Annuities the income from which to his son Stratford Muhm (now of unsound mind) during his life, and after his death to his children equally.
* To his executors in trust £9000 New 3% Annuities for his wife Frances Muhm during her life, and after her death £1000 to son Albert absolutely, £2000 to daughter Mary and her children as above, £2000 to daughter Gertrude and her children as above, £1500 to son Stratford and his children as above.
* All the residue of his personal estate and effects to sons Frederick Francis and John in equal shares, along with any mortgaged estate or real estate equally.
* He gives his executors the power to apply up to half of any share directed to an infant for their advancement and benefit.
Signed: Michael Muhm 6 September(?) 1876
Witnesses: Charles Champion of Whitechapel, C Champion jun of Whitechapel

Probate of Michael Muhm late of Westbrook House, Bath Rd, Hounslow, retired Sugar Baker, was granted 31 July 1888 to Frederick Francis Muhm of Ferndale Lodge, Earlham Grove, Forest Gate, Essex, and John Muhm of Westbrook House, Bath Rd, Hounslow, the executors. £36,093.

[National Probate Calendar.]

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MULLER, Christian William - Will - PRO PROB 11/1801, 1832
This is the last Will and Testament of me Christian William Muller of Whitechapel in the County of Middlesex Sugar Baker I direct all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses in the first place only paid and satisfied and after such payments I give and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature and kind so ever unto my dear wife Mary Muller for her own and absolute use and benefit I nominate constitute and appoint my said wife and Benjamin Clark of Soatton Garden in the City of London Printer Executrix and Executor of this my Will and I request the said Benjamin Clark to collect two guineas for a ring as a small token of friendship I revoke all former wills by me at any time heretofore made and declare this only to be my last Will and Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my had and seal the eight day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty eight - C W Muller Signed sealed published and declared by the said Christian William Muller the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of G R Dodd Bank Chamber Solicitor - B Rowbotham his Clerk.

Proved at London 15th June 1832 before Worshipful Zesse Addams the Doctor of Laws and surrogate by the oath of Mary Muller widow the Relict one of the Executors to whom Admon was granted being first sworn duly to Admin power reserved of making the like grant to Benjamin Clark the other Executor when he shall apply for the same.

[TNA PROB 11/1801 - transcript with thanks to Tim J G Muller]

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MUM, Henry - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1739, 1828
This is the last will and testament of me Henry Mum formerly of Whitechapel Road in the parish of St Mary Whitechapel in the county of Middlesex Sugar Refiner, but now of Holloway Town in the County of Essex ...
* All funeral expenses and debts to be paid.
* To his great nephew Michael Mum otherwise Muhm of Gloucester St, Mile End Old Town, sugar refiner, grandson of his late brother John Mum, a release from all debts and sums of money due from him.
* To his nephew Henry Martin, a release from a bond without the payment of the principal sum or interest. Also a further £1000 of three percent Bank Annuities.
* Appoints John Dowler of Dalston Terrace, gentleman, and Michael Muhm, as his executors and trustees.
* To his executors £2000 of three percent Bank Annuities to hold on trust as his Trustees, and to pay the interest and dividends to his nephew John Martin the brother of Henry Martin, and after his death to his children in equal shares.
* To Sarah, Alice, Charlotte, and Elizabeth, the four daughters of his late brother in law Henry Martin, £1000 of three percent Bank Annuities each.
* To the children of his late brother Conrad Mum now residing in Germany £3000 of three percent Bank Annuities to be divided equally amongst them.
* To the children of his late brother John Mum now residing in Germany £3000 of three percent Bank Annuities to be divided equally amongst them.
* To the children of his late brother Michael Mum now residing in Germany £3000 of three percent Bank Annuities to be divided equally amongst them.
* To his executors the equivalent of £500 in three percent Bank Annuities to hold on trust, to pay the interest and dividends from same to Alice Dunch [nee Almeroth], wife James John Dunch, surveyor, and after her death to her children or grandchildren.
* To Ruth Fielding, spinster daughter of Adam Fielding of Woodford in Essex, £1000 of four percent Bank Annuities, but if she has died then equally to her sisters.
* To Christina Reitz, wife of ? Reitz of Marburg in Germany, shoemaker, £200.
* To James Almeroth of Church Lane, Whitechapel, baker, and his brother Henry Almeroth, £50 for mourning.
* To Sarah Hay [formerly Almeroth nee Bass], wife of James Hay of Gloucester Terrrace, New Road, Whitechapel, £50 for mourning.
* To each of his servants £10 for mourning.
* To his housekeeper Susanna Knight £50.
* To the British & Foreign Bible Society £1000 of three percent Bank Annuities.
* To the Missionary Society (1795) £2000 of three percent Bank Annuities.
* To a Society for supporting and perpetuating the Countess of Huntingdon’s College formerly in Wales but now in Cheshunt £3000 of three percent Bank Annuities.
* To the Zion Chapel in Union Street, Whitechapel, £100.
* To the Middlesex Society for the Educating of Poor Children in the Protestant Religion (1781) in Cannon Street Road £100.
* To Tower Hamlets Charity School £100 of three percent Bank Annuities.
* To John Dowler £200.
* To Henry Almeroth, a release from the several principal sums and promissory notes without the payment of the principal sum or interest.
* To the Whitechapel Society for the Education of the Poor £100.
* To the New German Chapel in Rupert Street, Whitechapel, £500 of three percent Bank Annuities.
* His executors to sell his leasehold messuages, tenements and premises with coach house, stabling and outhouses being Holloway House, and also all his household furniture, implements of household plate, linen, china, wearing apparel, books, pictures, and divide equally the proceeds amongst the children of his late brothers Conrad Mum, John Mum and Michael Mum.
* His executors to sell his horse and chaise, and to give the proceeds to the society called Zion’s Good Will belonging to the Zion Chapel in Union Street, Whitechapel.
* The residue of his estate to be equally divided amongst great nephew Michael Muhm, and the children of his late brothers Conrad Mum, John Mum and Michael Mum.
Signed : Henry Mum on 4 October 1825.
Witnesses : Samuel Argyll attorney, Whitechapel, and William Crick his clerk.

Proved at London on 21 April 1828 by the oaths of John Dowler and Michael Muhm to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1739 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

MUNSEES, Dietrick - 1805
City of Philadelphia. Sugar refiner.
22 December 1800. 1 November 1805.
Deed to son-in-law James Campbell and his wife Susanna for ground in Philadelphia.
Deed to son-in-law George Peterman and his wife Catharine.
His present dwelling with remainder of estate to his wife Catharine Munsees, after her death or intermarriage her share to son Henry Munsees.
Executors : wife Catharine, son Henry and son-in-law George Peterman.
Witnesses : R. Whitehead, Robert Whitehead, Benjn. Brown.
Letters granted to Catharine Munsees and George Peterman.

[from Philadelphia Wills.]

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NASH, Thomas - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1284, 1797
In the Name of God Amen. I Thomas Nash of St Mary Whitechapel Sugar Refiner ...
* Wishes to be buried at Buscot, Berkshire.
* All his just debts to be paid.
* To his wife Elizabeth Nash all his houses both freehold and on lease and to her heirs for ever.
* To his wife Elizabeth Nash all the rest and remainder of his messuages tenements lands hereditaments ready money mortgages bonds book debts stock in trade household goods chattels and the rest of his estate and effects.
* Appoints his wife Elizabeth Nash as his sole executrix.
Signed: Thomas Nash 31 July 1790.
Witnesses: Richard Dames, William Simons, John Althoff.

Proved at London 24 January 1797 by the oath of Elizabeth Nash widow and relict to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1284 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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NASH, William - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/895, 1764
In the Name of God Amen. I William Nash of London Sugar Refiner ...
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his sister Seth(?) Humphrys £20.
* To his nephew and neice John & Elizabeth Humphrys £10 each.
* To his nephew James Nash £10.
* To his neices Elizabeth Cooper, Winifred Abbay and Frances Yardley £10 each.
* To Mr Edward Satchwell of Cheshunt £20.
* To Mr John Bumford gunmaker in the Minories £20.
* To his wife Frances Nash all his house furniture plate living apparel and jewels.
* To his wife Frances Nash one half part of the rest of his estate both real and personal, the other one half part to his children equally Ð the interest for their education and maintenance in their minorities. If his wife should marry again then the said Edward Satchwell and John Bumford to take responsibiliy for the education and maintenance of any children. If there are no children to receive the one half part of his estate then it to be shared equally amongst the children of his brother James Nash, sister Winifred Yardley and sister Setty(?) Humphrys.
* Appoints the Edward Satchwell and John Bumford and his wife Frances Nash as his joint executors.
Signed: William Nash 31 July 1761.
Witnesses: Thomas Shade, John _ Stevens.

Proved at London 21 January 1764 by the oaths of Edward Satchwell and John Bumford and Frances Nash the widow and relict to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/895 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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# NEUHAUS, Johann Diederich - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1070, 1780
In the Name of God Amen. I Johann Diederich Neuhaus of Queen Street London Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* Asks to be buried at the German Chapel in Trinity Lane with £25 and no more to be spent on his funeral.
* To his nephew Christian Bartels Neuhaus £300.
* To Johann Meyer of Saint Amos Court St Ann Soho taylor £60.
* To his friend Fidde Helmkin of Old Fish Street sugar refiner £30.
* To Mrs Cook at the Sugar Loaf Queen St Cheapside victualer £10.
* To John Siel of Queen Street sugar refiner £20.
* £10 equally amongst Rudolph Bieger boiler at Mr Sprado's Queen St, Fidde Helmkin boiler at Mr Vaughan's Thames St, Mr Schutz sugar refiner of Russel St Drury Lane, George (whose surname I know not) boiler to Mr Gibson Pye Corner, George Coombe boiler to Mr Turner Pauls Wharf, and Mr Hase's boiler of Thames St.
* £10 equally amongst the sugarhouse men living with Messrs Travers & Griffin at the time of his decease.
* To Catharine Hogden cook at Travers & Griffin £10.
* To Claus Henkin second upstairs man in double house at Travers & Griffin £10.
* The rest and residue of his estate equally between his friends Johann Meyer and Fidde Helmkin whom he appoints as his joint executors.
Signed: Johann Diederich Neuhaus 26 September 1780.
Witnesses: William Nash, Benjamin Travers.

Proved at London 23 October 1780 by the oaths Johann Meyer and Fidde Helmkin the executors to whom admon was granted.

# This was my 300th will and arguably the best ... you just don't get this sort of info from normal records !

[TNA PROB 11/1070 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

NICHOLAS, Frederick - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1225, 1792
I Frederick Nicholas formerly of London Sugar Refiner but now of Crediton Devon Gent ...
* Asks that he be buried early in the morning in the most private manner without pomp and without mourning.
* To John Wolsford of Crediton merchant £10 and his gold watch.
* To John Brake late of Crediton but now of Exeter merchant £20.
* To Francis Drake of Crediton __ man £10 if he shall be living, if not then to Ann his wife.
* All the rest and residue of his goods chattels monies and all other personal estate and effects after all his just debts and funeral expenses have been paid to his executors in trust to be paid equally to his two heirs Dorothea Louisa the wife of Johan Friedrick Cladiow of Berlin in Germany and Dorothea Elizabeth the wife of Arendt Heinrich Alter of the same place the daughters of his late deceased sister Dorothea Elizabeth who was the widow of Johan Heinrich Biesing late of Berlin. If they or either of them shall have died their share equally to their own heirs.
* Appoints the said John Wolsford and John Brake his executors.
Signed: Frederick Nicholas 7 April 1785.
Witnesses: Mary Rudall, Sam Rudall.

Proved at London 8 November 1792 by the oaths of John Wolsford and John Brake the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1225 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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OPIE, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/804, 1753
In the Name of God Amen. I John Opie of Battersea Surrey Sugar Refiner ...
* All his fourth part of a freehold messuage in Plymouth, his freehold messuage in Market Street Plymouth in the occupation of Thomas Aviard at a yearly rent of £20, and all such rents and arrears from his properties in Plymouth, and all other real and personal estate, after the payment of his just debts, to Joshua Smith of Battersea.
* His executor to pay £50 to Avis Plater the maid servant of Joshua Smith.
* Appoints Joshua Smith of Battersea as his sole executor.
Signed: John Opie 16 December 1751.
Witnesses: James Andrews, Martin Seale both of Battersea, Thomas Michell of Friday Street.

Proved at London 7 September 1753 by the oath of Joshua Smith the sole executor to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/804 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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PAYNE, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/937/61, 1768
In the name of God Amen I John Payne of St Andrew by the Wardrobe London Sugar Refiner ...
* To his wife Elizabeth Payne over and above that which he bestowed upon her at their marriage (ie. £1000 bank stock, £1300 South Sea annuities of the year 1751, £1200 4% Bank Annuities of the year 1763, and £500 3% Consolidated Bank Annuites all which he asks his executors to transfer to her) an annuity of £60 for her natural life payable out of his freehold and leasehold estates situated in or near St Andrew by the Wardrobe, this for her natural life and after her death to his children John Payne and Samuel Payne equally.
* To his son John Payne all his freehold and leasehold estates situated in or near St Andrew by the Wardrobe and all other freehold and leasehold estates whatsoever. Also £4000 and his diamond ring.
* To his son Samuel Payne £5000 to be invested the interest for his maintenance and education until he reaches the age of 21 years when he shall receive the principal sum and any remaining interest. Also his gold watch.
* To his brother William Payne £25.
* To his sister Mrs Elizabeth Rolls £25.
* To Reverend Edward Pickard £10.
* To his nephews William Carter John Carter William Rolls and William George £10 each and to his neices Mary Walkin Catharine Browning Mary Hall Ann Payne and Ann Devonshire £10 each.
* To his wife's two maid servants at the time of his death £5 each for mourning. * All the rest and residue of his personal estate, after his just debts and funeral expenses have been paid, to his wife and two sons equally.
* Appoints John Browning of the Masters of the High Court of Chancery, his brother Bartholomew Payne and Edward Nicklin joint executors.
Signed: John Payne 30 May 1765
Witnesses: William Hurford, George Frederick Gobhard, Thomas Webster

Proved at London 4 March 1768 by the oaths of John Browning and Edward Nicklin two of the executors to whom admon was granted. Power reserved for Bartholomew Payne the other executor.

[TNA PROB 11/937/61 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

PAYNE, Samuel - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1712, 1826
This is the last will and testament of me Samuel Payne of Hackney Terrace Sugar Broker ...
* To his daughters Harriet Elizabeth Payne his diamond broach and Sophia Payne his diamond hoop ring that was her late mother's.
* To Samuel De Zoete of Mincing Lane merchant his gold watch and gold chain and seals.
* To his executor all his household furniture and utensils and all the residue and remainder of his estate whatsoever in trust so that Mrs Mary Davis now living with him might occupy his leasehold house in Hackney Terrace for her natural life (if she does not wish to live there she is to have the rent and profits from the said house for her natural life) and also the use of his household furniture books china plate linen and every other household utensil for her natural life. After her death the same equally amongst his four daughters Harriet Elizabeth Payne, Emily de Zoete wife of Samuel de Zoete, Sophia Payne and Laura Catherine Mitchell wife of Thomas Mitchell of the Island of Jamaica storekeeper.
* Appoints James Young of St Thomas Square Hackney timber broker sole executor.
Signed: Samuel Payne 20 May 1811
Witnesses: Thomas B Pugh, Richard Toms clerks to Messrs Kearsey & Spear

Proved at London 25 May 1826 by the oath of James Young sole executor to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1712 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

PELL, William - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1171, 1788
In the Name of God Amen I William Pell of the parish of St George, Middlesex, Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* All his freehold sugarhouse messuage tenements and premises situate in St George Middlesex and all other freehold estates to his wife Elizabeth Pell for her natural life and after her death to his son Robert Pell his heirs and assignes for ever.
* To his wife Elizabeth Pell all his household furniture linen plate and china in his dwelling house for her own use.
* To his executors in trust all the utensils fixtures and fittings standing in the said sugarhouse to be sold the monies from which to be applied as is thought necessary to the maintenance and education of his son Robert Pell until the age of 21 years when he shall be given the capital sum from the sale.
* To his brother-in-law Aaron Clinker £100.
* To his Godson William Clinker son of Aaron Clinker £100.
* To his sister-in-law Ann Clinker £100.
* To his brother-in-law Richard Brooke £100.
* To his daughter Elizabeth Pell £100.
* To his good friend Rev Thomas Stafford £100.
* All the rest and residue of his estate such as ready money, shares in Phoenix Fire Office, debts, stock in trade, lands tenements estates and whatsoever both real and personal equally to his four daughters Elizabeth Pell, Mary Pell, Sarah Pell and Martha Pell.
* Appoints his wife Elizabeth Pell his brother-in-law Aaron Clinker and James Jackson of the parish of St George his executors.
Signed: William Pell 15 October 1788.
Witnesses: Major Wright, N Matthew, Richard Willey.

Proved at London 29 October 1788 by the oaths of Elizabeth Pell widow and relict Aaron Clinker and James Jackson to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1171 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

PEMBER, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1122, 1784
In the name of God Amen I John Pember of Bristol Sugar Baker ...
* All his just debts to be paid.
* To his sister-in-law Mary Herolitt of Bristol widow £10 per annum throughout her widowhood and her mortgage of £50 to be be paid off.
* To his sister-in-law Elizabeth Wade £10 per annum for 10 years.
* To his brother William Pember £50 for mourning for himself and his family.
* To his executors all that messuage or tenement in St James Bristol in which his partner John Collet lately lived and which he was given by the will of the said John Collet in trust to be sold and the monies from the sale to the residue of his personal estate.
* All his money securities household goods plate linen china debts, money and shares that arise from his present partnership in a sugar baking business in Bristol carried on there with the said Sir John Durbin, Peter Eaton grocer and his brother William Pember, and all other real and personal estate to his executors in trust to be invested by them to pay towards the maintenance and education of his only child four year old daughter Mary Pember during her minority and at the age of 21 years she to be given the whole trust estate. If she dies before she reaches 21 years the whole trust estate to his brother William Pember.
* Appoints Sir John Durbin present Mayor of Bristol and James Ireland of Bristol his executors.
Signed: John Pember 10 February 1779
Witnesses: Anth J Henderson, Philip George, Nathan Winder

Proved at London 8 October 1784 by the oaths of Sir John Durbin and James Ireland the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1122 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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PERCIVALL, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/737, 1745
In the name of God Amen I John Percivall of St Luke's Mdx Sugar Refiner ...
* Wishes to be buried in the family vault where his daughter lays, and his funeral to cost no more than £30.
* To his father and mother Percivall, his mother Elizabeth Crossenor, his sister Elizabeth Clifford, his nephew and neice William and Elizabeth Fowl £10 each for mourning.
* To his uncle William Percivall £5 for mourning.
* To his uncle John Percival £8 a year during his natural life.
* All the rest and residue of his estate except the items that follow to his wife Ann Percivall and his son Edward Percivall equally.
* All his jewels plate and household goods to his wife Ann Percivall.
* If his son Edward Pecivall shall die before the age of 21 years then £100 to his nephew Thomas Watts and £100 to his cousin William Percivall son of the late William Percivall of Cowcross grocer.
* Appoints his wife Ann Percival sole executrix.
Signed: John Percivall 8 August 1741
Witnesses: Jacob Smith, Ann Provo her mark

Proved at London 15 January 1744 by the oath of Ann Percival widow the relict and sole executrix to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/737 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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PICKEL, Alfred - Summary of Probate - 1884
Admon of the personal estate of Alfred Frederick Pickel late of 12 Casson Street Whitechapel treacle manufacturer, who died 29 Sep 1884 at 12 Casson Street, was granted to Maria Pickel his widow. £893.14s.1d.

[National Probate Calendar, 1858-1966]

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PICKEL, GH Conrad - Summary of Probate - 1886
The will of Gerd Heinrich Conrad Pickel late of 6 George Street MENT and 303 Mile End Road Mdx, and of Hanover House Walthamstow Essex [treacle manufacturer], who died 26 Oct 1885 at Hanover House, was proved by Heinrich Claus furrier and Robert Ayton furnishing undertaker his executors. £11581.3s.5d.

[National Probate Calendar, 1858-1966]

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PINFOLD, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/734, 1744
I John Pinfold of Bristol Sugar Baker ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* Appoints his kinsman Giles Pinfold distiller and friends Richard Tyler grocer and Francis Whitchurch sugar baker all of Bristol his executors and gives them £10 each for mourning.
* All the rest and residue of his money goods chattels and estate to his executors in trust to be converted to money and invested by them until his son John Pinfold shall reach the age of 21 years, the interest to be applied to his maintenance and education during his minority and bringing him up into a good trade or business. The principal sum to him at the age of 21 years. If he dies before that time £1200 to the said Giles Pinfold and the remaining monies to his next of kin according to the Statute of Distributions. He entrusts the guardianship of his said son to his executors.
Signed: John Pinfold 7 May 1735
Witnesses: John Freeman, Edward Gyles, Edward Were

Appeared personally: the executors Richard Tyler and Giles Pinfold gave oath that the will had originally had the name of the third executor obliterated.

Proved at London 1 June 1744 by the oaths of Richard Tyler and Giles Pinfold the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/734 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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PITCHFORTH, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1410, 1804
This is the last will and testament of me John Pitchforth of Betts Street St George's in the East Mdx Sugar Refiner ...
* All his cottages or dwelling house on Elland Edge in County of York which were given to him by his late father John Pitchforth and all his household goods furniture plate linen china and all other personal estate to his wife Hannah Pitchforth for her own benefit.
* Appoints his said wife Hannah Pitchforth and his nephews James Gooden and John Fox guardians of his chidren and executrix and executors of his will.
Signed: John Pitchforth 24 November 1803
Witnesses: James Tibley, G Wright

Proved at London 1 June 1804 by the oaths of Hannah Pitchforth widow the relict and John Fox the nephew two of the executors to whom admon was granted. Power reserved for James Gooden the nephew the other executor.

[TNA PROB 11/1410 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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PLAXTON, George - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1603, 1818
I George Plaxton of Johnson's Court Goodman's Fields in the County of Middlesex Sugar Refiner but now residing at Denmark Hill in the County of Surrey ...
* All just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his friend and partner Mr John Walton of Angel Alley Whitechapel Sugar Refiner all his interest and estate whatsoever of in or to the messuage or tenement with the three pan sugar house coach house stables and all the singular erections buildings and premises thereto belonging situate in Angel Alley and George Yard Whitechapel, which were held on loans granted by Mr John Gass to John Walton and himself for a term of 21 years from 24 June 1813 and under a yearly rent of £150 and subject to ground rent of £16 ...... John Walton to deliver within one month to the executors of the will a bond indemnifying them and the estate from payment of any rent and also exonerating him and his share in the profits capital and interest in the joint trade of sugar refiner carried on by himself John Walton and Benjamin Fairbank from any contribution towards the liquidation of the repairs account.
* All the rest and residue of his estate whatsoever to his brother William Wells Plaxton Sugar Refiner of Lambeth Street Goodman's Fields and his friend Timothy Richardson soap and seed merchant of Southwark, his trustees and executors, upon trust to be invested for the sole benefit of his mother Sarah Plaxton. On her death it shall be distributed in accordance with her own will.
Signed : George Plaxton 8 August 1817.
Witnesses : James Fairbanks surgeon of Leman St, Ann Pattison servant to Mr G Plaxton.

Proved at London 22 April 1818 by the oaths of both executors.

Extracted from the Registry of the Prerogative Court of York.

[TNA PROB 11/1603 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills. My thanks to Michael Plaxton.]

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PLAXTON, William Wells - Probate summary - 1861
William Wells Plaxton late of Forest Gate, Essex, died 3 Dec 1860 at Forest Gate.
Proved 14 May 1861 by oaths of Sarah Plaxton and Harriet Louisa Plaxton the daughters and executrixes. Under £300.

[National Probate Calendar]

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PLAXTON, William Wells - Admon summary - 1862
William Wells Plaxton late of Forest Gate, Essex, a bachelor, died 13 July 1844 on board the barque ÒMauritiusÓ off Dungeness, Kent.
Admon granted to Sarah Plaxton and Harriet Louisa Plaxton, executrixes of the father of the deceased. Under £100.

[National Probate Calendar]

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PLUMB, Abraham - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/687, 1738
In the name of God Amen I Abraham Plumb of St Dunstans in the East Trader in Sugar ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Lucy Plumb all his estate real and personal. If she is with child then one half of the said estate to the child, one half to his wife.
* Appoints his brother in law John Harries cornfactor in Mark Lane his executor.
Signed: Abraham Plumb 31 December 1737/8
Witnesses: Samuel Horne, Isabel Landall her mark, John Harries

Proved at London 7 January 1737/8 by the oath of John Harries sole executor to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/687 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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PLUMMER, William - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1673, 1823
I William Plummer of Mount Place Whitechapel Mdx Sugar Broker ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Maria Plummer all his household furniture plate linen china books pictures prints wearing apparel ready monies and other effects about his dwelling house.
* All the remainder and residue of his estate to be converted into money by his executors and invested in trust the interest to his wife Maria Plummer for her own use, and after her death from the principal sum ...
* To his nephew and Godson John Braithwaite £300.
* To Henry Jug the grandson of his wife £300.
* To his daughter in law Mrs Hallett £300 for her own use.
* The remainder of the principal sum equally amongst his four sisters Ann Plummer Margaret Sanderson Dorothy Braithwaite and Elizabeth Burton.
* Appoints his said wife Maria Plummer, James Friend of Fieldgate St Whitechapel sugar refiner and Nicholas Temperley of Gloucester St Whitechapel sugar refiner his executors.
Signed: William Plummer 21 May 1814
Witnesses: Isaac Sheffield Prescott St, Thomas Surry his clerk

Codicil: If the said Henry Jug dies before the age of 21 years his legacy to the said Mrs Hallett, if she has also died the legacy to Elizabeth Jug the sister of the said Henry Jug. 21 May 1814.

Proved at London 3 July 1823 by the oath of Maria Plummer widow the relict one of the executors to whom admon was granted. Power reserved for Nicholas Temperley the other surviving executor.

[TNA PROB 11/1673 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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PONTIFEX, Henry Daniel - Probate summary, 1887
23 December. The will of Henry Daniel Pontifex late of 80 St Paul's Rd Highbury Mdx who died 1 November 1887 at said address was proved at the Principal Registry by Jane Pontifex of same address widow the relict the sole executrix.
Personal estate £90.

[National Probate Calendar, 1858-1966]

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POPE, Andrew - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/639, 1730
I Andrew Pope of the City of Bristol Sugar Baker ...
* To his mother for her natural life the legal interest from the sum of £1400 that his executor shall invest.
* To his sister Martha Hyde wife of James Hyde £300 for her own use.
* To his sister Mary Rowe widow £300.
* To Michael Pope son of Michael Pope deceased £300.
* To his neice Martha Broadribb widow £300.
* To Thomas Blagden £50.
* To Mrs Elizabeth Barrett widow an annuity of £7pa.
* All the rest and residue of his money goods chattels personal estate to his nephew Michael Pope sugar baker son of his late brother John Pope, and appoints him sole executor.
Signed: Andrew Pope 19 June 1730
Witnesses: Thomas Boswell, Thomas Blagden

Proved at London 14 July 1730 by the oath of Michael Pope nephew and sole executor to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/639 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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PRIGEN, Ortes - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/695 1739
In the Name of God Amen I Ortes Prigen of Rupert Street Whitechapel Sugar Boyler ...
* To his wife Elizabeth Prigen all his goods chattels money plate rings and estate whatsoever.
* Appoints his wife Elizabeth Prigen his sole executrix.
Signed: Ortes Prigen 28 February 1738
Witnesses: Francis Postels, Henry Hall, P Cousins clerk to Mr Bolton

Proved at London 10 March 1738 by the oath of Elizabeth Prigen widow and relict to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/695 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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PRIGGEN, Jacob - Summary of Probate - 1864
Admon of the personal estate and effects of Jacob Priggen late of 35 Gloucester St Commercial Rd East who died 24 Nov 1863 at his home was granted to Charles Chapman sugar broker of 8 Commercial Sale Rooms Mincing Lane 16 Jan 1864. Under £5000.
His wife died 4 Mar 1864 and her admon was granted to John Carsten Priggen, son, 7 Apr 1864.

[National Probate Calendar, 1858-1966]

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QUICK, James - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/635, 1730
In the name of God Amen I James Quick of St Martin in the Fields Mdx Charcoal Merchant ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his son James Quick £300 when he reaches 21 years and the interest of same to be applied to his education and maintenance in the meantime. If he dies before 21 years his portion to his daughter Mary Quick.
* To his daughter Mary Quick £300 when she reaches 21 years and the interest of same to be applied to her education and maintenance in the meantime. If she dies before 21 years her portion to his son James Quick.
* To his wife Catherine Quick all his freehold houses grounds and appurtenances in Angel Court near Long Acre St Martins in the Fields for her natural life and after her death equally between his son James and daughter Mary.
* All the rest and residue of his money goods plate jewels stock in trade other debts due to him furniture clothes chattels and personal estate to his wife Catherine Quick and appoints her sole executrix.
* Appoints Henry Frith scrivener and James Allen last maker supervisors of his will and trustees of his children.
Signed: James Quick 11 January 1729
Winesses: Edward Cunningham, Samuel Mainwaring, Elizabeth Pickton

Proved at London 13 January 1730 by the oath of Catherine Quick relict and sole executor to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/635 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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QUICK, James - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/735, 1744
In the name of God Amen I James Quick of St Martins in the Fields Mdx Charcoal Merchant ...
* To his son John Quick £200 at the age of 21 years.
* To his wife Ann Quick all his lands tenements herediterments in Ross Street St Martins in the Fields, and also all his plate goods chattels jewels as long as she remains a widow, but if she marries or dies all the same equally between his two sons James Quick and John Quick though if they are still younger than 21 years in trust for their maintenance and education.
* If his sons die before his wife then of the above mentioned estate £100 to his nephew James Druce and all the rest and residue to his wife's brothers and sisters George, Thomas, Joseph, Mary, Dorcas and Frances Cook and Elizabeth Creby.
* Appoints his wife Ann Quick sole executrix.
Signed: James Quick 19 January 1743
Witnesses: Thomas Evered, Anns Hursfeild, George Standish

Proved at London 15 October 1744 by the oath of Ann Quick widow the relict and sole executrix to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/735 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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RACKHAM, Francis - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1967/120, 1842
This is the last will and testament of me Francis Rackham of Colet Place Commercial Road and Gowers Walk Whitechapel Sugar Refiner ...
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his son-in-law James De La Mare of Luke Street Mdx silk manufacturer and his partner John Francis Puest of Gowers Walk sugar refiner both trustees and executors ten guineas each for their troubles.
* To his executors all his freehold and copyhold messuages lands tenements and heraditaments in trust.
* To his wife Charlotte Rackham all his furniture plate books linen glass china in his dwelling house for her own use and after her death the same shall be sold the proceeds to be added to his residual personal estate.
* All the rest and residue of his estate to his executors in trust to be converted to money to be invested the profits rents and dividends to his wife Charlotte Rackham during her life and after her death - one sixth part to his daughter Charlotte wife of the said James De La Mare for her sole use and after her death to her children - one other sixth part to his daughter Matilda wife of the Nicholas De La Mare for her sole use and after her death to her children - one other sixth part to his daughter Harriet Rackham for her sole use and after her death to her children - one other sixth part to his son Charles Rackham for his personal benefit and after his death to his children - one other sixth part to his son James Rackham for his personal benefit and after his death to his children - the remaining sixth part to his daughter Mary Ann wife of John Samuel for her sole use and after her death to her children.
* Appoints his wife Charlotte Rackham and the said James De La Mare and John Francis Puest executors of his will.
Signed: Francis Rackham 14 December 1836
Witnesses: Samuel Godefroy 25 Queen St Cheapside, John De La Mare 14 Duke St Old Artillery Ground, Michael Dupray 6 Norfolk Place Shacklewell

Proved at London 25 August 1842 by the oaths of Charlotte Rackham widow the relict and James De La Rue two of the executors to whom admon was granted, power being reserved for John Francis Puest the other executor when he shall apply.

[TNA PROB 11/1967/120 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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RADFORD, Luke - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/823, 1756
The last will and testament of me Luke Radford of St Luke Mdx Sugar Refiner ...
* All his china and tea equipage to Miss Jane Hayes, and £20 for mourning.
* All his household furniture, except the dial in the parlour, at his dwelling house in Gloucester Court St Luke and his lodgings in Bethnall Green to Mrs Atkins.
* The dial in the parlour aforesaid to Mr Ralph Royle in Galloway, also his goldwatch and £50.
* Mourning rings of twenty five shillings to each of Mr Ralph Royle and Mrs Royle his wife, Mr Cawood, Mr Thomas Watson, Mr William Cooper, Miss Jane Hayes, Mrs Jane Hayes her mother, Mr Joseph Mathewman, the Misses Dorothy, Hannah, Ann and Margaret Mathewman his sisters and Mrs Dorothy Mathewman his mother, Miss Bridget Winter of Derby, and to Mr and Mrs Atkins.
* To his maid servant Lydia Cooper £5 for mourning.
* All the rest and residue of his estate ready money goods chattels efects to his father Thomas Radford.
* Appoints the said Mr Ralph Royle sole executor.
Signed: Luke Radford 3 May 1756
Witnesses: George Scott, John Matthews, John Heaton of Shadwell

Proved at London 1 June 1756 by the oath of Ralph Royle sole executor to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/823 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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RAMSDEN, Hugh - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1549/274, 1813
I Hugh Ramsden of Rockingham Row, Surrey, Gent ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Elizabeth Ramsden his five leasehold houses messuages or tenements in Rockingham Row to hold for the term of her natural life and after her death to his daughter Elizabeth Ramsden the wife of Robert Lancaster for her life but the rents and profits for her solely not for her husband, and after her death to his executors as part of the residue of his estate.
* To his wife Elizabeth Ramsden his freehold messuage in Brook Street now in the tenure of his son Richard Ramsden to hold for the term of her natural life and after her death to his daughter Elizabeth Ramsden the wife of Robert Lancaster for her life but the rents and profits for her solely not for her husband.
* His executors to pay the sum of £500, part of the monies owed him by his son Richard Ramsden, in trust to be invested, the interest to his daughter Elizabeth Lancaster for her sole use.
* To his executors £500 in 5% Consolidated Bank Annuities, and £300 a further part of the monies owed him by his son Richard Ramsden, in trust the interest to Mary Ann Gillam now living with him, and his executors may also give her £200 3% Consolidated Bank Annuities along with the said £300 at such time as they think fit.
* To his executors all sums of money due to him from Mr John Williams by virtue of securities in the hands of Messrs Price & Williams solicitors to be applied to the repair and improvement of Ely Chapel in Ely Place Holborn.
* To his daughter Elizabeth Lancaster all his profits from two houses No.20&21 situate in Brunswick Street near Blackfriars Road for her sole use.
* To each of his executors £30 for their troubles.
* All the rest and residue of his estate to his wife Elizabeth Ramsden.
* Appoints as his executors Reverend John Wilcox of Ely Place clerk and William Jones of Hatton Garden tailor.
Signed: Hugh Ramsden 6 February 1811
Witnesses: John McEaull shopman to Mr Dixon, Joseph Peacock, William Bradon of Temple Street Whitefriars.

On 11 November 1813 adminstration of goods chattels credits of Hiugh Ramsden late of Rockingham Row St Mary Newington Surrey was granted to Elizabeth Ramsden widow the relict and residuary legatee having duly sworn to administer the Rev John Wilcox and William Jones having first renounced.

[TNA PROB 11/1549/274 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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RASEHORN, Johan Anthon - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1414 1804
This is the last will and testament of me Johan Anthon Rasehorn of Whitechapel Sugar Baker ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* All his estate and effects to his wife Mary Rasehorn.
* Appoints his wife Mary Rasehorn sole executrix.
Signed: Johan Anthon Rasehorn 19 June 1804
Witnesses: Thomas Pearson, John Fisher.

Proved at London 28 September 1804 by the oath of Mary Rasehorn widow and relict to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1414 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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REED, Edward - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/754, 1747
In the Name of God Amen I Edward Reed the elder of Bristol Sugar Baker ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To Elisha Hellier of Bristol soapmaker one shilling.
* To his sister Mary Sharp and such of her children alive at the time of his death £5 each.
* To his [grand?]daughter Mary Hellier £400 at the age of 21 years or her marriage to be paid by his son Edward Reed out of his freehold or leasehold estates herein after given to him but if his wife Mary Reed dies before this legacy becomes payable his son shall pay his said granddaughter the interest from her legacy at 4% pa throughout her minority, but if his granddaughter dies before the age of 21 years the £400 to his son Edward Reed for his own use.
* To his wife Mary Reed an annuity of £50 for her natural life to be paid quarterly. If a payment falls behind by more than 14 days he gives his said wife full power and authority to enter into any of his freehold or leasehold properties and carry away or detain anything that makes good that annuity payment.
* To his wife Mary Reed one moiety of all his household goods linen and plate.
* To his son Edward Reed £5 in trust that he will apply the sum to the education of the poor boys of Stoaks Croft School St James Bristol.
* All his real estate whatsoever to his son Edward Reed subject to the above legacies and annuity.
* All the rest and residue of his goods monies securities stock in trade to his son Edward Reed for his own use, and appoints him sole executor.
Signed: Edward Reed 5 May 1740
Witnesses: William Liminton Cooper, William Allercott servant to Mr Reed

Proved at London 2 April 1747 by the oath of Edward Reed the son and sole executor to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/754 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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REIMELS, Claus - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1439, 1806
In the Name of God Amen. I Claus Reimels now residing at Mr Eggars in the parish of Saint Mary Whitechapel in the County of Middlesex Sugar Refiner ...
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid as well as the cost of proving his will.
* To the widow Abel Eden of Bramel in Germany the dividends and interest from the sum of £125 in 5% consolidated bank annuities for her natural life, and after her death the principal sum of £125 in 5% consolidated bank annuities to be shared equally amongst all her surviving children.
* To Reimelt Reimels of Bramel the piece of land in Bramel at present in his occupation called "Durch gest rout spallender"(?), and to his heirs forever.
* To Alrich Eden residing at Mr Eggars the small piece of land in Brach (fallow) at Bramel and six oak trees on his father’s premises and also the sum of £25 in 5% consolidated bank annuities, and to his heirs forever.
* To his niece Beeke Behnken on the day of her marriage £25 in 5% consolidated bank annuities, but if she does not marry then the sum to be shared equally amongst all the surviving children of Abel Eden.
* To the children of his brother Cassen Matheiß Reimels equal shares of £25 in 5% consolidated bank annuities.
* All the rest of his estate and effects to be divided equally amongst his three nephews - Alrich Eden, Reimelt Eden and Reimelt Reimels.
* Appoints Diedrich Jurgens of Saint Mary Whitechapel Sugar Refiner as his executor.
Signed by Claus Reimels on 4 February 1805.
Witnessed by Herman Mollenhuer, C Soloman, and Heinrich Moller.

Proved at London on 5 February 1806 by the oath of Diedrich Jurgens.

**From Bramel Parish Registers** ... [HR]
(a) Parents: Reimelt Reimels, b. 1714, farmer in Bramel, married to Alheit Hellen.
Their children ...
(b) Cassen Matheiß Reimels, b. 21 May 1742, d. 17 Aug 1791. Cassen Matheiß Reimels's son Carsten Reimels married Beeke Behnken in 1807.
(c) Abel Reimels, b. 22 Dec 1745 - she married farmer Albert Eden in 1771; her son Alrich Eden, b. 13 August 1778.
(d) Reimelt Reimels, b. 28 April 1756.
(e) Claus Reimels, b. 21 March 1760.

[TNA PROB 11/1439 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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REINERS, Henry - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/931 1767
In the Name of God Amen I Henry Reiners of St Mary Matfelon otherwise Whitechapel Sugar Refiner ...
* To his nephew Francis Reiners a suit of mourning to the value of £10.
* All debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* All the rest and residue to his wife Sarah Reiners for her own use and benefit.
* Appoints his wife Sarah Reiners and Francis Peete of Mile End Old Town gentleman as joint executors.
Signed: Henry Reiners 3 June 1767
Witnesses: B Flugger, Hen Thory jun

Proved at London 29 August 1767 by the oath of Sarah Reiners widow and relict to whom admon was granted, the other executor having renounced the execution thereof.

[TNA PROB 11/931 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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REINERS, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1829 1834
This is the last Will and Testament of me John Reiners of Cambridge Heath Mdx Sugar Baker ...
* Appoints William Seven of Trinity Lane City of London and George Webb bricklayer of Gowers Walk Mdx his trustees and executors.
* To his wife Mary Reiners all his household goods furniture plate linen china wearing apparel trinkets books utensils and effects.
* To his son Claus Henry Reiners his silver watch gold chain and seals.
* All the rest and residue of his personal estate to his executors to be converted to money and invested in Parliamentary stocks or public funds the interest from which to his wife Mary Reiners and after her death equally to his two sons Claus Henry Reiners and John Reiners once they reach 21 years of age. If one son dies before his mother then all to the other son. If both die before their mother then equally to all the children of his sister the wife of Diedrich Gads once they reach the age of 21 years.
* It shall be lawful for his executors during his wife's lifetime to use from the trust funds up to £50 each to place his sons in apprenticeships or professions.
Signed: John Reiners 7 January 1834
Witnesses: George Finch clerk to Messrs Henderson & Smith solicitors of Leman St, and Edward Smith of 10 Prospect Place Cambridge Heath.

Proved at London 26 March 1834 by the oaths of Willian Seven and George Webb to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1829 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

REVELL, Samuel - Probate summary, 1864
4 March. Admon (with the will annexed) of the personal estate and effects of Samuel Revell late of Sheffield Yorkshire Gent deceased who died 29 December 1859 at Sheffield were granted at Wakefield to Caroline Revell of Sheffield spinster the daughter one of the residuary legatees named in the said will she having first been sworn.
Effects under £450

[National Probate Calendar, 1858-1966]

***** to Catalogue *****

RICE, Evan - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1057, 1779
This is the last will and testament of me Evan Rice of Bristol Sugar Baker ...
* To his executors all his freehold and leasehold messuages or tenements and lands in Bristol and the County of Gloucester household goods implements of household linen plate china money securities and all other estate real or personal upon trust to sell or dispose of for money, collect all the debts owed to him and pay all his just debts and funeral expenses for the following uses ...
* To Mary Penny otherwise Mary Williams now residing with him £500.
* To his niece Anna Maria Howe £100.
* To his friends Thomas Symons and Thomas Morgan attournies at law Bristol £10 each.
* To his servant Philip Griffiths and a suit for mourning.
* To his boiler Eymer Fedden and his wife £10 each for mourning.
* To his executors £10 each for mourning. ... and the remainder to be invested the profits and interest to the maintenance and education of his son Willian Draper Rice until the age of 21 years when the whole surplus monies and investments to be his. If his son dies before the age of 21 years the said sums to Mary Penny and John Jackson as tenants in common. And if they have both died £100 to his nephew Evan Rice Howe and to his niece Anna Maria Howe a further £100 and any monies not distributed equally to the children of his late partner William Barnes of Bristol.
* Appoints Nehemiah Bartley distiller John Jackson rectifier and George Ewbank milliner and haberdasher all of Bristol his executors and guardians of his said son.
Signed: Evan Rice 10 July 1779
Witnesses: Thomas Rigge, Samuel Fidoe, James Hayward

Proved at London 8 September 1779 by the oaths of Nehemiah Bartley John Jackson and George Ewbank the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1057 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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RICHARDS, SAMUEL - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/518, 1710
In the name of God Amen I Samuel Richards of London Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To Richard Wilkinson of London sugar refiner £1500 in trust that he pays Elizabeth Wynne wife of Edward Wynne and daughter of Joseph Antrum late of London brewer £60 pa for her natural life and for her own use. After her death the capital and interest remaining to the said Richard Wilkinson for his own use.
* To his aunt Davis £500.
* To his cousin Mrs Mary Wright £1000.
* To his cousin Mrs Elizabeth Remington £200.
* To his cousin Mr John Jones £100.
* To each of the two servant maids living with his mother £10.
* To the master workman [sugarhouse] John Hayes £5.
* To the warehouseman [sugarhouse] Paul Winsmor £5.
* To the other six servants belonging to the sugarhouse 40s each.
* All the rest and residue of his estate whatsoever debts ready money goods chattels and estate all his shares and rights interest with respect to the estates of his late father William Richards and his late brother William Richards to his mother Joyce Richards.
* Appoints the said Richard Wilkinson and his said mother executors.
Signed: Samuel Richards 3 September 1710
Witnesses: Sarah Whitten, John Busby

Proved at London 21 September 1710 by the oaths of Joyce Richards and Richard Wilkinson the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/518 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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RICHDALE, James - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1323, 1799
This is the Last Will and Testament of me James Richdale of Lambeth Street Goodmans Fields Mdx Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* All his household goods furniture plate linen china books pictures fixtures and other effects in his dwelling house situate in Clapham to his niece Sarah Richdale spinster who now lives with him for her own use and benefit.
* To Thomas Hodgson of Church Lane Whitechapel sugar refiner and William Lonsdale of Fashion St Spitalfields sugar refiner all his leasehold messuages dwelling houses warehouses and premises whatsoever upon trust to be sold or disposed of and all his personal estate also to be sold or disposed of, the monies arising to be placed out at interest the interest and dividends from same to be applied to his son Thomas Richdale for his natural life. And after the death of Thomas Richdale to be applied equally to his own children. If no child, or none survive him, then to be applied to his niece Sarah Richdale aforesaid, and if she has not survived him to be applied to persons of his blood or kindred according to the statue of distribution.
* Appoints the said Thomas Hodgson and William Lonsdale as executors to his will.
Signed: James Richdale 23 March 1799.
Witnesses: Benjamin Nind Gt Prescot St, George Joy his clerk.

Proved at London 16 April 1799 by the oaths of Thomas Hodgson and William Lonsdale to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1323 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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RIDER, Jacob - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/992 1773
In the Name of God Amen I Jacob Rider of St Bennett's Hill City of London Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his executors £3000 in trust for them to invest in public stock in their joint names so that his wife Frances Rider can use the interest and dividends for the maintenance and support of his daughters Rebecca and Frances until they marry, and when they marry £1500 to each of them from the pricipal sum.
* To his eldest son Frederick Rider £100.
* To his son Jacob Rider now residing in the East Indies £100.
* To his son John Rider £20.
* To his son Richard Rider £20.
* To his son Thomas Rider now residing in the East Indies £500 to be paid to him within six months after the death of his wife.
* To Lawrence Charleson of Bishopsgate Street London sugar refiner £50 for his trouble as on of his executors.
* All the rest and residue of his estate to his wife [Frances].
* Appoints his wife [Frances], his eldest son [Frederick], and Lawrence Charleson as his executors.
Signed: Jacob Rider 6 August 1773
Witnesses: Margaret Christopher St Martins Lane Westminster, ? Fesselique Atty London

Codicil: Has changed his executors to read his wife Frances Rider and Samuel Smith.
Signed Jacob Rider 8 October 1773, witnesses Lawrence Charlesson, GB Moore

Proved at London 12 October 1773 by the oath of Samuel Smith to whom admon was granted
and proved at London 19 February 1774 by the oath of Frances Rider widow and relict to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/992 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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RIGGE, Joseph - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1143, 1786
In the Name of God Amen. I Joseph Rigge the Younger of Bristol Sugar Refiner ...
* Appoints Thomas Rigge Doctor in Physic and John Care Druggist both of Bristol as his executors.
* To his executors £2100 for them to invest and to pay the interest from time to time to his wife Patty Pinfold Rigge for her natural life; and from and after her death £600 of the same to the children of his sister the wife of Humphrey Simmons stationer of Holborn London equally between them; and a further £600 of the same to the children of his sister the wife of John Strickland of Ulverstone Lancashire equally between them; and a further £600 of the same to the daughter of his late brother William Rigge deceased; and the remaining £300 of the same to his sister Elizabeth Rigge.
* To his sister Elizabeth Rigge the further sum of £200.
* To his wife Patty Pinfold Rigge a further £3000 for her own use and benefit provided that within six months of his decease she releases to his executors her title to the sums of £3000 and £1000 mentioned in Articles of Agreement dated 7 May 1768 between her father William Westley of Bristol draper and herself in the first part, himself Joseph Rigge in the second part, and John Couch of Shepton Mallett clothier and John Care of Bristol druggist of the third part, along with the interest from the bequests of £3000 and £2100.
* Also to his wife Patty Pinfold Rigge the free use and enjoyment during her life of his household goods, plate linen china, and after her decease the same to his daughter Ann Rigge.
* To his daughter Ann Rigge at age 21 years £5000, with the interest from the said sum being used where necessary by his executors for her education and maintenance during her minority.
* To his executors £100 each.
Signed with his mark : Joseph Rigge 31 May 1783.
Witnesses : John Seager, Joseph Rogers.

Proved at London 28 June1786 by the oaths of Thomas Rigge Doctor of Physic and John Care the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1143 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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RINGEN, Cort - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1816, 1833
In the Name of God Amen. I Cort Ringen of Old Montague Street, St Mary Whitechapel, Scumboiler ...
* All just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* His leasehold house and premises in Old Montague St together with the utensils and all therein which he used in his business of scumboiler to be sold and disposed of, the money from which to form part of his personal estate.
* To his Godson George Gerken son of Gert Gerken who worked for him £10.
* To his friend Marten Mehrtens of 9 Storer St, Commercial Rd East, St Dunstans Stepney, £5.
* To his friend Cort Mohrman of Brick Lane boiler to Mr William Walker £5.
* All his household goods and furniture and all other effects to be sold, the money from which to form part of his personal estate.
* All the rest and residue of his estate in two equal shares to the Treasurer of St George's German Church in Little Alie St, Goodman's Fields, for the benefit of the Church, and to his mother Tipke Ringen in Rhade, Ottersberg, Hanover, if she should still be alive, otherwise that share also to the Treasurer of St George's German Church in Little Alie St, Goodman's Fields, for the benefit of the Church.
* Appoints Marten Mehrtens and Cort Mohrman as his executors.
Signed: Cort Ringen 14 March 1833.
Witnesses: John Nicholson 12 Osborn St Whitechapel, Geo Fehronweng 32 Lt Alie St.

Proved at London 7 May 1833 by the oath of Marten Mehrtens to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1816 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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RIPP, Henry - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/983 1772
In the Name of God Amen I Henry Ripp of the parish of St George Mdx Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Martha Ripp £100 annuity during her natural life charged to his leasehold messuages and dwelling house and leasehold sugar houses mill houses and premises on the east side of Well Close Square now in his occupation to be paid quarterly with no costs to her even if the properties or any one of them has to be sold in order to make it possible.
* To his wife Martha Ripp so much of his household furniture that will be sufficient for her use.
* To his wife Martha Ripp and his son Samuel Ripp equally all his linen china and plate.
* To his son Samuel Ripp all his said leasehold messuages and dwelling house and leasehold sugar houses mill houses and premises on the east side of Well Close Square for the remainder of their leases subject to his paying the aforesaid annuity.
* To his daughter Martha Ripp £500 to be paid two years after his death at a rate of 5% interest.
* To his son Henry Ripp £20 for mourning he having already received his share of the estate.
* To his daughter Catherine Ripp now wife of Thomas White £21 pounds for mourning.
* All the rest and residue to his son Samuel Ripp, and appoints his said son sole executor.
Signed: Henry Ripp 14 October 1772
Witnesses: M Davis, Major Wright

Proved at London 2 November 1772 by the oath of Samuel Ripp the son and sole executor to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/983 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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ROBERTS, Henry - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/807, 1754
I Henry Roberts of College Hill London Sugar Boyler ...
* To his brother John Roberts £20, if he has died then equally amongst his children.
* All the rest and remainder of his estate wages monies lands tenements goods chattels to his wife Catherine Roberts.
* Appoints his wife Catherine Roberts sole executrix.
Signed: Henry Roberts 3 August 1752
Witnesses: Robert Hughes, Robert Peters

Proved at London 22 March 1754 by the oath of Catherine Roberts widow the relict to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/807 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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ROBERTS, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1558, 1814
In the name of God Amen I John Roberts of Thomas Street St Dunstan in the East London Sugar Cooper ...
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To Miss Ann Davis who has lived with him for many years an annuity of £125 pa for her natural life. Also all his household furniture linen china liquors watches four articles of plate.
* To Mrs Elizabeth Adams wife of William Adams of Wallbrook his books and an annuity of £125 pa for her natural life. After her death the same annuity to her said husband if he survives her.
* To his relation Mr Richard Smith of Basinghall Street and of Stoke Newington his freehold dwelling house 79 Lower Thames Street and the warehouses vault and yard attached in St Dunstan in the East on the condition that if the rest of his other estate is insufficient to cover the above annuities he shall cover the shortfall.
* All the rest and residue of his estate equally to the said William Adams and the said Richard Smith and appoints them executors to his will.
Signed: John Roberts 20 April 1814
Witnesses: Francis Cohen, Robert R Bayley, Charles Lawrence 83 Basinghall St London

Codicil: He gives to Ann Davis £100 to be paid immediately on his death. 20 Apiril 1814.

Proved at London with codicil 30 June 1814 by the oaths of William Adams and Richard Smith the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1558 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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ROBINSON, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/690/367, 1738
In the name of God Amen I John Robinson of St Mary Whitechapel Sugar Refiner ...
* To his son Samuel Robinson his moiety in four crofts or parcels of land belonging to a messuage called Skines containing some eight acres and also his moiety of pasture belonging to the messuage called Three Corner Croft about one acre and also his moiety of a place called Urishope with cottage abutting the Common called Pasfield Wood Common on the west part and on a certain lane called Urries Lane on the east part and also his moiety of a croft called Common Croft containing 2 acres lying next to Pasfield Wood Common and abutting the Common towards the east and the land called Urries on the east part and also his moiety of of a tenement and 12 acres called Urries and also his moiety of a certain parcel of land near Pasfield Hall in High Ongar Essex containg length 20ft and breadth 6ft near a certain building called Hay House, all lying within the Manor of Pasfield Hall Essex. If he has died then to his mother Jane Robinson sisters Mary Robinson and Jane Price wife of Joseph Price and Susanna Clarke wife of James Clarke and his father in law Samuel Lane and his brother and sister in law Joseph Lane and Elizabeth Lane equally as tenants in common.
* All the remaining real and personal estate he stands possessed, after his just debts and funeral expenses have been paid and a guinea to his kinsman Thomas Robinson, to his son Samuel Robinson at the age of 21 years. If he dies before that age then to his mother Jane Robinson sisters Mary Robinson and Jane Price wife of Joseph Price and Susanna Clarke wife of James Clarke and his father in law Samuel Lane and his brother and sister in law Joseph Lane and Elizabeth Lane equally as tenants in common.
* Appoints his mother Jane Robinson and his father in law Samuel Lane executrix and executor and guardians of his said son Samuel Robinson during his minority.
Signed: John Robinson 19 June 1738
Witnesses: John Crow, John Woolley, John Coverly

Proved at London 12 July 1738 by the oaths of Jane Robinson and Samuel Lane the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/690/367 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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ROBINSON, Joseph - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/2262, 1857
This is the last will and testament of me Joseph Robinson of 11 Mincing Lane London Sugar Cooper ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Anne Robinson all whatsoever of his property that he is possesses of at the time of his death, and appoints her sole executrix.
Signed: Joseph Robinson 8 November 1854
Witnesses: _ Dring 6 South St Greenwich Kent, M Jaggs 23 Albion St Greenwich Kent

Proved at London 12 December 1857 by the oath of Anne Robinson widow the relict to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/2262 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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RODDY, Gilbert - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/684/351, 1737
In the name of God Amen I Gilbert Roddy of St Anne Limehouse Mdx Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his mother Ellison MackWilliam an annuity of £5 5s. for her natural life.
* To his sisters Fannett Roddy and Margaret Roddy £5 each.
* To the daughter of his late sister Elsby Roddy £5.
* To his sister Jane Roddy one guinea.
* To his brother in law Frederick Eastbrooke £5 and forgives him all his debts.
* To his daughter Alice Huddy £700, payment to be made such that £100 paid after four years from his death, then £100 after each of the fifth, sixth and nineth years, and £100 annually after that for three years. If she dies any unpaid money to her children equally at age 21 years. If no children then £300 of same to her husband Christopher Huddy paid annually after three years has expired, and the remaining £400 equally to his wife Anna Roddy and son Thomas Roddy.
* To his wife Anna Roddy such part of his household furniture linen silverplate utensils and implements as she thinks fit.
* Asks his executors to make every effort to renew the leases on his two houses near Execution Dock Wapping for which he now holds the leases under the Governors of the Bridewell Hospital, and for that purpose he gives them £100 each.
* Appoints his said wife Anne and said son Thomas to carry on his business of sugar refining. His wife Anna to receive one moiety of the pofits from the business until such time that his said son Thomas shall marry when he shall take over the full running and the profits of the business and his said wife Anna shall get an annuity of £40 payable out of his copyhold and leasehold properties.
* To his son Thomas Roddy all his copyhold and leasehold properties subject to the payment of the annuity of £40 aforesaid, and also all his household furniture silverplate moneys debts stock in trade utensils goods and chattels not herein before given, and also his gold watch.
* Appoints his said wife Anne Roddy and said son Thomas Roddy executrix and executor.
Signed: Gilbert Roddy 8 April 1737
Witnesses: Rebekeh Kinsly James Redgrave Marmaduke Hodgson

Proved at London 17 August 1737 by the oaths of Anna Roddy widow the relict and Thomas Roddy the son the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/684/351 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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ROHDE, Major - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1615, 1819
The Will and Testament of me Major Rohde of Oakley Farm, Bromley Common, Kent ...
* To his son Samuel Rohde £8000 within one year with 5% interest until the principal is paid.
* To his five daughters - Mary the wife of Charles Hampden Turner; Elizabeth the wife of Edward Hawkins; Sarah the wife of Robert Welbank; Eleanor Rohde and Jane Rohde now both unmarried, £6000 each to be paid within seven years of his death or earlier with 5% interest until the principal is paid.
* To his daughter Eleanor five of his Phoenix Fire Office shares and five of his Pelican Life Insurance shares.
* To his daughter Jane five of his Phoenix Fire Office shares and five of his Pelican Life Insurance shares.
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* All the rest and residue of his estate real freehold copyhold shares securities for money, and all other property belonging to him now or after, to his son Major Rohde of Leman Street Sugar Refiner to his heirs and assigns for his sole use and benefit.
Signed: Major Rohde 20 February 1818
Witnesses: Matt Wilson Upper Guildford Street, Thomas Richter Phoenix Fire Office, John Calvert Phoenix Fire Office.

Proved at London 5 April 1819 by the oath of Major Rohde the son and the executor to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1615 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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ROHDE, Peter - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/877, 1762
In the name of God, Amen. I Peter Rohde of the Precinct of Well Close in the Liberty of the Tower, Sugar Refiner ...
* All just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* All his estate to be divided equally between his two sons Carsten Rohde and Major Rohde.
* Appoints his two sons Carsten Rohde and Major Rohde as his executors.
Signed : Peter Rohde on 27 April 1761.
Witnesses : Jonathan Turner and William Warriner.

Proved at London on 14 June 1762 by the oaths of his two sons Carsten Rohde and Major Rohde.

[TNA PROB 11/877 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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ROHRS, Harm - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/2070 1848
This is the last Will and Testament of me Harm Rohrs late of Osborn Street Whitechapel Sugar Refiner but now of Exmouth St Commercial Rd East ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Margaret Rohrs all his ready money household goods furniture and other effects in his dwelling house.
* To his wife Margaret Rohrs £5000 for her own use and benefit.
* All the rest and residue of his estate to his brother John Rohrs and sister Anna Schnackenberg in equal shares.
* Appoints his wife Margaret Rohrs his sole executrix.
Signed: Harm Rohrs 9 January 1846
Witnesses: Geo Fr Horwerg 4 St George's Place Back Rd East, C Rosenbrock 44 New Rd St Geo East

Proved at London 25 February 1848 by the oath of Margaret Rohrs widow and relict to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/2070 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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ROSENBROCK, Claus - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/2196, 1854
This is the last will and testament of me Claus Rosenbrock of Waddington Road, Stratford, in the County of Essex, [Sugar Refiner and] Licensed Victualler ...
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his dear wife Catherine Rosenbrock £100 and all his household furniture, plate, linen, china and other household effects.
* To his executors all his leasehold messuages and tenements in Waddington Street, Waddington Place, and Waddington Road, Essex, including where he resides together with fixtures, utensils, stock in trade belonging to his dwelling house called the Waddington Arms, Waddington Road, upon trust to sell and then invest the proceeds along with all other monies including that owing to him by Messrs Hanbury & Co of Brick Lane, Spitalfields, brewers, and .....
* ..... to his wife Catherine Rosenbrock the interest and dividends from all that investment.
* Upon the death of his wife, then to Mary Elizabeth Bockhorn widow, Charlotte Augusta Seiler spinster, Johanna Rooker wife of George Rooker of Seymour Street, Euston Square, butcher, and Rosetta Dawkins wife of Thomas Dawkins of Pentonville violin string maker, his wife’s sisters £300 each, and all the residue of his estate to his brother John Henry Rosenbrock of Adolphsdorf in the County of Ottesberg, Hanover, or his heirs, and if none then to the children of his late brother John Rosenbrock.
* Appoints his friends Hampden Scriven of Barbican, City of London, auctioneer, Peter Garms of Christian Street, St Georges, licensed victualler, and James Benwell of Bakers Row, Whitechapel, licensed victualler as his executors, to each of whom he gives £10.
Signed : Claus Rosenbrock on 11 July 1854.
Witnesses : W L Howell solicitor of 40 Ratcliffe Highway, and J G Harrison clerk to Mr Howell.

Proved at London on 24 August 1854 by the oaths of Hampden Scriven, Peter Garms, and James Benwell, to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/2196 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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ROTSHOUCK, Nicholas - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/859 1760
In the Name of God Amen I Nicholas Rotshouck late of London Sugar Refiner and now of London Gent ...
* He wishes to be buried at the Dutch Church in Austin Fryers London.
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* He has £5000 in South Sea Stock to be disposed of as ...
... To the Dutch Church aforementioned £500 of stock.
... To his nephew Henry Brouwer £500 of stock, if he has died then to his children equally.
... To his nephew Philip Brouwer £500 of stock, if he has died then to his children equally.
... To each of Mary Heilman, Elizabeth Heilman widow of Herman Haverkamp, and Frances Heilman £750 of stock.
... To Nicholas Brouwer son of his nephew Philip Brouwer £1250 of stock.
* To each of Elizabeth Haverkamp, Mary Haverkamp, Hester Haverkampr, William Haverkamp , James Haverkamp, children of the aforesaid Herman and Elizabeth Haverkamp £100.
* To John Lancashire of London £20 for mourning.
* To the two current Ministers at the Dutch Church aforesaid 10 guineas each for mourning.
* To Reverend Doctor Bristowe the present Rector of the Parish Church of All Hallows in Mark Lane London 10 guineas for mourning.
* The rent he pays for his board and lodging to be paid for the next twelve months.
* To each of the servants at the house where he lives £5 for mourning.
* Appoints his friend Abraham Demetrius of London merchant his sole executor.
* All the rest and residue of his estate to his brother Dirck Rotshouck of Rotterdam in Holland upon the condition that he pays to each of the children of his aforesaid hephew Philip Brouwer namely Johanna Catharine Brouwer, Nicholas Brouwer, Elias Brouwer, Hendeick Brouwer, Cornelia Elizabeth Brouwer and Sarah Petronella Brouwer 6000 Dutch Guilders on their reaching 21 years or marriage which ever the sooner. In case his brother has died then the same rest and residue equally to his nephews Henry and Philip Brouwer on the very same conditions.
Signed: Nicholas Rotshouck 17 January 1757
Witnesses: Samuel Commeline, Thomas Athawes attourneys at Cordwainers Hall London.

Proved at London 10 September 1760 by the oath of Abraham Demetrius the sole executor to whom admon is granted.

[TNA PROB 11/859 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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RUDOLPH, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1412 1804
I John Rudolph of the Old Change, St Augustine, London Sugar Refiner ...
* Appoints his brother-in-law Joseph Taylor of West Smithfield paper stainer and his good friend Warnart Harbusch of Silver St St Geo East sugar refiner his executors.
* To his executors all his money securities for money stock and effects in trade household goods furniture plate wearing apparel and all other effects for them to sell for money, and from the total first pay all his just debts and funeral expenses and put the rest to the benefit of his two sons John Rudolph and George Rudolph equally at the age of 21 years and in the meantime be invested with the interest for their maintenance and otherwise for their advantage. If one shall die before the age of 21 years his share to the other.
Signed: John Rudolph 7 May 1803
Witnesses: James Dodson, John Jostman

Proved at London 14 July 1804 by the oath of Werner Harbusch (spelled Warnart in will) the surviving executor to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1412 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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RUGEN, Claus - Will summary - Scottish Documents, 1892
At Greenock 25 July 1892, I Claus Rugen sometime Sugar Boiler in Manchester now residing at 11 Shore Street, Greenock ...
* Appoints as his trustees and executors ... Rev George Rice, Peter Campbell & William Gunion Hume Gunion.
* His whole estate of all kind into the hands of his trustees, subject to the following ...
* Payment of all his just debts and funeral expenses.
* To Mrs Mary Gillies or Miller wife of John Miller cab proprietor with whom he has lodged past ten years, one half part of his estate.
* To his daughter Mrs Elizabeth Rugen or Smith wife of William Smith cashier residing at or near Manchester, one sixth part of his estate.
* To his grandson James Simpson labourer of Paisley, one sixth part of his estate.
* To his stepdaughter Mrs Catherine Pepper or McBride wife of Allan McBride joiner of Port Glasgow, one sixth part of his estate.
* The legacy, not to be reckoned in the division of his estate, to Mrs Mary Gillies or Miller, in addition to her one half share of his estate, his gold watch and chain, his library, and his personal clothing.
* If any of the beneficiaries die before his will is executed then the benefits to their children.
* Revokes all previous settlements.
Signed : Claus Rugen on 23 August 1889.
Witnesses : Henry Thompson clerk, and John Campbell clerk to James Budgett & Son Ltd Sugar Merchants of Greenock.

Claus Rugen died 23 January 1892.

‘Proved’ by Peter Campbell & William Gunion Hume Gunion, the Rev George Rice having decline the duty of trustee and executor.

[Copy of full original available at ScottishDocuments.com.]

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RUGEN, Gertt - Will - summary of LMA X020/355/648, 1812
In the Name of God Amen. I Gertt Rugen reside at present in Leman Street St Mary Whitechapel Sugarbaker ...
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his brother Johan Rugen all his money (£250 in Navy 5% Annuities) and securities for money, his goods and chatells, estate and effects.
* Appoints his brother Johan Rugen as sole executor.
Signed with his mark: Gertt Rugen 5 October1812.
Witnesses: John Hennes, Francis Heavenmann.

Sworn 15 October 1812 by the oath of Johan Rugen of 6 Old Bailey sole executor, the value of the estate no more than £300.
The testator Gertt Rugen was formerly of Osborn Street and late of Leman Street both in the Parish of St Mary Whitechapel and did his mark.

Proved at London 17 October 1812 by the oath of Johan Rugen brother and sole executor to whom admon was granted.

[LMA X020/355/648 - copy of full original available at LMA.]

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SALOMON, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1935, 1840
This is the last Will and Testament of me John Salomon formerly [wholesale refined sugar dealer] of Little Eastcheap, London, but now of Baker Street, Reading ...
* To his executors all real estate vested in him as trustee or mortgagee.
* All his linen and wearing apparel to his wife Ann Salomon.
* To his executors the £600 owed him by his nephew George Frederick Egg and Thomas Charles Withers of Blackfriars Road, Surrey, grocers and copartners, and all interest due at his death to his nephew George Frederick Egg and to pay the future interest from the debt to him for the rest of his life and after his death to pay the principal sum and any further interest to the youngest son, George Frederick Egg, of George Frederick Egg. In case the debt shall be paid off, the trustees to invest the principal sum and fulfil this legacy as above.
* To his nephews Henry Rose, George Rose, Henry Durs Egg and John Egg £100 each.
* To his executors £5600 new three pounds ten shillings per cent annuities, £600 three pounds ten shillings per cent reduced annuities, £900 three per cent reduced annuities, and the annual sum of £29 interest in the joint stock Consolidated annuities, in trust to pay the following annuities -
   £100 pa to his wife Ann Salomon during her life.
   £63 pa to his sister Charlotte Salomon during her life.
   £60 pa to his sister Ann Mary Egg widow of the late Durs Egg of Knightsbridge Green gunmaker during her life.
   £50 pa to his nephew George Frederick Egg the elder during his life
- and after the deaths of each of the four annuitants the capital of their annuity to be divided into 14 parts and disposed of thus ... 1 part to Charles John Egg son of George Frederick Egg the elder, 6 parts equally between Charlotte Ann Egg and Katherine Egg two of the daughters of George Frederick Egg the elder, 7 parts the income from which to his niece Ann Devey wife of Frederick Nicholls Devey during her life, and after her death to her husband, and after his death the capital shared amongst their children Frederick William Devey, George Devey and Emma Devey in given proportions.
* All the rest and residue of both his real and personal estate to his sister Charlotte Salomon and her heirs, but if she dies before him then the same to his nephew George Frederick Egg the elder and if he dies before him then to his heirs etc.
Appoints his sister Charlotte Salomon of Baker Street Reading spinster, Frederick Nicholls Devey of Ely Place London gentleman and Frederick William Devey of Ely Place London gentleman his executors.
Signed: John Salomon 22 November 1839.
Witnesses: James Dyer 27 Ely Place, John Denham clerk to Mr Dyer.

Proved at London 24 October 1840 by the oaths of Charlotte Salomon, Frederick Nicholls Devey and Frederick William Devey the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1935 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SALWAY, Joseph - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1261, 1795
In the Name of God Amen. I Joseph Salway of the parish of Hawkhurst, Kent ...
* To his wife Mrs Elizabeth Salway all his household goods furniture whatsoever and wherever plate linen wearing apparel china glass watches rings ready money books debts bills bonds notes securities, and ready money etc bequeathed to him by Mr Bond of Maidstone Kent.
* To his wife Mrs Elizabeth Salway and her heirs for ever a life interest in a timber yard at Deptford Kent, and two houses opposite the said timber yard which are his own freehold and were purchased by his father, for her natural life and after her decease to his daughter Mrs Rebecca Sloman for her natural life and after her decease to his son Joseph Salway and his heirs.
* To his wife Mrs Elizabeth Salway the four freehold houses in St Paul Deptford Kent adjoining the said timber yard for her natural life and after her decease to his daughter Mrs Rebecca Sloman for her natural life and after her decease to his son Joseph Salway and his heirs.
* The writings of both the 'two houses' and the 'four houses' mentioned above state that they are in the hands of his son-in-law William Sloman who collects the rents for him.
* As the above mentioned timber yard was settled on his first wife Mrs Rebecca Salway and after her death was settled by deed upon his four daughters Rebecca, Sarah, Elizabeth and Mary for their own use and his sons-in-law shall have no rights to them and after their individual deaths their shares shall go to his own son Joseph Salway and his heirs. If the said Joseph Salway dies without issue the benefits from the shares in the timber yard shall be divided equally amongst all of his grandchildren.
* Appoints his wife Mrs Elizabeth Salway his executrix and his brother-in-law Mr Samuel Long of Bristol his executor.
Signed: Joseph Salway 27 April 1790
Witnesses: Richard Gilham, Jeremiah Blackford, James Smith.

Proved at London 15 May 1795 by the oath of Elizabeth Salway widow the relict one of the executors named to whom admon was granted. Power reserved for Samuel Long the other executor named in the will.

[TNA PROB 11/1291 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

SAMLER, Harman - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1222, 1792
This is the last will and testament of me Harman Samler of the parish of St Andrew by the Wardrobe, London, Sugar Refiner ...
* All debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Ann Samler £500 and the use of two rooms at their dwelling house rent free for her natural life.
* To his sons Richard and William Samler his freehold messuages, sugar houses, premises situate in St Andrew by the Wardrobe and his leasehold messuages etc nearby, equally divided.
* Appoints his sons Richard and William Samler, and his friends Thomas Gibson sugar refiner of Smithfield and John Edington merchant as his trustees.
* To his trustees in trust £26,000 to be invested. The interest and dividends to his wife Ann Samler during her natural life, and after her death ...
- that of £4000 to his son Richard Samler, or if he has died, to his child or children.
- that of £4000 to his son William Samler, or if he has died, to his child or children.
- that of £4000 to his daughter Ann Shum, wife of George Shum the younger, or if she has died, to her child or children.
- that of £4000 to his daughter Mary Eamer, wife of John Eamer, or if she has died, to her child or children.
- that of £4000 to his daughter Elizabeth Samler, or if she has died, to her child or children.
- the remaining £6000 into 5 equal parts to his children or their heirs.
* To his trustees in trust £8000 to be invested. The interest and dividends to his eldest son John Harman Samler for his natural life, and after his death the principal sum to be divided equally amongst his child or children surviving him. If he has no child or children, then the principal sum of £8000 to be equally divided amongst those children of Harman Samler surviving John Harman Samler.
* Having already given his daughter Ann Shum £2000 and £700 at 3% Bank Annuities at the time of her marriage, he now gives her a further £2000.
* Having already given his daughter Mary Eamer £2000 and £700 at 3% Bank Annuities at the time of her marriage, he now gives her a further £2000, though if a loan of £2000 is not repaid by John Eamer then it or part of it will be repaid from this legacy.
* To his daughter Elizabeth Samler £5000 and £700 at 3% Bank Annuities.
* Having already given his son Richard Samler £3000, he now gives him a further £2000.
* Having already given his son William Samler £3000, he now gives him a further £2000.
* To his son John Harman Samler £1000.
* To Elizabeth Priter wife of Richard Priter £100.
* To the German Reformed Church situate near the Savoy £200.
* To the Rev Doctor Worde, minister of the said German Church £100, and in case of his death to his two daughters.
* To his sons-in-law George Shum and John Eamer £100 each.
* To Thomas Gibson and John Edington, his trustees, £100 each.
* To his wife Ann Samler all his household goods, plate, linen, china, household furniture, stock of liquor, provisions.
* All the rest and residue of his estate to his executors, to be sold, and after his debts etc are paid, to be invested, the interest to his wife Ann Samler, and after her death into 6 equal parts for each of his children.
* Appoints his wife Ann Samler, his sons Richard and William Samler, and his son-in-law George Shum as executors of his will.
Signed : Harman Samler on 14 November 1789.
Witnesses : Edwin Dawes, Weedon Dawes, Charles Baratty.

With 3 codicils ...
- his shares in Phoenix Insurance equally to his sons Richard and William Samler. Signed on 14 November 1789.
- the Rev Doctor Worde having died, he revokes that part of his will that gives £100 to the Reverend’s two daughters. Signed on 15 Jul 1790.
- to his wife Ann Samler all his dwelling house with coach house, stables, offices, and appurtenances, garden, orchard, in all 3½ acres situate on the south side of Clapham Common, now in his occupation, for which he holds the lease for 19 years at a peppercorn rent. On her death, the property to be sold and the money to sink into the rest and residue of his estate. Signed on ? December 1791.

Proved at London on 23 August 1792 by the oaths of Richard and William Samler and George Shum.

[TNA PROB 11/1222 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SAMLER, Martha - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/2033, 1846
This is the last will and testament of me Martha Samler of St Andrews Hill, Doctors Commons, in the City of London, Widow [of Conrad Samler, Sugarbaker]...
* All just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To her beloved daughter Eliza Martha Samler, all her household furniture and implements of household plate china pictures prints books wearing and other apparel. And the interest and dividends from all sums of money which she possesses; with the principal sums from which this interest, etc, comes to be at her daughter’s sole disposal. And all the residue of her estate.
* Appoints her daughter Eliza Martha Samler, and Nicholas Samler of Upper Chapman Street, as her executors.
Signed : Martha Samler on 23 April 1823.
Witnesses : Thomas H Talbot 49 Chapel St, Charlotte Samler.

Codicil : This is a codicil ... of me Martha Samler ... widow of Conrad Samler, Sugarbaker, of the same place, whereas at the death of my said husband ... all his personal and other effects, administered by her, less his funeral expenses, came to £486 which should have been divided £216 to his wife Martha, and £270 to his daughter Eliza Martha. An agreement was made between these two that his effect would not in fact be divided on condition that Martha made a will leaving all to her daughter. However, the death of her daughter has now made this unnecessary and she revokes the will of 23 April 1823 in all respects other than to keep Nicholas Samler as executor. Prior to her death, her daughter had married Thomas Jolliffe and they had a daughter Eliza Maria.
* To her granddaughter Eliza Maria Jolliffe she leaves all her husbands estate, and £600 which is outstanding to her from Henry Samler of York Terrace, Gent, and Nicholas Samler. And if her granddaughter dies before her then all the said monies to go equally to Henry Samler and Nicholas Samler.
* To the Church of Saint Ann Blackfriars £50.
* To the City Sunday Schools run by Reverand Isaac Saunders £50.
* All the rest of her personal estate, furniture, plate etc as above, to be sold for cash and be given to Henry Samler and Nicholas Samler in recognition of their being executors and of managing the funds for her granddaughter.
* Appoints Henry Samler also as executor.
Signed : Martha Samler on 22 Apr 1831.
Witnesses : G H Sparrow and Wm Crosley, clerks to Wiglesworth and Ridsdale, Grays Inn.

Second Codicil : ... now living in Leman Street ... Nicholas Samler has now died ...
* Appoints Frederick Thomas Maxon of Little Friday Street, Gent, as executor.
Signed : Martha Samler on 18 Dec 1840.
Witnesses : Elizabeth Bass of 37 Leman St, and E N Hestemeyer of the same place.

Proved at London with two codicils on 9 March 1846 by the oath of Henry Samler. Frederick Thomas Maxon to apply.

[TNA PROB 11/2033 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SAMLER, Richard - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1589, 1817
I Richard Samler of New Bridge St London Esquire ...
* To his wife Sarah Samler ... £3000 immediately, all his household furniture plate linen china wines liquors and all effects on or about him at his house in New Bridge St, an annuity of £400 per yr payable half yearly, his leasehold house in New Bridge St with coach house and stables in Water Lane.
*To Sarah Samler and Thomas Ferrers the elder of Manchester St Manchester Sq, upon trust ... a messuage together with a double sugar house with adjoining mill house in at Andrews Hill Blackfriars, and two leasehold messuages in St Andrews Churchyard, (part/all? in joint ownership with his brother William), and his shares of any other freehold/leasehold properties he may own individually or jointly with his brother William Samler. He gives his brother the first option to purchase any of these.
* Appoints Sarah Samler, William Samler, Thomas Ferrers as his executors.
* To his executors upon trust ... his house, lands etc in Wandsworth or elsewhere in the County of Surrey, to be disposed of as they wish.
* The house in New Bridge St to be sold on death of his wife ... her will to be recognised on her death, but no to exceed £4000.
* All funds from any source to be invested, the interest etc to be used to pay his wife’s annuity.
* The residue of the estate to be shared amongst his children, with it being used for their maintenance and education if under twenty one years of age.
Signed : Richard Samler on 24 August 1816.
Witnesses : Charles Chatfield, James Doherty of Angel Ct Throgmorton St, William Graham solicitor.

Proved : 27 Feb 1817 by the oaths of Sarah Samler, William Samler, Thomas Ferrers.

[TNA PROB 11/1589 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SAMLER, William - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1935, 1840
This is the last will and testament of me William Samler of Blackheath Park, formerly of St Andrews Hill, Blackfriars, City of London.
* To his daughter Emma Samler his table and other household linen.
* To his three sons William, Henry and Frederick Samler, equally his plate and plated articles.
* To his son Henry Samler his watch and gold chain that he usually wears.
* Appoints his son Henry Samler, and son-in-law Nicholas William Halse of Ilfracombe in Devon, as his Executors and Trustees.
* He places in trust all his freehold estate at St Andrews Blackfriars, all other freehold messuages, lands, etc, all his leasehold property, his personal estate and effects not otherwise mentioned, and all his securities for money and mortgages etc, to be managed or sold as thought fit. To be held in trust for all his children and their issue during his lifetime and living at his death, to be tenants in common.
* To his daughter Emma Samler £150 annuity provided she remain single.
* To John Borwick of Scawby Grove, in the County of Lincoln, his gives his Bond on his marriage to his daughter Mary Ann Samler, and payment of £1000 on his decease.
* He enters into a verbal engagement on the marriage of Frederick Montague of York Street, Potman Square, with his daughter Fanny Samler and payment of £1000 on his decease.
Signed : William Samler on 5 December 1839.
Witnessed : Thomas Dawes, Angel Court, Throgmorton, Gent, and Philip Randall, Pelican Life Office, Lombard Street, gent.

Proved at London on 13 Oct 1840 by the oaths of Henry Samler, and Nicholas William Halse.

[TNA PROB 11/1935 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SCHEVE, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/850, 1759
John Scheve gives ...
* To Mary Bennetts and the husband and four children £100 each and to his sister by half blood Dorothy Schroder £300 the interest during their lives and after to their children equally.
* To the children of John Arney £2000 amongst them to be invested by his executors.
* To the wife of John Arney £2000 to be invested by his executors the interest to her during her life.
* To John Christian Suhring £2000 and to Catherine Suhring his daughter £2000.
* To Catherine _Kenhberg's four children £20 each.
* To John and George Cowfield £20 each.
* To George Arney £20.
* To John Shale's two children £20 each.
* To Henry Shale's two children £20 each.
* To Dorothy Weisbach wife of George £2000.
* To his sister Catherine Suhring and her husband Christian £40 a year for their lives.
* Residue to John Arney and John Henry Suhring and makes them executors.
* To his sister all his land in Germany exclusive of her husband.
* To Mary Shale £20.
* To Catherine Gutzmar £20.
Signed: John Scheve 19 September 1759.

[Here are four calculations as mentioned below]

Appeared personally 10 October 1759.
David Waterfield and Richard Burnett gentlemen and John Burnett peruke maker all of Lambeth made oath variously to confirm this will. The words came from Mr Scheve's mouth, he asked for a total of the legacies and he signed the paper. Signed: David Waterfield, Richard Burnett, John Burnett.

Proved at London 10 October 1759 by the oaths of John Arney and John Henry Suhring the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/850 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SCHLENCKER, George - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1686, 1824
This is the last will and testament of me George Schlencker of Crombies Row, Commercial Road East, Middlesex, Sugar Refiner ...
* All debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* Appoints his son Thomas Schlencker, of Mount Street, Whitechapel Road and of Denmark Street, sugar refiner, and son in law Paul Cropall, Mile End Road, as his executors, and gives them £10 each for their troubles.
* To his executors, upon trust, all his five leasehold messuages and premises on the east side of Well St, and his dwelling in Crombies Row, and fixture therein, to sell as they think fit, and the proceeds to be invested in three percent Consolidated Bank Annuities.
* To his daughter Mary Ann Cropall, wife of Paul Cropall, the interest and dividends from that investment above, and also the interest and dividends from his forty shares in the Eagle Insurance Office, Cornhill, London.
* To his grandson, George Henry Schlencker, son of Thomas, the interest and dividends from twenty of his shares in the Eagle Insurance Office, after the death of his daughter, with the other twenty shared equally between his grandsons, Thomas Schlencker, jun, and Henry Martin Schlencker.
* His sugarhouse in Dock Street, where he carries out his business with his son Jacob Schlencker, shall, immediately after his death, be worked out, then all plant, utensils, implements etc, shall be valued. From his share of the value he gives to his sons Jacob and Thomas £500 each.
* To his nephew Jacob Phisterer £5; to nephew Christian Phisterer £10; to nephew John Schlencker £10.
* His son Jacob to be given the option to continue the business at the sugarhouse.
* The interest and dividends from the residue of estate, to be divided into three parts, each part to be used for the maintenance of the children of his sons George, Thomas and Jacob respectively.
Signed : Geo Schlencker on 4 November 1823.
Witnesses : J Harding of 60 Mortimer St, Cavendish Sq, solicitor, and Chas. Taylor his clerk.

Proved at London on 4 May 1824 by the oaths of the two executors.
(Translated from the French.)

[TNA PROB 11/1686 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SCHLENCKER, Thomas - Administration summary, 1876
Thomas Schlencker late of Mount Place, Whitechapel Rd, Whitechapel, Mdx, died 27 February 1846 at Mount Place. His estate, left unadministered by Sarah Schlencker widow and relict, was, on 21 June 1876, granted to Thomas Schlencker of 10 Salmen St, South Grove, Bow, merchantile clerk the son and one of the next of kin. Effects under £2000.
Former grant Prerogative Court of Canterbury July 1846.

[National Probate Calendar]

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SCHLUTER, Christian - Will - summary of LMA MS 9172/153 Will 268 1746
In the Name of God Amen I Christian Schluter of Little Elbow Lane Thames Street London Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* All the rest and remainder of his estate to his wife Margaret Schluter.
* Appoints his wife Margaret Schluter his sole executrix.
Signed: Christian Schluter 28 June 1746
Witnesses: The mark of George Schluter at Mr Toriano's sugar baker[y] in Thames Street, Thomas Moor.

Proved 15 September 1746 by the oath of Margaret Schluter widow and relict and sole executrix.

[LMA MS 9172/153 Will 268]

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SCHLUTER, George - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/783 1750
In the Name of God Amen I George Schluter of St Martin Vintry London Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* All the rest and remainder of his estate to his wife Margaret Schluter.
* Appoints his wife Margaret Schluter his sole executrix.
Signed: George Schluter 28 April 1747
Witnesses: William Humphrys, Thomas Moor.

Proved 4 October 1750 by the oath of Margaret Schluter widow and relict and sole executrix.

[TNA PROB 11/783 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SCHNACKENBERG, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1935, 1840
In the name of God Amen. I John Schnackenberg at present of Johnson’s Court in Rupert Street, Whitechapel in the County of Middlesex, but formerly of Lime Street, Leadenhall in the City of London, Sugarbaker ...
* All debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his brother Stoffer Schnackenberg of Johnson’s Court in Rupert Street, his two leasehold houses, 7 & 8 Rutland Street, New Road, and the residue of all monies, securities, household goods, furniture, plate, linen, china, and effects he is possessed of in England only for his whole and sole use.
* Appoints his brother Stoffer Schnackenberg his sole executor.
Signed : John Schnackenberg on 25 May 1829.
Witnesses : John Adolph of Johnson’s Court, and George R Vorwerg of 26 Alie Street.

On 14 October 1840 admon was granted to Hannah Schnackenberg and Abraham Meldola the executors of the will of Stoffer Schnackenberg deceased upon their oaths to administer. The late Stoffer Schnackenberg had survived John Schnackenberg but died without proving his will.

[TNA PROB 11/1935 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SCHRODER, George - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1808, 1832
This is the Last Will and Testament of me George Schroder of Stratford Green, West Ham ...
* To his dear wife Catherine Schroder all his household furniture wines spirits plate fixtures china pictures and cash in or about his dwelling house at the time of his death.
* To his friends Henry Hughes and John Bonus £50 each for the purchase of plate as they may wish.
* All his freehold estate at Stratford Green and Vicarage Lane West Ham, and property on the south side of Commercial Road in Peason Place near the gates of the West India Dock at Limehouse, to his executors in trust ... for the use of his wife Catherine during her natural life should she remain a widow or until her second marriage providing she keeps them in good repair and insures them against loss and damage by fire. If she marries again then one moiety in trust for the sole benefit of his wife Catherine during her natural life. Following her death or second marriage, which ever comes first, the second moiety for the use of all his children living at the time of his death. If no children survive to the age of 21 years or marry, then the moiety to the use of his three sisters, Jane wife of Francis Moore, Sarah wife of Joseph Croucher and Ann Schroder spinster.
* The money for the purchase of his estate at Stratford Green and Vicarage Lane West Ham was a gift from his father Joseph Schroder, and following the death of his wife Catherine or if she no longer wishes to live there then his father is at liberty to occupy it during his life free of rent.
* All just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* All the rest and residue of his estate to be invested in Parliamentary stocks or public funds by his executors, with the interest paid to his wife Catherine, and after her death or second marriage to the benefit of his children, or if no children survive then to the benefit of his three sisters.
* He expects his wife Catherine, from the provisions made, to maintain his children in their minority, and asks his executors to use no more than £1000 for each to place out his sons as apprentices, and to use no more than £2000 each as marriage portions for each of his daughters who marry with their mother's blessing.
* Appoints his wife Catherine Schroder, and friends Henry Hughes and John Bonus as executors to his will.
Signed: George Schroder 8 July 1825.
Witnesses: FW Carter High St Southwark, Edgar Carter High St Southwark, Joseph Samley their clerk.

Codicil ... He has recently completed the purchase of an estate in Clapham, as well as a property in Stockwell, which he gives to his executors in trust as above. Signed George Schroder, 19 November 1827, and witnessed by FW Carter High St Southwark, John Samson his clerk and Charles Carter of Pall Mall.

Proved at London 26 November 1832 by the oaths of Catherine Schroder relict and John Bonus two of the executors named, Henry Hughes having renounced the probate and execution thereof.

[TNA PROB 11/1808 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SCHRODER, Herman - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1542, 1813
I Herman Schroder of College Hill London Sugar Refiner ...
* His body to be buried at the Savoy German Church.
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Mary Schroder his freehold house premises and estate at Hastings Sussex, to her heirs for ever.
* To his wife Mary Schroder all his household goods and furniture plate linen china wine liquors watches books and household utensils at his house in College Hill and at Stockwell and at any other houses he may own at the time of his decease together with his carriage and horses for her own use.
* To his executors £10,000 upon trust to be invested in Government securities the interest and dividends from which to be paid to his wife Mary Schroder for her natural life and after her decease the capital stock to be divided amongst his children in any manner decided by the will of his wife, and in case she does not direct the providing of this capital stock he directs that it shall be divided equally amongst his children, the boys receiving their shares at age 24 years, the girls at age 24 years or on the day of their marriage if earlier. If any of his children die before the time of receipt their share to be placed in trust for the benefit of their child(ren), if they die with no issue their share to divided equally amongst their surviving siblings.
* To his wife Mary Schroder his newly erected dwelling house in Clapham Road near Stockwell Surrey where they now live, and all his freehold estate in College Hill and Morden? Lane London, and his share of the profits from the trade carried on in his leasehold double sugarhouse and his estate held of St Thomas's Hospital and the interest in his share of capital employed therein, and all other of his real and personal estate after payment of his debts and funeral expenses, and the legacies given to her in this will for her natural life, subject to ...
... immediately after his decease his double sugarhouse to be worked out and left to stand until his two sons Herman & Julius Schroder choose to recommence and carry on the business of sugar refiners therein for their own use and benefit for the remainder of the unexpired lease subject to payment of rents and performance of its covenants. If neither of them choose to continue the business then the lease to be sold and any profits from it to fall into the residue of his estate, and whilst the sugarhouse stands still the rents etc to be paid from his personal estate ...
... he directs that the sugarhouse business shall pay his wife Mary Schroder an annuity of £300 for her natural life and the use of that part of the dwelling house at College Hill that he has usually occupied without the payment of any rents or taxes and also sugar coals candles and beer as she shall find necessary and she shall be paid 5% interest on all the monies she leaves invested in the sugarhouse business.
* He gave to his daughter Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Davis of Fenchurch Street London coffee merchant at the time of her marriage £2000 as her marriage portion, and now gives to his other three daughters Mary Louisa, Ann & Harriett Schroder £1000 each when they reach the age of 24 years or the day of their marriage if earlier.
* He gave to his son Herman Schroder a total of £2000 previously, and now gives him a further £2000.
* He gave to his son Julius Schroder a total of £1000 previously, and now gives him a further £3000.
* He gave to John Cousins the husband of his eldest daughter Hannah Schroder £1000 as a marriage portion, and now directs that £1000 be invested in Government securities in trust the interest and dividends to be received by his daughter Hannah Cousins for her own use for her natural life, and the capital sum be be divided equally amongst her children when they reach the age of 21 years ... and after the death of his wife Mary Schroder a further £1000 be invested for the benefit of Hannah Cousins and her children under the same terms.
* To his sons Herman & Julius Schroder equally his 35 shares in the Phoenix Fire Office.
* He releases his son Herman Schroder from the repayment of £300 he advanced him for the purchase of 4 shares in the Phoenix Fire Office.
* After the decease of his wife Mary Schroder, to his two sons Herman & Julius Schroder as tenants in common his messuage tenement warehouse scum house coach house and stables and all the freehold estate in College Hill and Cross Lane.
* To his trustees, to be invested in Government securities, £2000 each for his three daughter Mary Louisa, Ann & Harriett, and £1000 for his daughter Elizabeth Davis in trust the interest and dividends to provide for the maintenance and education of the said daughters during their minority and to go directly to them for their own use when they reach the age of 24 years for their natural lives and at their decease in equal shares to their own children under the same terms.
* To his wife Mary Schroder the dividends and interest from his 24 shares in Pelican Life Insurance Office until his youngest daughter has reached the age of 24 years, and on the death of his wife the 24 shares and dividends and interest equally amongst his four daughters for their sole use.
* He empowers his wife Mary Schroder to dispose by her will of his house and land in Stockwell to any one or more of his four daughters, but if she does not do so then it is to be sold by public sale and the money received invested in Government securities by his trustees with the interest and dividends for the equal benefit of his four daughters, and on their respective deaths to be transferred to their child(ren).
* To his son Herman Schroder a further £1000 for his many years of attention to and management of the [sugar refining] business, and also gives him his interest in the New Chapel in Stockwell.
* To Elizabeth Schuvaner? Kruze an annuity of £10 for her natural life.
* To his sister's son John Henry Wager? Treiber £10 for mourning, and a further £100.
* £100 to be divided amongst those of his sugarhouse servants that have lived with him for at least one year previous to his decease for mourning in the proportions ... the two boilers £10 each, the remaining £80 to be divided amongst the other qualifying servants in proportion to their length of employ.
* To Reverend Steinhoph Minister of the Savoy Church and to Reverend Mr Good Rector of the Parish Church St Anne Blackfryers £50 each.
* To the Savoy Lutheran Church £200 in Consolidated Bank Annuities the interest and dividends to be applied to the distressed members of the congregation as thought fit.
* To the Savoy Lutheran School £200 in Consolidated Bank Annuities the interest and dividends to be applied to the benefit of the poor boys there.
* To Mrs Ann Houghton wife of Mr Houghton, Mrs Rock wife of Mr Rock, and to Martin Priest son of Joseph Priest £50 each for mourning.
* All the rest and residue of his personal estate and effects to his wife Mary Schroder for her natural life, and after her decease equally amongst his two sons and four daughters. If any of his children die before the time of receipt their share to be placed in trust for the benefit of their child(ren), if they die with no issue their share to divided equally amongst their surviving siblings.
* Appoints his wife Mary Schroder, his son Herman Schroder, Jacob Warner of Rood Lane grocer, William Samler of St Andrews Hill sugar refiner as his trustees and executors and guardians of his daughters Ann and Harriett until they reach 24 years. He gives Jacob Warner and William Samler £100 each for their troubles.
* At the decease of his wife Mary Schroder he appoints his son Julius Schroder to succeed her as one of his executors.
Signed : H Schroder 8 June 1807.
Witnesses : Geo Charleston Christ Church Surrey, Sam Wolchman same place, James Michaels clerk to Messrs Charleston & Wolchman.

Proved at London 12 February 1813 by the oaths of Mary Schroder widow and Herman Schroder son to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1542 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

SCHRODER, Joseph - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1957, 1842
This is the Last Will and Testament of me Joseph Schroder of Plaistow, Essex ...
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his dear wife Sarah Moore Schroder all his household goods and furniture plate linen china books pictures prints jewels and trinkets wines and liquors and other housekeeping effects for her own absolute use and benefit.
* To his wife Sarah and his two sons-in-law John Bonus of Leadenhall St ship broker and Rev Francis Moore of Kennington Common £12,000 in trust to be invested in Parliamentary stocks or funds or in Government or real securities with the interest and dividends to his wife Sarah for her own use and benefit, and on her death ... ... the capital sum of £12,000 to be divided into four parts with one each to his daughters Jane Moore and Elizabeth Ann Bonus for their own use and in the case that either of them have died then their share to their respective husband, Francis Moore and John Bonus. A further fourth part to be held and further invested by the executors with the interest and dividends from it paid to his daughter Sarah Croucher wife of Joseph Croucher for her sole use, and after her death to be held in trust for the benefit of any of her surviving children. The remaining fourth part to be treated by his executors in the same way as the following £6000.
* To his executors in trust £6000 to be invested (as above) with the interest and divided to his four grandsons Joseph Henry Schroder, George William Schroder, Alfred Schroder and Frederick Hills Schroder children of his late son George Schroder, or such of them that survive. To be divided equally amongst them on their maturity, however prior to each of them reaching the age of 21 years the interest and dividends to be used for their maintenance and education, with up to one third of their individual shares being used to place them in an apprenticeship in a trade or business.
* All the rest and residue of his estate ... one fourth part each to his daughters Jane Moore and Elizabeth Ann Bonus for their own use, one fourth part to be held by his executors for the benefit of his daughter Sarah Croucher and after her death for her children, and the remaining fourth part to be held by his executors for the benefit of his four grandsons Joseph Henry Schroder, George William Schroder, Alfred Schroder and Frederick Hills Schroder.
* Appoints his wife Sarah Moore Schroder, John Bonus and Francis Moore as his executors.
Signed: Joseph Schroder 23 June 1835.
Witnesses: R Willey of Wellclose Square, Thomas Stone clerk to Willey & Morris of Wellclose Square.

Codicil ... "Give Peter Schroder £100 after my death", signed Joseph Schroder 21 January 1837.

Codicil ... The Reverend Francis Moore has died and he appoints John Kuck of Denmark St St George's-in-the-East Sugar Refiner as executor in his place. In the event of the death of his daughter Jane Moore, the executors to invest her shares in the estate for the benefit of her surviving children. Signed Joseph Schroder 9 April 1839 and witnessed by Thomas Stone solicitor of Wellclose Square and his clerk George Gill.

Codicil ... Regarding the capital sum of £12,000 to be invested by his executors, it is his wish that providing John Bonus remains a partner in the company carrying out business as Sugar Refiners then the £12,000 or part of it can be invested in that company at the same 5% rate of interest, still to be paid to his wife Sarah, though on her death or the death of John Bonus the loan is to be called in in three equal instalments at six, twelve and eighteen months. Signed Joseph Schroder 9 June 1839 and witnessed by Thomas Stone solicitor of Wellclose Square and George Gill his clerk.

Codicil ... Directs that the legacy duty payable on the sum of £6000 to benefit his four grandsons shall not now be borne by his estate but will be deducted from the legacies. Signed Joseph Schroder 29 February 1840 and witnessed by Thomas Stone solicitor of Wellclose Square and George Gill his clerk.

Appeared personally ... Sarah Moore Schroder of Plaistow widow of Joseph Schroder who died 21 December 1841, made oath that she had found written and signed by her late husband the first codicil "to pay Peter Schroder £100" written in the leaf of an Account Book and had also found in a cash box a note duly signed by her late husband reading "Peter Schroder £150" and dated 5 May 1840. Claus Hincken of Christian St Sugar Refiner and Thomas Stone solicitor of 6 Wellclose Square, both having known Joseph Schroder for some years, made oath that they were well acquainted with his handwriting and confirmed both notes genuine. Signed by Sarah Moore Schroder and Thomas Stone 7 January 1842 and by Claus Hincken 11 January 1842.

Proved at London 18 January 1842 by the oaths Sarah Moore Schroder and John Bonus two of the executors named in the will. John Kuck renounced probate and execution of the will.

[TNA PROB 11/1957 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SCHUCHT, Albrecht - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1280 1796
In the Name of God Amen I Albrecht Schucht of Church Lane Whitehapel Sugar Refiner ...
* To his son Albreicht Schucht of Polle, Hanover, Germany £200 3% consolidated bank annuities with the Bank of England in the names of Thomas Hodgson of Church Lane sugar refiner and Frederick Charles Allhams of Ayliff St Whitechapel baker and John Wohlenberg of St Catherine St Tower Hamlets baker who he names as trustees for his said son regarding this money until he reaches the age of 21 years during which time the interest and dividends to be reinvested by them for his benefit. If he dies before the age of 21 years without lawful issue he gives the said monies to his father Albreicht Schucht of Polle, Hanover, Germany taylor. In case his father has dies then to his brother William Schucht of Polle aforesaid bread baker.
* All the rest and residue of his estate after payment of his debts and funeral expenses to his father Albreicht Schucht of Polle, Hanover, Germany taylor. In case his father has died then one moiety to his brother William Schucht of Polle aforesaid bread baker and the second moiety to his mother Sophia Schucht of Polle. In case of her death the moiety equally to his brother William Schucht and his sister-in-law of Polle.
* Appoints Thomas Hodgson of Church Lane sugar refiner and Frederick Charles Allhams of Ayliff St Whitechapel baker and John Wohlenberg of St Catherine St Tower Hamlets baker his executors.
Signed: Albrecht Schucht 24 September 1796
Witnesses: John Hodgson, Thomas Goodchild of 32 Gt St Helens

Proved at London 14 October 1796 by the oaths of the three named executors to who admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1280 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SCHULTZ, Henry - Probate summary, 1864
Henry Schultz formerly of Port Glasgow, Renfrew, but late of Great George Square, Liverpool, Sugar Boiler, deceased who died 3 December 1863 at Great George Square. Proved at Liverpool by the oath of Isabella Smail Schultz of Great George Square widow the relict one of the surviving executors. Effects under £1500.

[National Probate Calendar, 1858-1966]

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SCHULTZ, John Ernst - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/639 1730
In the Name of God Amen I John Ernst Schultz of Allhallows the Less London Sugar Refiner ...
* To his mother Anne Christine Schultz now or late of Wedel in Holstein 50 dollars to be paid out of the sum of 1050 dollars in the hands of his brother Henry Schultz in Wedel ... and the remaining 1000 dollars of the same equally to his brothers and sisters Henry Schultz aforesaid Carston Schultz Margaretta Catharina Schultz and Anna Metje Schultz ... and that his brother Henry Schultz shall have the interest that has accrued during the time he has held the principal sum.
* All the rest and residue of his estate after the payment of his debts and funeral expenses to his said brothers and sisters equally.
* Appoints Christopher Burmiester of Lime Street London sugar refiner his executor.
Signed: Johan Ernst Schultz 1 June 1730
Witnesses: Henry Walther Guerdes DD, William Politho

Proved at London by the oath of Christopher Burmiester executor to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/639 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SCHULTZ, Thomas Ernst - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1095 1782
In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Ernst Schultz of Princes St Drury Lane St Giles in the Fields Mdx Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Sarah Ann Schultz all his estates real and personal goods chattels and effects forever.
* Appoints his wife Sarah Ann Schultz his sole executrix.
Signed: Thomas Ernst Schultz 25 March1779
Witnesses: William Bullock Atty at Law New Round Court Strand, Foachim Pohl, Philip William Sprado.

Proved at London 18 September 1782 by the oath of Sarah Ann Schultz widow and relict to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1095 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SCHUMACKER, Frederick - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/862 1761
I Frederick Schumacker of St Mary Whitechapel Sugar Refiner ...
* To his daughter Ann Schumacker £3000.
* To his daughter Ann Schumacker £1000 in 4% bank annuities transferred to her in her own name though she may not sell or dispose of it. She is to receive the interest half yearly and after her death the pricipal to be divided equally amongst her children, if none then for her own diposal.
* To his daughter Deborah Schumacker £3000.
* To his daughter Deborah Schumacker £1000 in 4% bank annuities transferred to her in her own name though she may not sell or dispose of it. She is to receive the interest half yearly and after her death the pricipal to be divided equally amongst her children, if none then for her own diposal.
* He allows and confirms the £30 pa left in the will of Mrs Ann Major to Richard Oxley for his life to be paid half yearly.
* He allows and confirms the £5 pa to Jane Cockerill for her life to be paid as usual.
* To his wife Elizabeth Schumacker all his household , moneys, wares, debts, leases, lands, tenements, stock in trade, and all the rest of his estate real and personal.
* Appoints his wife Elizabeth Schumacker sole executrix.
Signed: Frederick Schumacker 17 December 1760
Witnesses: Christ Phillipson, Jonathan Turner.

Proved in London 12 January 1761 by the oath of Elizabeth Schumacker widow and relict to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/862 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SCHWARTZ, Andrew - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/2198, 1854
This is the last will and testament of me Andrew Schwartz of Powell's Place City Road Gentleman [capillaire maker] ...
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his son-in-law John Powell £50 as a mark of his esteem and regard for him.
* To his grandchildren John Powell, Mary Ann Powell & Sarah Powell all his household goods furniture plate linen china wearing apparel books pictures prints clocks watches trinkets and other personal chattels except those later mentioned in equal shares to be held in trust by John Powell [sen] until they reach the age of 21 years or be married.
* To his late wife's sister Hannah Holford Sanderson £100.
* To his nephew Edward Henry Sanderson £100.
* To his nephew Adam Frederic Gehringer of Brick Lane £200.
* To his brother Martin Schwartz of Wachbart, Wurtemburg, his gold watch, chain and seals having initials 'S.S.' left to him by his brother Sebastian Schwartz, and his diamond ring (not diamond mourning ring), and £1000. If he dies first then to be shared amongst his wife and children.
* To the children of his brother Martin Schwartz £1500 divided equally, as well as the above.
* To his Pastor and friend Rev John Peacock of Spencer Place Goswell Road £10 in case he shall need his ministry at the time of his death.
* Appoints his friends Ebenezer Hart of 123 Wood St Cheapside woollen draper and James Shick of 22 Rahore St Goswell Rd fusee cutter as his executors, and gives them 19 guineas each.
* To his housekeeper Louisa Knight £1000 and the bedstead bedding and furniture within her bedroom as an acknowledgement of her great attention to him over many years.
* To the Baptist Missionary Society of Moorgate St 19 guineas.
* To the Baptist Borne Missionary Society 19 guineas.
* To the Baptist Irish Society 19 guineas.
* To the London City Mission 19 guineas.
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* All the rest and residue of his estate and effects in trust to his executors for the maintenance and education of his grandchildren John Powell, Mary Ann Powell and Sarah Powell the three children of his late daughter Sarah Powell in equal shares with absolute interest being theirs at the age of 21 years. If any of them die before age 21 then the residual estate shall be divided equally between those surviving. If none survive to 21, then it shall be equally divided amongst the children of his brother Martin Schwartz.
Signed : Andrew Schwartz on 10 August 1850.
Witnesses : William Sheffield solicitor of 68 Old Broad St , Charles Adams of 1 Powell St, City Road.

Codicil 1 ...
* To his housekeeper Louisa Knight the chest of drawers and easy chair in his bedroom as well as his parrot in its cage.
* By mistake Frederic Gehringer is named Adam Frederic Gehringer.
Signed 13 Nov 1850.

Codicil 2 ...
* He revokes the legacy of £50 to John Powell.
* To the Dorcas Society, the Benevolent Society and the Christian Instruction Society in connection with the Spencer St Chapel in Goswell St 19 guineas each.
* To his nephew Edward Henry Sanderson the portraits belonging to himself and his late wife.
* To his nephew Frederic Gehringer his engraving of 'The Raising of Lazarus'.
* To his housekeeper Louisa Knight his eight day clock and sideboard in the front room.
Signed 14 May 1851.

Codicil 3 ...
* To his housekeeper Louisa Knight the looking glass in his bedroom, dining table in the palour, fender and fire irons in the dining room, and looking glass in the back parlour, 3 engravings (royal __ on fire, portrait of Williams, portrait of John Powell jun) in the front parlour, the drawing room carpet and rug, 3 pairs of light blue and white dishes, 1 pewter coffee pot, 1 set of tea things with boards, 3 pewter pots marked 'A.M.S.', 3 pairs of pewter candle sticks, 1 pair of snuffers and tray (German silver), 1 copper tea bottle, 1 dozen light blue and white dinner plates, 1 dozen small china plates, all the ornaments in the drawing room, the bedstead and 3 sets of furniture, bed and mattress and blankets and all the bed linen belonging to his bedroom, 5 table and 2 salt spoons (German silver), Bunyan's Holy War and his small Bible.
* To Thomas Powell brother of his son-in-law his weather glass, drawing room looking glass, and one pair of black and gold candle lamps in front parlour.
* To his executor James Shick 1 pair of solid silver candle sticks, 1 pair of snuffers and tray.
* To Frederic Gehringer 1 mahogany dining table in kitchen, 1 looking glass in front parlour, and 1 sofa in drawing room.
* To Edward Henry Sanderson 1 round mahogany table and the tea urn in the parlour.
* To his grandson John Powell jun his mahogany bookcase, all the books therein and his large family Bible, and all his best knives and forks.
* To Sarah Ann Shick wife of James Shick, his Bunyan's Pilgrims Progress.
* To his granddaughter Sarah Jane Powell his work box.
* To his brother Martin Schwartz all his bed linen and wearing apparel and his gold spectacles.
* To his executor Ebenezer Hart one pair of silver candle sticks.
* To his granddaughters Mary Ann Powell and Sarah Jane Powell 1 silver cruet stand and glasses, 1 silver decanter, spirits, 10 silver table spoons, 2 gravy spoons, 12 tea spoons, 6 salt spoons, 5 decanter labels, 1 pair sugar tongs, 1 cheese knife, 1 butter knife, 1 mustard spoon, and one toast rack and one pair decanter stands (German silver) to be equally divided between them at age 21 years, and if one dies the whole to the survivor.
Signed 1 Oct 1851.

Codicil 4 ...
* He revokes the legacy of £200 to Frederic Gehringer, and gives him £100.
* He revokes the legacy of £1000 to Martin Schwartz or his wife and children, and gives £400 instead to Martin Schwartz or his wife, and £500 to the children if neither parent survives him.
Signed 8 Oct 1852.

Codicil 5 ...
* He revokes the legacy of £100 to Frederic Gehringer made in codicil 4, and gives £100 to his nephew Martin Gehringer of 29 Union Street, Spitalfields.
Signed 5 Jan 1853.

Codicil 6 ...
* As his executor Ebenezer Hart is in poor health, he revokes his appointment.
* Appoints his friend Thomas Powell of 11 Bonners Road, Victoria Park as one of his executors, and gives him 19 guineas.
* He revokes the legacy to Frederic Gehringer of dining table, looking glass and sofa, and gives those items to Martin Gehringer.
Signed 5 Feb 1853.

Proved at London with 6 codicils on 22 September 1854 by the oaths of James Shick and Thomas Powell.

[TNA PROB 11/2198 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SCHWARTZ, John - Probate summary, 1916
John Schwartz of Broomwood, Sevenoaks, Kent, died 22 May 1916 at 9 Warrior Sq, St Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex. Probate London 25 September to executors John Schwartz and William Schwartz merchants and Ernest Justus Schwartz teacher of botany. Effects £7654 17s 9d.

[National Probate Calendar]

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SCHWARTZ, Sebastian - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1806, 1832
I Sebastian Schwartz of White Row Spitalfields and also Beckford Place Kennington Capillaire Maker ...
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Elizabeth Schwartz all his household goods furniture and household fixtures in his dwelling house at Beckford Place, and all his plate linen china clocks watches and trinkets (except those hereafter mentioned) books pictures prints wines spirits liquors and also £100.
* To his brother Andrew Schwartz of 3 White Row his gold watch and chain and seals and his wearing apparel and body linen.
* To his brother Andrew Schwartz his leasehold messuage counting house manufactury and premises in which he carries out his business situate in White Row and also the fixtures implements utensils and goodwill for his own use and benefit.
* To his sister Magdalene Kovering of Wurtemburg widow £100.
* To Christian Willhelm Wuest of Bentinck St Soho tailor £40.
* To George Strohhecker of Fore St grocer £25 for his trouble as executor.
* To his executors £666 13s 4d in 3% Consolidated Bank Annuities (part of £1000 in life annuities held at the Bank of England) upon trust that they pay the dividends and interest to his step-daughter Elizabeth Jarvis wife of Thomas Jarvis of Vauxhall until her death.
* To his executors £333 6s 8d in 3% Consolidated Bank Annuities (the residue of the £1000 life annuities) and any other stock and £50 in long annuities. All his book and other debts stock in trade monies and securities and all the rest and residue of his estate in trust of which £4000 to be invested in 3½% Reduced Bank Annuities. The dividends and interest from all these investments to be paid to his wife Elizabeth Schwartz for her sole use, and after her death £1000 (of the £4000) upon trust for the benefit of his step-daughter Elizabeth Jarvis for her sole use, and also £2300 (of the £4000), £333 6s 8d in 3% Consolidated Bank Annuities, £666 13s 4d in 3% Consolidated Bank Annuities and the £50 in long annuities upon trust for the maintenance and education of the children of Elizabeth Jarvis. On any children reaching the age of 21 years they shall receive equal shares of the stock. And also upon trust £500 (of the £4000) amongst the children of his niece Philppine Geringer the wife of George Geringer of Joertel near Wurtzburg. And the residue of the £4000 - £100 to George Geringer, Rosa Jarvis daughter of Elizabeth Jarvis £100.
* To Rosa Jarvis £200.
* To his brother Martin Schwartz £700.
* £700 to be invested for the benefit of Magdalene Kovering and after her death the principal sum to be divided equally between all the children of Philppine Geringer.
* To his nephew George Schwartz eldest son of his late brother George Schwartz of Bartinstein £100.
* To Thomas Jarvis £200.
* To George Geringer £200.
* To his present foreman John Rayan 19 guineas.
* To the Lutheran Church in the Savoy 19 guineas to be applied to the school.
* To the London Missionary Society £25.
* To the Charity School of Joertel 19 guineas.
* All the residue of the estate to be shared equally amongst his brothers Andrew and Martin Schwartz, his sister Magdalene Kovering and his wife Elizabeth Schwartz.
* Appoints Andrew Schwartz, Christian Willhelm Wuest & George Strohhecker as his executors.
Signed : S Schwartz on 7 March 1832.
Witnesses : Isaac Sheffield jun of Prescott St, Esther Tyerman of 2 Beckford Place.

Codicil :
* Revokes the appointment of Christian Willhelm Wuest as executor and his legacy of £40.
* Appoints John Peter of Basinghall Street as executor and gives him £25.
Signed : Sebastian Schwartz on 30 August 1832.
Witnesses : Isaac Sheffield jun solicitor of Prescott St, John Springall apprentice to Mr Young of 10 Kennington Place surgeon.

Proved at London on 29 September 1832 by the oaths of Andrew Schwartz, George Strohhecker, and John Herman Bitter (named in the will as John Peter) the executors.

[TNA PROB 11/1806 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SCHWIER, Charles - Probate summary - 1927
Charles Schwier of Dittons Farm, Westham, Sussex, died 11 January 1927.
Probate granted 7 March 1927 to Emily Amelia Schwier widow and Charles Ernest Fardell Schwier farmer. Effects £16593 15s.

[National Probate Calendar]

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SCHWIER, Ernest - Probate summary - 1928
Ernest Schwier of Southminster Hall, Southminster, Essex, died 3 February 1928.
Probate granted 14 June 1928 to Annie Eliza Schwier widow and Ernest David Victor Schwier farmer. Effects £35512 13s. 7d.

[National Probate Calendar]

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SCHWIER, Ernst Louis Victor - Probate summary - 1902
Ernst Louis Victor Schwier of Moreton Ongar, Essex, died 25 December 1902 at Nether Hall, Moreton.
Probate granted 10 June 1902 to Ernest Schwier farmer. Effects £518 10s.

[National Probate Calendar]

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SCHWIER, Walter Frederick - Probate summary - 1901
Walter Frederick Schwier of the 'Hollies', Farncombe Road, Worthing, Sussex, died 2 April 1901.
Probate granted 23 May 1901 to Emily Schwier widow and Benjamin Harrisson builder. Effects £6951 14s.

[National Probate Calendar]

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SCOTTOWE, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/278, 1658
Memorandum that John Scottowe late of Kings Lynn Norfolk Sugar Baker ...
* To Myles Scottow his son one watch if ever he shall return home again into England.
* To William Scottowe his son twenty pounds in money.
* To Elizabeth Scottowe his daughter forty pounds in money and five pounds in gold.
* To Alice Scottowe his daughter forty pounds in money and five pounds in gold.
* To Mary Scottowe his daughter forty pounds in money and five pounds in gold.
* All the rest and residue of his goods and chattels and personal estate whatsoever to his wife Mary Scottowe, and appoints her sole executrix.
Signed: John Scottowe 4 November 1657
Witnesses: William Mason, William Burns, John Kempe

Proved at London 20 May 1658 by the oath of Mary Scottowe the relict and executrix to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/278 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SCUDDER, Gerrard Wilkins - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/2020, 1845
This is the last will and testament of me Gerrard Wilkins Scudder of George Yard New Rd St Georges in the East carman [formerly Sugar Refiner] ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Frances Scudder all his household furniture wearing apparel linen china glass and £50 for supporting herself and his children in mourning.
* To his son Gerrard Wilkins Scudder his silver watch gold chain and seals.
* To his nephew Josiah Scudder £10 and Mr Diederich Schwinge and Mr Robinson Sweeting £5 each for a mourning ring.
* To his executors all his wagons carts horses harnesses and implements of trade and all his stock in public funds book debts and shares in public companies and all the rest and residue of his estate, to be sold and all the monies received in trust to be invested in public stocks the dividends and interest to his said wife Frances Scudder for her lifetime as widow for the maintenance and education of his children until the youngest reaches 21 years when the principal sum to be divided equally amongst his children living - now Frances Scudder now age 12, Mary Hill Scudder aged 10 and Gerrard Wilkins Scudder aged 8.
* Appoints his nephew Josiah Scudder of Albion St Waterloo Town Bethnal Green labourer, Diederich Schwinge of Christian St scum boiler and Robinson Sweeting of Mile End Rd hay salesman his executors.
Signed: G W Scudder 21 October 1844
Witnesses: W L Howell solicitor 40 Ratcliff Highway, James Barratt his clerk.

Proved at London 7 June 1845 by the oaths of Diederich Schwinge and Roberson (in will written Robinson) Sweeting two of the executors to whom admon was granted, with power reserved to Josiah Scudder the other executor.
Proved at London 14 August 1845 by the oath of Josiah Scudder the nephew and other executor to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/2020 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SELDENSCHLO, Christopher Michael - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1083 1781
In the Name of God Amen I Christopher Michael Seldenschlo of St Mary Mounthall Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Elizabeth Seldenschlo all his wines and other provisions for housekeeping and £50 for her own use and benefit.
* To his wife Elizabeth Seldenschlo all his household goods furniture implements plate watches rings jewels trinkets china household linen books during her natural life. She may dispose of any of them if she wishes but those remaining after her death to his brother John Mark Seldenschlo.
* To his brother John Mark Seldenschlo all his wearing apparel and £1000.
* To his friend and partner Frederick Hahn £20 for mourning.
* He owns a half part of the lease to the lands, sugarhouse, buildings in St Ann's Lane St John the Baptist Westminster in the occupation of Frederick Hahn sugar refiner and Andrew Quadeno sugar refiner, the profits from which to his executors for the benefit of his brother Ernst Michael Seldenschlo and his nephew Henry Christopher Seldenschlo the son of his brother Henry Nicholas Seldenschlo equally during the life of his wife Elizabeth Seldenschlo. ?(and the residue to be sent to Hamburg to his brother Herman Seldenschlo and his cousin Herman Henry Seldenschlo)? After the death of his wife all the aforesaid moiety to Frederick Hahn for his own use and benefit.
* To the church wardens of the High German Lutheran Church in the Savoy £200 for the use of the charity school of the same church.
* To John Homan who now lives with him as a clerk if he is still in his service or that of his partner £20.
* To Christian Backler who now lives with him in the capacity of sugar boiler £20.
* To each of his two godchildren son and daughter of John Smith of St Ann Soho tailor and to each of his goddaughters of Joachim ???ss??dorf of Picadilly pastry cook £20.
* To his brothers Henry Nicholas Seldenschlo, Ernst Michael Seldenschlo and Herman Seldenschlo and to each of his cousins Herman Henry Seldenschlo and Christopher ?erger £10.
* To the Minister of the High German Lutheran Church in the Savoy at the time of his funeral £10.
* To his friends Messrs King, Schroder, Brucker, Theis and Schreiber and such other of his friends his wife and execs think fit a gold ring to the value of one guinea for mourning.
* All the rest and residue of his estate whatsoever to his executors for them to continue to use as such or convert into money and invest such money, the interest of which to be paid to his wife Elizabeth Seldenschlo. Immediatly after her death £500 to his brother Ernst Michael Seldenschlo. And the remainder for his executors to hold in trust for his nephew Henry Christopher Seldenschlo aforesaid and his niece Anna Catharina Seldenschlo the daughter of his brother Henry Nicholas Seldenschlo and his niece Anna Catharina Seldenschlo the daughter of his brother Herman Seldenschlo equally. ?(and the residue to be sent to Hamburg to his brother Herman Seldenschlo and his cousin Herman Henry Seldenschlo)?
* Appoints Frederick Hahn sugar refiner and his brother John Mark Seldenschlo his executors.
Signed: Christopher Michael Seldenschlo 28 December 1780
Witnesses: John Harwood, Richard P Scudamore

Proved at London 30 October 1781 by the oaths Frederick Hahn and his brother John Mark Seldenschlo his executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1083 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SHARP, William - Will - summary of newspaper report, 1897
The will was proved to the value of £111,418, left by William Sharp of Beachfield, Sale, Chester, J.P., and of the firm Sharp & Galloway, formerly Sharp & Scott, of Market Street, Manchester, grocer and tea dealer, and sugar refiner and alderman of Salford, etc, who died 11 December last aged 82 years.
* Appoints as his executors, his wife Eleanor Sharp, his daughter Eleanor Sharp Ross, his son-in-law Dunstan Chamberlain and Edwin Whitehead Marshall.
* To Mr Marshall £500; to his brother Robert Sharp £500; to his salesman Thomas Walsh £200; to his partner Frederick Hodgkinson Beswick his interest in the goodwill and fixtures of their business but not the stock and book debts; and in trust for his son-ilaw William Sharp Ross a conditional life annuity of £300.
* He has made ample provision for his daughter Mary Galloway during his lifetime.
* To his wife Eleanor £500, his furniture and household effects, his horses and carriages, and the use and enjoyment of his house Beachfield or the income theirfrom during her life, and a life annuity of £2000.
* To the Salford Dispensary £1000; the Manchester Royal Infirmary £1000; the Old Trafford Blind Asylum and the Old Trafford Deaf and Dumb Institution £100 each; the Manchester Provident Society £500; the Strangeways Boys and Girls Refuge £200; the Manchester Boys and Girls Refuges £100; the Manchester Ladies Jubilee School for Orphans £100; the Gartside Street Childrens Dispensary £100; the Barnes Home Certified Industrial School £100; Ardwick Green Industrial School £100; the Barnes Convalescent Home at Cheadle £100; the Mary's Hospital, Manchester £100; the Manchester and Salford Lock Hospital £100; the Manchester Hospital for Skin Diseases in Dale St £100; Ancoats Hospital, Manchester £100; the Northern Counties Hospital for Incurables £100; the Hundred of Salford Humane Society £100; and to Mr Allsop's Institution, Deansgate, Manchester £100.
* All the residue in trust to pay one third of the income to Mrs Sharp during her life, one third to his daughter Eleanor Sharp Ross, and after the death of Mrs Sharp to divide the income equally between his said daughters, and to hold the residuary estate in trust for their children, or if no issue then to his daughter Mary Galloway and her issue.
* Written 18 July 1893.

[Liverpool Mercury 9 July 1897.]

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SHUM, George - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1424, 1805
This is the last will and testament of me George Shum of Bedford Square in the County of Middlesex [Sugar Refiner] ...
* In his will, his late father George Shum gave to each of his grandchildren the sum of £2000 and directed that the several sums of £2000 should be invested in Government Stock in the names of George Shum (the father of the grandchildren) and Nathaniel Newnham (an Alderman of the City of London) as trustees. These two were to receive the interest and dividends arising from these investments, reinvest them and then pay out the capital sum of £2000, plus the accrued interest and dividends, to each of the said grandchildren when they individually reached the age of twenty one years for their own use. However ... he/they did not invest the legacies !! On the marriage of his son George Shum he paid him £2000 in discharge of the principal sum of the legacy as well as the interest earned up to the age of 21 years, and also gave him £5000. Now he bequeaths to each of his other children who is alive at the time of his death, and was also alive at the time of his said father's death or was born after his said father's death, the sum of £7000 ... those who should have benefited from the said £2000 legacies plus interest being directed to accept this as full payment of the said legacies and to sign a release in full satisfaction and discharge of the legacies for his executors.
* To his wife Ann Shum an annuity of £1500 for her natural life, and his leasehold dwelling house with coach house stable offices and appurtenances situate in Bedford Square, and after her death the property to be sold and the produce of the sale to go into the residue of his estate.
* To his wife Ann Shum £1000 immediately after his death for her own use, and also all her jewels and other ornaments of her person and all his own rings and jewels and plate linen china glass pictures and household goods and household furniture wines liquors, and his coach and one pair of harness and other effects and things (except monies and securities, horses and remainder of harness and bridles and saddles) in his dwelling house coach house stable buildings and premises at Bedford Square.
* He names his trustees ... his son George Shum, his friends Joseph Delafield of Castle St near Long Acre Middlesex brewer and Thomas Gibson of Lime St sugar refiner; and to Joseph Delafield and Thomas Gibson £100 each.
* To his trustees, all his messuages lands tenements wheresoever and whatsoever, and his leasehold estate at Berry Hill Surrey, and after the death of his wife his leasehold dwelling house etc at Bedford Square.
* To his trustees all the rest and residue of his monies, investments, goods chattels, debts and all other personal estates.
* He directs his trustees to turn his property into money as soon as his engagement with each of his various business partners will allow and to invest the monies where possible in order that they are able to pay the legacies mentioned. If any of his children die before the age of 21 years and have no issue then their share will be divided amongst the surviving children; if there is issue then the share will be divided amongst them. Monies from their legacies may be advanced to any of his children in order to further them in business.
* He directs that £100 per year from the interest from each of his children's legacies shall be paid to his wife for their maintenance, with the remainder of the interest being added to the principal sums invested.
* He appoints his wife Ann Shum, his son George Shum, Joseph Delafield and Thomas Gibson as his executors and also the guardians of his children that are under the age of 21 years at the time of his death.
Signed : George Shum on 12 June 1799.
Witnesses : Edwin Dames, Thomas Dames, Francis Doherty.

Codicil ... he removed Thomas Gibson from the list of executors and substitutes Nathaniel Newnham.
Signed : George Shum on 21 January 1805.
William Ward of Castle Street St Martin in the Fields appeared personally 26 April 1805 to swear an oath regarding the codicil.

Proved at London 27 April 1805 by the oaths of Ann Shum, George Shum, and Joseph Delafield executors named in the will, and Nathaniel Newnham the executor named in the codicil, to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1424 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SHUM (STOREY), George - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/2030, 1846
This is the last Will and Testament of me George Shum Storey of Ham Common, Surrey ...
* To be buried in the family vault at St James Chapel if he should die within 10 miles, otherwise a vault to be purchased in the nearest parish.
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* In order to fulfil his lamented wife’s wishes, he asks his executors to sell all his jewels trinkets valuables etc in the mahogany box kept at the Phoenix Fire Office or in his dwelling house at Ham Common, the proceeds to be divided equally amongst his four daughters Margaret, Marianne, Emily & Eleanor, unless the daughters wish to divide the actual jewels etc amongst themselves.
* To his daughter Margaret his grand piano along wish all the music, music books and stool.
* He wishes his daughters to continue living at his dwelling in Ham Common providing at least two of them, Margaret being one, remain single, or widowed, and those that do may continue to use all the household furniture effects etc. In the event, after three months from his death, the dwelling house is not required as a residence by his daughters then it shall form part of the residue of his estate.
* To his son Henry Shum £500 this being as much as he feels he can do for him as he has been amply provided for by the will of his late grandfather Robert Storey. He is though equally dear to him.
* Appoints Rev Joseph Cook of Purley, his sons Henry Shum and Robert Shum, and his friend Thomas Richter of Phoenix Fire Office as his executors.
* To his executors upon trust all the residue of his estate, all the funds remaining under his marriage settlement, the stocks remaining for he and his late wife under the will of Robert Storey, and the stocks he shall be entitled to under the will of Mrs Ann Sarvrie formerly Ann Burk of Blackheath, that they divide it equally amongst all his children, except Henry. His son John Shum shall first repay a loan of £1200 for his promotion in the Army, and his son Robert Shum shall first repay loans to a total of £3000 for his share of Messrs Pringle & Manisty Solicitors.
* To Rev Joseph Cook and Thomas Richter £50 each.
Signed : George Shum Storey on 9 June 1840.
Witnesses : Thomas Dawes, Richard Dawes, Samuel Overton all of Messrs Dawes & Sons Angel Ct.

Codicil he states that he is bound by a marriage settlement of £6000 upon his fifth son Charles Francis Shum at his marriage to Harriett Fenwick. Having already advanced Charles sums of £3000 & £1300, he considers that these sums should be counted by his executors as part of his son Charles’s legacy from his will.

Proved at London with a codicil on 30 January 1846 by the oaths of Henry Shum and Robert Shum.

[TNA PROB 11/2030 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SIKES, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1440/210, 1806
In the Name of God Amen I John Sikes of Little Distaff Lane London Sugar Refiner ...
* To trustees Thomas Cartwright Slack his partner and Samuel Puglet Carr of Colchester Essex grocer £4000 to be invested the dividends and interest to his wife Susanna Sikes providing she remains a widow. If she remarries the said sum equally amongst his children then living.
* To trustees Thomas Cartwright Slack his partner, Samuel Puglet Carr of Colchester Essex grocer and his wife Susanna Sikes £3000 to be invested the dividends and interest to the maintenance and education of his son John Sikes. If there is more interest than needed for this purpose the excess to be invested and given to his said son along with the original £3000 at the age of 21 years.
* To trustees Thomas Cartwright Slack his partner, Samuel Puglet Carr of Colchester Essex grocer and his wife Susanna Sikes £3000 to be invested the dividends and interest to the maintenance and education of his son Thomas Sikes. If there is more interest than needed for this purpose the excess to be invested and given to his said son along with the original £3000 at the age of 21 years.
* To trustees Thomas Cartwright Slack his partner, Samuel Puglet Carr of Colchester Essex grocer and his wife Susanna Sikes £2000 to be invested the dividends and interest to the maintenance and education of any child or children he shall have by his said wife after the writing of this will. If there is more interest than needed for this purpose the excess to be invested and given equally to his said child or children along with the original £2000 at the age of 21 years. If he has no more children the said £2000 equally to his sons John Sikes and Thomas Sikes aforesaid.
* To his nephew William Cheetham £100.
* To his nieces Martha Cheetham Ann Cheetham Mary Cheetham and Harriet Cheetham daughters of Martha Cheetham £50 each.
* To Elizabeth Sikes of Sheffield Yorks £50.
* To Ann Bramhall of Sheffield Yorks wife of J Bramhall £50.
* To his trustees Thomas Cartwright Slack and Samuel Pugglet Carr £100 each for their troubles.
* All the rest and residue of his estate to his wife Susanna Sikes for her own use.
* Appoints Gabril Copeland John Bennington and George Revell executors to his will.
Signed: John Sikes 10 July 1805
Witnesses: Joseph Albin Slack Richard Griffiths

Schedule: If all his children have died before age 21 years the £8000 stated in the will to be divided thus: £4000 to his wife Susanna Sikes, £1000 to William Cheetham his nephew, £500 to each of Ann Cheetham Mary Cheetham Harriet Cheetham his nieces, £500 to each of Elizabeth Sikes and John Bramhall his cousins, £500 to Elizabeth Bull wife of Rev John Bull. Signed: John Sikes 17 July 1805

Thomas Cartwright Slack of Bloomsbury Sq Mdx and Richard Griffiths of Distaff Lane London appeared personally to give oath to the hand of John Sikes in the above schedule. 17 March 1806.

Proved at London with codicil 18 March 1806 by the oaths of Gabril Copeland and George Revell two of the executors to whom admon was granted, with power reserved for John Bennington the other executor named.

[TNA PROB 11/1440/210 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SLACK, Thomas - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1516, 1810
This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas Slack of Bloomsbury Square ...
* To his cousin Mr George Slack of Walcot Place Lambeth and Mr John Pensain of Serjeants Inn Fleet Street £200 each for their trouble in their appointment as executors ...
* ... and also appoints his elsest son Thomas Cartwright Slark an executor.
* To his executors in trust all his messuages lands tenements and real estates and also all his personal estates and effects.
* To his second son Joseph Albin Slack £4000.
* To each of his daughters £2000 who shall not have married before his decease.
* All the rest and residue of his estates and all the money from the sale of his messuages lands etc and all the rents from any of his properties to be divided as follows amongst his children surviving him and their issue during his lifetime - two portions to each of his sons or their respective issue, and one portion to each of his daughters or their respective issue, except for a second sum of £4000 recently given to his son Thomas Cartwright Slack that shall be deducted from his share. If any of the children are under the age of 21 years the trustees are to use their shares or part of their shares for their maintenance and education, the capital sums to be made available to them on reaching the age of 21 years, or in the case of his daughters, marrying.
Signed : Thomas Slack 17 February 1807.
Witnesses : William Forrest Amicable Assurance Office, Thomas Cother, John Griffin.

Codicil ... he wishes his son Thomas Cartwright Slack to have the option of purchasing all or any of his messuages lands tenements estate and considers his being an executor to the will an impedement to him becoming a purchaser. He revokes this part of the will and places all such properties in trust to George Slack and Mr John Pensain and Edward Burgess of Salisbury Place Paddington with the same powers as in the original will.
Since writing his will he has given money to his son Joseph Albin Slack, and his daughters Charlotte Slack, Louisa Siddons Slack, Mary Slack, and his married daughters [not named], and to the family of his late daughter Elizabeth Maria Phipps, in the proportions as in the will, however he wishes the rest and residue of his will to still be divided in the same way as stated in his will.
Signed Thomas Slack, 28 August 1810 and witnessed by E Townsend, J Griffin and John Bradley servant to Mr Slack.

Proved at London with a codicil 8 October 1810 by the oaths of Thomas Cartwright Slack, George Slack and John Pensain to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1516 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SLACK, Thomas Cartwright - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1578, 1816
Contents of the Will of Thomas Cartwright Slack late of Gravel Lane, St Botolph without Aldgate, and of Kentish Town, St Pancras, Middlesex ...
* To his brother Joseph Albin Slack the carriage and horses.
* To his wife Jane Hester Slack all the rest and residue of his personal estate and effects during her natural life, and after to be applied to all his children in such proportions as she may appoint or equally if she does not appoint.
* Appoints his wife Jane Hester Slack, his brother Joseph Albin Slack and his son-in-law Reverend Thomas White as his executors and guardians of his children.
Dated: about August 1814

Appeared Personally ... William Robinson of Great Portland St, St Marylebone, gave witness that the above were the wishes of the deceased as written in his own hand at sometime in or about August 1814 and which he had kept in the drawing room of his house in Kentish Town. Signed William Robinson, witness Christ. Robinson.

Proved, with affidavit, at London 6 March 1816 and admon was granted to the three above mentioned executors.

[TNA PROB 11/1578 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SLATER, Fedde - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1164, 1788
This is the last will and testament of me Fedde Slater of St Mary Somerset London Sugar Refiner ...
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his brother Henry Slater £_ for mourning.
* All the rest and residue of his estate and effects to his wife Mary Slater for her own use and benefit except for £300 for his said brother Henry Slater although that is not to be paid to him until after the death of the said Mary Slater.
* Appoints his wife Mary Slater sole executrix.
Signed: Fedde Slater 19 August 1786
Witnesses: Thomas Hordee John Adamson Charles Horne Doctors Commons

Proved at London 13 March 1788 by the oath of Mary Slater widow the relict the executrix to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1164 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SLOMAN, William - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1288, 1797
This is the last will and testament of me William Sloman of Deptford Kent Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Rebecca Sloman all his rights shares title to the property with messuage yards timber yard garden in Deptford aforesaid the estate Joseph Salway deceased during her natural life and after her death equally between his sons Thomas and Samuel Sloman.
* To each of his sons Thomas and Samuel Sloman £500 when they attain the age of 21 years and in the meantime they be given the interest at four percent.
* To his daughter Rebecca Sloman £500 to be paid to her twelve months after his death or earlier if she marries.
* The rest and residue of his estate goods chattels effects personal estate to his said wife Rebecca Sloman and appoints her sole executrix.
Signed: William Sloman 21 September 1795
Witnesses: Andrew Lee, Mary Lee, Thomas Norris, all of Addle Street Aldermansbury

Proved at London 7 March 1797 by the oath of Rebecca Sloman widow the relict and sole executrix to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1288 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SMEISER, George - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1470 1807
In the Name of God Amen I George Smeiser of Cox's Square Bell Lane Spitalfields Mdx Sugar Baker ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Dorothy Maria Smeiser all his half part share and interest and property in the partnership and business of sugar baker carried on with his partner Thomas Church in Cox's Square and all his monies therein for the use and benefit of herself and his daughter Mary Ann Smeiser.
* All the rest and residue of his estate to his wife Dorothy Maria Smeiser for the use and benefit of herself and his daughter Mary Ann Smeiser.
* Appoints GK? of Cox's Sq druggist, Christopher Adelman of Thomas St sugar baker, John Adam Launn of Princes St Spitalfields sugar baker executors.
Signed: George Smeiser 8 August 1805
Witnesses: F Dalton Spitalfields, Eschet Borst

Proved at London 7 November 1807 by the oath of Christopher Edelman by mistake written as Adelman one of the executors to whom admon was granted, power being reserved to the other executors.

[TNA PROB 11/1470 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

SMITH, Allyn - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/342, 1673.
In the Name of God Amen. I Allyn Smith of Pillerton Hersey, Warwickshire, Gent ...
* To his wife Susanna Smith his messuage and mansion house together with all lands meadows and pasture and appurtenances situate in Pillerton Hersey or Over Pillerton, Warks, and all tythes of corn and hay etc for her natural life providing she does not marry again. After her death to his son John Smith. If she marries again then all to his son John Smith who shall pay her £20 a year for her natural life.
* To son John Smith all his household goods except one feather bed to his daughter Neale and another to his son Benjamin Smith, however his wife shall have full use of all except the two beds for her natural life providing she does not marry.
* To his wife Susanna Smith all his goods and chattels, all such linen that was formerly her mother's, 6 pewter dishes, one brass pot.
* Appoints his wife Susanna Smith as his sole executrix.
* To his son John Smith £20.
* To his son and daughter Neale £10.
* To his son Allyn Smith £10.
* To his son Benjamin Smith £100 to be paid at age 21 years.
* To his son Joseph Smith £100 to be paid at age 21 years.
* His wife to give his son John Smith his diet and lodging, he assisting his mother for the better in managing the business of the said living.
Signed: Allyn Smith, 14 June 1673.
Witnesses: John Danvers, Elizabeth Arnold, Susanna Danvers.

Proved at London 1673 by oath of Susanna Smith.

[TNA PROB 11/342 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SMITH, Allyn - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/591, 1723
In the Name of God Amen. I Allyn Smith of Battersea, Surrey, Sugar Baker ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his daughter-in-law Frances Smith relict of his late son John Smith an annuity of £14 from an annuity he purchased that is due upon his death.
* To his daughter-in-law Frances Smith £100 for mourning for her and her children.
* To his sons Allyn Smith and Joshua Smith of Battersea sugar refiners all his sugarhouses and utensils with gardens outhouses and appurtenances as well as all lands tenements hereditaments and real estate whatsoever situate in Battersea which by indentures of settlement of 1698 that were settled upon the marriage of his late son John Smith after the death of his (AS) aunt Anne Smith the reversion and inheritance where he has since purchased in the name of Edward Lewis sugar baker of London (since deceased) and his son Allyn Smith and their heirs in trust from and after the decease of his daughter-in-law Frances Smith for the use of his 5 grandsons John Smith, Allyn Smith, Joseph Smith, George Smith and William Smith and their heirs and assigns.
* His late mother-in-law Joan Wood left in her will £200 to be divided equally among the children of his son John Smith, and to the eldest son of John Smith, John Smith, a sum of £100 to be paid into his (AS) hands for the advancement of the children and to be paid at the age of 21 years. Similarly, she left the sum of £50 to Charles Goodman, son of Charles Goodman, but as Charles Goodman has died the sum goes to the children of John Smith equally. He has paid to the two eldest children of John Smith, John and Allyn, their shares, and orders that the shares including interest be paid to the remaining children Joseph, Anne and Susanna in due course.
* To the children of his son John Smith £2000 equally on reaching the age of 21 years; if any of them dies before such time their share(s) to be divided equally among their siblings. The sum to be invested and used for their maintenance and advancement as necessary.
* To his son Allyn Smith £4500 for his own use, having given him a portion already, and an annuity of £14 from an annuity he purchased that is due upon his death.
* To his son Allyn Smith the messuage or tenement with appurtenances situate in Abchurch Lane London that he purchased of Robert Fleming, and all the estate and interest from therein, however he orders that his son Allyn Smith pays £6 a year to his sister Elizabeth Neal[e] widow of John Neal[e] of Warwickshire deceased for her natural life, and also £10 a year to his brother Benjamin Smith for his natural life.
* To his brother Benjamin Smith £100.
* To his son Joshua Smith £3000, having given him a portion already, and all his household goods in his dwelling house in Battersea except for the linen marked with his father-in-law's name Weare.
* To his son Allyn Smith and his daughter Thornhill £100 to furnish a room.
* To Sir Robert Thornhill £1000 in full satisfaction of the remaining part of the marriage settlement agreed at the time of the marriage of his daughter Anne to Robert Thornhill his son. To be paid in six months with 5% interest.
* £500 to be paid in settlement of a bond agreed at the time of the marriage of Mary Hooke widow, daughter of Thomas Weare, around 1682, for the purchase of lands and tenements within the city of Bristol and nearby for the use of themselves and after for the use of the children of their marriage.
* To sons Allyn Smith and Joshua Smith in trust all the capital stock shares and interest in the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies being £1000 plus dividends, the interest and dividends to be paid to his daughter Frances Mitchell wife of John Mitchell for her own use for her natural life and after her death to her children.
* To his son-in-law Robert Thornhill and his daughter Anne his wife £100 for mourning.
* To his son-in-law John Mitchell and his daughter Frances his wife £100 for mourning.
* To sons Allyn Smith and Joshua Smith £100 each for mourning.
* To his cousin Thomas Green £20 for mourning.
* To his maid servant Hanna Stanton £10.
* To his son-in-law Charles Goodman £10 for mourning.
* To his sister Neal[e] a further sum of £20.
* To sons Allyn Smith and Joshua Smith £100 in trust the interest from which for the use and benefit of his cousin Elizabeth Adams during her natural life.
* To his niece Anne Light £100.
* His executors to dispose in charitable uses £10 among the poor housekeepers of Battersea, and a further £10 among the poor widows of Battersea.
* To every servant that has lived with him for at least 7 years continually 1 guinea to buy a ring.
* Appoints his sons Allyn Smith and Joshua Smith as executors and his sons-in-law Robert Thornton and John Mitchell as overseers of the will and gives then each £10.
* Equally among his 3 younger children Joshua, Frances and Anne all his jewels necklaces and rings and all the linen marked with the name of his late father-in-law Thomas Weare, and the several pieces of plate following Ð his largest silver tankard, largest silver salver, largest silver basin, one one silver candle cup, and one silver ladle, to be divided equally. The rest of the plate to be divided among Allyn, Joshua, Frances and Anne equally.
* All the rest and residue of his estate equally between his sons Allyn Smith and Joshua Smith.
Signed: Allyn Smith. 20 March 1722.
Witnesses: Tho Prime, Tho Prime jun, Fra Beyer.

Proved at London July 1723 by the oaths of Allyn Smith and Joshua Smith.

[TNA PROB 11/591 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SMITH, Allyn - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/688, 1738
In the Name of God Amen. I Allyn Smith of Battersea, Surrey, Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his nephew John Smith £1000.
* To his nephew Allyn Smith £1000.
* To his nephew George Smith £600.
* To his nephew William Smith £600.
* To his niece Susannah wife of James Higgins £3000 for her own use, and after her death to her heirs. If no issue, then £1000 among the children of his niece Anne Symonds and the remaining £2000 to be disposed of by his niece Susannah in a manner of her choosing.
* To James Higgins and his wife 100 guineas for mourning.
* To Rev Thomas Symonds and his wife 100 guineas for mourning.
* To his niece Anne Symonds the wife of the Rev Thomas Symonds of Battersea £1500 for her own use.
* Appoints Thomas Winspere of Waltham Abbey, Richard Coope of Peckham and Abraham Marlott of London sugar refiner as his joint executors.
* To Allyn Symonds son of Thomas & Anne Symonds £600 to be paid to him at age 21 years, and to their daughter Mehetabell Symonds £600 at age 21 years or the day of her marriage which ever the earlier. If either dies prior to receiving the money their share to the other, if they both die both shares to their mother Anne Symonds.
* To his executors £12000 capital stock and annuities invested in the Company of Merchants trading in the South Seas, the dividends profits and interest to be paid to his wife Mehetabell Smith for her natural life, and after her death the whole investment to be divided equally among his children. If he has no issue, then £4000 to his niece Susannah Higgins and £8000 among his nephews and nieces, John, Allyn, George, and William Smith, Anne Symonds and Susannah Higgins in such proportions as his wife shall determine. If there is no value in his investment, then £12000 to be taken from his personal estate.
* To his wife Mehetabell Smith all his copyhold and leasehold estates messuages lands tenements yards gardens orchards stables and banksides with appurtenances and situate in Battersea purchased of Daniel Wright, Mrs Workman and Mr Wyatt for her natural life. After her death to his nephew Allyn Smith and his heirs. If he dies without issue, to his nephew John Smith ... and similarly, George Smith, William Smith, and if they die then to his rightful heir according to custom. All costs of admitting his wife to the copyhold estates to be borne by his estate. He wishes that Thomas Symonds continues to live in his current leasehold property for his natural life under the covenant agreed.
* To his wife Mehetabell Smith the freehold messuage known as Horse Shoe Alehouse in Abchurch Lane, London, for her natural life. It was purchased by his late father Allyn Smith and devised to him and his heirs subject to an annuity of £10 to cousin Elizabeth Adams and an annuity of £6 to cousin Ann Glover. After his wife's death to his nephew John Smith and his heirs.
* To his wife Mehetabell Smith all his plate jewels rings watches books household goods linen furniture in his dwelling house in Battersea and in his dwelling house in Epsom, and his coaches chariot chaise and horses with the furniture and implements hay and corn belonging to them.
* To his wife Mehetabell Smith for her support £1000 for her own use and 200 guineas for mourning, and £1000 in special trust from the interest of which £30 a year to be paid to Rev Tho Symonds whilst he is minister of the Separate Congregation at Battersea. If he ceases to be minister then he is to receive £15 a year with the succeeding minister receiving £25 a year.
* To his brother Joshua Smith his father's silver watch.
* To his brother John Mitchell and his wife Frances 100 guineas for mourning.
* To his sister Anne Hyde widow of his brother Robert Thornhill and now wife of Peter Hyde 100 guineas for mourning.
* To his sister Frances Smith widow of his late brother John Smith 150 guineas for mourning for herself and her children, and also 50 guineas for her own use.
* To Allyn Light the son of his cousin Anne Glover £30.
* To Sarah Buttall widow £20.
* To his executors £200 to the use of the poor of Battersea to be settled in the purchase of lands for the use of the said poor for ever, or to be distributed amongst them as thought fit by his executors.
* To the poor of the Separate Congregation of Battersea £50 to be divided amongst them.
* To Thomas Valentine minister of the Dissenting Congregation of Epsom £20 for mourning and £20 to the poor of that Congregation.
* To William Barnes of Bristol £20.
* To his cousin Daniel Danvers of Battersea £200.
* To his cousin Daniel Cunningham son of Sarah Cunningham of Liverpool £50.
* To his executors £200 each for their troubles and to their respective wives £20 each for mourning.
* To his nephew John Mitchell and niece Frances Mitchell the children of his brother John Mitchell, and his nephew Stanley Goodman, 50 guineas each.
* To his wife Mehetabell Smith a further £200 for her own use.
* To John Hasell Sarah Hasell and Revettah Hasell the brother and sisters of his wife 20 guineas each for mourning.
* To his late bookkeepers Stanley Smith £30 and William Moad £20, and to Joseph Ash and Mr Cardus his boilers £5 each, for mourning.
* To his maid servants gardener coachman footman and the servant Francis Smith of Espom that is living with him at the time of his death £10 each.
* To all the menservants at his sugarhouse each a gold ring to the value of 1 guinea.
* To his wife Mehetabell Smith £100 for her to distribute amongst the poor dissenting ministers.
* To the Trustees of the Nonconformist Library in Red Cross Street St Giles Cripplegate £100.
* His recently purchased copyhold estate in Epsom to his wife Mehetabell Smith for her natural life and after her death to his nephew William Smith and if he dies with no issue to his nephew Allyn Smith. If he has happened to sell such estate before his death then £600 to his wife for her own use.
* The rest and residue of his personal estate and goods and chattells money debts stocks and annuities in the South Sea Company bank stocks East India stocks East India bonds and all other effects equally among his nephews John, Allyn, George and William Smith.
Signed: Allyn Smith. 18 November 1736.
Witnesses: William Harris fishmonger in Leadenhall Market, Lanthing Thornton of Half Moon in Graychurch Street, Andrew Osborne of Hoxton Square Shoreditch.

Proved at London 1 February 1737/8 by the oaths of Thomas Winspere, Richard Coope and Abraham Marlott his executors.

[TNA PROB 11/688 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

SMITH, Anthony - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/568, 1719.
In the Name of God Amen. I Anthony Smyth of Bristol Sugar Baker ...
* To his mother Elizabeth Smyth his messuage or tenement in Lewins Mead and all his sugarhouse cellars warehouses stables and all appurtenances, and his moiety of a further messuage or tenement in Lewins Mead now in the possession of James Jarvis and all other lands and hereditaments, for her natural life and after her death all to his brother Morgan Smyth and his heirs for ever.
* To his mother Elizabeth Smyth all his stock in trade of sugarbaking for her natural life and after her death to his sisters Anne Harris, Elizabeth Smyth, Sarah Smyth, Mary Smyth, Susannah Smyth and Margaret Smyth and his brother Morgan Smyth equally.
* To his aunt Anne Thurstone £20.
* To his uncle Thomas Smyth 1 guinea for a ring.
* To his cousin William Barnes and his wife £10 for mourning.
* All the rest and residue of his goods and chattells and personal estate to his mother Elizabeth Smyth.
* Appoints his mother Elizabeth Smyth as his sole executrix.
Signed: Anthony Smyth. 1 January 1718/9.
Witnesses: John Phillips, George Lane, Henry Faine.

Memorandum. To his cousin Sarah Bull £10. Signed and witnessed the same.

Proved at London 4 March 1718/9 by the oath of Elizabeth Smyth his mother and executrix.

[TNA PROB 11/568 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

SMITH, Charles - Will summary, 1873.
I Charles Smith of 14 Green Street Wellington Street Blackfriars Road and No.18 Grove Hill Terrace Grove Lane Camberwell Surrey, Sugar Refiner and Vinegar Maker ...
* As he has given each of his married daughters presents of plate on their respective marriages, he now gives to his daughters Ellen Maria Smith and Annie Pearson Smith such portions of his plate they choose to the value of £20.
* All the rest of his plate plated articles linen pictures prints china household furniture and effects to his executors to become part of his residuary estate.
* As his son Charles Smith has already received amounts equal to his share of the estate, to him £100.
* Advances, presents or benefits already made to his children and husbands of his daughters are now forgiven and they are released from any debt, and neither shall those sums be taken into account at the dividing of his estate.
* He and his son Frederick Henry Smith carry out the business of Sugar Refiner & Vinegar Maker at the premises in Green Street, and both signed an indenture on 10 January 1867 to pay Mary Tyers widow of Robert John Tyers (his late business partner) an annuity of £125 during her life. He now hands over the business, lease and goodwill to his son Frederick Henry Smith providing he takes the stock plant and fixtures at a fair valuation and that the sum shall become part of his residuary estate. His son shall accept responsibility for collecting monies owed to the business and paying the business debts, as well as full liability for the aforesaid indenture regarding the annuity to Mary Tyers. He shall also pay to each of his sisters Ellen Maria Smith and Annie Pearson Smith annuities of £50 whilst they remain unmarried. If Frederick Henry Smith elects to take over the business at the agreed terms the executors shall deposit £200 with the bankers for his business use free of interest for the following twelve months and shall also allow him to retain the valuation sum interest free for the same period. He shall be allowed to continue to use the said sums for a further twelve months at 5% interest. If his son does not elect to take over the business then it to be sold in total by his executors with net proceeds to his residuary estate [but no mention of the Mary Tyers annuity].
* All his real estate and residuary personal estate to his exucutors in trust.
* All the rest and residue of his estate to be divided into eight equal parts, one part each to each of his children Frederick Henry Smith, James Wilson Smith, Ernest Edward Smith, Sophia Margaret Hurlbatt, Ellen Maria Smith, and Annie Pearson Smith, and one further part to Samuel Harley Cheshire in trust for the two infant children of his deceased daughter Kate Anne Cheshire. The remaining part to his executors to be invested for the benefit of his son Sydney Wilson Smith during his minority and to him when he reaches 21 years of age, but if he dies before that age then the one part to be divided equally amongst the beneficiaries of the other seven parts or their heirs.
* Appoints his son Frederick Henry Smith and son-in-law Charles Hurlbatt as his executors.
* Appoints his son Frederick Henry Smith guardian to his son Sydney Wilson Smith during his minority.
Signed: Charles Smith 19 May 1873. Witnesses: John Thomas Crossley Lincolns Inn Barrister at Law, Esther Annie Mason 157 Grove Lane Camberwell.

Codicil ... If his son Frederick Henry Smith elects to take over his business he is instructed to pay an annuity of £50 to each of his two unmarried sisters. Now, if one marries their annuity is to cease immediately and that of the other sister to increase to £60 and is to be paid until she marries.
Signed: Charles Smith 28 July 1873 with same witnesses.

Proved at London 14 November 1873 by the oaths of both executors named to whom admon was granted.

[National Probate Calendar.]

***** to Catalogue *****

SMITH, Frederick Henry - Will summary, 1923.
This is the last will and testement of me Frederick Henry Smith of 15 Tyson Road Forest Hill Kent, [Sugar Refiner] Licensed Rectifier and Compounder ...
* Appoints his two sons Frederick Charles Smith and Lionel Corlett Smith as his executors.
* To his son Frederick Charles Smith the wardrobe made for and formerly belonging to his grandfather [John Smith sugar refiner].
* To his son Lionel Corlett Smith one piece of furniture to be selected by him.
* To his daughter Helen Mabel Smith all the furniture except aforesaid and all linen glass dinner tea and breakfast services crockery musical instruments beds bedding curtains carpets cloths cutlery kitchen and domestic utensils wines liquors and consumable stores and provisions and all plants and garden tools in or about his residence at the time of his death.
* To sons Frederick Charles Smith and Lionel Corlett Smith all his watches jewels trinkets and personal ornaments other than those connected with freemasonry and the Honourable Artillery Company, and all his wearing apparel.
* To son Frederick Charles Smith the silver cup presented to his late father Charles Smith [sugar refiner] by members of Lyons Subscription Rooms.
* To daughter Helen Mabel Smith his silver tea service and all his plated goods.
* To son Lionel Corlett Smith all his jewels medals presentation plate books calendars pictures prints engravings and other articles in anyway relating to freemasonry and the Honourable Artillery Company of which he became the oldest member.
* To his children Frederick Charles Smith, Helen Mabel Smith and Lionel Corlett Smith all his silver goods china bric-a-brac books manuscripts prints engravings and articles except aforesaid in equal shares.
* To his neice and goddaughter Honor Clode Smith, his brother Charles John Smith, and his brother Sydney Wilson Smith £100 each.
* To son Frederick Charles Smith all his freehold lands and hereditements in Sutton-cum-Seaford and other parts of Sussex.
* All the rest and residue of his real and personal estate to his executors upon trust to be converted to money from which his funeral and testamentary expenses debts and legacies are to be paid free of duty with the residue of the money to be invested for the equal benefit of his children living at his death. The monies to be divided into ten equal parts with one tenth part retained for his son Lionel Corlett Smith in the event he does not take on his father's business.
* His business of a lincensed rectifier and compounder [formerly Smith & Tyers sugar refiners and vinegar makers] carried out at 14 Rushworth Street [formerly Green Street], Pocock Street [formerly Wellington Street], Blackfriars Road, Surrey, to be run by his executors at their discretion. If they wish to wind it up, that's fine. His son Lionel Corlett Smith has 3 months in which to declare an option to succeed his father in the business. If so the whole of the business and capital is his though this should not exceed his correct share in his father's estate.
* His eldest son Frederick Charles Smith, being a solicitor, may be employed by the executors in a professional capacity for the sale of the business and/or other properties at his reasonable charges.
Signed: Frederick Henry Smith 1 January 1923.
Witnesses: Frederick T East, Bessie Plumridge.

Proved at London 20 February 1923 and probate granted to Frederick Charles Smith and Lionel Corlett Smith the executors. £15586 net.

[National Probate Calendar.]

***** to Catalogue *****

SMITH, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/376, 1684
In the Name of God Amen. I John Smith of Battersea, Surrey, Merchant ...
* All his debts, duties and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Anne Smith his dwelling house and two sugarhouses with utensils and materials yards gardens orchards and appurtenances in Battersea, and all his lands arable meadow, and pasture with appurtenances in Battersea for her natural life.
* All the same as above, after the death of his wife Anne Smith, to his cousin Allen Smith and his heirs for ever.
* To his cousin John Smith the eldest son of his eldest brother Allen Smith deceased and his heirs and assigns for ever all his messuages meadows pastures land heraditaments and appurtenances both freehold and copyhold situate in Twickenham Middlesex.
* To his cousin Jonathan Buttall his six messuages with appurtenances situate in Ludgate London and his two messuages with appurtenances situate in White Fryers London for the residue of the terms of the leases with payment of rents.
* To his cousin Elizabeth Neale her heirs and assigns his lands meadows pastures and heraditaments in Thistleworth [Isleworth] Middlesex.
* To his cousin Benjamin Smith of Bristol distiller £500 in full satisfaction of promises made to him.
* To his cousin Susanna Bristow [nee Danvers] wife of Robert Bristow merchant £500 for herself.
* To his cousin Frances Burrows wife of Francis Burrows £400 for herself.
* £200 to the poor families out of employment and other distressed Christians that his friends Jeffery Ellison, Abraham Holmes, and Colonel James Bury think fit; and gives them each £100 for themselves.
* To his cousin Frances Meade wife of Francis Meade £200 for herself.
* To Captain Lochard £100.
* To his cousins Allen Smith and Jonathan Buttall £10 each to buy themselves a ring.
* All the rest and residue of his goods and chattells household stuff ready money plate debts merchandize and personal estate to his wife Anne Smith.
* Appoints his wife Anne Smith as his sole executrix.
* Appoints his cousins Allen Smith and Jonathan Buttall as overseers of the will and asks that they assist the executrix with their best advice.
Signed: John Smith 18 September 1682.
Witnesses: Tho Wells, Jeremiah Hadducke, John Alsop snr, John Brooke his servant.

Memorand ... the legacy of £500 to Benjamin Smith was a mistake and should have been deleted before the sealing of the will.

Proved at London 7 July 1684 by the oath of Anne Smith sole executrix to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/376 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

SMITH, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1806, 1832
I John Smith of Upper Thames Street Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid, and all monies due to him be called in.
* To his wife Margaret Alice Smith all his household furniture plate linen etc, and also £100 to be paid immediately after his death.
* To his son Charles the goodwill of his business as Sugar Refiner and all the plant stock etc belonging to it. He asks his executrix to lend his son Charles £500 at lawful interest for the purpose of carrying on the business on his own behalf, with the loan being called in when ever his executrix wishes.
* All the rest of his property of any description to his wife Margaret Alice during her lifetime, and after her death it to be divided equally amongst his sons John Simm, William, Henry, Samuel & Charles.
* Appoints his wife Margaret Alice as his sole executrix.
Signed : John Smith on 28 July 1832
Witnesses : Ann Westly, Ann Spencer, Charles Smith.

Proved at London on 12 Sept 1832 by the oath of Margaret Alice Smith.

In the margin, a note states that on 8 May 1841, Margaret Alice Smith having died intestate, it was found that the will of John Smith deceased had been left unadministered by his executrix. Admon was granted to John Simm Smith one of the sons of John Smith and his wife Margaret Alice.

[TNA PROB 11/1806 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

SMITH, Joshua - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/958, 1770.
In the Name of God Amen. I Joshua Smith of Battersea, Surrey [Sugar Refiner] ...
* In an agreement dated 1724 made previous to and in consideration of his intended marriage with his present wife Anne Ludlow £8500 worth of capital stock was purchased of the South Sea Company in the names of Allyn Smith and Josias Wordsworth upon trust. Both are now deceased and if he (JS) dies without issue by his wife Anne this investment to his executors after her decease.
* To his wife Anne Smith in order to provide further (than the interest from the said South Sea stock) for her - £8000 in 3% annuities, £3000 in 3½% bank annuities, £5000 in capital South Sea stock, and £1000 in capital bank stock which have been purchased by him since his marriage and are standing in his name, to Mark Bell of Battersea distiller and John Moggridge of Fenchurch St London in trust so that they shall administer them and pay the interests and dividends to his wife for her own use, and after her death his executors to transfer the original South Seas investment to Mark Bell and John Moggridge which along with the other investment to be used to purchase freehold lands tenements and hereditaments of inheritance in fee simple in Surrey for the same uses intents and purposes as hereinafter given concerning his dwelling house in Battersea and his estate in Sheffield Lingfield Sussex. Whilst they await the purchase of the said lands etc, Mark Bell and John Moggridge to pay the equivalent of the rents from the lands to his niece Frances Howell the wife of Philip Howell and to pay her the interest and dividends from £2000 of the aforementioned £3000 bank annuities for her natural life, and after her death the capital sum of £2000 in trust for the benefit of her children. If no issue then the same to the children of Allyn Simmons equally.
* A further £500 to Allyn Simmons.
* £30 to Mrs Maddrell and £10 to her husband John Maddrell.
* To Mrs Roebuck wife of Ebenezer Roebuck £300.
* To his nephew Thomas Mitchell £1000 bank stock, and £400.
* Further to his wife Anne Smith the remainder of the legacy of £2000 left to them by her mother Mrs Mary Lambert and the remainder of the money due to him on a mortgage on the estate of her late brother Lambert Ludlow and also £500 due to him from the tolls of the Surrey and Sussex turnpikes and a further £500 for her own use.
* To his niece France Howell £400 in trust in the names of two trustees for her use and after her death the use and benefit of her children. If no issue then the same to the children of Allyn Simmons equally.
* To Allyn Simmons £100.
* To Mrs Roebuck £50.
* To his sister Mary Wordsworth £50.
* To his sister Elizabeth Hawkins £50.
* To Mrs Ann Slade £30.
* To the poor of Battersea £20.
* To the poor of the Dissenting Congregation of Battersea £10.
* To Mark Bell and John Moggridge £100 each and £20 each for mourning.
* To his wife Anne Smith £200 for mourning.
* To all the children of Allyn Simmons £100 each.
* All his freehold and copyhold messuages lands tenements and hereditaments situate in Battersea Surrey and Sheffield Lingfield Sussex to his wife for her natural life, and after her death to his nephew Thomas Mitchell for his natural life to be held in trust for him by Mark Bell and John Moggridge with only the interest and profits for the use of his said nephew, and after his death all the said premises to John Madrell of Battersea for the term of 500 years upon the trust hereinafter mentioned. (!)And after the end of the term to the children of Thomas Mitchell ... Joseph Hodgkin of Coulsdon Surrey in trust for niece Frances Howell, then her children ... Allyn Simmons, then his children(!).
* All his leasehold estate in Battersea to Mark Bell and John Moggridge for the remainder of their leases in trust the surplus rents and profits to the same person or persons who at the time are receiving the same from the freehold estates.
* To his nephew Thomas Mitchell all his manor messuages tenements and hereditaments at Bishopstone, Warwickshire, with a charge of £30 a year paid to his wife Anne Smith for her natural life. If he sells the property, then he is to pay Frances Howell aforesaid £200.
* To his nephew Thomas Mitchell all his manor messuages tenements and hereditaments at Lawfords Gate, Gloucestershire.
* To his wife Anne Smith all his plate china and linen, his coach saddle horses, the liquors in the vaults and cellars of his dwelling house, and all the jewels he has given her, his gold snuff box, all his wearing apparel, and for her life all the household goods in his dwelling house.
* All his books that she wishes to keep for her own use to his wife Anne Smith, the rest to his nephew Thomas Mitchell.
* To his nephew Thomas Mitchell his diamond buttons and buckles, his large diamond ring, his gold watch, the watch with the tortoise shell case which was his father's, and all his seals. At his wife's death also to Thomas Mitchell his picture set with diamonds.
* To his niece Frances Howell his ring set with diamonds.
* All the residue of his goods and chattels and personal estate to his wife Anne Smith and his nephew Thomas Mitchell equally.
* Appoints his wife Anne Smith as his sole executrix.
Signed: Joshua Smith. 15 May 1765.
Witnesses: Richard Wyatt, Thomas Greive, James Dampier.

Codicil ... Further bequests over and above those previously listed ...
* To his sister Elizabeth Hawkins £50, and his largest single stone brilliant ring.
* To his servants who have lived with him for one year £5.
* To Francis Marlborough £10.
* To John Moxon £20.
* To Lettice Davis £10.
* To John Girkin £10.
* To Elizabeth Little £25.
* To Elizabeth Frasier £10.
* To Daniel Adams living with Mr John Pott £20.
* To Miss Slade who has lived with him for many years £20 a year for her natural life.
Signed: Joshua Smith 14 March 1769.

Codicil ... In his will he had appointed his wife as sole executrix, however she has died and he now appoints Mark Bell and John Moggridge as his executors instead.
Signed: Joshua Smith. 13 October 1769. Witnesses: John Bowes, Richard Wyatt.

Codicil ...
* To Miss Peale who now lives with him £200.
* To John Moggridge one of his executors £500 extra to the original will, and his two daughters £20 each.
* To Joseph Hodgkin a trustee of his will £100.
* To Ann Slade who lives with him £200 extra to the annuity of £20.
* 20 guineas each to the daughters of his nephew Josias Wordsworth to buy rings.
* To John Maddrell and his wife £20 each.
* To Martha Skelton who now attends him £10.
* To Joseph Goldsmith 5 guineas.
* To his kinsman Allyn Simmons his best cluster brilliant ring.
* To his executors his picture set with diamonds and his late wife's earrings and stay buckles on trust for his niece Frances Howell to have them for her own use for her natural life and after her death to the benefit of his kinsman Allyn Simmons.
* All the rest and residue of his estate to his kinsman Allyn Simmons and after his death to his son Joshua Smith Simmons.
Signed: Joshua Smith. 20 October 1769. Witnesses: Wm Lardner, Tho West, Richard Wyatt.

Codicil ... His nephew Thomas Mitchell has died without issue. He now leaves his aforementioned estates in both Gloucestershire and Warwickshire to Joseph Hodgkin of Coulsdon in trust that he pays the rents and profits to his niece Frances Howell for her natural life and after her death to his executors the same for the benefit of her children in order of priority. If there are no children living then the premises to his kinsman Allyn Simmons and after his death for the benefit of his children in order of priority.
Signed: Joshua Smith. 28 April 1770. Witnesses: Wm Lardner, Tho West, John Bowes.

9 June 1770, Thomas West of Battersea bricklayer and John Bowes of Battersea baker appeared personally to vouch for the codicil of 14 March 1769.
12 June 1770, Richard Wyatt of St Swithin London Gent appeared personally to vouch for the codicil of 20 October 1769.

Proved at London with 4 codicils 15 June 1770 by the oaths of Mark Bell and John Moggridge to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/958 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

SMITH, Morgan - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/551, 1716
In the Name of God Amen. I Morgan Smith of the City of Bristol Sugarbaker ...
* To his wife Elizabeth Smith £60 for mourning for herself and their children.
* To his wife Elizabeth Smith all his household goods plate linen (except such parts as mentioned elsewhere in this will).
* To his wife Elizabeth Smith £1600 that he is obliged to leave her by a marriage covenant, plus 5% interest for time between his death and her receipt of the money.
* To his brother Thomas Smith and his wife £10 for mourning.
* To the two daughters of the said Thomas Smith and his wife £5 each to buy a piece of plate.
* To his sister Anna Thurston £100 and to her daughter Sarah £100. And to the six other daughters of Anna Thurston £50 each.
* To the churchwardens of the parish of St James Bristol £10 to buy bread to be distributed amongst the poor people of the parish.
* To each of his executors £5 to buy a piece of plate.
* To his son Anthony Smith £1300 to be paid at age 21 years, however if has died then the sum to be divided equally amongst his (MS's) daughters that are living.
* To his son Anthony Smith one moiety of all his messuage in which he (MS) lives in Lewins Meade Bristol and of the garden cellar washhouse and stable thereof, also of one cellar called the Men's Cellar now used and enjoyed with the said dwelling house, and also all his moiety of the sugarhouse warehouses lofts cellars outletts and pavements standing behind his dwelling house in Lewins Meade. Charges his son Anthony Smith with the payment of £50 each to his daughters Susannah and Margaret when they reach 21 years or marry, this being the sums given to them by his late mother-in-law Mrs Joanne Wood. It is also his wish that his wife lives in his dwelling house rent free if she wishes until his son Anthony reaches 22 years and it is on that condition that he has given his moiety to him.
* To his son Morgan Smith all his messuage he has recently purchased of Clayton Milborne Esq situate in Alveston Gloucestershire now in the possession of Richard Cottle and all the lands meadows commons and appurtenances to the said messuage. Also another messuage called Roades Court purchased of the same gentleman situate in Row Earthcott in Alveston in the possession of Nicholas Webb along with all its meadows etc including his wood coppice called Roades Wood. He charges his son Morgan Smith with the payment £200 plus interest at 5% to his daughter Margaret Smith at the age of 21 years or when she marries. If his son Morgan Smith died before age 21 without issue then all same to son Anthony Smith.
* To his daughter Margaret Smith his two messuages recently purchased from Simon Sloper situate in Row Earthcott in Alveston now in the possession of Richard Tyler and William Lippott and all lands etc. Also all the three grounds called Lyntons lying in Latteridge in Acton Gloucestershire for the purchase of the fee simple as contracted with Simon Sloper for £190. If his daughter Margaret Smith dies before age 21 without issue then both the said messuages and the grounds called Lyntons to be equally shared amongst his children who survive him. If no children survive him then to his wife for her life and after that to his brother Thomas Smith.
* To his daughter Susannah Smith his messuage situate at Berwick in Hanbury Gloucestershire and its lands etc now in the occupation of Prudence Webb widow lately puchased from Sir John Smith and others. If Susannah dies before age 21 without issue the said messuage to be equally shared amongst his children who survive him. If no children survive him then to his wife for her life and after that to his sister Anna Thurston.
* To his daughter Elizabeth Smith all his messuages etc in Whitson Court in St James Bristol variously occupied. If Elizabeth dies before age 21 without issue the said messuages to be equally shared amongst his children who survive him.
* All the rest and residue of his monies debts stock in trade and other personal estate after any just debts and funeral expenses have been paid to his daughters Anne, Elizabeth, Sarah and Mary to be divided equally and paid to them at the age of 21 or if they marry sooner. If these shares amount to more than £1200 then the surplus to be shared equally amongst his wife and his children.
* Appoints his brother Thomas Smith, and his friends William Gough woollen draper, Thomas Weard mercer, William Barnes soapboiler and John Thomas merchant all of Bristol as his executors.
* Asks that an inventory of his residuary estate be taken and that the same be sold and turned into money for the benefit of his children, which, along with such monies due to him, to be invested and the interest be applied towards their maintenance and education. Asks that his children remain with his wife providing she does not remarry. Also gives the executors the discretion to give his son Anthony all or part of the £1300 before age 21 or marriage if it will benefit him to carry on a trade or business. Asks that his son Morgan be put to an appreniceship when he becomes capable.
Signed : Morgan Smith. 26 May 1715.
Witnesses : ? George Raines, William Temple.

Proved at London 15 April 1716 by the oaths of Thomas Smith, William Gough, Thomas Weare, William Barnes and John Thomas.

[TNA PROB 11/551- copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

SPALDING, James - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1064, 1780
In the Name of God, Amen. I James Spalding of St Mary Whitechapel [grocer and partner in sugar refineries] ...
* To his brother John Spalding his messuage and farm with all the outbuildings gardens orchards lands meadows and pastures situated in Boxsted, Suffolk.
* To his sister Susanna Parry all his leasehold messuages lands etc in the City of London and County of Middlesex.
* To his cousin Elizabeth Gallant widow of Sudbury, Suffolk, an annuity of £10 per year, and to her children ...
daughter Elizabeth Everit widow, and son Joseph Morret Gallant, annuities of £5 per year each, daughters Susanna & Sarah and son James £100 each.
* To his cousin Elizabeth Blacader wife of James Blacader farmer of Suffolk £100.
* To his cousins John & Thomas Underwood, brothers of Elizabeth Blacader, £100 each to be paid when they reach 21 years of age.
* To his cousin George Copping the elder carpenter of Cowlinge, Suffolk, £100, and to his children £50 each when they reach the age of 21 years.
* To his cousin Samuel Copping carpenter of Cowlinge, Suffolk, an annuity of £10 per year, and to his children £50 each when they reach the age of 21 years.
* To his cousin William Spalding baker of Hartest, Suffolk, an annuity of £10 per year, and to his children £50 each when they reach the age of 21 years.
* To his cousin Susan Prime wife of Samuel Prime butcher of Brockley, Suffolk, £50, and to her children £25 each when they reach the age of 21 years.
* To John Spalding now an apprentice in Hawstead, Suffolk, son of the late John Spalding deceased baker of Hartest, Suffolk, £50.
* To his cousin Thomas Otley of Belchamp St Paul, Essex, £50, and to his brother John Otley of Boxted £50.
* To the children of his cousin widow King late of Cowlinge £50 each at the age of 21 years.
* To the children of Henry Edgeley by his late deceased wife Elizabeth Edgerley £50 each at age 21 years.
* To the children of his late cousin Ralph Adams deceased £50 each.
* To his cousin Mary Wade wife of John Wade of Ashley, Cambs, an annuity of £10 per year.
* To the children of Robert Ive of Audley End, Essex, by his late deceased wife £50 each.
* To John Marrow son of John Marrow glazier of Wickhambrook, Suffolk, £50.
* To the children of John Bailey by Frances his late deceased wife before Frances Gallant £30 each.
* To his servant George Copestake £100.
* To his maid servant Susanna Hempsted an annuity of £10 per year.
* To all his domestic servants living with him at the time of his death and that had been in his service for at least one year £5 each, and he directs that those servants at his houses in both Wansted and Whitechapel be included.
* To his sister-in-law Mrs Susanna Spalding wife of his brother John Spalding £100, and to her sister Mrs Mary Wade an annuity of £5 per year, and to her sister Mrs Ann Ley an annuity of £10 per year.
* To William & John Baker nephews of Mrs Susanna Spalding £50 each.
* To Mary Pilgram wife of _ Pilgram of Bulmer in Essex an annuity of £5 per year.
* To Roger Walround of Leightonstone, Essex, gent, £50.
* To Thomas Slack of Aldgate sugar refiner £100, and to Sarah his daughter £100 at age of 21 years.
* To John Hawes of Whitechapel sugar refiner £100.
* To William Knight of Barking, Essex, gent, £50.
* To Mr Walker of Whitecross St sugar refiner £25.
* To his partners William Clarence & Halley Benson Millikin £50 each.
* To Mr Eugin Allen of Whitechapel an annuity of £5 per year.
* To the London Hospital £50.
* To the Charity School of St Mary Whitechapel £20.
* To the Poor of St Mary Whitechapel £20.
* To the Poor of Boxsted, Suffolk, £10.
* To the Poor of the parish of St James, Bury St Edmunds, £5.
* To the Poor of Sudbury, Suffolk, £5.
* To the House of Refuge for Orphans near Westminster Bridge £20.
* To the memory of his schoolmaster John Boreham of Somerton and since Hartest, Suffolk, £20 to his descendants.
* To his nephew Nicholas Seagar Parry £2500 at the age of 21 years.
* To his niece Susanna Mitchell wife of Thomas Mitchell £600.
* To his niece Elizabeth Parry £1500.
* To his executors £500 to be invested over the ten years following his death for the benefit of his poor relations.
* Appoints his brother John Spalding, his sister Susanna Parry, nephew Nicholas Seagar Parry, and Thomas Mitchell as his executors, and gives them each £100 for their troubles.
* All the rest and residue of his goods and chattels ready money debts securities plate household goods stock in trade and other personal estate, after payment of his debts and funeral expenses, to his brother John Spalding and his sister Susanna Parry in equal shares.
Signed : James Spalding 19 July 1778.
Witnesses : James Harrington, William Hammond, George Pearson.

Proved at London on 22 April 1780 by the oaths of all four executors.

[TNA PROB 11/1064 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

SPRADO, Philip William - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1168, 1780
This is the last will and testament of me Philip William Sprado now of Queen Street Cheapside London Sugar Refiner ...
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Elizabeth Sprado £500.
* To his son Philip Sprado £300 at the age of 21 years.
* To Thomas Sedgewick, Thomas Whitby and Harry Sedgewick £10 each for mourning.
* Appoints his said wife Elizabeth Sprado and the said Thomas Whitby of Thomas Street sugar refiner his executors.
* All his goods chattels effects he leaves to his wife Elizabeth Sprado for her natural life and after her death to his son Philip Sprado. If he shall die before her then to his widow and children equally, if he dies unmarried before 21 years then the sum to his wife Elizabeth Sorado and after her death equally between his brother Jacob Adolph Sprado of Scharmbeck in Germany farmer and his three sisters Maria Sophia Wismer, Adellieh Christiana Gulan and Anna Merlana Gunter of the same place and Jane Lane, Mary Barthow and Martha Cross all of Kingston upon Hull.
Signed: Philip William Sprado 16 February 1780
Witnesses: William Haddon, Harry Sedgewick

Proved at London 19 August 1780 by the oaths of Elizabeth Sprado widow the relict and Thomas Whitby the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1168 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

STADDON, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/695/70, 1739
In the name of God Amen I John Staddon of St John Wapping Mdx Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his uncle Matthew Potter of Hals Somerset £20.
* To his aunt Mary Staddon Quellinton Somerset £20.
* To John Richards of Landweth heth Somerset £10.
* To his brother Jonas Staddon of Thames Ditton Surrey £400.
* To his nephew John Staddon son of said Jonas Staddon £400.
* To Thomas Staddon of Thames Ditton £5.
* To John Piggett of St John Wapping sugar baker £5.
* To Joseph Thorp of East Greenwich Kent confectioner £100.
* To __ Pratt of Norton Somerset his large china punch bowl.
* All the rest and residue of his estate to the said Joseph Thorp and appoints him sole executor.
Signed: John Staddon 21 February 1738
Witnesses: Thomas Younghusband, W Watson

Proved at London 8 March 1738 by the oath of Joseph Thorp the executor to whom admon is granted.

[TNA PROB 11/695/70 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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STAFFORD, John Ward - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1655, 1822
This is the last will and testament of me John Ward Stafford of Wentworth Street Whitechapel Sugar Refiner ...
* Names his executors as his wife, John Coope, Jonas Heydelback and William Gascoyne Clinker, and wishes to be buried in West Ham.
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To William Finch about £170 which he [JWS] is owed.
* To his sister Elizabeth Finch £50.
* To his sister Susannah [Suhring?] a £20 annuity for her natural life.
* To his friends Jonas Heydelback, WG Clinker, James Farmer, Charles Alhaus, and Ann Burnham a plain gold ring not for mourning but to be worn for many years to remember him by.
* To his uncle John Ward Stafford £20 and the free use of his share of the house he now lives in for his natural life.
* To his boy John Ward Stafford all his papers books calculations sword clock watch together with his interest in the house at Stratford now occupied by his uncle John Ward Stafford. After the death of his uncle to his wife all his clothes household goods wine and after providing for the aforesaid interest the remaining part of his propery in government funds, two-thirds to his wife, the remaining one-third to the education and maintenance of his children during their minority and divided equally amongst them when they reach 21 years of age. Regarding his wife's two-thirds, for her own use providing she remains single and after her death equally amongst his children, but should she marry again it should be left to accumulate and divided equally amongst his children at age 21 years.
Signed John Ward Stafford 2 November 1818

Appeared personally: John Kerrison of Berners St St George's carman and William Latimer of Greenfield St Mile End carman made oath to the validity of this will. 12 March 1822 and 19 March 1822

Proved at London 20 March 1822 by the oaths of Hannah Stafford widow the relict John Coope Jonas Heydelback and William Gascoyne Clinker the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1655 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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STEILEN, Henry - Will - summary of PRO PROB11/996, 1774
In the name of God Amen. I Henry Steilen of the parish of St Gregory, London, Sugar Baker ...
* All debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his friend John Henry Schnackenberg baker one Guinea for a ring.
* To John Wolrath Doorman £10 for mourning.
* All the rest and residue of his estate to be divided into three equal parts ... to his wife Hannah Steilen, and the other two parts to be invested upon trust for the benefit of his two daughters Mary Hannah Steilen and Susannah Steilen, the principal sums to be transferred to then on reaching 21 yrs of age. If one daughter dies before 21 their share goes to the other ; if both die before 21 their shares go to his wife Hannah Steilen.
* Appoints his wife Hannah Steilen and John Wolrath Doorman as his executors.
Signed : Henry Steilen on 22 December 1772.
Witnesses : Wm Kirby, Peter Haase.

Proved at London 1 March 1774 by the oaths of both executors.

[TNA PROB 11/996 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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STEPHENS, Daniel - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/758, 1747
In the name of God Amen I Daniel Stephens of Coxes Square Christchurch Mdx Sugar Baker ...
* Two of three equal parts of his estate both real and personal to his wife Penelope Stephens for her own use.
* The third part of his said estate both real and personal to his two daughters Penelope Stephens and Susannah Stephens equally at age 21 years or when they marry whichever is first, the said third part being retained by his said wife and used for the benefit of his daughters during their minority.
* Appoints his wife Penelope Stephens sole executrix.
Signed: Daniel Stephens 29 November 1747
Witnesses: William Snooke William Carter

Proved at London 4 December 1747 by the oath of Penelope Stephens widow the relict and sole executrix to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/758 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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STEPHENS, William - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/825, 1756
I William Stephens of the City of Bristol Sugarbaker ...
* To his mother Margaret Stephens an annuity of £8.8s.0d for her natural life. On her death his executors to spend £10 on her burial.
* To his children - Edward, Sarah, Bethulia, Ann, Robert, John - £200 each to be paid when they marry or reach the age of 21 years. If one or more of them die before such time, their share(s) to be divided equally amongst their survivors.
* All his messuages lands tenements and hereditaments and more especially his part share in partnership with James Hilhouse & Company in the several freehold and leasehold messuages tenements gardens backsides sugarhouses warehouses outhouses works buildings and other premises in Lewins Mead, Bristol, which was lately purchased by James Hilhouse & Co for carrying out the trade of sugarbaking as a copartnership, and also all the rest and residue of his goods chattels household goods monies and securities part share and interest in trade and business of sugarbaking debts effects real and personal estate ... to his wife Ann Stephens and his eldest son William Stephens, their heirs and assigns as tenants in common of like equallity of estate.
* Appoints his wife Ann Stephens and his eldest son William Stephens as joint executors and appoints his said wife guardian of his children during their respective minorities.
Signed : William Stephens. 13 March 1756.
Witnesses : William Cadell, Francis Bangh, H Bengough.

Proved at London 17 September 1756 by the oaths of Ann Stephens the relict and William Stephens the son to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/825 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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STITCH, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1120, 1784
In the name of God Amen I John Stitch senior of Croydon Surrey Dealer in Charcoal ...
* All his stock in trade household goods other goods and chattels cattle instruments of husbandry to his wife Hannah Stitch for her own use and after her death the same to be divided equally amongst his three children John, Ann and Hannah Stitch, if any shall die before his said wife then to be divide between the remaining children equally.
Signed: the mark of John Stitch 10 September 1768
Witnesses: William Hall, John Blake, Mary Shuttle her mark

24 July 1784 Admon was granted to Ann Dover wife of Thomas Dover the daughter and one legatee substituted in the will as no executor named, Hannah Stitch widow the relict not having applied to administer the will before her death.

[TNA PROB 11/1120 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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STOW, George - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1246, 1794
This is the last will and testament of me George Stow of London Street Ratcliff Cross Mdx Sugar Refiner ...
* To be buried in the family vault in Gainsborough Lincolnshire.
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To William Hickson of Narrow Sreet Limehouse sugar refiner £50.
* To Isabella Phillipson of Louth Lincolnshire spinster £50.
* To his wife Ann Stow all his freehold and copyhold messuages tenements lands and also the residue of his personal estate and effects for her own use, and appoints her sole executrix.
Signed: George Stow 24 July 1792
Witnesses: James Simpson, James Hudson, John Bamford

Proved at London 30 May 1794 by the oath of Ann Stow widow the relict the sole executrix to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1246- copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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STROTHENK, August - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1816 1833
I August Strothenk otherwise Frederick August Strothenk Sugar Boiler in the employ of Messrs Thomas Hodgson and Son of York Street Rosemary Lane Whitechapel and late of Church Lane Whitechapel sugar refiners ...
* To be buried in the vault under St George's German Church in Lt Alie St.
* To his wife Sophia Strothenk all his wearing apparel furniture and household goods.
* Appoints John Hodgson of York St sugar refiner, William Hodgson of Lincoln's Inn Middlesex and his brother Ernest Strothenk of Lubeck in the principality of Prussia Minden in Germany as his trustees.
* All the rest and residue of his personal estate to his trustees in trust to be converted to money and to pay his just debts and funeral expenses and the legacies herein the surplus to be invested in Government stocks or public funds the income from which to his wife Sophia Strothenk for her natural life.
* After his wife's death the funds to be divided equally amongst his children when they reach the age of 21 years. If there are no children then one third part to his brother Conrad Strothenk of Lubeck, one third part to his brother Ernest Strothenk aforesaid, one third part to his sister Helene Strothenk the wife of Ludovig Obermeyer of Lubeck.
* To his wife £100 within one month of his death.
* To each of his brothers Conrad and Ernest, and his sister Helene aforementioned £100 each.
* To John Hodgson £5.
* Appoints John Hodgson sole executor.
Signed: August Strothenk 27 March 1833
Witnesses: Thomas Hodgson, Georg J Steglen

Proved at London 11 May 1833 by the oath of John Hodgson sole executor to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1816 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SUHRING, John Henry - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1018, 1776
In the Name of God Amen. I John Henry Suhring of St Mary Whitechapel Sugar Refiner ...
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his brother John Christian Suhring also of St Mary Whitechapel Sugar Refiner all the rest and residue of his real and personal estate, and also appoints him his sole executor.
Signed : John Henry Suhring 11 November 1775.
Witnesses : Thomas Hawes, William Stone, W Argill.

Proved at London 14 March 1776 by the oath of John Christian Suhring to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1018 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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SUHRING, John Christian - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1032, 1777
In the Name of God Amen. I John Christian Suhring of St Mary Whitechapel Sugar Refiner ...
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To Thomas Fuller of Church Court Clements Lane Lombard St London merchant £5000 upon trust to invest in public stocks and securities the interest and dividends to Sarah Hannah Doratea Weibach wife of John George Weisbach of Hamburg Germany for her natural life for her sole use and benefit and after her death the principal sum to be divided equally amongst her children that shall be living, but if there is no child or children the principal sum of £5000 in stocks and securities to be invested unto John Cask son of his late sister Catharina Cask deceased if he shall be living, but if not then to the sisters of John Cask Catharina and Frances Cask equally or to the survivor of them.
* Also to Thomas Fuller £10,000 upon trust to be invested in Government stocks and securities ...
... one moiety, the interest and dividends to his niece Catharina Cask for her sole use once she reaches the age of 21 years they having been re-invested during her minority, and after her death equally amongst her children that survive her, and if no child(ren) or grandchild(ren) then to her sister Frances Cask on the same terms, and after the death of both sisters and neither leaving child or grandchild to their brother John Cask to be disposed of as he thinks fit, but if he is dead then to Sarah Hannah Doratea Weibach upon the same terms as to Catharina Cask ...
... and the second moiety, the interest and dividends to his niece Frances Cask for her sole use once she reaches the age of 21 years they having been re-invested during her minority, and after her death equally amongst her children that survive her, and if no child(ren) or grandchild(ren) then to her sister Catharina Cask on the same terms, and after the death of both sisters and neither leaving child or grandchild to their brother John Cask to be disposed of as he thinks fit, but if he is dead then to Sarah Hannah Doratea Weibach upon the same terms as to Francis Cask.
* All residue of real and personal estate to Sarah Hannah Doratea Weibach, but if she is dead equally amongst her children.
* Appoints Thomas Sissons, Thomas Heathfield, John Henlock and William Walter as his executors.
Signed : John Christian Suhring 16 July 1776.
Witnesses : G Shelley senior, Thomas Arnold, W Argill.

Proved at London 13 June 1777 by the oaths of all four executors.

[TNA PROB 11/1032 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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TATE, Sir Henry - Probate summary - 1900
Sir Henry Tate of Park Hill, Streatham Common, Surrey, baronet, died 5 December 1899. Probate London 15 February 1900 to Dame Amy Fanny Tate widow, Sir William Henry Tate baronet, Edwin Tate sugar refiner, and Cyrus Daniell china manufacturer. Effects £1,263,565 5s. 5d. Resworn October 1900 £1,264,213 5s. 5d.

[National Probate Calendar]

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TAYLOR, John - Will - summary of York Prob Reg 65 fo.209, 1709
Memorandum that I John Taylor of the City of York Sugar Refiner ...
* To his son Isaac Taylor his house in Skeldergate in the Parish of Bishop Hill the Elder in the City of York and to his heirs for ever provided he pay unto his (John's) wife Elizabeth Taylor formerly the daughter of Richard Goddard late of Reading in Berkshire deceased the sum of £80 if she is still living when the house can be sold.
* To the daughter of his late son Jonathan Taylor deceased the sum of £10 to be paid her by Isaac Taylor when the aforesaid house is sold.
* To his friend Thomas Hammond of the City of York bookseller the sum of £5 for him to dispose of for the use he has previously acquainted him with and the sum of £5 to be paid him by Isaac Taylor when the aforesaid house is sold.
* His son Isaac Taylor shall not enjoy of any tithe or claim on the said house until he has paid the several sums mentioned above, and if Isaac Taylor shall "get about to sue trouble or molest at law or ___ his (John's) wife his executrix" then he shall not have any of his said house nor any part of his estate and it shall go to his (John's) said wife Elizabeth Taylor for her to dispose of.
* All the rest and residue of his estate to his wife Elizabeth Taylor and to her heirs for ever.
* Appoints his wife Elizabeth Taylor as his sole executrix.
Signed : John Taylor 15 November 1708.
Witnesses : Ann Marshall, John Marshall, William Elsley.

Proved 25 April 1709.

[Borthwick Institute, York, PROB REG 65 fo.209.]

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TAYLOR, Thomas Terrett - Probate summary - 1880
Thomas Terrett Taylor late of The Mythe, Stoke Bishop, Glouc merchant died 27 June 1880 in Milan, Italy.
Proved at Bristol 3 August 1880 by oaths of Rev Charles Samuel Taylor and Alfred Terrett Taylor sugar refiner the sons, and Benjamin Lucas Judkins and Arthur Baker merchants, the executors. Under £35,000.

[National Probate Calendar]

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THOMPSON, Joshua - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1997, 1844
This is the last will and testament of me Joshua Thompson of Leman Street within the Tower Hamlets in the County of Middlesex Sugar Refiner ...
* All funeral expenses and debts to be paid.
* To his sister Mary Song of Headingley, Leeds, Yorkshire, widow, £500.
* To his friend and partner John Kuck of Denmark Street, sugar refiner, £300.
* To each of his trustees and executors, namely Ellis Bostock of Hunter Street, and James Fairbank of Leman Street, surgeon, £100.
* To his dear wife Hannah Thompson all his household goods and furniture, beds and bedding, plate, linen, glass, china, wine and spirits.
* To his executors upon trust, all his ready money, securities, stock in trade, machinery and implements of trade, all estates in trust or mortgaged to him, and all other effects to be sold as they think fit. Also they have the powers to wind up his partnership with John Kuck.
* For his wife Hannah Thompson an investment of £2000 to be made from which she shall receive all interest and dividends during her natural life, and after her death the principal sum to be divided equally between her two daughters Emma Bostock, wife of Ellis Bostock, and Maria Fairbank, wife of James Fairbank.
* For his brother James Robert Thompson of Otley, Yorkshire, tailor, an investment of £300 to be made from which he shall receive all interest and dividends during his natural life, and after his death the principal sum to be divided equally amongst his children.
* The residue of his estate to be divided equally between his sisters Elizabeth Thompson and Frances Thompson both of Headingly, Leeds, Yorkshire.
Signed : Joshua Thompson on 2 November 1841.
Witnesses : John Jessop of Coburn Street, Bow, sugar broker, and John Divers, sugar broker, of 10 Commercial Sale Rooms, Mincing Lane.

Proved at London on 15 April 1844 by the oaths of Ellis Bostock, and James Fairbank to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1997 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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THOMSON, John - Summary of Probate - 1889
The will with a codicil of John Thomson formerly of Newton-le-Willows, Lancs, but late of Plynyard Park Bromborough, Cheshire, Sugar Refiner, who died 19 May 1889 at his home, was proved by the oaths of his executors George McCorquodale the Elder of Newton-le-Willows and Thomas John Gillespie of Park House Newton-le-Willows paper manufacturer. £78,573.19s.0d., resworn Nov 1889 as £78,836.10s.2d.

[National Probate Calendar, 1858-1966]

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TIELHEN, Christian - Will - PRO PROB 11/862, 1761

In the Name of God Amen. I Christian Tielhen of the parish of St Mary Whitechapel in the County of Middlesex Sugar Refiner being in health and of sound memory and understanding but considering the uncertainty of this transitory life do make publish and declare this my will and testament in manner and form following (to wit) Imprimis I give my body to the earth from whence it was taken in full assurance of its ressurection from there at the last day to be interred as near as possible can be to my wife in the churchyard of St Martins in the Fields my funeral charges not to exceed fifteen pounds. As to my worldly estate I will and positively ___ that all my debts be paid. Item I give and bequeath to Mrs Susannah Frolick one yellow gown and one green gown and all the rest residue I give and bequeath unto my son Edward Tielhen except that I give to my executors hereinafter named for their trouble at my decease to work out my house to collect and pay my lawful debts the remainder to be laid out on interest in some of the publick funds the interest to be paid to my executors for needs of education clothing and other necessary expenses (at their discretion) of my son Edward Tielhen until he arrives to the age of twenty one years. But in case my son Edward Tielhen should dye before he attains the age of twenty one years then what is remaining of the funds or stocks or in the hands of my executors or otherwise belonging to me to be divided into two equal shares. One share or one half part I give and bequeath to my worthy friend Mrs Mary Harrison spinster of Five Fields Row Chelsea in the parish of St Georges Hanover. I give the other share or one half part to be divided amongst some of the German poor men and widows belonging to the German Lutheran Church in the Precinct of St Mary Savoy. And all other things money goods or whatsoever shall or may be left to my son Edward Tielhen on his mothers side or by her relations if he dyes before he attains the age of twenty one years the same shall be returned to his uncles and aunts or the nearest relation on his mothers side then alive. Lastly I give and bequeath to John Arney and Joseph Hesse of the parish of St Mary Whitechapel Sugar Refiners the sum of forty pounds and necessary expenses for extraordinary trouble to be divided equally between them and do constitute the said John Arney and Joseph Hesse executors of this my last will and testament and trustees for my son Edward Tielhen. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the fifteenth day of December in the year of our Lord 1760. Christian Tielhen. Witness, Henry Barker, Susanah Freolick.

This will was proved at London the twentieth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty one ... etc ... by the oaths of John Arney and Joseph Hesse the executors ... etc.

[TNA PROB 11/862 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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TILLETT, William - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1163, 1788
This is the last will and testament of me William Tillett of Thames Street London Sugar refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* All the rest and residue of his estate and effects both real and personal to his wife Ann Tillett for her own use, and appoints her sole executrix.
Signed: William Tillett 13 February 1784
Witnesses: Elizabeth George, Georg Hinbus von Berg, James Wood

Proved at London 21 February 1788 by the oath of Ann Tillett widow the relict and sole executrix to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1163 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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TITIEN, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB11/834, 1757
In the name of God Amen. I John Titien of Whitechapel Sugar Baker ...
* To his nephew and niece Conrad Foundsen and Martha Foundsen the children of his sister Margaret Mier by her former husband John Foundsen late of Bremen deceased £50 each.
* To his niece Margaret Mier another of the children of his sister Margaret Mier by her late husband Aaron Mier late of Bremen deceased £50.
* To Carsten Seamers and Henry Seamers the children of his sister Rebecca Seamers by her husband Henry Seamers of Bremen farmer £50 each.
* To his friend and copartner Christian Suhring £10 for mourning.
* All the rest and residue of his estate and effects money stocks bonds debts bills household goods plate jewels to his brother Cord Titien of Bremen farmer, his sister Rebecca Seamers, his sister Margaret Mier and his sister ?key Butts of Bremen equally.
* Appoints John Sheve as his executor.
Signed : John Titien on 20 October 1757.
Witnesses : Thomas Denning, F Lawson.

Proved at London on 20 December 1757 by the oath of John Scheve.

[TNA PROB 11/834 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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TOLSON, Joseph - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1307, 1798
In the name of God Amen I Joseph Tolson formerly of Shadwell London Sugar Refiner, but for the last twenty years of Falmouth Cornwall teacher of astronomy, lunars, navigation and language ...
* His funeral not to cost more than three or four pounds, and if he dies in Falmouth to be buried near to his late wife Elizabeth Tolson at the upper end of the Burying Ground towards the north-west side.
* All his estate after paying his funeral expenses and his debts in Falmouth to be dispersed as follows ...
* To his servant Jane Pembarthy if she is living with him at the time of his death two guineas in lieu of mourning (as he wishes no mourning to be worn for him by any person living).
* To his nephew Joseph Tolson 148 Bo_ Street his gold watch as a small return for his kindness to his late son.
* To Mr Peter Perry (in trust) who now keeps the Falmouth Bank for Messrs Banfield & Co all his cash all recoverable debts benefits arising from clubs and societies together with all his clothes household furniture goods beds bedding books plate and things in house and school to be sold to best advantage, and after taking five guineas for his troubles, to remit the surplus to Doctor Pearson of Spital Square London if living otherwise to Dr Pearson's son. After paying himself for his troubles and for any debts owing to him Dr Pearson to then send the surplus to Mr Christopher Bird of Bolton Moor near Appleby Westmorland and if not living to his widow and if she has also died then equally amongst her children.
* Appoints the said Peter Perry and Doctor Pearson executors.
Signed: Joseph Tolson 7 August 1796
Witnesses: William May, James Moneypenny

Proved at London 31 May 1798 by the oath of Peter Perry one of the executors to whom admon was granted. Power reserved to Michael Pearson Dr of Medicine the other executor named.

[TNA PROB 11/1307 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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TOWNEND, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1706, 1825
This is the last will and testament of me John Townend of Osborn Street Whitechapel Sugar Refiner ...
* Appoints John Wilson of Miles Lane City of London tea dealer James Townend of Upton farmer and Sarah Townend of Pontefract grocer his executors and to the said John Wilson £10 for his troubles.
* His freehold estate consisting of two dwelling houses in John Street White Horse Lane Stepney let on lease to the late James Turnbull shall be sold and also any other properties he may have; also his five shares in Eagle Fire Office to be sold. All these, after the payment of his debts and funeral expenses, to be dispersed as follows ...
* £700 to be invested the interest to his brother Joseph Townend of Ackworth Yorkshire for his natural life and after his death to his wife if she is living, and after both have died the said sum to be divided equally amonst their children Sarah Elizabeth Martha Ann John Mary and William at age 21 years with his executors using the interest for their maintenance and education in their minority if necessary.
* £500 to be invested the interest to his brother Thomas Townend of Hemsworth Yorkshire for his natural life and after his death the sum equally amongst his brother James Townend of Upton and his two sisters Sarah Townend of Pontefract and Martha Clarkson of Hessle Yorkshire.
* To his nephew Joseph Townend the son of his deceased brother William of Leather Lane Holborn coachman £100, and his neice Sarah Townend of Islington daughter of the same deceased brother £100.
* All the remainder of his estate equally amongst his brother James Townend of Upton and his two sisters Sarah Townend of Pontefract and Martha Clarkson of Hessle Yorkshire.
Signed: John Townend 6 November 1824
Witnesses: James Little Chapel Road builder, Robert Henderson clerk to the above, John Teaves clerk to Messrs Lucas Son & Co Osborn Street Whitechapel.

Proved at London 26 November 1825 by the oath of James Townend the brother one of the executors to whom admon was granted. Power reserved to Sarah Townend the sister and other surviving executor.

[TNA PROB 11/1706 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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TRAPP, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1641, 1821
In the Name of God Amen. I John Trapp of Denmark Street in the parish of St George in the East Sugar Refiner ...
* All debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* All his estate whatsoever to his wife Isabella Trapp and her heirs for her own use and benefit.
* Appoints his wife Isabella Trapp as his sole executrix.
Signed : John Trapp 13 July 1820.
Witnesses : Alex Cran, John Fraser, Rch Townson.

Proved at London 16 March 1821 by the oath of Isabella Trapp widow to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1641 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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TRINGHAM, James - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1734, 1827
This is the Last Will and Testament of me James Tringham of St Andrew Holborn Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his brother William Tringham all his interests leases buildings plant and utensils in their copartnership as sugar refiners for his own absolute benefit.
* All the rest and residue of his estate whatsoever to be divided into six equal parts ...
... To his brother William Tringham two parts,
... To each of his four sisters one part.
* Appoints his brother William Tringham as his sole executor.
Signed: James Tringham October 1824.
Witnesses: George Willoughby, Worthy Owen Hoare, Isaac Simpson, all of Kings Bench Walk Temple.

Proved at London 20 December 1827 by the oath of William Tringham brother and sole executor to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1734 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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TRUSTED, James - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1877/182, 1837
I James Trusted of Little Paradise Bedminster Somerset Sugar Baker ...
* To his wife all his household goods household furniture plate linen china money securities and all other personal estate and effects for her own use.
* To his executors his freehold messuage or dwellinghouse No.1 Church Lane Temple Bristol now in the occupation of James Andrews, also his freehold cottage situated behind the aforesaid dwellinghouse in the occupation of _ Standford, also his freehold dwellinghouse No.19 Little Paradise Bedminster aforesaid in which he now lives, to hold in trust the rents and profits to his wife Ann Trusted for her own use during her natural life. And after her death the same to his heirs.
* To George Johnson and his wife Sarah his freehold dwellinghouse with garden No.2 Church Lane Temple Bristol for their own use and that of their heirs after their deaths.
* To his son in law John Walden of Poulton near Bath carpenter £20. If he has died the same divided equally amongst his children.
* Appoints George Johnson St George Gloucester gardener and bookbinder and William Aldridge of Bedminster Somerset his executors and trustees.
Signed: James Trusted 22 September 1831
Witnesses: Henry Allen solicitor Bristol, William Kingdom of Stapleton gent, John Morgan clerk to Mr Allen

Proved at London 8 April 1837 by the oaths of George Johnson and William Aldridge the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1877/182 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

TYERS, Robert John - Will summary - 1866
This is the last will and testament of Robert John Tyers sometime heretofore of 58 High St Southwark and of 203 Upper Thames St London and of Norwood Surrey, but now of 14 Green St Blackfriars Rd Surrey and of West Wickham Kent, Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Mary Tyers for her own use and benefit all his personal estate and effects and a policy of assurance on his own life with Standard Life Assurance Office with all bonuses and money benefit payable.
* He appoints his wife Mary Tyers and his friend John Dawson of Russell Villa Ampthill Square Mdx Gent as his executors.
* All his freehold and copyhold estates and partnership accounts that are vested in him to be considered as his personal estate and dealt with as needs be.
Signed: Robert John Tyers 8 March 1866.
Witnesses: Ann Mallyon [sister-in-law], Emma Turner.

Proved at London 21 Nov 1866 by the oath of Mary Tyers widow the relict one of the executors. Under £1000.

[ His widow, Mary Tyers, received an annuity of £125 from Charles Smith, and later his son Frederick Henry Smith who took over Smith & Tyers from his father, as is indicated in Charles Smith's will of 1873. Mary Tyers died in 1886 leaving just £606 net to be divided equally amongst her nephew and two neices. There was no mention of Smith & Tyers in her will. ]

[National Probate Calendar.]

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VANBRUGH, Giles - Will - summary from Cheshire Wills, 1689
In the name of God Amen. [Sugar Refiner, though no personal details given.]
* To his wife Elizabeth all his household goods and furniture at his dwelling house, except plate, and that she receives all due to her from their Contract of Marriage.
* All the residue of his estate - houses, land, mortgages, leases, goods in hand, monies - be valued and sold by his executor and divided into fourteen equal parts ... two parts to his eldest son John, one part to Lucy, one part to Anna Mary, one part to Mary, one part to Victoria, one part to Elizabeth, one part to Robina, one part to Carleton, one part to Giles, one part to Dudley, one part to Kendrick, one part to Charles, one part to Philip, and if any of the younger children die before age 17 then his or her share to be divided equally amongst his four eldest children.
* Appoints his wife Elizabeth as his executrix.
Signed and sealed : Giles Vanbrugh, 25 October 1683, in Chester.
Witnesses : Anthony Henthorn, Thomas Brownatt, John Bramworth.

Proved 24 July 1689 by oath of 'Eliza Vanbrough'.

[Copy of full original available at Chester Wills.]

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VANCE, Chambers - Probate - summary of National Probate Calendar, 1872
Chambers Vance, late of Manchester, died 19 April 1872 at 72 Ann St Greenock. His will was proved on 27 May 1872 by the oaths of Alfred Fryer and Joseph Binyon Forster both sugar refiners of Manchester and the employers of the deceased. Estate under £300.

[National Probate Calendar.]

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VINING, Thomas Llewellin - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1691 1824
In the Name of God Amen. I Thomas Llewellin Vining of Bedminster Somerset ...
* To his son Joseph Vining his leasehold estate held under the Corporation of Bristol on the life of Mr GeorgeDyke Fisher of Stoke near Bath and situated at a place called Danny in the parish of Chew Magna Somerset in the tenure of Mrs Lydia Elmes tenant at £49pa with the life insured for £400, which may be continued or sold.
* To his son Joseph Vining £100 and also the ground rents from certain properties situated in Paul Street St Michael's Hill Gloucestershire of £5.8s pa.
* To his daughter Elizabeth Hannah Vining £200 "as she is tolerably provided for before this she will not (I hope) regret my not leaving her more out of the little I have to leave".
* To his daughter Mary Ann Vining all the messuage and dwellinghouse situated on Bridge Parade in the parish of St Thomas Bristol now in the occupation of his son William Vining tenant.
* To his daughter Mary Ann Vining all the leasehold house land and premises situated in Bedminster Somerset held on a lease of 21 yrs of the Dean & Chapter of Bristol Cathedral, and all his household furniture and utensils linen books plate etc that may be on the premises at his death.
* To his daughter Mary Ann Vining £150 out of which she is to pay his funeral expenses which may be as plain and inexpensive as possible.
* To his sons Thomas Vining, William Vining, Charles Vining and John Vining £500 each.
* A certain warehouse of his and an adjoining one he rents on lease to Mr Phillip bale china merchant of Bath St Bristol to be sold.
* Any surplus money left after paying the above legacies to be equally divided amongst his four sons Thomas, William, Charles & John.
Signed: Thomas Llewellin Vining 3 September 1817
Witnesses: William Hicklings, John Sintim

Appeared personnally : William Norris of Bristol grocer and James Elmes of Bishops Sutton confirmed this to be the last will and testament of Thomas Llewellin Vining.
Signed by both, 9 October 1824

Proved at London 21 October 1824 by the oaths of Thomas Vining and Charles Vining the sons and executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1691 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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VOGEL, John George - Will of PRO PROB 11/1183, 1789
In the Name of God Amen I John George Vogel of Bread Street Hill in the parish of St Nicholas Olave in the City of London Sugar Refiner Impremis my last will and desire is that all such debts as I shall justly owe at the time of my decease and my funeral charges and expenses shall be paid by my Executors herein after named, and it is my desire that I may be buried in the Hambro Church Trinity Lane if it is possible and to my effects I dispose thereof in manner following, (that is to say) I give and bequeath unto George Wolrath Holtzmeyer's four children the sum of £400 sterling. I give and bequeath unto my Brother Joachim Christib(?) Vogel his only daughter the sum of £100 sterling. I give and bequeath to my Brother Godfried Berhard Vogel his six children the sum of £600 sterling. I give and bequeath to Heinrich Marren(?) Borges children the sum of £12 to be sent to Lunenberg(?). I give and bequeath to my two Brothers Joachin Christib(?) Vogel Pastor at Laningeln(?) in the Dukedom of Brunswick and to my Brother Godfried Bernhard Vogel Counsellor at the Court of Berlin the rest of my money and my household goods that it may be sold and sent over and I hereby nominate and appoint the said George Wolrath Holtzmeyer and Doctor Wendeborne and George Kuhn Sugar Refiner Executors of this my last will and Testament. Likewise I give and bequeath to George Wolrath Holtzmeyer the sum of £10 and a mourning ring. I give and bequeath to the Rev Doctor Wendeborn the sum of £10 and a mourning ring and I give and bequeath to George Kuhn the sum of £10 and a mourning ring. Likewise I give and bequeath to my two partners William Towgood a mourning ring and to John Danvers a mourning ring. This I declare to be my last will and Testament setting aside all others, May 29, 1789.

[As the will was not witnessed, Hans Henry Krosch of Spitalfields and John George Holtzmeyer (sugar refiner) appeared personally to testify that the will was indeed in the handwriting of John George Vogel.]

Proved at London 26 September 1789 by the oaths of George Wolrath Holtzmeyer and George Kuhn, with power reserved for Rev Wendeborn.

[My thanks to Philippa Towler.]
[TNA PROB 11/1183 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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von THUN, Hinrich - Will summary, 1895
This is the Last Will & Testament of me Hinrich Von Thun formerly of 35 Gloucester St Commercial Rd Sugar Boiler but now of 81 New Rd Whitechapel ...
* To his brother Peter von Thun £100.
* Appoints George Alfred Martin of 262 Victoria Park Rd Mdx Sugar Refiner and William James Hasted of 306 Mile End Rd Mdx Printer and Stationer as his executors, and £30 each for their troubles.
* To his executors his freehold public house and premises the Foresters Arms at 253 St Leonards Rd Bromley Mdx upon trust the income to his grandson Johan Albert Hillmann. After he has no further interest in the premises it shall be sold the monies to be used for the benefit of any of his children, if none, then the monies from the sale to become part of his residuary estate.
* All the rest and residue of his real and personal estate to his executors upon trust, they being free to convert it to money to become part of his residuary estate from which to pay his funeral expenses and all his just debts and expenses, the residue to be invested in public or Government stocks or Railway debentures paying no less than 3% interest.
* To his daughter Gesche Katharine Hillmann the interest from the investments of his residuary estate during her natural life and after her death to such of his grandchildren Johan Herman Heinrich Hillmann, Margaret Dorothea Hillmann, Johan Albert Hillmann and Catharine Louise Hillman that have survived him, and if no grandchildren or gt grandchildren are found then in trust to his brother Peter von Thun, or if he has died to his children in equal shares.
Signed: Hinrich von Thun 14 May 1887.
Witnesses: Chas Stone solicitor 5 Finsbury Circus, James Charles Condie clerk to Messrs Stone, Morris and Stone solicitors.

Codicil: If his grandson Johan Albert Hillmann is under the age of 21 years then his executors to give the proceeds from the premises to his guardians for the benefit of his maintenance and education. Signed: 24 May 1887. Witnesses: Chas Stone solicitor, Harry Barber his clerk.

Codicil: Executor William Hasted has died, appoints his friend Heinrich Schwinge of the Coopers Arms Sidney St as joint executor. Signed: 29 October 1894. Witnesses: Edward Stone solictor, James Charles Condie his clerk.

Codicil: Revokes the power granted to his grandson Johan Albert Hillmann to lease his freehold public house aforesaid. Instead, with the consent of his daughter Gesche Katharine Hillmann and his solicitor Edward Stone, to accept a surrender of the existing lease and grant a renewed or extended lease the premium from which to pass to his said daughter and her three children Johan Herman Heinrich Hillmann, Johan Albert Hillmann and Catharine Louise Hillman, but the increase in rent to go Johan Albert Hillmann to conform to the trusts of his will. Also to his grandchildren Johan Herman Heinrich Hillmann and Catharine Louise Hillman his 3% debentures in the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway equally, the trustees to hold the capital and pay the income for life. Signed: 14 May 1895. Witnesses: Edward Stone solicitor, E R Herschell his clerk.

Proved at London 11 June 1895 with three codicils by the oaths of George Alfred Martin of 262 Victoria Park Road Sugar Refiner and Heinrich Schwinge of The Cooper's Arms Sidney Street Commercial Rd Licensed Victualler the executors to whom admon was granted, the testator having died 18 May 1895 at 81 New Road Whitechapel. Personal Estate £16837 net.

[My thanks to Stephen Henley.]

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WACKERBARTH, Diederich - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1228, 1793
In the name of God Amen. I Diederich Wackerbarth of Wellclose Square, Sugar Refiner ...
* To his wife all his household furniture plate linen china wearing apparel and implements.
* To his son George £1000.
* All the rest and residue of his estate and effects as well as the several leasehold houses he holds to the trust of his executors to sell soon after his decease and convert to money. To invest £6000 in public funds, and of the rest .... one fourth part to his son George, three fourth parts to be invested in public funds, the interest from which goes to his daughters Ruth wife of Henry Batger, Mary wife of John Doby, and Sarah wife of Samuel M? equally, and in the event of their deaths then to their children.
* The interest from the sum of £6000 to his wife during her natural life. After her death to pay £2000 of the principal sum to those persons his wife has named in her will, £1000 to his son George, and £3000 for the use of his daughters.
* Appoints his friends Joseph Pugh merchant, Nathaniel Martin of Mile End gent and John Church his clerk as his executors.
Signed : Diederick Wackerbarth on 17 November 1784.
Witnesses : John West and Joseph Detmar.

Proved at London on 22 January 1793 by the oaths of all three executors.

[TNA PROB 11/1228 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WACKERBARTH, George - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1520, 1811
This is the last Will & Testament of me George Wackerbarth of Parsons Street, Wapping, Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* Appoints his friends Edward Neinble tea broker, Thomas Neinble sugar broker, Carsten Dirs sugar refiner, Henry Batger cabinet maker, and Rev John Parson as his executors, and gives them each £50 for their troubles. He also appoints them as guardians of his daughter Mary Elizabeth.
* To Paul Gay and John Peter Gay both of Jamaica £100 each.
* To Maria Elizabeth Effler now wife of Hilderbrand of Frankfurt, Germany, £100.
* To his daughter Mary Elizabeth Wackerbarth his lead cistern, copper fixtures, and all his household goods furniture linen plate and china in his dwelling house in Parsons Street.
* To his executors upon trust £10000 for them to invest, the interest from which shall pay for the maintenance and education of his daughter Mary Elizabeth Wackerbarth until the age of twenty one, at which time the accumulated surplus interest and the principal sum shall go to her. If she dies before the age of twenty one, then all the interest and principal sum to be divided equally amongst the children of his son John Henry Wackerbarth and the children of his daughter Ann Clark by both her husbands Richard Clark and Francis Whitaker.
* To his executors upon trust £5000 for them to invest, the interest from which to his daughter Mary Elizabeth Wackerbarth, and upon her death then it is to be divided amongst any children she may by then have. If there are no children, then all the interest and principal sum to be divided equally amongst the children of his son John Henry Wackerbarth and the children of his daughter Ann Clark by both her husbands Richard Clark and Francis Whitaker.
* To his executors upon trust £8000 for them to invest, the interest from which to his daughter Ann Clarke wife of Richard Clarke of Whitechapel corndealer, and upon her death then all the interest and principal sum to be divided amongst any children she may then have. If there are no children, then all the interest and principal sum to be divided equally between John Henry Wackerbarth and Mary Elizabeth Wackerbarth.
* To his son John Henry Wackerbarth ... all his freehold, copyhold and leasehold dwellings, sugarhouses and premises, and all the rest and residue of his estate.
Signed : Geo Wackerbarth on 20 April 1809.
Witnesses : William Herne, William Dixon, Thomas Chapman.

Codicil to his daughter Mary Elizabeth his two featherbeds mattresses bolsters pillows, looking glasses sofa wooden chair linen and crockery.

Codicil he releases Henry Batger and Rev John Parsons from their appointment as executors and guardians and revokes their legacies of £50. He appoints Christopher Robinson potter and Leonard Bezer Sehers chemist in their places.

Proved at London with two codicils on 19 March 1811 by the oaths of all five executors.

[TNA PROB 11/1520 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WACKERBARTH, John Henry - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1606 1818
I John Henry Wackerbarth of Parsons St Wapping Sugar Refiner ...
* To his wife Ann Wackerbarth all his freehold copyhold and leasehold estates and all other estates and effects of any kind.
* Appoints his wife Ann Wackerbarth, Henry Kemble of Watling St tea dealer and Francis Kemble and John Thorogood Kemble of Philpot Lane London as his executors, and gives to the latter three 50 guineas each.
Signed: J H Wackerbarth 8 June 1818
Witnesses: H J Hindman of Basinghall St, John Smith and GV Dugand clerks to Mr Wackerbarth

Proved at London 10 July 1818 by the oaths of Ann Wackerbarth widow and relict and Henry Kemble, Francis Kemble and John Thorogood Kemble to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1606 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WADDINGTON, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1945, 1841
This is the last will and testament of me John Waddington of Leman Street Goodman's Fields Middlesex Esquire [ son of Samuel Waddington sugar refiner, and assumed heir and partner in the Denmark St sugarhouse of Waddington, Crook & Thompson, and Waddington & Co. ] ...
* All his personal estate to Joshua Thompson and James Fairbank both of Leman Street and William Harding Burgess of the Strand [his execs] in trust.
... and from all the rents, profits, interest and annual income of that trust ...
* To Carlotta Becattini nee Pacini of Sienna, Tuscany, Italy an annuity of £100 clear of all duties during her natural life and for her own use.
... and the remaining rents, profits, interest and annual income of that trust to be divided into 3 equal parts ...
* To his mother Hannah Thompson now wife of Joshua Thompson for her natural life and for her own use, one third part of the trust;
* To his sister Emma Bostock the wife of Ellis Bostock of Hunter Street, Brunswick Square, Mdx, for her natural life and for her own use, and on her death equally to her children, one third part of the trust;
* To his sister Maria Fairbank the wife of James Fairbank of Hunter Street, Brunswick Square, Mdx, for her natural life and for her own use, and after her death to James Fairbank, and on the death of the last of them equally to their children, one third part of the trust.
... and after his mother's death, from her one third part of the trust's income ...
* To George Dindsdale of Albrington, Suffolk, an annuity of £30 clear of all duties for his life and after his death continue to pay the annuity to his daughter Caroline Dindsdale for her life;
* To his sisters Emma Bostock and Maria Fairbank the remainder of the one third part in equal shares, or to whichever has survived the other, or to their children at 21 years for sons and 21 years or marriage for daughters.
... and ...
* If there are no children to benefit from his sisters legacies, then the part or parts of the income from their parts of the trust to his mother if she is alive, and if not equally to his cousins Bourgard Pomfrett of Headingly, Leeds and Caroline Dindsdale of Albrington, Suffolk.
* He appoints Joshua Thompson and James Fairbank both of Leman Street and William Harding Burgess of the Strand as his executors, and requests they accept £100 each clear of all duties for their troubles.
Signed : John Waddington 23 April 1836.
Witnesses : John Simpson solicitor, Wm G Campion and S Rendall all of 5 Furnivals Inn.

Proved at London 27 April 1841 by the oaths of Joshua Thompson and James Fairbank two of the executors to whom admon was granted. Power reserved for William Harding Burgess when he shall apply.

[TNA PROB 11/1945 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WAGENER, John - Probate - summary of National Probate Calendar, 1884
The will with three codicils of John Wagener late of Great Langtons Hornchurch Essex who died 19 April 1884 at Great Langtons was proved by the oaths of Henry Holmes of Grey Towers Hornchurch brewer and Emilie Helena Mary Holmes (the wife of Henry Holmes) and Anna Catharine Sulman (the wife of Benjamin Sulman) of the Chestnuts Tottenham the daughters and Benjamin Holmes of Hornchurch the executors. Personal Estate £139,248 13s 9d.

[National Probate Calendar, 1858-1966]

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WALES, Thomas - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1896, 1838
This is the last will and testament of me Thomas Wales of Betts Street, Sugar Refiner ...
* All his freehold houses in Darlington, Durham, his freehold house and Lands in Applebury, Westmorland, and all other lands and tenements and real estate in the Counties of Durham and Westmorland to his mother Alice Wales of Darlington for her natural life. And after her decease to George Henry Gaviller, Augustin Gaviller, Mary Ann Harriet Gaviller, Alexander Gaviller and Thomas Gaviller the five children of his late cousin and partner George Gaviller deceased in equal shares.
* His leasehold sugarhouse and premises in Betts Street to George Henry Gaviller.
* All the rest and residue of his estate to George Henry Gaviller, Augustin Gaviller, Mary Ann Harriet Gaviller, Alexander Gaviller and Thomas Gaviller in equal shares.
* Appoints George Henry Gaviller as his sole executor.
Signed : Thomas Wales on 14 December 1829.
Witnesses : Charles Druce junior, James Dickinson, and Arthur Burrows.

Proved at London on 31 May 1838 by the oath of George Henry Gaviller.

[TNA PROB 11/1896 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WALKER, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1061, 1780
This is the last will and testament of me John Walker of Friday Street, City of London, Sugar Refiner ...
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his nephew John Walker his sugarhouse with appurtenances in Friday Street, which he holds of the Cutler's Company, with all the utensils of trade books debts money and securities household goods and furniture and implements of household plate linen china and everything else belonging to him in the same house, subject to him paying the rent and abiding by the covenants of the lease.
* To his nephew John Walker his freehold house and garden with appurtenances in Leatherhead, Surrey, now in the occupation of John Hurst, and also his copyhold lands etc in Feltham, Surrey; and after his decease both properties to John Walker son of nephew John Walker on attaining full age of 25 years.
* To his wife Catherine Walker all his household goods and furniture and implements of household plate linen china pictures jewels watches and everything else in and about the house he lives in in Friday Street for her proper use and benefit and in the case of her death to Robert Jenner her son by a former husband.
* To his wife Catherine Walker his freehold house with outhouses barns stables orchards gardens etc in Feltham, Surrey, along with his freehold lands not previously mentioned in both Feltham and Leatherhead, as well as all his household goods and furniture and implements of household plate linen china chariot and horses implements of husbandry hay straw corn and everything else in and about his house at Feltham for her natural life; and after her death to his nephew John Walker and his heirs on the proviso that if within 20 years of the date of this will Robert Jenner wishes to purchase the said house and lands for £1500, John Walker or his heir must allow this on receipt of the money.
* To his wife Catherine Walker the life interest from £1100 due to him from St James Clerkenwell.
* To Mary Walker and Catherine Walker the daughters of nephew John Walker equally the interest from a £900 mortgage on two houses in Friday Street, and equally to any other children he might have in due course, when they respectively reach the age of 21 years.
* To his wife Catherine Walker a further £500 for her own use.
* To Robert Jenner £20 for mourning.
* To Mr William Surman late of Bear Lane £20 for mourning.
* To John Plummer son of John Plummer labourer of Leatherhead £50.
* To Mrs Mary Walker the widow of his late brother Peter Walker and to her daughters Mary Walker and Ann Walker £20 each.
* To Mrs Ann Sturgess of Hertford and to her daughter Honora Sturgess £50 each.
* To Esther Taylor the widow of Henry Taylor of the Old Jewry London shoemaker £400 at 3% Bank Consolidated Annuities.
* To Mrs Tucker wife of __ Tucker of Whitwell Rutland £20.
* To his nephew Thomas Walker £100.
* To Mr George Friend of Clerkenwell scarlet dyer £50.
* To his servants Ann Stephens, Charles Watts, John Plowman, Mary Stanbridge and Elizabeth Worsfold £10 each.
* To the ploughman and the postilion £5 each.
* All the rest and residue of his estates goods chattels and effects to his nephew John Walker and his heirs.
* Appoints his wife Catherine Walker, his nephew John Walker and George Friend as his executors.
Signed : John Walker 29 November 1779.
Witnesses : Peter James Bennett and John James both of Friday Street, Thomas Wall of Bartho's Hospital.

Proved at London 27 January 1780 by the oaths of Catherine Walker, John Walker and George Friend to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1061 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WALKER, Robert - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1330, 1799
In the Name of God Amen I Robert Walker of No.1 Old Fish Street Hill otherwise Labour in Vain Hill London Sugar Refiner (also of No.12 Cross Street Islington Mdx) ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his sister Sarah an annuity of £100 for her life invested in her joint name with his brother William.
* To John Long £50.
* If he continues to use the Pheonix Fire Office to the time of his death to GG Stonestreet a mourning ring and also one each for the gentlemen there.
* All the rest and residue of his estate to his brother William Walker and appoints him executor jointly with his sister Sarah Walker. He also wishes to add John Long to their assistance particularly with the disposal of the sugar house and premises at Old Fish Street Hill London together with all the stock and utensils.
Signed: Robert Walker 21 October 1796
Witnesses: Martha Walker, Susannah Moore

Codicil: the rest and residue of his estate has been increased by the purchase of three Pheonix Fire Office shares from Ralph Nicholson bringing his total holding to 39 shares. He also has 39 shares in Pelican Life Insurance Office Lombard Street purchased 16 August 1797, and five shares in the Sierra Leone Company purchased 18 March & 3 May 1792.

Proved at London with codicil 12 September 1799 by the oaths of William Walker the brother and Sarah Walker spinster the sister the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1330 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WALKER, William - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1622, 1819
I William Walker of High Lands, Northill, Bedfordshire [late sugar refiner of London] ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
[Makes no mention of his previous occupation or any people or property pertaining to it.]
** Legacies to family members: niece Elizabeth Harrison daughter of late brother Thomas Walker, nieces Mary Place and Dorothy Walker daughters of late brother Christopher Walker, nephews William Walker of Ripon, Christopher and William Walker of Jamaica, his daughter Maria Robinson wife of Ottywell Robinson of Westminster, his son William Walker of High Lands Northill.
** Property in Bedfordshire, Yorkshire, Northamptonshire.
* Appoints John Dixon of Islington, Thomas Place of Spennithorne Yorks his trustees.
* Appoints his son William Walker as sole executor.
Signed: William Walker 20 August 1816.
Witnesses: Charlotte Reynolds, William Jakes, Adams Franklin.

Proved at London 8 November 1819 by the oath of William Walker the son and sole executor to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1622 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WALTON, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1412, 1804
In the Name of God Amen. I John Walton of Church Lane, Whitechapel, Sugar Refiner ...
* Requested to be buried in the family vault at Knaresborough, Yorkshire, his body to be sent to York by water from London with a trusty person to take care of it, and the funeral to take place from York.
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To the trustees of the Charity School at High St, Knaresborough, £200, whereof Mr Robert Latham is the present Schoolmaster.
* To the Charitable Society in London for delivering poor married women in their own habitations £100.
* To the Eastern Dispensary in Ayliffe St London £100 on condition that his brother William Walton being given all the priviledges of a Governor for his life.
* To the Middlesex Society School New Rd St Geo East £50.
* To the Universal Dispensary at the top of Old Gravel Lane £50.
* To the Society in London for the discharge of poor prisoners confined for small debts £100.
* To the London Hospital Whitechapel Rd £100 on condition that his brother William Walton being given all the priviledges of a Governor for his life.
* To his partner George Wicke £200.
* To his old servant Grace Young £50, and to Eleanor Punnam his latest servant £60 and £20 for mourning.
* To his boiler living with him at the time of his death £100, and to the clerk living with him at the time of his death £100. And to each £10 for mourning.
* To each of his sugarhouse servants who have been with him for 2 years or more £10 each for mourning, and the rest of his sugarhouse servants £5 each for mourning.
* To old Martin Sc_tt £5 a year annuity for his natural life.
* To his nephew John Walton £500 in additon to any other property given him in the will as one of the children of his brother Christopher Walton or otherwise.
* To John Bateman sen late of Whitechapel £50, to his wife Esther Bateman £30, to his son John Bateman £20, to his daughters Mary and Charlotte Bateman £20 each, to his son George Bateman £10, and to his daughter Grace Bateman an annuity of £20 per year for her natural life.
* To old Mrs Cummins of Piccadily aunt to the late Mrs Watson an annuity of £5 per year for her natural life.
* As a token of his respect, a mourning ring to each of the following: his brother Cristopher Walton his wife and each of his children; his brother William Walton; his brother Henry Walton; his partner George Wicke; Christopher Watson, Ann Watson and Christopher Jackson of Mark Lane; Thomas Ackroyd, Henry Earle, Thomas Heslington, William Heslington and his wife, Ralph Lofthouse, John Lowe, Joshua Cookson, Christian Detmar, Thomas Hart, Thomas Wilkes Monds, John Bateman sen and Herman Harbusch.
* To his brothers William Walton, Henry Walton and Christopher Walton all his freehold properties estates lands tenements etc recently purchased in Downe, Kent, and Farnham, Yorkshire, and their heirs for ever as tenants in common.
* All the rest and residue of his estates goods chattels money and other property whatsoever equally amongst his three brothers aforesaid. The third part for Christopher Walton to be £200 immediately and then an equal part of the remainder to each of his children when they reach 21 years of age, with the dividends and interest in the meantime to their education and maintenance.
* Appoints his brothers William Walton and Henry Walton as his executors.
Signed: John Walton 1 December 1803.
Witnesses: Thomas Monds, William Happell, Christopher King.

Proved at London 28 July 1804 by the oaths of William Walton and Henry Walton to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1412 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WASTFELD, Edward - Will - summary of Shropshire Archives 513/2/34/1/3, 1740
Will of Edward Wastfeld of St Alban Woodstreet, Cripplegate, London, Sugar Refiner ...
* To David Trimmell brother £50.
* To his sister Sarah, wife of David Trimmell, executrix, £1000 to invest ... the profits, dividends, etc to be paid to her.
* To nephew Reade Peacock £50.
* To Reade Peacock, son of Reade Peacock, £50.
* To ?P, daughter of Reade Peacock, £50.
* To niece Sarah, wife of Reade Peacock, £500.
* To niece Jane Trimmell £1000.
* To niece Catherine Trimmell £1000.
* To niece Mary Trimmell £1200.
* To Mr Hollyard his late bookkeeper and servant £20.
* To Madline Ellis servant £10.
* To niece Catherine Trimmell, her heirs and assigns forever, all his estate in Tottenham High Cross being copyhold in the Manor of Lord Coloraine in County of Middlesex.
* To niece Jane Trimmell all the residue and remainder of his estate after payment of all debts.
Signed : Edward Wastfeld 12 September 1740.

Proved : 23 October 1740.

[Shropshire Archives 513/2/34/1/3.]

***** to Catalogue *****

WEEKS, George - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/2199, 1854
I George Weeks [of 11 Gt George St Bermondsey Sugar Cooper] ...
* Leaves all his possessions to the benefit of his wife Elizabeth Weeks, his daughter Elizabeth Jane Weeks, his son Horatio George Weeks, and his son George Thomas Weeks. He and his wife were married at St James Bermondsey, and the children christened there too. All monies in savings bank and clubs he has paid into to his wife for the benefit of the children.
Signed: George Weeks 12 October 1853
Witnesses: Ann Starling, Hugh Cuslahan __ Gt George St Bermondsey

Codicil: Ann Starling of 91 Gt Georges St Bermondsey widow appeared personally to validate the will. 14 October 1854

19 October 1854 admon was granted to Elizabeth Weeks widow the relict the universal legatee her first having sworn to administer as no executor named in the will.

[TNA PROB 11/2199 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WENTZELL, Christian - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/692, 1738
[The original and the codicil has been translated from the Dutch]
* In the Name of God Amen. Fourth of July 1732 being Friday in the afternoon at five o'clock. Before a Notary in Amsterdam, Holland, and before witnesses, Mr Christian Wentzell and his wife Mrs Catharina formerley Purly dwelling on the Hoore Graft (H????gracht) in this city, and who had married on 31 August 1717, made this will.
* Mention is made of three children by the testatrix former marriage, but it would appear that on 20 January 1730 their son Christian Wentzell had received by deed 50,000 guilders and a house and ground used as a sugar refinery standing at the end of Loyers Gragt (Looiersgracht) on the corner of the Baangracht in Amsterdam.
* Signed and witnessed 18 July 1738

* There was however a codicil witnessed and dated 1 October 1835 sworn in Utrecht that on the death of the last of the testators the said son Christian Wentzell should also receive a large golden marriage present that had been given by Mr Christian Wentzell senior to his wife, along with all the siver spare money the golden snuff boxes a cane with a golden head a cabinet of West Indian wood with the linen and all other contents all the books in their bookcases all the pictures found in the estate. There's also mention of a prebendary for their son Christian Wentzell. New executors were appointed.
* Signed and witnessed 18 July 1738

Proved at London 17 October1838 by the oath of Willem Van Cleef one of the executors to whom admon was granted, power being reserved to the other executor.

(This may not be the full extent of the will as I found the whole thing rather difficult to understand even though the translation was fine.)

[TNA PROB 11/692 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WENTZELL, Johann Daniel - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1493, 1809
In the Name of God Amen. I Johann Daniel Wentzell of 3 Old Fish Street in the City of London Sugar Baker ...
* This body to be buried at the discretion of his sister Barbara Elizabeth the wife of Dionesius Wichart [sugar refiner] of Angel Alley Whitechapel.
* All his due debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his sister Barbara Elizabeth the wife of Dionesius Wichart all his ready money securities for money debts goods chattels and all other estate and effects for her own use and benefit.
* Appoints his said sister and George Henry Hahn of Old Fish Street sugar refiner and Joseph Coop of Osborn St Whitechapel sugar refiner his executrix and executors.
Signed: Johann Daniel Wentzell 3 June 1808.
Witnesses: H Hurle Cloak Lane, J S Townsend his clerk.

Proved at London on 11 February 1809 by the oath of Barbara Elizabeth Wichart the sister to whom admon was granted, power being reserved by the other two executors.

[TNA PROB 11/1493 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WESTFAHLEN, John Jurgen - Will - transcript of PRO PROB 11/1655, 1822
In the Name of God Amen. I John Jurgen WESTFAHLEN or WESTPHAL of George Yard in the parish of St Mary Whitechapel in the County of Middlesex Scum Boiler and Sugar Refiner being in weakness of body but of sound and disposing Mind memory and understanding praised be God for the same do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say first I direct & desire that all my just debts the funeral expenses the costs & charges for proving this my last will and testament and the expenses & trouble attending my executors in the execution of this my last will & testament be paid and satisfied And Whereas I am a partner and intitled to one half of a leasehold estate and one half of the profits arising out of a business now carried on in the name of John Jurgen Westfahlen or Westphal and John Sieme or Siemey as Scum boilers and Sugar refiners situated in Finch Street near Osborn Place Brick Lane in the parish of St Mary Whitechapel aforesaid Now I give and bequeath unto my wife Ann Stacy [Anastasia] Westfahlen or Westphal all the profits arising out of the said business to which I am intitled to as one half partner for the maintenance and education of our children and during the natural life of my said wife or as long as my said wife remains a widow or as long as she does not cohabit or live as a Concubine unlawful to marriage with any Man or Men and if my said wife should die before all my lawful children have attained the age of twenty one years or my said wife should marry before my Children are all twenty one years or if my said wife should cohabit or have children by any other Man or Men then I direct my executors or the survivor of them or the executors administrators of such survivor of them to take that share of profit which I heretofore gave to my said wife and apply it to the maintenance education & support to my said children who so then are under the age of twenty one years but I direct then that when my younger child or children are above 14 or 15 years of age that they shall go to service and help to support themselves as much as possible and to be conformable to my executors or to them as aforesaid but all at the discretion of my executors the survivor of the executors administrators of such survivor of them and after the death of my said wife or after her intermarriage or after her having cohabited with any other Man or Men so that it can be proved to the satisfaction of my executors hereinafter mentioned then I give and bequeath the half one part of my the said leasehold estate and the profits arising from the said business up to that time in equal shares unto and between my lawful children share and share alike and if my said Partner John Sieme or Siemy is agreeable to take one of my sons but no more a Partner in the business but at his option then that son so becoming a Partner must pay the rest of my lawful children their share or shares so coming to each of them all the rest namely all my household goods and furniture money securities for money wearing apparel and singular and every thing of what nature or kind and wheresoever the same shall be at the time of my death I give and bequeath unto my wife Ann Stacy [Anastasia] Westfahlen or Westphal for her whole & sole use & benefit And I nominate constitute & appoint John Sieme or Siemy of Finch Street aforesaid and George Frederick Vorwerg of Little Alie Street in the parish of St Mary Whitechapel aforesaid [executors of this my last will and Testament] and desire them to retain from my Property so much as will pay them for their trouble & expenses in the execution of this my last will & testament and also that my said executors their respective heirs executors & administrators shall be charged & chargeable only & every of them for & with his or their own receipt or Receipts of Payments acts and wilful defaults and no otherwise and shall not be charged or chargeable with or for any sum or sums of money other than such as shall actually and respectively come to their or his hands or possession by virtue of this my will nor with or for any loss or damage which shall or may happen in or about the execution of all or any trust hereby in him reposed without his or their wilful default or neglect and I hereby revoke all former Will or Wills by me at any time heretofore made and declare this to be my last will and testament
In witness whereof I the said John Jurgen Westfahlen or Westphal have hereunto set my hand & seal this 9th day of March 1818 John Jurgen Westfahlen
signed sealed declared and published by the above named John Jurgen Westfahlen or Westphal as & for his last will & testament in the presence of us who at his request & in his presence & in the presence of each other subscribed our names as witnesses thereto: Wm Soker; Gifert Knop. (Sic)

On the 2nd of March 1822 administration (with the will annexed) of the Goods Chattels and Credits of John Jurgen Westfahlen or Westphal late of George Yard in the Parish of St Mary Whitechapel in the County of Middlesex Scum Boiler deceased was granted to John Westfahlen one of the natural and lawful Children having been first sworn duly to administer John Sieme otherwise Siemey and George Frederick Vorwerg the executors named in the said will having renounced the Probate and execution thereof and Ann Stacy Westfahlen widow the Relict and residuary Legatee having renounced the Letters of administration (with the will annexed) of the Goods of the said deceased.

[TNA PROB 11/1655 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WEYMAN, Hinrich - Will - transcript of PRO PROB 11/1573, 1815
I Hinrich Weymen being now ill & not knowing whether I shall recover or not & providing that I should be called from this world during such illness do hereby leave and bequeath to each of my sisters & brother the sum of ten Rix dollars for mourning to Johann the son and Dorothea the daughter of my sister Alheit the sum of 5 [abbreviation for currency not understood - possibly the sign for Rix dollars?] each for mourning and to Hinrick son of my sister ?esten [initial letter not clear] also the sum of 5 [same currency sign as above] for mourning to be paid out of the money I have at this place but the rest and residue of what I may have here my Father and mother shall ---- with regard however to what I have coming to me in London the same shall be divided between my Father mother brother & sisters share & share alike . Ohlenste the 23 of Sep 1803 (signed) Hinrich Weiman.
(signed) Claus Puckhaber as witness; (signed) Cord Mesterharm as witness & signed Johann Ficken as witness.

Copied from the the English [sic]
I Christian Focke of Bremen Not[ary] Pub[lic] admitted & sworn by authority of the Venerable Senate do hereby certify & attest that the last Will and Testament on the other side written of Henrich Wieman [sic] is a literal copy of the original exhibited to me Witness my hand & notarial seal of attestation Bremen the 31 January one thousand eight hundred & fifteen. - C Focke NP

We the undersigned notaries do hereby attest that Dr Christian Focke who signed the above is a notary public duly sworn & admitted and that to all acts by him so signed all faith and credit is and ought to be given in Judicature & ther--t Bremen 31 Jany 1815 Dr Migaill & Backdr NP Bremen.

Faithfully translated from the annexed authentic German Copy into English
London this 13 of February 1815 - quod attestor A. Shentard NP. On 23 Sep 1815 admon with will of Heinrich Weiman otherwise Weyman otherwise Hinrich Weiman formerly of White Cross Street in the County of Middx, sugar baker, but late of Ohlenste in Hanover Bachelor dec’d was granted to Heinrich Weiman the Father being sworn by Com[missi]on to Adm(inister) as Ex(ecut)or or residuary legatee.

[TNA PROB 11/1573 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

WHITAKER, Francis - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1372/35, 1802
In the Name of God Amen I Francis Whitaker of Mansell Street Goodman's Fields Mdx Sugar Refiner ...
* All his just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Ann Whitaker all his household furniture implements of household linen wearing apparel plate china for her own benefit for ever.
* His executors to receive all his outstanding debts and turn into cash all the rest of his property (not hereby specifically mentioned) and invest the same in funds and stocks the dividends and interest to his wife Ann Whitaker of such of the fund that can be purchased with £1000 for her natural life, and after her death the said principal sum of £1000 or the equivalent funds and stocks to his two children Elizabeth Ann Whitaker and Mary Whitaker and all and any children that may be born to him and his said wife share and share alike at the age of 21yrs. If any die before that age their share equally amongst the survivors, if none shall live to that age the principal sum or funds and stocks to be invested by his executors.
* To his nephew Francis Whitaker five shillings a week during his natural life from a fund set apart for such purpose by his executors, and after the death of his said nephew the principal sum equally amongst his children as above.
* All the rest and residue of his estate equally amongst his said wife and children. If any children are under the age of 21yrs their share to be invested with the interest to their education and maintenance.
* Appoints his wife Ann Whitaker and Sheve Arney of Wellclose Square Mdx sugar refiner and executrix and executor of his will. Witnesses: Ludwig Witte of South Lambeth, Samuel Argyll clerk to William Argyll of Whitechapel.

Proved at London 8 March 1802 by the oath of Ann Whitaker widow the relict and surviving executor to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/11372/35 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

WHITE, Michael - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/421/506, 1694
In the Name of God Amen I Michael White of St Olave Hart Street London Sugar Refiner ...
* In case his wife Mary White is with child at the time of his death £150 to said child or children to be paid if a daughter at age 18 years or her marriage whichever the earlier and if a son at age 21 years and the interest from the sum to provide for their education and maintenance during their minority.
* To his father William Jacobson and to his friend Daniel Shyllinge each twenty shillings to buy a ring to wear in his remebrance.
* The rest and remainder of all his messuages tenements lands leases goods chattels mortgages debts ready money plate and estate whatsoever after his just debts and funeral expenses have been paid to his wife Mary White and her heirs and assignes, and appoints her sole executrix. Appoints his said father William Jacobson and the said Daniel Shyllinge to aid and assist his wife in seeing his will is truly performed according to his wishes.
Signed: Michael White 6 June 1694
Witnesses: William Bloome, __ Rynder, Benjamin Brendmitchell servant to Daniel Shyllinge

Proved at London by the oath of Mary White relict the executrix to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/421/506 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WHITING, Dorothy - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1233, 1793
This is the last will and testament of me Dorothy Whiting of the Hamlet of Ratcliff widow ...
* All her debts to be paid.
* To her son Matthew Whiting all her freehold and copyhold hereditaments and premises situate on the south side of Broad Street Ratcliff to him and his heirs for ever, changed with the payment of two annuities one of £20 to her niece Elizabeth Whiting the other of £5 to Ann Smith wife of Thomas Smith broker of Mile End.
* Also to her son Matthew Whiting her copyhold house and premises numbered 75[?] on the north side of Broad Street Ratcliff to him and his heirs for ever.
* To her son John Scott Whiting all her freehold estates situate in Bilsington, Mersham and Ruckinge[?] in Kent ____
* ____ the said John Scott Whiting all her undivided moiety of hereditaments and premises situate on the north side of Broad Street Ratcliff and known as Vine Tavern to him and his heirs for ever.
* Also to her son John Scott Whiting all her undivided moiety of two freehold messuages and premises situate near the Old Assembly Rooms in St Mary Whitechapel now occupied by Messrs Burton & Furness to him and his heirs for ever.
* To her son-in-law Samuel Patten all her leasehold messuage and premises on Tower Hill occupied by Samuel Compton which she holds on lease from Sir John Hinde Cotton for the remainder of the term of the lease.
* To her daughter Mary Keen £1000.
* To her daughter Dorothy Storo £1000.
* To her son-in-law Samuel Patten £1000.
* To Mrs Mary Pryor £20.
* To her son Matthew Whiting all her household furniture implements of household plate linen and china.
* All the rest and residue of her estate and effects equally to her two sons Matthew Whiting and John Scott Whiting, leaving them to reward her servants at their discretion.
* Nominates her two sons Matthew Whiting and John Scott Whiting as her joint executors.
Signed: Dorothy Whiting 12 December 1788.
Witnesses: James Barnfield, Thomas Partridge jun, John Sanderson.

Proved at London 17 May 1793 by the oaths of Matthew Whiting and John Scott Whiting the sons and executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1233 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WHITING, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/828, 1757
The last Will and Testament of me John Whiting of Ratcliffe Midx Sugar Refiner ...
* To his wife Dorothy Whiting for her natural life all those buildings called the Sugar House being part freehold and part copyhold situated on the east side of Kings Head Alley, Ratcliffe. Also all his six copyhold messuages on the west side of Kings Head Alley, Ratcliffe. Also the rights to ship off unload and receive goods from the sugar house.
* After the death of his wife, the above to his son Matthew Whiting.
* After the death of his wife, to his three daughters Mary, Dorothy and Elizabeth £1000 each.
* To his wife Dorothy Whiting his messuage at or near Tower Hill now in the possession of the widow Atkinson, and after the widow's death to his daughter Elizabeth Whiting.
* All the rest and residue of his estate to his wife Dorothy Whiting.
* Appoints his wife Dorothy Whiting his sole executrix.
Signed: John Whiting 28 May 1756
Witnesses: Samuel Dod, Martin Dod, Thomas Philipps

Proved at London 17 February 1757 by the oath of Dorothy Whiting widow and relict to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/828 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WHITING, Matthew - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1312, 1798
This is the last will and testament of Matthew Whiting of the Hamlet of Ratcliff in the County of Middlesex Gentleman ...
* He revokes all former wills.
* To his brother John Scott Whiting of Upton, Essex, all his estate lands houses tenements and effects whatsoever both real and personal for ever subject to the undermentioned legacy.
* To his cousin Elizabeth Whiting now living with him £30 per year for her natural life, and thereby charge his estate on the south side of Broad Street with that incumberance.
* Appoints the aforesaid John Scott Whiting his sole executor.
Signed: Matthew Whiting 16 February 1798.
Witnesses: John Roddy, Philip Randall, J Ruhter of Pheonix Fire Office.

Proved at London 16 August 1798 by the oath of John Scott Whiting the brother and sole executor to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1312 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WICHART, Dionysius - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1522, 1811
In the Name of God Amen. I Dionysius Wichart of Osborn Street Sugar Refiner ...
* All just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* All the rest and residue of his estate whatsoever to his wife Barbara Elizabeth Wichart, and after her death to his two children Anna Martha Wichart and Dionysius Wichart equally.
* Appoints his said wife and Joseph Coope of Obsorn St sugar refiner and George Dottman of Osborn St sugar refiner as his executrix and executors.
Signed: Dionysius Wichart 16 August 1809
Witness: Johan David Steiz

Appeared personally : Joseph Coope of Osborn St sugar refiner, Benjamin Nind of Throgmorton St Gent and Johan David Steitz of Osborn St clerk to Joseph Coope made oath to the validity of the said will. Signed by them and witnessed.

Proved at London 20 May 1811 by the oath of Barbara Elizabeth Wichart widow and relict to whom admon was granted, power being reserved by the other two executors.

[TNA PROB 11/1522 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WICKE, George - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1682, 1824
I George Wicke junr of Gowers Walk Whitechapel Sugar Refiner ...
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Sarah all his linen wearing apparel china plate and household furniture; all his interest and profits in his leasehold properties in Gowers Walk comprising his dwelling house, a sugarhouse and dwelling house in the occupation of Frederick Otto Krug, and another dwelling house in the occupation of Mr Robinson; all his interest and profits in dwelling houses Nos. 2&3 Nottingham Place and also dwelling house No. 2 New Street, Cannon Street Road.
* To his executors all the rest and residue of his property to be invested in public funds upon trust to pay to his wife Sarah the interest for the maintenance and education of his children until they reach the age of 21 years, with £1000 to his daughters if they marry before aged 21 years. On the death of his wife Sarah, the residue of his property to be divided equally amongst his children.
* Appoints his wife Sarah Wicke, Frederick Otto Krug of Gowers Walk and Werner Hocke of Silver St, Wapping, as his executors, with 19 guineas each to the latter two for their trouble.
Signed and sealed : George Wicke junr 8 November 1823.
Witnesses : John Severn and John Francis Puest both of Church Lane, Whitechapel.

Proved : 3 February 1824.

[TNA PROB 11/1682 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

WICKE, (Johann) George - Will - summary of PRO PROB11/1756, 1829.
This is the last Will & Testament of me George Wicke otherwise Johann George Wicke of Church Lane Whitechapel Middlesex and Stratford Green Essex Sugar Refiner ...
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* His body to be buried in the vault at the German Chapel Hooper Square.
* To each of his executors £500.
* To the German Chapel Hooper Square where he is a member £300.
* To the Minister and servants of the German Chapel Hooper Square £70 to be divided amongst them.
* To the German Chapel Hooper Square a further sum of £111 to be invested, the interest & dividends to be divided yearly at Christmas amongst the poor of the society.
* To the German School in Alie St under the direction of the Reverend Schwabe £100.
* To the Lying in Charity for the delivery of poor married women £100.
* To the charity called the Eastern Dispensary for the relief of the poor £100.
* To the Middlesex Society for the education of poor children in the Protestant Religion whose school house is in Cannon Street Row St Geo East £100.
* To the Protestant Dissenting Charity School in Wood Street Spitalfields £100.
* To the Minister Trustees or Elders of the the parish of Unshaussen in Germany "his native place" £400 to be invested for the purchase of freehold lands or other permanent security, the rents etc from which to pay for the education of deserving children ...
* To the Minister Trustees or Elders of the the parish of Muhlhausen by Homberg in Hessen £200 to be invested for the purchase of freehold lands or other permanent security, the rents etc from which to pay for the education of deserving children ...
* To the Minister Trustees or Elders of the the parish of Berge near Homberg in Hessen £200 to be invested for the purchase of freehold lands or other permanent security, the rents etc from which to pay for the education of deserving children ...
... and he specifically requests that his brother Johann Jost Wicke of Unshausen, or if he is dead one of his other nearest relatives in the area, should see to the proper application of the monies in all 3 parishes.
* To the London Hospital in Whitechapel Road £100.
* To the Deaf & Dumb Charity in Kent Road £100.
* To the Charitable Institution for the Relief of Distressed Foreigners of which he is a member £100.
* To the British & Foreign Bible Society £100.
* To the Charity School in St Mary Street Whitechapel Road for the education of 1000 poor children £100.
* To the Charity School in the churchyard of the parish of West Ham in Essex £100.
* To the Female Charity School near the chapel in the Brickfield in West Ham £50.
* To the Benefit Club of which he is a member £50.
* To the Charity called the Philanthropic Society at the Blind Beggar Mile End £50.
* To the Tower Hamlets School of which he is a member £50.
* To his nephew Johann Christopher Wicke of Berge in Germany all his estate rights tithes and interests in a tithe issuing out of the parish of Muhlhausen by Homberg as was collected for him by his friend Henry Noell of Muhlhausen.
* All his freehold messuage tenement or dwelling house coach house stable garden and premises with appurtenances in Stratford Essex in his own occupation to his executors in trust to apply the rents and profits from same to the benefit of his great nephew William Wicke the oldest son of his late nephew George Wicke late of Gowers Walk Whitechapel sugar refiner deceased until he reaches the age of 21 years at which time he is to receive the freehold of the said property. If he has died before this time then the said property shall go to his great nephew John Wicke another son of his late nephew George Wicke upon reaching the age of 21 years. If both have died before reaching the age of 21 years then the property shall go in equal shares to his great nieces Sarah Hawkins Wicke & Sophia Wicke daughters of his late nephew George Wicke. All his freehold paddocks adjoining the said property in Stratford to the person or persons entitled to the property under the terms of this will.
* To his brother Johann Jost Wicke of Unshausen by Homberg £5000. If he has died then £2000 to his widow.
* To his nephew Johann Christopher Wicke of Berge in Hessen £5000. #
* To his nephew Conrad Wittich of Lendorf £5000. #
* To his nephew George Meyfarth of Unshausen £5000. #
* To his niece Mrs Metz widow of the late Mr Metz of Zennern £5000. #?
* To his nephew Johannes Wittich of Muhlhausen £3000.
* To each of the children of his father's two brothers and to each of the children of his mother's sister living at the time £1000.
* To his Godson George Dettmar of Wanstead Essex stock broker £600 and to his sister Charlotte Dettmar £220.
* To the eldest son of his esteemed friend Emanuel Goodhart his gold watch.
* To his Goddaughter Elizabeth Temperley £400.
* To his friend John Viney of Lambourne End near Abridge Essex farmer £100.
* To his friends Henry Herman Holtzmeyer sugar refiner & George Schlenker of Wellclose Square sugar refiner £110 each.
* To his executors all his leasehold sugarhouse and premises situate in Wellclose Square now in the occupation of Messrs Schlenker together with the lease for the same for them to take the rents, and to invest same for the benefit of his great nephews and great nieces William Wicke, John Wicke, Sarah Hawkins Wicke & Sophia Wicke, and when the youngest of them reaches the age of 21 years the premises to be sold and all proceeds after expenses to be divided equally amongst them.
* To the widow of his deceased friend Frederick Kunarth of Hesse Cassell £100 for the upbringing of her children.
* To George Ullrich son of his friend Frederick Ullrich of Hesse Cassell £100.
* To Samuel Soart of Bortham Essex £50, and to his widow if he has died.
* To Charlotte Goodhart the widow of Joseph Goodhart deceased £100.
* To Charlotte Elizabeth Saint George who now resides with him £500 and to Caroline and Eleanor her sisters £100 each.
* To his executors 80 guineas for mourning being 2 guineas for themselves and each of his relatives and friends as his executors think fit.
* To his nephew Conrad Wicke son of his brother Johannes Wicke by his second wife and now a soldier in Cassell £1700.
* To the person who shall hold the situation of Boiler in his sugarhouse at the time of his death £100, and if he works more than one sugarhouse a like sum to each Boiler.
* To his clerk John Francis Puest £150 in addition to the legacy as an executor, and to his other clerks £100 each.
* To all his other servants employed in his sugarhouse(s) for two years or more £12 each, and for those employed for less £6 each.
* To his manservant living with him at Stratford 19 guineas.
* To his female servant who will be living with him in town at the time of his death £15, and to his female servant in the country £15.
* To his housekeeper Charlotte Elizabeth Saint George a further £20, and to Mary Dennent now living servant with Mr Valensien Noeth £15 and a further £10 for mourning.
* To Charlotte Elizabeth Saint George all his household linen and plate in and about his house in Stratford, his foreign-made looking glasses with his initials on them and the furniture in her own room there.
* To his great nephew Conrad Meyfarth now living with Messrs Severn & Co sugar refiners all his wearing apparel and body linen.
* To Sarah Hawkins Wicke & Sophia Wicke equally all the residue of his household furniture in and about his house in Stratford.
* To his executors all his leasehold sugarhouse dwelling house warehouse and premises in Church Lane & Gowers Walk Whitechapel in his own occupation and the dwelling house cooperage warehouses and premises in the occupation of John Smith cooper and Dr Curtis situate in Gowers Walk together with the redeemed land tax of part of the said premises and his leasehold messuage tenement and premises in Little Alie Street and all other leasehold premises wherever situated and not specifically bequeathed, and also all his stock implements and utensils in trade and all his money and stock in public securities outstanding debts bills bonds securities household furniture and implements of household plate linen and china not already bequeathed and all the rest and residue of his estate and effects in trust to carry on his business at his sugarhouse in Church Lane until the whole of the stock shall be worked up, and then to sell by public auction or private sale his sugarhouse and all his other leasehold premises stock and other items that are not money to create a residuary trust fund from which all his debts funeral expenses legacies etc are to be paid ...
... The residue of this fund to be divided equally amongst the children of his nephew Johann Christopher Wicke, the children of his late nephew George Wicke deceased, the children of his late nephew Johann Jost Wicke deceased who lived at Ferno by Homberg, the children of his nephew Johannes Wittich, the children of his nephew Conrad Wittich, children of his late niece Anna Elizabeth Noell late of Muhlhausen deceased, the children of his nephew George Meyfarth, the daughter of his late niece Anna Catharina the sister of George Meyfarth, and the children of his niece Mrs Metz. If any are minors then their shares shall be held in trust by his executors, invested, and the interest used to the children's benefit.
* Appoints Thomas Wales of Betts Street St Geo East sugar refiner, Adam Steinmetz of Ratcliff Cross sugar refiner and John Francis Puest clerk now living with him as his executors.
Signed : George Wicke alias Johan George Wicke on 22 February 1828.
Witnesses : Thomas Bishop Church Lane Whitechapel sugar refiner, John Smith Gowers Walk cooper, A Maddison solicitor.

Memoranda ... he wishes to remind his executors to insist that the trustees in Unshaussen Muhlhausen & Berge understand that his will is that the money they send for the benefit of the poor in those parishes is to be invested in land so that the continuing rents etc can benefit the poor.

Appeared personally 9 May 1829 ... John Smith of Gowers Walk cooper and William Church of Betts Street sugar broker made oath that they were acquainted with the deceased and were familiar with his handwriting and swore to the acceptability of the above Memoranda as a codicil to the will.

Proved with a codicil at London on 11 May 1829 by the oaths of all three executors.

[An English translation dated 1830 of the will of his brother Johann Jost Wicke at TNA PROB 11/1774 gives further family info.]

[# - Dwellings were built with this money - details.]

[TNA PROB 11/1756 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

***** to Catalogue *****

WIDDER, Charles - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1906, 1839
The Last Will and Testament of Charles Widder of New Broad St London Merchant ...
* To his daughters Harriet Widder and Sophia Widder equally all his household furniture bedding pictures plate china and glass most of which had been given to him by his business partner John Hullett in 1825 when he furnished his house in Finsbury Square on the understanding that they would be passed to his daughters when he died.
* To his eldest son Frederick Widder his gold watch and seals.
* Soon after his death the two businesses run by him in partnership with John Hullett namely Hullett Brothers & Co and the Sugar Refinery in Gravel Lane Houndsditch shall be wound up; all his just debts and funeral expenses shall be paid; the property with which he stands possessed to be ascertained; and the total divided into five equal shares for his five children Frederick, Thomas, Harriet, Sophia, Charles. If any shall die before the age of 21 years and without leaving children there share to be divided equally amongst those remaining.
* Appoints John Hullett of the Albany Piccadilly and his sons Frederick Widder and Thomas Widder his executors.
Signed: Charles Widder 12 July 1832
Witnesses: John White Welch, Benjamin Nightingale

Proved at London 17 January 1839 by the oath of Frederick Widder the son and one of the executors to whom admon was granted, power being reserved for the other two executors.

[TNA PROB 11/1906 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WILBERFORCE, William - Will - summary of East Riding Archives zDDX1453, 1775
Probate of the will of William Wilberforce, Hull, merchant, later of North Ferriby. 27 February 1775.
* Will dated: 1 December 1773. Proved 27 February 1775.
* £100 each to his grandchildren Edward Greathed, Sarah Greathed, Mary Greathed, William Wilberforce Bird, Hannah Bird, Lucy Bird, Anna Maria Bird, Rebecca Bird; £50 each to Ann Greathed and Judith Bird his daughters and Elizabeth Wilberforce his daughter-in-law.
* £20 each to William Thornton, John Thornton and Abel Smith his brother-in-law.
* £10,000 to William Wilberforce his grandson.
* £1000 to Sarah Wilberforce his granddaughter.
* £30 to the Poor House keepers of Hull, £20 to the Poor House Keepers of Beverley St Mary, £5 to the poor of North Ferriby.
* All residuary estate to William Wilberforce of Wimbledon his son.

[This William Wilberforce was a founding partner in the sugar refinery on Lime St Hull in 1732, and the grandfather of William Wilberforce the slave trade abolitionist. This is a copy of the East Riding catalogue summary of his will, I hope a temporary addition whilst I try to obtain a copy of the will.]

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WILDE, William - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1463, 1807
This is the last will and testament of me William Wilde Maryland Poynt Stratford Sugar Refiner ...
* All his debts and testamentary expenses to be paid.
* To his infant children Mary Ann Wilde, George Henry Wilde, William Wilde and Eliza Wilde £500 each at the age of 21 years the interest to support their maintenance and education during their minority.
* All the rest of his estate of any kind to his wife Ann Margaret Wilde and appoints her sole executrix and guardian of his children.
Signed: William Wilde 14 February 1807
Witnesses: Hk Fn Holzmeyer, Joseph Wilde

Proved at London 2 June 1807 by the oath of Ann Margaret Wilde widow the relict and sole executrix to whom admon was granted>

[TNA PROB 11/1463 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WILSON, Benjamin - Will - summary from Cheshire Wills, 1767
In the name of God Amen. I Benjamin Wilson of the City of Chester Sugarbaker ...
* All debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Elizabeth Wilson all his household goods and furniture, and the interest and produce of all his estate and affairs for her natural life, and also £500 ... [and after her death ...]
* To his nieces Mary Wilson and Elizabeth Wilson daughters of his brother Henry Wilson of Hall Garth, Lancashire, £50 each.
* To his nephew George Addison £100.
* "All the new sugars that are then purchased in shall be speedily worked up and at the same time to clear the House of all the goods that are in the molds and that when this is done what sugar shall be left then remaining in the House utensils and premises therein to be valued and disposed of".
* To his four nieces Ann, Elizabeth, Ellin & Jane Remington daughters of Reginald Remington of Molling, Lancashire, the remainder of his estate equally divided.
* The legacies to be paid within 12 months of the death of his wife Elizabeth Wilson, and he directs that then the remaining sugars, sugar house and utensils be valued and sold, with John Hinks banker of Chester to have first refusal.
* Appoints his wife Elizabeth Wilson, his nephew Henry Remington, and Thomas Adams gent of Chester as his executors, with £50 each to Henry Remington and Thomas Adams for their troubles.
Signed and sealed : Benjamin Wilson 21 May 1765.
Witnesses : Nathaniel Bishop, John Taylor, Theodorus Moore.

Proved on 5 May 1767 by the oaths of all three executors.

[Copy of full original available at Chester Wills.]

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WINNEFELT, Johan - Will - summary of TNA IR 26/383/81, 1809

25 May 1809 Testator: Johan Winnefelt late servant to Mr Lear sugar refiner of Gt Garden St in St Mary Whitechapel. Sum: £100. Executor: Ferdinand Krull of 22 Jane St Commercial Rd St Geo East carpenter. Legatee: Ferdinand Krull. Legacy: The whole of the money I have in the Bank amounting to £32.10s. [Consistory Court of London 1809]

Admon granted to Ferdinand Krull, ref: TNA DL/C/441/240/3

[TNA IR 26/383/81 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WIPLE, Charles Frederick - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1373, 1802
This is the last will and testament of me Charles Frederick Wiple of Walworth Surrey Sugar Refiner ...
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Sarah Wiple his leasehold house at Walworth and all the household goods and furniture impliments and utensils of household plate linen china towels wine liquors books pictures fixtures and all other things that belong to him in his Walworth house, except monies etc., and all the paraphernalia and ornaments of her person for her own use.
* To his trustees his wife Sarah Wiple, son Charles William Wiple and Jackson Barwis & [Robert?] Charnley wholesale grocers £24,000 upon trust ... half to be invested for the continuation of the business of his son Charles William Wiple as a sugar refiner during the life of his wife Sarah Wiple ... and the other half to be invested with the interest and dividends to be paid to his wife Sarah Wiple during her natural life for her own benefit ...
* ... and after her death £6000 of the original £24,000 investment to his son Frederick Wiple; £6000 to be invested and interest paid to his daughter Sarah wife of Joshua Jonathan Smith sugar refiner and after her death to her child or children equally in trust; £6000 to be invested and interest paid to his daughter Ann Alice Wiple and after her death to her child or children equally in trust; and his son Charles William Wiple to retain £6000 for the running of his business.
* To his trustees £1500 upon trust to be invested the interest and dividends to be used for the maintenance education and benefit of his youngest daughter Ann Alice Wiple during her minority, and when she reaches the age of 21 years the investment becomes hers. If she dies before reaching 21 years the investment of £1500 to his wife Sarah Wiple for the benefit of his two sons Charles William and Frederick, and his daughter Sarah equally, and the investment of £6000 to be added to the £6000 investment of his daughter Sarah under the same terms.
* To his son Frederick Wiple £500.
* To the trustees or treasurer of the German Lutheran Chapel in the Savoy London £50 for promoting the interest of the Chapel, and at the time of my death £10 to the officiating minister at the Chapel.
* All the rest and residue of his estate and effects to his son Charles William Wiple.
* Appoints his wife Sarah Wiple and his son Charles William Wiple as his executors.
Signed : C F Wiple 5 April 1802.
Witnesses : Wm Fellows MD, Tho P Ridpath solicitor.

Proved at London 24 April 1802 by the oath of son Charles William Wiple to whom admon was granted, with power being reserved to Sarah Wiple widow the other executor.

[TNA PROB 11/1373 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WITTE, Ludwig - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1711, 1826
This is the last will and testament of me Ludwig Witte late of South Lambeth in the County of Surrey but now of Bedford Place, Clapham Rise.
* All debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his nephew Ludwig Witte his gold watch chain and seal.
* To his nieces Charlotte Elizabeth Ward wife of Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward of Wellclose Square, surgeon, and Elizabeth Martin wife of James Martin of Houndsditch, warehouseman, all his household goods, plate linen wearing apparel, china , glass, books, prints, household furniture, wines, liquors about his dwelling house, but not monies.
* To his friend Henry Kolle of Addle Street, Aldermanbury, City of London, merchant £200 in three percent Bank Annuities, and to James Martin and Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward each £300 in three percent Bank Annuities.
* Appoints Henry Kolle, James Martin and Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward as his executors and trustees.
* To his gardener George George £20 per year for life, and a suit for mourning.
* To Johann Joachim Witte, Johann Christopher Meyer, Albrecht Paper, and Hans Hilmer Boauke all resident in the district of Haarburgh [Harburg], Hamburg in Germany, or their heirs, £1200 in three and a half percent Bank Annuities and £400 in three percent Bank Annuities, in trust to pay the following legacies ....
...To his niece Anna Margaretha Meyer, or her heirs, £100 in three and a half percent Bank Annuities.
...To his niece Anna Catharina ?out, or her heirs, £60 in three and a half percent Bank Annuities.
...To his niece Maria Dorothea Magdelena ?ubon , or her heirs, £140 in three and a half percent Bank Annuities.
...To his nephew Johann Joachim Witte, £100 in three and a half percent Bank Annuities, if deceased then to the children of his late nephew Hans Hein Witte.
...To his niece Anna Margaretha Rainackern, or her heirs, £50 in three and a half percent Bank Annuities.
...To his nephew Hans Hilmer Boauke and his wife, £50 in three and a half percent Bank Annuities in equal shares.
...To his niece Anna Elizabeth Roiuns, or her heirs, £100 in three and a half percent Bank Annuities.
...To the widow of his late brother Conrad Witte £50.
...To his nephews Peter Henrick and Johann Conrad Witte each £100 in three and a half percent Bank Annuities.
...To his niece Anna Margaretha Dorothea Boristadt, or her heirs, £60 in three and a half percent Bank Annuities.
...To his nephew Jurgen Meyers, or his heirs, £100 in three and a half percent Bank Annuities.
...To his nephew Johann Christopher Meyers, or his heirs, £100 in three percent Bank Annuities.
...To his niece Engel Hodorn, or her heirs, £100 in three percent Bank Annuities.
...To his niece Dorothea Jungemann, or her heirs, £60 in three percent Bank Annuities.
...And the residue to the children of his nephew Hans Hein Witte, and any other descendants of his late brothers and sisters in Germany.
* To the Church of [S]Ainstorf, Haarburg [Harburg], in which I was baptised £600 and £300 in three percent Bank Annuities.
* To Catharine Maria Neidd, the niece of his late wife Charlotte Dorothea Witte and the wife of John Neidd of Walworth, Surrey, £1000 in three percent Bank Annuities, and a further £200 in three percent Bank Annuities to her husband.
* To John Lewis ?Spourer son of William ?Spourer of Hayes Common, Kent, £200 in three percent Bank Annuities.
* To his god son William Wilde son of William Wilde late of Whitechapel deceased, £200 in three percent Bank Annuities.
* To his nieces Charlotte Elizabeth Ward and Elizabeth Martin each £2000 in three percent Bank Annuities.
* To the Hamburg Church in Trinity Lane, London, and to the London Hospital in Whitechapel, each £200 in three percent Bank Annuities.
* To the Charity School in Whitechapel, and to the German Lutheran School in Alie Street, each £100 in three percent Bank Annuities.
* To Rev Mr Borntrager Minister of the Hamburg Church £50.
* To Frederick Buck late of Wellclose Square £50.
* To his housekeeper Elizabeth Martin £100 in three percent Bank Annuities.
* To each of his servants Ann Collett and Maria Wheeler £10 and £5 for mourning.
* To the five servants of the Hamburg Church ... £3 to the sexton, £2 each to the clerk, the organist, and the beadle, £1 to the organ blower.
* To Martin Huncksel formerly in his service £10.
* To his brother Hans Henrick Witte £100 in three percent Bank Annuities.
* It is his will that his executors consult Mr Paul Spainger of St Dunstans Hill, City of London, shipbroker, as to any information they may wish reporting to his relations in Germany and that he should respond when necessary on their behalf, and so to Mr Paul Spainger £100 in three percent Bank Annuities.
* To his executors £1000 in three percent Bank Annuities, the interest and dividends from which along with £50 per year, is to be paid to his brother Hans Henrick Witte, and upon his death the capital sum to his nephew Ludwig Witte.
* To his nephew Ludwig Witte, or his heirs, the interest and dividends from £100 Long Annuties.
* His leasehold sugar house, messuage, stables, and other premises in Wellclose Square, and his leasehold dwelling house and premises in Bedford Place, and his three shares in the Phoenix Insurance Co., and all other real estate, he gives to his two nieces, or their heirs, in equal shares.
* To each of his friends listed, a mourning ring ....... His bother H H Witte & Sons, Mr Nathaniel Ward & Mrs Ward, Mr James Martin & Mrs Martin, Mr John Widd & Mrs Widd, The Rev Borntrager, Mr Henry Kolle, Mr John Autons Rinker, Mr Hourick Holzmeyer, Mr Martin Rinker, Mr Paul Spainger, Mr Hinrich Riners, Mr Frederick Buck, Mr Lilkendey, his housekeeper Mrs Martin.
* He wishes to be buried at the Hamburg Church.
Signed : Ludwig Witte on 26 August 1824.
Witnesses : Richard Ray, W Bowman, and William Melling.

Codicil : He lists his stock ..... £100 Long Annuities, £4500 three percent Annuities, 1200 four percent Annuities, £500 five percent Annuities, £300 five percent Annuities, 3 share at Phoenix Fire Office, £10000 three percent Annuities, £500 four percent Annuities.
Then writes ..... Now after all my legacies are paid there will remain £4500 three percent Annuities, £500 four percent Annuities, £600 five percent Annuities, and share at Phoenix Fire Office. Now all rest will be left from my sugarhouse and house where I live. Now all that goes to ? ? ? my brother is to have £50. Signed 7 October 1824.

Appeared personally : Richard Roy swore to the codicil.

Proved at London on 6 April 1826 by oaths of Henry Kolle, James Martin and Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1711 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WITZ, John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1019 1776
In the Name of God Amen I John Witz of the parish of St Sepulchre London Sugar Refiner ...
* Appoints his friends George Brucker of Distaff Lane and John Ernst Grob of College Hill both sugar refiners his executors and gives them each a gold mourning ring.
* To his brother Sebastian a gold mourning ring.
* To his friend John Peter Rison of Little Old Bailey watchmaker a gold mourning ring.
* To his wife Mary all his household furniture plate and china for her sole use.
* All the remains of his estate stock in trade working tools and implements cash and anything that shall be due to him at his death shall be equally divided between his wife Mary and his three children Sophia John and William ... the conditions being that his wife shall have full power to carry on the business of sugar refining and shall have full possession of stock in trade working tools and implements cash and anything that shall be due to him at his death as long as his executors think it prudent for the safety of his wife and three children at all times and be accountable for the shares of his three children. If his wife remarries his executors have full power over the shares of his three children. If any children die before the age of 21 years their share to be divided between the remaining children; if all children die before the age of 21 years their shares to his wife Mary.
Signed with his mark by John Witz 7 April 1776
Witness: John Peter Hiser, Elizabeth Field

Proved at London 17 April 1776 by the oaths of George Brucker and John Ernst Grob the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1019 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WITZ, Mary - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1201/39 1791
This is the last Will and Testament of me Mary Witz of Bishop Court, Old Bailey, London, widow Sugar Refiner ...
* To her son John George Witz all her estate and effects of any kind, having paid her just debts and funeral expenses.
* Appoints her said son as her sole executor.
Signed with the mark of Mary Witz 12 January1791
Witnesses: James Matthews, James Winbolt

Proved at London 29 January 1791 by the oath of John George Witz the son and executor to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1201 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WOHLTMANN, Johann Friedrich - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1838, 1834
Be it known ...
* To his brother Luder Wohltmann of Borsten 187 dollars and 36 grotes.
* To his sister Sophia Wohltmann in Borsten 187 dollars and 36 grotes.
* To his sister Adelheit Wohltmann in Borsten 187 dollars and 36 grotes.
* To his sister Mette Margaretha Wohltmann married to Hierichs in Subberstedt 187 dollars and 36 grotes.
* To the daughters of his deceased sister Rebecca Wohltmann formerly married to Stolten in Sandstedt, Metta Sophia Stolten and Becke Stolten each 25 dollars.
* To his step-daughter Johanna Friederika Mehrtens who’s maiden name was Meinschien in Wersabe 200 dollars.
* If his estate is over 1000 dollars then the surplus to be divided proportionally amongst the above.
* A legacy to his step-daughter Margaretha Catharine Meinschien in Wersabe 5 dollars.
Signed : Johann Friedrich Wohltmann in Borsten on 24 January 1825.
Witnesses : George Viesbeck, Johann Friedrich Fricke, Johann Wegener Diederich Mehrtens.
Copy agrees with the original exhibited at the Bailiwick [of] Hagen 18 November 1833.
The Royal Hanovarian Bailiwick of Gt Britain, signed Reinhold, High Bailiff ... translated from the German 24 September 1834, signed Robert H Phipps.

Administration was granted 9 October 1834 for the goods chattels and credits of Johann Friederich Wohltmann late of Wersabe in the Kingdom of Hanover widower deceased to John Henry Kolle the lawful attorney of Luder Wohltmann of Borsten in the Kingdom of Hanover.

[TNA PROB 11/1838 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WOOD, Anthony - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/383, 1686
In the Name of God Amen. I Anthony Wood of the City of Bristol Sugarbaker ...
* To his wife Joanne Wood £1000 for her own use.
* To his wife Joanne Wood all his moiety in his sugarhouse dwelling houses warehouses and other houses in Lewins Mead, Bristol, for her natural life, and after her death the same to his son Samuel Wood and his heirs and assigns for ever.
* To his son Samuel Wood £1200 to be paid to him at the end of his apprenticeship and out of the interest his mother shall be allowed the charges for his apparel during his apprenticeship.
* To his son Joseph Wood £1200 to be paid at the age of 24 years and in the meantime the interest shall pay for his education and maintenance.
* To his daughter Sarah Wood £1000 to be paid at age 21 years or when she marries.
* To his daughter Elizabeth Wood £1000 to be paid at age 21 years or when she marries.
... and if any of his children die before the given ages or marriages, their share(s) to be equally divided amongst their survivors.
* To his nephew Robert Wood that now lives with him £140 ... £40 to be use by executors to put him to an apprenticeship, £100 plus interest to be paid to him at age 22 years.
* To his daughter Mary Buttall wife of Samuel Buttall [of Plymouth and Topsham??] £5.
* All the rest and residue of his goods chattells money debts and other estate to his wife Joanne Wood for her own use and benefit, and appoints her his sole executrix.
* Appoints his friends Thomas Edwards of Bristol and Richard Cotherington overseers of his will requesting that they assist his executrix in the execution of the will, and gives them £20 each.
Signed : Anthony Wood. 24 March 1685.
Witnesses : James Lapley, Bartholomew Pickering sen, Thomas Pickering his son.

Proved at London 18 April 1686 by the oath of Joanne Wood the relict.

[TNA PROB 11/383 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WOOD, James - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1439, 1806
In the name of God Amen I James Wood of Gloucester Street Mile End Old Town Mdx late of Wellclose Square St John Wapping Sugar Refiner ...
* To his brother William Wood of Leybourn Yorkshire one third part which is his share in certain messuages in the occupation of Mary Dodsworth to hold for ever.
* To his wife Mary Wood and John Williamson of Provident Row Finsbury Square in trust the benefit of all other his property whatsoever wheresoever jointly with full power to sell for the benefit of his wife Mary Wood, and after her death to Margaret Griffiths of Oswestry Shropshire sister in law to his said wife Mary Wood £200 and likewise to Mary Griffiths the daughter of the said Margaret Griffiths £200 and likewise to Sarah Gibbons the daughter of the said Margaret Griffiths £100 and likewise to Joseph Griffiths the son of the said Margaret Griffiths £100 and likewise to __ __ the daughter of the said Margaret Griffiths £60 and likewise to Hannah Griffiths the daughter of the said Margaret Griffiths £60. Also to Frances Allison his neice £200 and to Charlotte Smart his neice £200.
* Appoints his brothers William Wood of Leybourn and John Wood of Salisbury Wiltshire joint legatees of the residue of his estate.
* Appoints the said John Williamson sole executor and £30 for his troubles.
* To his friend Mr Ral__ stork broker partner with Mr King £20 for his trouble to assist Mr Williamson.
* His dwelling house in Gloucester St if not disposed of at the death of his wife to be sold for the sole benefit of his residue legatees.
Signed: 25 January 1806
Witnesses: John Roy, James Smith, Thomas Hooper

Proved at London 27 February 1806 by the oath of John Williamson sole executor named to whom admon was granted>

[TNA PROB 11/1439 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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WORSLEY, Philip John - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1525, 1811
This is the last Will and Testament of me Philip John Worsley of Bristol Sugar Refiner ...
* To his wife Sarah Worsley all his household furniture linen wearing apparel pictures prints books plate china glass liquors and wines, also his carriage and horses.
* Appoints his father-in-law John Savory of Bristol and his friends John Martineau of Kings Arms Stairs Lambeth Surrey and Thomas Whitehead Reid of Bristol Gent as his trustees.
* To his trustees in trust all his freehold and leasehold messuages lands tenements and hereditaments and all the rest and residue of his personal estate and effects, to be invested where possible.
* His just debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife all the rents and profits from his freehold and leasehold messuages lands tenements and hereditaments and investments for the maintenance clothing and education of his child or children who shall be living at the time of his death, until they shall in the case of a son reach the age of 21yrs or of a daughter be married.
* After the death of his wife the freehold and leasehold messuages lands tenements and hereditaments and investments in trust to be divided equally amongst his child or children, with guardians appointed for those below the age of 21yrs. If there are no children to receive the estate then equally to his sisters Anna Worsley of Newbury Berks and Elizabeth Bunny wife of Joseph Blaudy Bunny surgeon of Newbury Berks.
* Appoints the aforesaid John Savory John Martineau and Thomas Whitehead Reid guardians of his children in the case of his wife's death.
* Appoints his wife and the aforesaid John Savory John Martineau and Thomas Whitehead Reid his executors.
Signed: Ph Jn Worsley 29 December 1807.
Witnesses: Thomas Morgan, Andrew Livett jr solicitor, Sam Cary.

Proved at London 19 August 1811 by the oaths of Sarah Worsley widow the relict John Savory John Martineau and Thomas Whitehead Reid to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1525 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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ZEBBES, Zacharias - Inventory & Will - summary of Glasgow Commisary Court, 1680
The testament testamentar & inventory of the goods due debts and sums of money pertaining and now owed to Zacharias Zebbes sugar baker in Glasgow within the parochin thereof at the time of his death in the month of December 1679 ...

Inventory ...
* Personal items including his watches, six silver buttons, a silver goblet, a silver salt cellar and other silver items all valued at £60 Scots.
* Money in hand £34 -13s Scots.
* His horse saddle, bridle & bit valued at £75 Scots.
* His guns, pistols, fowling piece, and swords valued at £100 Scots.
... Total ... £269. 13s Scots.
* Debts owed to him by James Padie merchant of Glasgow ... £2000 Scots.
* A debt owed to him of £120 Scots.
* Debts owed to him by John Luke merchant ... £800 Scots.
* A debt owed to him of £845 Scots.
* Debts owed to him by John Cross merchant of Glasgow ... £660 Scots ... being 8 months salary for his service.
... Total ... £4425 Scots.
* Zebbes himself owed £24 -13s Scots.
... Total value of his estate ... £4670 Scots. [ twelve pounds Scots = one pound Sterling ]

Will ...
At Glasgow the 27 day of December 1679, I Zacharias Zebbes sugar boiler of the Eister Sugarie in Glasgow being sick in body and knowing death to be certain ...
* Nominates Robert Cross merchant of Glasgow as his executor.
* Declares that he received only part payment, £300 Scots, of his salary for year Jan 1678 - Jan 1679 from the partners of the sugar house.
* To Robert Cross, his executor, 1050 Dutch gilders, being one year’s salary from the partners of the sugar house, to see him honestly buried. And to him also his watches, pistols, fouling piece, and swords.
* To Ludovich Lindsay barber in Glasgow and William Wagh servant at the sugar house £60 Scots for attending and washing him during his sickness.
* To James Thompson servant at the sugar house £29 Scots.
* To James Cristo(?) painter(?) with Robert Gandoe £40 Scots.
* To Robert Cross all his wearing apparel.
* To William Cross, son of John Cross merchant in Glasgow, his horse saddle, bridle & bits.
* To the woman or women that shall attend him in his sickness and after his death 10 (?).
* Instructs that John Luke, George Boyle, James Padie, John & Robert Cross [these are the partners in the sugar house] should distribute 500 merks of the money they owe him amongst the poor of the church.
* Leaves the rest of the money owed to him by the partners of the sugar house to the hospital belonging to the merchants of Glasgow for the use of the poor.
Witnessed by James Bryce, William Bryce, John Luke, Robert **(?).

Proved at Glasgow 13 March 1680.

[Glasgow Commisary Court Wills - copy of full original available at ScottishDocuments.com.]

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ZIMMERMAN, Gerhard - Will - summary of PRO PROB 11/1126 1785
In the Name of God Amen I Gerhard Zimmerman of East Greenwich Kent Sugar Refiner ...
* All his debts and funeral expenses to be paid.
* To his wife Mary Zimmerman £300 and all his household furniture plate linen and china for her own use.
* All the rest and remainder of his estate to his executors upon trust; all the debts and monies due to him to be collected by them; all to be sold for money and invested, the interest and dividends from which to pay an annuity of £15 to his wife Mary Zimmerman for her natural life and for her sole benefit, and the remainder of the said interest and dividends to his said wife for the education and maintenance of his children until the youngest shall reach the age of 21 years or if being a girl her marriage which ever the earlier. In case his wife dies before such time then this arrangement to be continued by his executors.
* Once all his children have reached the age of 21 years or married, the principal sum invested to be divided equally amongst his surviving children provided that a suitable principal sum remains invested to pay his wife's annuity as needed.
* Appoints William Goodhew of St Paul Deptford distiller and William Homan of the same sugar refiner as his executors.
Signed: Gerhard Zimmerman 9 July 1783
Witnesses: James Wareham, George Mitchell

Proved at London 20 January 1785 by the oaths of William Goodhew and William Homan the executors to whom admon was granted.

[TNA PROB 11/1126 - copy of full original available at TNA Wills.]

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